【浙江专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(三) Unit 3 Travel journal 新人教版必修1_第1页
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1 课时作业课时作业 三三 必修必修 1 1 UnitUnit 3 3 TravelTravel journal journal 限时 35 分钟 单项填空 1 Jumping out of airplane at ten thousand feet is quite exciting experience A B an C an an D the the 2 The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people to eat more fruit and vegetables A have persuaded B are persuaded C persuade D will be persuaded 3 Raymond entered college at the age of eighteen four years later at the head of his class A graduating B graduated C to graduate D having graduated 4 Would you a drink No thanks I have given up drinking A care about B care for C care of D take care of 5 from the top of the hill the city takes the round shape with a flowing river through it A Viewing B To be viewed C Viewed D To be viewing 6 Jack went to college last year and left his parents to return home until he achieves his goal A determining to not B not determined C not determining D determined not 7 He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them in his lectures A interested B interesting C interest D to interest 8 As is reported it is 100 years Qinghua University was founded A when B before C after D since 9 In order to protect the environment people are greatly encouraged to travel by public A transport B service C means D traffic 10 In order to change some companies towards hiring women college graduates the government plans to pass a law A views B rules C attitudes D methods 11 I like getting up very early in summer The morning air is so good 2 A to be breathed B to breathe C breathing D being breathed 12 I d love to join your visit to a local museum today but I m on a very tight I ve got a lot of work to do today A schedule B relief C budget D concern 13 We haven t settled the question of it is necessary for him to study abroad A if B where C whether D that 14 The suspect is expected to be brought to justice as another witness has promised to be coming in court A secure B reliable C punctual D respectful 15 I m sorry I stepped on your foot it was an accident It wasn t You did it A as usual B on purpose C at an end D right away 完形填空 I was cleaning out an old box when an old card caught my eye Queen City Casket Company What is it I wondered I 16 it over There in faded ink was a hand scrawled 17 Immediately my mind 18 back many years ago I was nine years old walking down the cold wet streets of Springfield with a bag of 19 on my shoulder On my 20 that day I came to that company finally whose owner Mr Rader had always taken me there to 21 his workers whether they wanted any magazines 22 off the rain like a wet dog I entered Mr Rader s office After a quick glance he 23 me over to the fireplace Noticing the 24 in the top of my 25 he said Come with me pulling me into his truck We 26 before a shoe store Inside a salesman 27 me with the finest pair of Oxfords I had 28 seen I felt about 10 feet tall when I got up 29 them We d like a pair of new socks too Mr Rader said Back in his office Mr Rader took out a 30 wrote something on it and handed it to me With tearful eyes I 后续内容 请见下页 16 A read B thought C turned D passed 17 A address B list C message D information 18 A brought B approached C returned D traveled 19 A magazines B newspapers C notes D books 20 A returns B rounds C trips D arrivals 21 A beg B demand C tell D ask 22 A Letting B Giving C Turning D Shaking 23 A followed B led 3 C watched D carried 24 A hole B mud C water D cover 25 A coat B shoe C sock D bag 26 A pulled up B took in C drove away D walked up 27 A dressed B fitted C shared D comforted 28 A never B already C ever D hardly 29 A for B with C on D in 30 A pen B paper C card D notebook read 31 to others as you would have them do to you He said affectionately Jimmy I want you to 32 I love