



1、.My Dream of being a Teacher我的教 梦Written by ViviEveryone has his dream.A dream likes a star,shining brightly;or a dream likes a white sail,pointing the correct direction;or a dream likes a preface of a book,prodicting the good content. But I always have a dream of being a teacher.每个人都有自己的梦想。梦想像一颗璀璨的

2、星星,散发着耀眼的光芒; 梦想像一张白色的船帆,指引着未来的方向;梦想像一本书的封皮,预示着内容的精彩。而我从小到大都做着一个教师梦。When I was a little girl,I often acted like a teacher to teach otherchildren .And my parents even brought a blackboard and boxes ofchalks.If you have seen my acting,you would say maybe I am a teacherfan.And at that time,when adults a

3、sked me what would I want to be ,Iwould proudly say my dream is being a teacher. In a child s eyes,beteacher is fatastic.小时候,放学回家我总是喜欢模仿老师的模样,给其他孩子上课。父母还为我准备了黑板和粉笔。 嘿,你别说我还真有教师范。 那个时候每当别人问我长大了想干嘛,我总是会无比自豪地说想成为一名教师。在孩子的眼中觉得当一名教师神气极了。Thanks for all the teachers who taught me, from them ,I find the sam

4、efeatures are that teachers likes candles,devoting their whole life to givelight;or teachers like gardeners,planting beautiful flowers;or teachers likethe land ,sowing seeds of hope I choose normal major because its aglorious and holy career.1 / 3.要感 教 我的每一位教 。从他 身上我看到了 教 最好的 :有人 教 是蜡 ,燃 了自己,照亮了 人;有

5、人 教 是园丁,辛勤培育祖国未来的花 ;也有人 教 是大地, 播种希望的种子我 得教 是神圣光 的 ,所以我 了 范 。When I steeped into the university compus,the deepest impression in my mind is the mottothat Great learning makes a teacher,but moral integrity makes a model. It means that knowledge is not enough,the more important is that behavior.So duri

6、ng the 4 years,Istudied hard,and improve myself on behavior ,making the perpare of the future job.踏入大学校 ,我触 最深的是“学高 ,身正 范” 八个字。它告 我要想成 一名 秀的教 , 不 需要 有精湛的 知 , 更 重要的是要有高尚的品行。 因此在四年的大学 光里, 我刻苦学 知 , 不断修 自己行 止, 以后走上工作 位做着 极的准 。After graduated,I became a country teacher successfully.From the start,what fa

7、ced with me is poor conditions.Naturally,I frustrated and comfused. 后,我 利成 一名 村教 。然而我面 的工作 境却是 苦的。所以感到沮 和迷茫。In the first year,I taught class2,grade2.asa Chinese teacher .At the beginning,I couldn adapt to the job well because of my English major.But it was the application the school provide for me.S

8、o I had to accept.To be a good teacher,I asked experienced Chinese teacher,and listened many good classes and read many books on Chineseteaching.Fortunately,at the end of the year,the students results weregood,so I felt a little sense ofachievement.2 / 3.工作的第一年我被学校安排任教二年级的语文。 作为英语师范生, 刚开始我很不能适应。但学校的

9、安排是这样我也只能接受。所以我只有一边教学一边学习,多请教有经验的教师,多听语文课, 多看书和教辅资料。所幸期末教学成绩还行,自己也找到了一点教师的成就感。In the second year, I worked as ahomeroom teacher of class2,grade 6,as well as Chinese and English teacher.And I accepted this job as a big challenge. In my class,there are 51 students,and a majorty of them are left-behind

10、 children who take care of by their grandfather or grandmother.So it is so hard to forcus them into study.But I am aware of that love is the most important key to let them make progress.What I need to do isloving them,then they will feel warm and stimulate themselves to study hard.工作的第二年学校安排我担任六年级一个

11、班的班主任,并担任该班的语文和英语学科教师。我就把这一切当成挑战自我吧。著名教育家魏书生不是说过要主动挑重担吗,那我就试一试吧,实在不行再说。我任教的班级总共 51 人,大部分学生都是留守儿童,很多都是爷爷奶奶在照顾生活,学习上的问题他们有心无力。所以需要班主任做的更多的是关爱孩子,关爱他们,他们才会觉得温暖才会有动力学习。我深切地体会到爱是一切教育的基础。My dream accompany with me 10 years.And I strongly believe if I work harder, my future will no doultly be more bright. Now I am just a small boat in


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