



全国中小学第四届“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计一、 教案背景1,面向学生: 中学 小学 2,学科:外研版七年级英语下M3U2 Were going to cheer the players3,课时:14,学生课前准备:预习本课生词 。各组组长领读单词 。二、 教学目标1语言知识目标:(1)掌握重点单词: fan,cheer,player,hope,win,during(2)掌握并运用短语:look forward to,make friends,enjoy oneself,May Day,take a walk, summer holiday,go sightseeing2语言技能目标:能读懂包含计划、安排的短文,并且判断出文中人物的计划、安排。 3情感目标:养成良好的、有计划的生活和学习习惯,培养自主学习的能力。三、 教材分析本单元通过描述Martin ,ZhangSijia和Lucy 的假期生活,了解了中西方国家学生的度假情况,同时学会合理安排自己的假期生活,增强学生学习和生活中的计划意识,养成良好的学习和生活习惯。四、 教学过程一)Pre-reading :通过三个视频激情导入:1.学生观看短道速滑世锦赛王蒙夺得全能冠军的视频。/v_show/id_XNTI1MzE4MjYw.htmlTell the students Wangmeng is a great player,we should cheer for her.On holidays,they should make a plan to watch all her match programmes.2.让学生看视频关于澳大利亚悉尼的美好风光。/u57/v_NTQxODgwNzA.html2.let the students talk about the pictures in the book on page16.What the students are looking forward to do on their holidays.二)While-Reading Fast-reading Say what Martin Lucy and Zhang Sijia are looking forward to.MartinZhang SijiaLucyWatch a matchSpend time with.Go on a summer holiday careful-reading1.Read Para.1 and answer the questions.What is Martin looking forward to tomorrow?_What does Martin hope ?_2.Read Para2 and Complete the passage.Im going to enjoy myself during the _ holiday.on the mornig of the 1st May,Im going to _ and then _.in the afternoon Im _With my family and friends. Were going to_ in the country and or_.and on2nd May were going to _in the park near my friends house. Its going to be a great holiday-busy but good fun.3.Read Para3 and choose “T”or “F”.Usually lucy spends the winter holiday at home.( )Lucy is going to go camping in Sydney.( )Theyre going sightseeing and lying on the beach.( )4.read the whole passage and answer the questions on page17 Actitivie3.Post-reading小组讨论:从文章中我们可以看出中西方学生度假有什么不同。之后看视频了解西方学生度假情况。/news/20110711/22252.html再对讨论的情况进行补充。In China,students usually spend their holiday by these ways:In west ountries,students usally spend their holidays by:三).精讲点拔:(小组合作解决疑难问题,教师精讲点拨)1. Im looking forward to the football match tomorrow. 我期待着明天的足球比赛。 look forward to 期待,盼望。其中to 是介词,后面跟名词或动名词(动词ing.)例如: Im looking forward to your letter. Im looking forward to working with you.2. We are going to wear the team shirt. 我们打算穿队服。in 介词。后接衣服或颜色的词。着重衣服的款式或颜色。put on动词。穿上,戴上,强调穿的动作,后接衣服,鞋帽。wear 动词。穿着,戴着。强调穿的状态。 The man is in a black coat. / in black.Put on your sweater, its very cold. The girl is wearing a red watch .3. Im going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday. enjoy oneself = have a good time 玩得高兴 We enjoy ourselves at school.= We have a good time at school.4. Usually I spend the summer holiday at home. 通常我在家过暑假。 (拓展) : (1)某人spend 时间/ 金钱on.某物 在、上花费时间/金钱 (2)某人 spend 时间/ 金钱doing sth. 花费时间金钱做某事如:I spend two hours on the book.I spend two hours reading the book.四、Writing: Write a short passage about what you are going to do on your holiday.五学以致用(一)用所给词的适当形式填空1、Do you like _ (play ) basketball ?2、The boy looks forward to _(meet) his mother.3. Amy_ (learn) music next term .4. I enjoy _(my) in Beijing .5. We are going _ (sightsee) on the beach.(二)根据汉语完成句子。1、. Im _ _ _ the football match tomorrow.(期待)2. I hope they_ _ _ (赢得比赛).1、 _ _ _ _ _ _(在五一劳动节早上), Im going to get up late.4、We are going to _ _ _.(为运动员加油)5、Its going _ _ (是) a great holiday-busy but good fun.6、We are going to meet _ _ _ .(其他的足球迷)7、Im going to _ _ _ _ _ .(和一个澳大利亚家庭待在一起)8.Im _ _ _ _ _ (参加夏令营)in Sydney.六、Homework A 层学生能描述自己及他人的假期计划。B层学生能描述自己的假期计划。C 层学生能用课本语言描述自己的假期计划。教学反思:本节课的成功之处:阅读任务的合理设置使学生在较短的时间里了解了课文内容掌握了一定的阅读能力和阅读技巧。使用互联网搜索教学学生比较感兴趣就像亲身经历了里面的美好风光,同时还了解了中西方学生在度假上的不同。本节课的不足之处:在写作上学生时间紧张,没有展开充分的想象,对自己的假期仅仅写了几个简单的计划。六、 教师个人介绍省份:山东省 学校:昌乐外国语学校 姓名: 李金芳职称: 中教二级 电话电子邮件:通讯地址:山东省潍坊市昌乐县外国语学校请提供100字左右个人介绍,个人介绍将会同案例在百度教育频道进行展


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