



2017-2018八年级第一次单元检测英语测试题(2017.9)第一卷:选择题一、单项选择题:(20分)1. Many people think eating _ breakfast is _ waste of time.A. /, a B. a, / C. a, a D. /, /2. - Bob, may I _ your MP4? - Sure. But youd better not _ it to others. A. lend, lend B. lend, borrow C. borrow, lend D. borrow, borrow3. If Tom _ away from the junk food, he _ in good health. A. stay, was B. will stay, will be C. stays, will be D. will stay, is4. - _? - Yes, sure. A. Could you please help me? B. What about helping me?C. What would you like to do? D. Why dont you help me?5. Mother asked Jim _ the rubbish because she didnt allow him _lazy. A. to take out, being B. taking out, to be C. to take out, to be 6. When he heard the news, he was very _ and he looked at me _. A. surprising, with surprise B. surprise, with surprise C. surprised, in surprise 7. My mother said to me _, “ Why do you make your teacher so _?”A. angry, angrily B. angrily, angry C. angry, angry D. angrily, angrily8. Tom often invites me _ ping-pong with him. A. play B. plays C. to play D. played9. - You shouldnt spend too much time _ computer games. - Thanks for _ for my study. A. playing, care B. to play, caring C. to play, care D. playing, caring10. _ you learn, _ you want to know.A. The more, the more B. More, more C. The more, more D. More, the more11. Our parents cant provide everything _ us. We should learn to _ ourselves. A. with, develop B. for, look after C. for, depend on D. with, take care of12. Nancy is the most popular student in Class 2. She _ her classmates. A. gets on well with B. laughs at C. is different from 13. - Tomorrow is Mothers Day. Why dont we buy a gift for our mother? - _. A. It doesnt matter B. Yes, I did C. I hope not D. Thats a good idea.14. The boy _ English on the radio when I _ his door. A. learned, was opening B. was learning, opened C. learned, opened 15. _ I was walking home from school, I met an old friend. A. Because B. Until C. Although D. While16. _ you _ your homework at eight last night? A. Did, do B. Were, doing C. Are, doing D. Do, do17. Dont _ what you wear or eat _ other people. A. compare, with B. compete, with C. help, with D. argue, with18. - Mom, shall we have supper now? - Oh, we wont have supper _ your dad comes back. A. until B. since C. while D. after19. - I was at the cinema at nine yesterday evening. What about you? - I _ TV at home. A. am watching B. was watching C. will watch D. had watched20. - Did you watch the movie Where are we going, Dad? in the school hall last night? - Yes, though it _ heavily all the time. A. is raining B. rains C. will rain D. was raining二、完形填空题:(10分) John is a famous writer now. But he said he was not a 21 student when he was young. He was often late for 22 and didnt like doing his homework. Sometimes he slept in class while the teacher was teaching. He didnt understand much, 23 he always thought he understood everything. One day the teacher 24 the students a question, “When Jack was ten years old, 25 brother Bob was twenty. Jack is fifteen now and 26 is his brother Bob?” John said, “ Thats easy. Bob is twice as old as Jack, so he is thirty.”Another time, the 27 in a science class asked, “ When it thunders(打雷), 28 do we always see the light before we 29 the sound?”“ But, Miss,” said John quickly, “ dont you 30 our eyes are in front of our ears?”21. A. good B. tall C. rich 22. A. sleep B. lunch C. class 23. A. so B. and C. but 24. A. sent B. asked C. told 25. A. your B. my C. his 26. A. how many B. how old C. what 27. A. teacher B. farmer C. nurse 28. A. what B. when C. why29. A. break B. make C. 30. A. read B. hope C. know三、阅读理解题:(35分) (A)This is not a diet. Its a simple way to lose weight. And you dont even have to give up the food you love or join a gym. You just follow some habits that thin people have. Keep them, and youll become thin.(1) Wake-up When you wake up in the morning, sit up slowly without using your hands. With legs straight out, bend forward until you feel sore in your back. It will burn about 10 calories (卡路里).(2) Start with soup When you have a meal, order a clear soup, and have it before having the main food. In this way, youll feel fuller,so youll eat less when the main food comes.(3) An apple (or more) a day Apples are full of fiber (纤维) and water, so your stomach will want less. The study shows that people who eat atleast three apples a day lose weight.(4) Stand up and walk around Every time you use the mobile phone, stand up and walk around. Heavy people sit on average two and a half hours more each day than thin people. This skill is very important as standing up and walking around will burn 50 or more calories. Use these skills, and you will have a big weight loss.31.What should we have first if we want to eat less main food?A.Soup. B. Ice cream. C. Salad. 