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1、新概念青少版2B(Unit1-8)测试题(120分)Name_ Mark _第一部分 听力 40分I 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( ) 1. A. reading B. teaching C. gardening( ) 2. A. a policeman B. a postman C. a photographer( ) 3. A. getting up B. washing up C. looking up( ) 4. A. in the park B. in the garden C. in the street( ) 5. A. marks B. enjoys C. mind

2、s( ) 6. A. eight DVDs B. eight CDs C. eighteen CDs( ) 7. A. a moment ago B. a minute ago C. an hour ago( ) 8. A. mother country B. hometown C. home country( ) 9. A. worry B. surprise C. honour( )10. A. Holland B. Thailand C. EnglandII 听录音,选出一个与你听到的内容意思相近的句子。(10分)( ) 1.A. Sally hates doing housework.

3、 B. Sally loves doing housework.( ) 2.A. He likes his teacher. B. He likes teaching.( ) 3.A. Tina likes traveling very much. B. Tina is traveling around.( ) 4.A. She wants to be an actress. B. She was successful as an actress.( ) 5.A. He is talking with a bank manager. B. He is having a meeting.( )

4、6.A. Have you been to Norway? B. Are you going to Norway?( ) 7.A.She has been to Brazil. B. She has gone to Brazil.( ) 8.A.Why did you go to India? B. When did you go to India?( ) 9.A.Have you had my books? B. How many books have you had?( )10.A. Yes, hes going to London. B. No, hes just come back.I

5、II 听录音,根据你所听到的内容选择正确的答案。(20分)第一节, 听下面两段对话,分别回答第1题和第2题( ) 1. Whats Jacks job? A. An actor. B. An accountant. C. An actress.( ) 2. What does Judy want? A. A quiet life. B. A busy life. C. A rich life.第二节, 听下面一段对话,回答第3-5题( ) 3. Where was Tony this morning? A. In the bar. B. In the park. C. In the offic

6、e.( ) 4. What kind of job did Tony do? A. Marketing. B. Gardening. C. Teaching.( ) 5. When did Jenny move to a new house? A. Yesterday. B. Last month. C. Last week.第三节,听下面两段对话,分别回答第1题和第2题( ) 1.When did Tony go to Mexico? A. Six months ago. B. Six weeks ago. C. Six years ago.( ) 2.How many times has

7、Jenny been to Australia? A. Twice. B. Three times. C. Four times.第四节,听下面一段对话,回答3-5题( ) 3. Where has Mark gone? A. To the US. B. To Denmark. C. To India.( ) 4. When will Tina and Tom go to France? A. Next week. B. Next month. C.Next year.( ) 5. How long will Tina and Tom stay in France? A. For about

8、two months. B. For about two weeks. C. For about two days. 第二部分 笔试 80分I. 单项选择。(15分)( )1. I bumped _ Nina last week.A. onto B. into C. on D. to( )2.-Would you like some coffee? - .A. Yes, please. B. Thanks. C. Yes, Id like. D. I dont like coffee( )3.I _three hours on that composition last weekend.A.

9、spent B. took C. needed D used( )4. We have homework in three _every evening.A. classes B. subjects C. lessons D./( )5. Hi, I _ you for a long time. I _ in Beijing. Ive just come back.A. hadnt seen; am B. havent seen; shall be C. didnt see; will be D. havent seen; was( )6.-What a nice dress! How lon

10、g _ you _ it? -Just two weeks. A. will; buy B. did; buy C. have; bought D. have; had( )7. It came onto the market _ 1977.A. in B.on C. for D. since( )8. Its been there _ 3 years.A. for B. after C. since D. in ( )9. It _ out of the box for twenty years.A. isnt B. wasnt C. hasnt been D. havent been( )

11、10. My homework usually _ me less than an hour a day.A. spends B. takes C. needs D. lasts( )11. He enjoys _ football with his friends. A. playing B. play C .to play D. plays( )12. -_ do you go to the movie? -Once a month.A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often( ) 13. I dont mind _ this room