you I said goodbye and for the first time I 33 a flicker of hope that somehow things would be all right With people like Mr Rader in the world there was hope 34 and love and that would always make a 35 31 A Do B Give C Show D Lend 32 A say B know C consider D express 33 A sensed B predicted C lost D admitted 34 A sadness B challenge C kindness D intension 35 A deal B fortune C choice D difference 2013 2013 浙江教育考试院高三测试 一 阅读理解 There s sweetness in the lies parents tell their kids which is a very good thing since they tell a lot of them The lies nearly all of them harmless may differ depending on the family But from culture to culture there s one tall tale nearly all parents tell and they tell it repeatedly We do not have a favorite child Mom and Dad will say it seriously They ll repeat it endlessly and in many cases they ll be lying through their teeth It s one of the worst kept secrets of family life that all parents have a preferred son or daughter and the rules for acknowledging it are the same everywhere The favored kids recognize their status and keep quiet about it the better to preserve the good thing they ve got going and to keep their siblings 兄弟或姐妹 off their back The unfavored kids howl 嚎 叫 about it like wounded cats And on pain of death the parents deny it all The stonewalling is understandable Most parents want to spare unfavored kids the hurt that the truth could cause Moreover the court of public opinion can respond pitilessly even furiously to moms or dads who speak the forbidden truth Last March a mother of two wrote a post on the website Babble com under the headline I THINK I LOVE MY SON JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE The mom went on at length describing the greater warmth she feels for her baby boy compared with her baby girl and even included a photo of herself and her unfavored daughter She was predictably severely criticized Please work on your issues lady said one typical response I feel absolutely horrible for your daughter read another But then there was this I completely understand I too feel this way The hard truth is most parents do In one research Catherine Conger a professor at the University of California at Davis studied a group of 384 sibling 4 pairs and their parents and visited them three times over three years She questioned them about their relationships and videotaped them as they worked through conflicts Overall she concluded that 65 of mothers and 70 of fathers exhibited a preference for one child usually the older one And the real numbers can be much bigger since parents try especially hard to hide their preferences when a researcher is watching If the scientists don t see through the trick however kids usually do and act accordingly From the moments they re born brothers and sisters constantly compete for the precious resource of parental attention each fighting to establish an identity that will best catch Mom s or Dad s eyes I m the smartest one I m the funny one It s hard to predict the fallout from favoritism Being the favorite may improve self esteem and confidence But studies show it can also leave kids with a sense of arrogance 傲慢 and privilege Unfavored children may grow up wondering if they re somehow unworthy of the love the parents gave generously to the golden child But they may do better at forming relationships outside the family as a result of that And there s no telling how the differential treatment will play out among the kids My mom didn t like my older sister and did like me says Roseann Henry an editor and the married mother of two girls Everyone assumed I had it great except that my sister tortured 折磨 me pretty much all the time and really what affects daily life more for a kid the approval of a parent or the day to day torture of an older sister 36 The sweetness in the lie We do not have a favorite child is that