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第 1 页 共 18 页 沪教版沪教版 20202020 届九年级上学期英语期末测试届九年级上学期英语期末测试 A A 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单项填空 从下面各题所给的四个选项中 选择可以填入空白处的最单项填空 从下面各题所给的四个选项中 选择可以填入空白处的最 共共 1010 题 共题 共 2020 分分 1 2 分 At the bus stop people stand in a line and wait turn to get on the bus A my B your C our D their 2 2 分 2016 八下 苏州期中 You can improve your English listening to the radio A with B by C because D use 3 2 分 2019 昌平模拟 We for a picnic if it doesn t rain tomorrow A will go B went C have gone D go 4 2 分 you become a professional soccer player you will have a happy life A If B Unless 第 2 页 共 18 页 C Until 5 2 分 2016 九上 西安期中 As China grows stronger and stronger Chinese in more and more schools out of our country A teaches B is taught C has taught D was taught 6 2 分 How about climbing the hill I would rather along the river than the hill I m a bit tired A walk climb B walking climbing C walking to climb D walk to climb 7 2 分 2019 亳州模拟 What are you going to do tomorrow We ll go to the West Hill for a picnic it rains A unless B if C until D or 8 2 分 Emma watches TV every day but she it last night A don t watch B doesn t watch 第 3 页 共 18 页 C didn t watch D won t watch 9 2 分 I want to know do to improve my English A what I can B what can I C how I can D how can I 10 2 分 We should use plastic bags to protect the environment Let s say goodbye to them A fewer B more C some D less 二 二 完形填空 完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 11 10 分 通读全文 根据短文内容的理解 选择最佳的答案填空 Mr and Mrs Jones usually 1 out in the evening But last Saturday Mrs Jones 2 to Mr Jones There is a good film at the cinema this evening Can we go and 3 it Mr Jones was quite pleased about it 4 they went and watched it They came out of the cinema at 11o clock got into the car and began5 home It was very dark Then Mrs Jones said Look Bill A woman is6 very fast and a man is running 7 her Can you see them Mr Jones said Yes I can He drove the car near the woman and said to her Can we help you No Thank you the woman said but she didn t stop 8 My husband and I always run 9 after the film and the last one 10the house 1 第 4 页 共 18 页 A do B don t C didn t D doesn t 2 A said B stayed C says D saying 3 A meet B watch C look D see 4 A so B because C and D or 5 A go B goes 第 5 页 共 18 页 C driving D coming 6 A running B run C to run D runs 7 A to B for C after D in 8 A to run B running C full D runs 9 A home B to home C of D at home 第 6 页 共 18 页 10 A clean B cleans C cleaning D cleaned 三 三 阅读理解 阅读理解 共共 4 4 题 共题 共 3636 分分 12 8 分 2018 南山模拟 阅读下列短文 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 What should you do while you are away from home Here comes some advice If you are leaving children or your husband wife at home make sure they have everything they might need from you while you are away Freeze a few favorite dishes so that they can taste your cooking while you are away Leave a photo of yourself with little children who will be happy to see your face each day Leave instructions with the children s caregiver 看护者 for everything from snacks to bedtime habits Always let your family know where you will be Give them flight numbers hotel names and addresses as well as a schedule of your activities Plan for a way for them to reach you when necessary Make sure they have the phone number for the places you re staying at If you will go hiking or camping schedule regular check in time for calling your family Clean out the fridge Toss out the food that was left over as well as any items that will expire 过期 before you return Keep the vegetables for at least one or two meals in the fridge so that you won t have to go on a last minute shopping trip as soon as you get home Buy timers for three or four lights throughout the house and set them to go off at different time This will help the house look as if there were people in it while you re away You should also plan for a friend or neighbor to cut the grass if you will be away for a long time Maybe thieves break into your house if it looks uncared for 1 What are you advised to do if you leave your family at home for a vacation A To teach them how to cook dishes 第 7 页 共 18 页 B To give them instructions while you are away C To send them photos taken during your vacation D To prepare things well for them while you are away 2 According to Paragraph 3 why should you call your family regularly A To ask them to reach you when necessary B To share your trip with them C To tell them where you are D To make sure they are OK 3 What does the underlined phrase Toss out in Paragraph 4 mean A Mix up B Throw away C Look for D Feed on 4 What does the writer think is important when you are away from home forlong A Doing something to keep away from thieves B Calling friends or neighbors at times C Keeping the lights on D Paying all the bills early 13 10 分 2019 广州模拟 阅读理解 On October5 Tu Youyou 84 became the first Chinese to win a Nobel Prize in natural science