12、 with you. Just come in. A share B. shares C. sharing D. to share( ) 14. .I can usually do most of my homework _ school.A. in B. at C. to D. on( ) 15. Why dont you _ in the front row? A. sit B. to sit C. sitting D. sitsII.句型转换。(20分)1.Do you want some orange juice? (同义句转换)_ _ _ some orange juice?2. T

13、he dog is very lovely.(同义句转换)_ _ the dog is!3. They havent been to Beijing. (反意疑问句) 4. He has already finished his homework.(否定句) 5. I have been to India for a week. (变一般疑问句) 6. Lucy enjoys reading. (变一般疑问句) 7.I am going to put the kettle on. (变特殊疑问句) 8. I found it in the attic. (就划线部分提问) 9.Polly ha

14、s run a small hotel for about two years.(对画线部分提问) 10.They have been married since 2004.(用9years改写同义句) III英汉互译(20分)1.人都到齐了吗? 2.我到处寻找丢失的钥匙。 3.她洗完车子了吗? 4.如果你喜欢,一切将会变得简单。 5.这首歌听起来很动听。 6. Kate loves gardening on her own. 7. Its great to stretch out. 8. What a worry for you! 9. Is that noise the hard disk

15、? 10.Its already a museum piece when I bought it. V 阅读理解(30分) AEvery morning Jim goes to work by train(火车). He has a long way to go. So he always buys(买) a piece of newspaper(报纸). It helps Jim to spend the time on the train.Jim likes sport very much. One morning on the train he is reading something

16、about the world football match. The match is very interesting. So he forgets to get off the train at his station. He doesnt know it. When he finishes reading, he sees outside. It is far from his station. He gets off at the next station. He has to go back by train. Of course, he is late for work.1. H

17、ow does Jim go to work? _.A. By bike B. By bus C. By train D. On foot2. What does he buy on the way? _.A. a book B. a piece of newspaper C. a story-book D. a TV3. What does Jim like very much? _.A. Football B. Reading C. Basketball D. Sport4. What does he forget? _.A. He forgets to get off the train

18、 B. He forgets the timeC. He forgets to buy a book D. He forgets the train5. Where does he get off? A. At the station B. At the next station C. At the bus stop D. At the shop BEveryone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with.

19、 Surely, there is time when we need to be alone. We dont always want people around. But we will feel lonely if we never have a friend.No two people are just the same. Sometimes friends dont get along well. That doesnt mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will go on being f

20、riends.Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. We miss them very much. But we can call them or write to them. It could be that we would even see them again. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.Theres more good for

21、 people with friends. They live longer than people who dont. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. If someone cares about you, youll take better care of yourself.1. The first paragraph (段) tells us that_.A.none need friendsB.we always need friends around usC.making

22、 friends is a need in peoples lifeD.we need to be alone 2. Sometimes friends move away. We feel _.A.happy B. sad C. lonely D. excited 3. People with friends live longer than people without friends because_.A.they feel happier and healthier.B.they get a lot of help from their friendsC.they take bette

23、r care of themselvesD.both A and C 4. The writer doesnt say in the passage_.A.people are not happy when their friends leave themB.people will never see their friends after their friends move awayC.people can know their friends in different waysD.people like their friends very much if they get to kno

24、w them 5. The main idea of this passage is _.A.people are all friendsB.people need friendsC.how to get to know friendsD.how to write to your friendsCIts good to share your feelings with others. No matter whether your feelings are good or not, it can also help you to get closer to people who you care

25、 about and who care about you.But how to share your feelings? First, you should focus(定焦点) on your feelings. You cant tell your friends whats inside your backpack if you dont know whats in it yourself. Feelings are the same way. Before you share them with someone, you should know what feelings you h

26、ave. You can make a list of feelings in your head or by writing it out on a piece of paper or even by drawing pictures. What bothers (烦扰) you? Dose it make you sad or angry? Do you feel this emotion (情感) only once or many times? When you do this, it might help you to remember something that happened and think about how it makes you feel. Then you can say “ I feel sad that my friend wont play wit


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