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英语必修1单元1同步练习题1(北师大)一、讲座内容:unit 1 of module I periodone(lesson 1 2)二、教育目标和要求:第一,第一和第二课我们学习了如何谈论我们的生活方式。话题的选择接近我们的生活,会引起同学的共鸣,刺激同学的学习动机。2、查看一般当前时态和当前时态及其用法和差异。3.进一步了解不同文化背景下的不同个人生活方式,引导学生建立良好的学习和生活习惯。4、学习策略:使用听力策略预测听到的内容。5、掌握主要单词、短语、句型,灵活地用于练习。三、本周困难的词汇说明:1、peaceful adj和平、平静Peace (n .和平)-ful(形容词后缀)atomic energy will do good to human beings。和平利用核能将造福人类。its peace ful at home when the children are at school。孩子们上学的时候,家里安静了下来。(1)反义词:unpeaceful adj .不平静,不和平发送新单词:peacefully adv .和平安宁(2)同义词辨析:peaceful和calm这个形容词表示没有兴奋或阻碍。Calm暗示远离情感冲动。Peaceful意味着没有破碎的平静。relaxing adj .轻松,舒适Relax (v. relax) -ing(形容词后缀)All the students going for holidays,it is really a relaxing evening for the head teacher。所有的学生都去度假了,对班主任来说真是一个舒适的夜晚。东根单词:relaxed的意思是“感到舒适”。部分现在分词和过去分词可以用作形容词,现在分词的意思是“迷惑人”,它的逻辑主语是事物;过去分词的意思是“感觉”,它的逻辑主语是人。使用类似用法的单词是surprised /surprising。excited/exciting;frightened/frightening;移动/移动;Puzzled/puzzlinghe got/beame bored by her boring speech。他对她那无聊的话感到厌烦。3、使用suppose1)suppose后,that引导的宾语从句是“思考/猜测.”.例如:As shes not here,I suppose she must have gone home。她不在这里,我想她已经回家了。scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps。科学家认为大型恐龙居住在沼泽里。2)be supposed to是指“应该,有义务”的固定词组。例如:I thought web were supposed to be paid today。我以为我们今天会拿到工资。3) suppose/supposing可以推导与if的作用相对应的条件副词子句。例如:Supposing(that) you are wrong,what will you do then?假设你错了怎么办?4、prefer vt。更好,我宁愿发送新单词:preferable adj。更可取,更可取。Preference n .爱,偏好-Which would you prefer,tea or coffee?咖啡和茶哪个更好?-I prefer tea to coffee。我更喜欢车。1)注意prefer的排列和用法。(1) prefer (doing) sth。to (doing) sth。比这更好.示例:I prefer coffee to milk.比起牛奶,我更喜欢咖啡。I prefer listening to music to watching TV。比起看电视,我更喜欢听音乐。(2) prefer to do sth。rather than (to) do sth。做比做更好.例如:I prefer to listen to music rather than watch TV。比起看电视,我更喜欢听音乐。(3)prefer that子句。例如:we prefer that the plan shall be fully discussed。我们希望这个计划得到充分的讨论。2) prefer sth。to sth .在中,to是介词;Prefer to do sth。rather than do sth .在中,to是动词的不定式符号。3) prefer to do.rather than do.=would rather do than do./would do.rather than do.5,打开switch on=turn on开关;连接Switch off=turn off关闭;关上它切换到(to).通道切换;变身Then I get up,go down stairs and switch on the TV in the living room。At weekends,he offten switches on the computer early in the morning and does snt switch it off until midnight。周末一大早就打开电脑,直到午夜才关门。If there is not a good play on cctv8,I would switch over to cctv7。如果中央8台没有好的节目,我就换到7频道。6,do some exercise=do some sports=take some exercise运动Exercise是一个不可数名词,意思是“运动”,是可数名词,意思是“练习,训练”。),以获取详细信息Do morning /eye exercises晨练/眼动he is so fat that every one advised him to take more exercise。他太胖了,大家劝他多锻炼身体。students have too many exercises to do after class。学生们课后要做的练习太多了。7、go off1)爆炸;(爆竹、铃等)响The gun went off with a bang .枪砰地响了。2)(食物等)变坏了This steak has gone off .这牛排坏了。3)消失The pain went off .痛苦消失了。4)进展情况;发生The interview went off very badly。访问非常不顺畅。5)睡觉;失去意识Has the baby gone off yet?孩子睡着了吗?8、take up1) to use up、consumer、or occupy :耗尽、消耗或消耗(时间/空间):the extra duties took up most of my time。额外的工作花费了大部分时间。2)to develop an interest in or devotion to :喜欢、喜欢、喜欢.对的关心或爱:Now he takes up mountain climbing。现在他喜欢爬山。3)to enter into(a profession or business):入门(职业或事业):He took up art while at school .他在学校开始对艺术感兴趣。4)to begin again;重新启动Resume:重新启动:Lets take up where we left off。拿起外卖;拆除(结构);记下接头(飞机等)起飞;脱下(帽子等);(概念、产品等)突然大受欢迎Take on渲染(不用于手动语音)9,be filled with .已安装.装满.fill.with.放进去.在.Be full of .装满.every minute of the day is filled with urgent matters。每分钟都有很多事情要处理。bottle is filled with oil。那个瓶子里装满了油。那个瓶子里装着油。The bottle is full of oil .那个瓶子里装满了油。Dont fill the bottle with oil。不要把油放在瓶子里。10,complain (to sb)。)about/of sth。在.抱怨.1)vi。抱怨;抱怨。抱怨;抱怨。almost immediately she began to complain to me about his im politeness。她几乎立刻开始向我抱怨他的无礼。2)抱怨;说阿布自己病了(of)the boy complained of a pain in his stomach .这孩子说肚子疼。3)vt .抱怨,抱怨经常与that子句一起使用they complained that the wages were too low .他们抱怨工资太低。they complained that the price of books had increated .他们抱怨故事书的价格上涨了。4) n .抱怨;抱怨;抱怨。不满we have a number of complais about their service。4、主要句子分析和扩展1.I am shy and find social situations struct ful。(ex.2,L2)我发现很内向,社会状况让我紧张。Find O .(对象)o.c .(对象补充语言)这是n、adj、v. ing、v. ed、preprocess phrases、etc .我们都叫他老虎。(n .空博)。I find sports very exceting。(v-ing是穷光蛋)我认为体育很有趣。They found him wounded by a knife。(v. ed的宾菲尔)他们发现他被刀刺了。we found them at the foot of the mountain when we got there我们到达时,我发现他们在山脚下。The police found him dead in the room .(adv .手无寸铁)警察发现他死在家里。2.I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle .我总是拿着便携式电视坐在石墙上。此时小狗在我身边。And是I always take my portable TV和I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle .and后面的句子又是一个复句,子句是由while引导的时间状语从句。扩展:While经常说:“当.用作可用于引导翻译为“时”的时间状语从句的从属连接词。也可以用来指导让步条款。虽然。While也可以用作连接两个并行句子的并行连接词。通常,两个并行语句包含对比度的含义。3.Smith is an expert on losing weight。(ex.2,L2)史密斯医生是减肥专家。Loseight减轻体重,反义词:put on weight增加体重It is easier to p


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