She is only the12th woman in history to be awarded the honor Tu was born in Ningbo Zhejiang China on 30 December 1930 She once studied at Xiaoshi Middle School and Ningbo Middle School Her teacher said that Tu liked reading books and she was very 第 8 页 共 18 页 hard working From 1951 to 1955 she attended Beijing Medical College Later Tu was trained for two and a half years in traditional Chinese medicine Tu was given the award for her discovery of artemisinin 青蒿素 which has been developed to fight against malaria 疟疾 When Tu started her search in the late 1960s over 240 000 compounds 化合物 around the world had already been tested without any success Her interest in traditional Chinese medicine drew her to ancient texts and finally found the sweet wormwood 青蒿 which had been used to treat malaria in China around 400 A D After more than190 failures she invented the right drug in 1971 Tu Youyou doesn t have a Ph D neither has she ever studied or worked overseas One former colleague Liao Fuming who has worked with Tu for more than 40 years describes her as a tough and stubborn 固执 woman Tu is stubborn enough to spend many years putting ancient texts together and use them in modern scientific practices The result is millions of lives saved She has done wonderful contribution to the world with her work she really deserves it It s a blessing for the Chinese people as it is for the world Mats Wahlgren member of the Nobel Assembly said 1 How old was Tu Youyou when she graduated from Beijing Medical College A 12 years old B 21 years old C 25 years old D 28 years old 2 By saying over 240 000 compounds around the world had already been tested without any success the writer wants to tell us that A Tu s research work against malaria was very difficult B scientists at that time were good at testing medicine C Tu got a lot of help from the world with her research work 第 9 页 共 18 页 D scientists had successfully inventing medicine against malaria 3 Where did Tu finally find the medicine she wanted A At her middle school library B In Chinese ancient texts C In universities abroad D In modern science magazines 4 Which of the words best describes Tu Youyou A Proud B Humorous C Active D Hard working 5 What is the best title for the passage A Tu Wins the Nobel Prize B Tu a clever Chinese woman C Traditional Chinese medicine D How malaria was defeated 14 10 分 Everyone has worries 忧虑 忧愁 How do you deal with 处理 对付 your worries There is always something you can do to help yourself feel less worried Sitting there worrying is no fun and it won t solve your problems Grades 分数 得分 at school are often a top worry for children If you worry most about grades ask yourself these questions Why are grades important What do grades mean to me How do I get ready for class Do I go over my notes even when there isn t a test 第 10 页 共 18 页 Do I have a good place to do my homework Have I tried different ways of studying If your worry is about a fight you had with your friend you might write down all the things you could do write a note to him or her invite him or her to watch a basketball game say sorry to him or her and so on Once you have a list of things you could do you can choose one thing that could get your friend back You can ask for help when you re worried You can find someone to talk to such as your parents friends and teachers 1 What do children often worry most about A Their hobbies B Their homework C Their grades at school D A fight with their friends 2 According to the passage when you re worried you d better A work hard B ask for help and talk to someone C get ready for class D do your homework 3 If you re worried about grades DON T ask yourself A Why are grades important 第 11 页 共 18 页 B What do grades mean to me C How do I get ready for class D Why not give up 放弃 my studies 4 If you had a fight with a friend you could A invite him or her to watch a game B put the blame 责备 on him or her C try to make new friends D leave him or her alone 5 What does the passage mainly tell us A Who is often worried B When people are worried C How to deal with worries D What kinds of worries people have 15 8 分 2019 九上 绍兴月考 阅读理解 Populations of white tailed deer 白尾鹿 are growing rapidly in many parts of the United States As populations grow food becomes a problem Many deer die of hunger Others grow up small and unhealthy In search of food hungry deer move closer to where humans live They eat farm crops vegetables and even trees Besides increased numbers of deer near roads can cause traffic accidents People admire the grace and fast speed of deer Most people don t want these animals to be hungry and ill Should people take action to control the growing deer populations 第 12 页 共 18 页 Should People Take Direct Action Many people think that hunting 打猎 is the best way to control the animal populations Wildlife managers will see if there s enough food in an area and decide its carrying capacity 容量 Then hunters with licenses are sent