32.Why does eating apples make ones stomach want less food?A. Because apples are delicious. B. Because apples are full of fiber and water.C. Because apples are sour. 33. Which of the following may the writer disagree?A. Sitting up slowly without using your hands helps burn calories.B. Eating apples every day is good for peoples health.C. You have to join a gym if you want to lose weight.34. Whats the purpose of the passage?A. To give some advice on how to lose weight. B. To advise people to eat apples every day.C. To tell people how to enjoy a better life.35. In which part of a newspaper would you most probably read the passage?A. Shopping. B. Teaching C. Health(B)Mr. Smith works in an office. He is very busy and has no time to have a good rest.Every evening, when he comes from his office, hes always tired and wants to go to bed early.But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after supper. She doesnt stop talking until she falls asleep,ut its usually too late and Mr.mith has to get up in time in the morning when she is asleep.One day the man felt terrible and couldnt go to work. He decided to go to see a doctor. And Mrs Smith went to the hospital with him. Before her husband said what was the matter with him, the woman had told the doctor all and the man understood why. He wrote out a prescription (处方). And when Mr. Smith brought the medicine to the resulting room,he doctor said to her,The bottle of medicine is for your husband and the pills are for you. For me? the woman said in surprise,Im fine.I dont need anything medicine! I dont think so, madam,said the doctor.They are sleeping pills.Your husband will soon be all right if you take them.36. Mr. Smith is _.A. too busy to have a good rest. B. too busy not to have have a good rest. C. busy enough to have a good rest. 37. The sentence His wife doesnt stop talking until she falls asleepmeans_A. she doesnt stop talking when she falls asleep. B. she doesnt stop talking after she falls asleep. C. She keeps talking until she falls asleep. 38. Why does Mr. Smith have to get up when his wife is asleep in the morning?A. Because he cant fall asleep. B. Because he has to go to work. C. Because he doesnt want to sleep. 39. Why couldnt Mr. Smith go to work one day?A. Because he didnt want to work. B. Because his wife didnt let him go. C. Because he fell ill. 40. The sentence Your husband will be all right if you take them.means Mr. Smith will soon be all right if _.A. Mrs Smith takes the bottle of medicine. B. Mr. Smith takes the pills. C. Mrs Smith stops talking too much at night. (C) The doctor handed me my medicine and said sorry to me because his register (收银机) had already closed. He asked if I would mind using the register at the front of the store. I told him not to worry and walked up front. One person was in line ahead of me, a little girl no more than seven with a bottle of medicine on the counter (柜台). She held a little green and white coin purse closely to her chest (胸口). The purse reminded me of the days when, as a child, I liked dressing myself up in my grandmas clothes. One day, wearing her large clothes and hat, I went out to buy something. I gave a fake (假的) dollar to theshop owner, but he handed back some real coins for my purse.Keep the change! he told me with a smile. Now, with both hands shaking, the little girl pulled out a dollar bill and some coins for her medicine. As she tried to count her money, I could see right away that she was about a dollar short. Quickly, I put a dollarbill onto the counter. The child collected her change into her coin purse and ran out. As I walked to my car, I felt a tug (用力拉) on my shirt. There was the girl, looking up at me with herbig brown eyes. She gave me a smile, and put out her little hand. It was full of coins. Thank you, she said. Thats OK, I answered, smiling. Just keep the change! 41. The doctor said sorry to the writer because _. A. his register had broken down B. his register had closed C. he was busy 42. Which of the following statements about the little girl is Not true according to the passage? A. She was careful. B. She didnt have enough money for the medicine. C. She returned the dollar to the writer. 43. The writer helped the girl because _. A. the girl had no money B. the girl wanted to use some fake money C. the girl made the writer think of her own childhood44. What does the underlined word short mean? A. 矮的 B. 短的 C. 