parents A keep telling the same lie seriously B show pity for the unfavored kids C don t want to hurt the unfavored kids D don t tell the truth to the favored kids 37 The favored kids keep it a secret that they are the preferred ones probably because A it s a forbidden truth B they want to keep the benefits C they sometimes are not sure about their status D the unfavored kids already feel badly hurt by their parents 38 The writer uses the example stated in Paragraph 3 to show A why parents deny the truth B most parents have the same feeling C how valuable the public opinion can be D mothers usually like their sons more than their daughters 39 Why didn t the data from Catherine Conger s study completely reflect the reality A Her study didn t last long enough B The sibling pairs didn t cooperate well C She studied a very small group of families D The parents tried not to show their preferences 5 40 The underlined word fallout Paragraph 7 most probably means A unpleasant effects B future developments C emotional responses D disappointing performances 41 It can be inferred from the last paragraph that A favored kids are more likely to take good care of their siblings B unfavored kids are less well behaved in schools than favored kids C favored kids may view their parents preferences as a bad thing D unfavored kids may regard the unfair treatment as helpful experiences 6 课时作业 三 1 C 考查冠词的用法 an airplane 泛指 任何一架飞机 experience 作 经历 体验 讲 是可数名词 其前应加不定冠词 句意 在一万英尺的高空从一架飞机上跳下来是 一次相当令人兴奋的经历 体验 故答案为 C 2 B 考查动词的时态和语态 此处指 被说服 在条件状语从句中用一般现在时代替 一般将来时 3 A 考查现在分词的用法 从时间状语 four years later 可以看出 这是过去的一个 动作 所以这里相当于 and graduated 因此用现在分词作结果状语 4 B 考查动词短语辨析 care about 关心 care for 喜欢 take care of 照料 根据 句意 答案为 B 5 C 考查非谓语动词 view 和句子的主语 the city 是动宾关系 所以需要用被动形式 因此将 A 和 D 排除 B 项表将来或目的 不合逻辑 所以选择 C 6 D 考查非谓语动词的用法 此处过去分词短语作伴随状语 not 否定不定式 故置于 其前 句意 杰克去年上大学离开了父母 决心实现他的目标才回家 7 A 考查非谓语动词 ing 式形容词表示 令人 的 常用于修饰物 ed 式形容 词表示 的 常用于修饰人 所以本题应用 interested 在句中作宾补 8 D 考查状语从句 since 自 以来 从 以后 引导时间状语从句 句意 据报 道 自清华大学建校以来已有一百年了 It is 一段时间 since 从句 表示 自从 以来已有多长时间了 9 A 考查名词词义辨析 transport 运输 运送 运输工具 service 服务 means 方 式 手段 traffic 交通 语境表达 通过公共运输工具出行 可知 A 项正确 10 C 考查名词辨析 attitude towards 对 的态度 是固定搭配 11 B 考查主动表示被动的情况 句子的主语与其后的不定式为逻辑上的动宾关系时 形容词后用不定式的主动形式表示被动含义 故用 to breathe 12 A 考查名词辨析 schedule 时间表 进度表 relief 欣慰 budget 预算 concern 关心 担忧 tight schedule 指时间表安排得很紧 13 C 考查名词性从句 句意 我们还没有定下来这个问题 对他来讲是否有必要出 国学习 根据句意需要 whether 引导宾语从句 14 B 考查形容词词义辨析 句意 预计嫌疑犯会被绳之以法 因为另一个可靠的证人 许诺将出庭作证 secure 意为 安全的 牢固的 有把握的 reliable 意为 可靠的 真 实可信的 punctual 意为 准时的 严守时刻的 respectful 意为 有礼貌的 谦恭的 根据句意可知 B 项正确 15 B 考查短语辨析 句意 抱歉 我踩到你的脚了 这完全是意外 才不是 你是故意的 as usual 通常 像平常一样 on purpose 故意 有意地 at an end 完结 right away 立即 马上 作者偶然翻开卡片 思绪回到从前 恩情永生难忘 世界如此温暖 一张卡片 一位 好人 一段美好的人生回忆 16 C 作者看到这张卡片后 把它 翻过来 去看卡片背面的内容 turn over 表示 翻转 17 C 在卡片的背面 有草草的手写的 信息 字都褪色了 message 一般指口头传 递的或书写的信息 是可数名词 D 项通常指消息 情报 资料等 是不可数名词 故排除 18 D 看到卡片上的内容 作者的思绪立刻 回 到了多年以前 19 A 根据第二段最后一句中的 magazines 可知作者当时背着一包 杂志 20 B 作者当天转了几圈后 最终来到了那家公司 21 D Mr Rader 总是把作者带到那里 询问 他的员工是否想购买作者的杂志 22 D 作者像一只落汤鸡一样 抖落 身上的雨水 走进了他的办公室 shake off 抖 掉 甩掉 符合语境 7 23 B 他匆匆地看了一眼 发觉作者的窘况后 把作者 领 到壁炉旁 24 A 本段的后半部分提到他为作者购买了一双新鞋 由此可推知他注意到了作者的鞋 上有 洞 25 B 参见上题解析 26 A 他们将车 停 在一家鞋店前 pull up 停车 停止 符合题意 后三项分别 表示 理解 吸收 开走 走近 都不符合语境 27 B 售货员给作者挑选了一双非常合适的鞋 此处 fit 用作动词 意为 使适合 28 C 这是作者 曾经 见到过的最好的一双牛津鞋 29 D 作者穿上这双鞋站起来后 感觉自己大约有十英尺那么高 in them 表示的是 in the shoes 30 C 文章第一段提到作者看到那张 卡片 后 思绪回到了从前 此处与之相呼应 31 A 根据本句后半部分中的 do to you 可知此空应用 Do 本句的意思是 己所不 欲 勿施于人 32 B 他亲切地说 吉米 我想让你知道我爱你 33 A 作者第一次 感觉到 希望的闪现 不管怎样 事情总会好起来的 34 C 根据上文叙述的 Mr Rader 帮助作者推销杂志以及给作者买鞋等可知他是一个非常 善良的人 35 D 世界上有了像 Mr Rader 这样的人 就有了希望 善良和关爱 世界也会因此而不 同 make a difference 表示 有影响 起作用 前三项分别表示 交易 财富 选择 显然有悖文意 对父母而言 偏爱某个孩子似乎是难以启齿的 有时候需要遮遮掩掩 但对于被偏爱 的孩子而言 他会感到快乐吗 文章中我们将会发现答案 36 C 推理判断题 根据第一段 There s sweetness in the lies parents tell their kids nearly all of them harmless there s one tal


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