to help control the number of deer Hunting is usually not allowed in cities or suburbs however Some people have the idea to catch the deer and move them to other places But this method is expensive and requires finding another place that can accept the deer without breaking the balance of ecosystem 生态系统 Scientists are also working to develop chemicals 化学药品 to control the birth rate 率 in deer populations But this plan works for only one year at a time Should People Take Indirect Action Some suggest bringing in natural enemies of deer such as wolves lions and bears to areas with too many deer But these animals could also hurt dogs cats and even humans Other communities have built tall fences 篱笆 around areas to keep out the deer However this is impossible for farmers Some people are against any kind of action They support leaving the deer alone Animal populations in an area naturally go up and down over time Doing nothing means that some deer will die of hunger or illness But finally the population will reach a size within the carrying capacity 容量 of the environment So let nature go its own way 1 According to the passage increased numbers of deer can bring to people in the area A water pollution B traffic accidents C serious illnesses D growing populations 第 13 页 共 18 页 2 Which of the following is the best to fill in the in the passage A Should People Do Nothing B Should People Protect the Deer C Should People Take Special Action D Should People Drive the Deer Away 3 The writer most probably agrees that A farmers can build fences to keep the deer out B people should leave the deer alone in the wild C hunting is the best way to control the deer populations D it s great to catch the deer and move them to other places 4 The writer organizes this passage by A telling stories B using numbers C giving opinions D describing scenes 场景 四 四 任务型阅读 任务型阅读 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 16 5 分 阅读文章 判断正 T 误 F In January 1998 two pigs escaped from west of London The pigs were going to be killed for meat For almost a week they hid in the woods around the town of Malmesbury When the local police began to look for the pigs newspaper reporters from all over the country joined them Soon people everywhere were reading about the adventures 历险记 of Butch and Sundance with great interest The owner of the pigs said that if they were found he would sell them to anyone who would give them a home A number of newspapers tried to buy the pigs and finally The 第 14 页 共 18 页 Daily Mail paid a lot of money for them One rainy night six days after the escape a reporter from The Daily Mail and some people from the town found Butch in the woods They caught her and put her in a cage The next day Sundance was caught too The pigs were sent to a zoo They were no longer free but they were alive The two pigs escaped from their owner for fearing of being killed The two pigs hid for almost a week in the woods People everywhere joined the local police in looking for the pigs The name of the two pigs were Butch and Sundance The Daily Mail is a reporter 五 五 阅读短文 根据短文内容回答问题 阅读短文 根据短文内容回答问题 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 17 10 分 2016 九上 大江东期中 阅读下面材料 从每题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选 项 C When you watch TV programs about wild animals it is surprising to see how an antelope 羚羊 can run away from a strong lion In the wild everyone has his own way to protect himself Even plants have their own ways to fight against their enemies Over millions of years plants have developed their own way to protect themselves Chemicals 化学物质 are used by plants to live By making their leaves flowers roots and fruits poisonous 有毒的 to enemies plants can fight back One such plant is the Golden Wattle tree The British scientist David Cameron has found when an animal eats the tree s leaves and the number of poisonous chemicals becomes more in the other leaves It s like the injured 受伤的 leaves telling the others to fight against the enemy together he said The tree also sends messages to plants near it by giving out a special smell Golden Wattle 第 15 页 共 18 页 trees in the nearby 45 meters will get the message and produce more poison in 10 minutes Now if an enemy eats too many of the trees leaves he will die Every kind of plant is good at producing special chemicals Animals that feed on plants or grass like rabbits can safely eat the leaves of one tree but they may be hurt by its neighbor In this way plants have not only developed their own way to protect themselves but also shared it with others So it s impossible for a single animal to damage even a small area of forest 1 What s the function 功能 of the first paragraph A To use an example to lead to the main idea of the passage B To show the structure 结构 of the passage C To introduce how wild animals protect themselves D To raise readers interest on wild animals 2 If animals eat one Gol


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