不足的 45. The writer told the girl to keep the change because _. A. the writer didnt need it B. the writer wanted to pass on love C. the writer was in a hurry (D) One night there was a heavy snowstorm, and in the morning Mr Smiths garden was covered with deep snow. Mr Smith wanted to take his car out, so he paid a man to clean the path (小路)from his garage to his gate. He said to this man, “ Dont throw any snow on the side, because it will damage the bushes in my garden, and dont throw any snow into the street, or the police will be angry.” Then Mr Smith went out.When he came back, the path was clean and the snow was not on the bushes(灌木丛), or the fence(篱笆), or the street. Mr Smith was very pleased until he opened the garage to get his car out! The garage was full to the top with all the snow from the path, and his car was somewhere under it all!46、What happened to Mr Smiths garden?_.47、Could the man throw any snow into the street? _.48、Could Mr Smith get his car out in the end? _.49、Where did all the snow go?_.50、The underlined word “damage” in the first paragraph means “_” in Chinese. A. 除掉 B. 帮助 C. 破坏 (E)Everyone needs friends. But how do you find real friendship and keep it? The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends. Sally says founding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed(种子)and take care of it to make it grow.First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient. For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend could listen to your complaints(抱怨)and do his or her best to help you. To make a friend, you cant be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives.But things can not always be happy. Even the best friends have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him or her. When there is no one around, have a good talk. If he or she doesnt want to talk, you can write a letter.There are three steps to be friends again:Tell him or her how you are feeling, say what your friend did wrong and talk about why you did this or that. Remember that friendship is one of the most important things in your life. 根据短文内容,完成下列各题。 51. Sally wants to tell students the ways to _. A. find friends B. plant treesC. get happy 52. What makes good friends? A good friend should _. 53. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend?(简要回答)_54.One of the most important things in your life is _. 55. What is the best title of the passage? A. Teenagers and FriendshipB. The Good Friend Around You C. The Founding and Keeping Friendship第二卷 非选择题四、单词填空题:(15分)1.While I was watching the basketball game, _(突然) the ball flew over and hit me.2. - Do you know something about the book Guinness Book of Records(吉尼斯世界纪录大全)? - Yes. There are all parts of the worlds _ (奇特的) people and things in it.3. The weather _ (报道) says it is going to rain tomorrow.4. Our teacher asked me to read the first _ (段落)of the article.5. With the _(develop) of science, our life is becoming easier and easier.6. As one of the _ (member) of our party, Kong Fansen did much for the people.7. In the _ (compete) with theirs, our team won at last.8. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the basic four _ (skill) in our English learning.9. Many students say that they have much _ (press).10. He went home from work in _ (silent) when he heard the news.11. Its important for children _ (learn) how to cook meals.12. She often sweeps the floor on weekends. And I dont mind _ (do) it.13. I think _ (help) others is very happy.14. I like doing chores and I often do my part in _ (make) dinner.15. I _(借) a magazine from the school library just now.五、根据汉语完成句子:(20分)1.我不喜欢旅游, 我妹妹也不喜欢。I dont like taking a trip and _ my sister2.他不知道如何照顾自己。He had no idea how to_ himself.3.孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。The _ kids learn to be independent, the _it is for their future.4.“他是个医生吗?”玛丽惊奇地问道。“He is a doctor?” Mary asked _.5.很多学生在学习考试技能,目的是将来能上好大学。Many students are learning exam skills _ they can get into a good university.6. 上周末,保罗和大卫吵架了。Last weekend, Paul _David.7.父母们一直拿自己的孩子与别的孩子对比。Parents always _ their own kids _ others.8.我认为你应该跟你的哥哥沟通一下。I think you should_your brother.9. 万物生长靠太阳。All the living things _the sun.10. 我今天上学迟到了,因为我的闹钟没发出响声。I was late for school today because my alarm didnt _.六、短文填空:(10分)We have a lot of trouble in our life, but we have to face them. When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, there are six ways to make you f_ good about yourself.(1)Look in the mirror (镜子) and say toy_ ,“Im a special person and theres no one in the worldl_ me. I can do anything!” It


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