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客户交谈英语2007-07-07 23:34:48 1 1见面1)Excuse me, but are you Mr. Clinton?请问你是克林顿先生吗?问话前加入Excuse me 以示礼貌.在Excuse me t Im sorry 之后加上but 是很常用的,可将其作用理解为缓冲与衔接.2)Yes, Im Duane Clinton from los angeles.对,我是杜恩克林顿,从洛杉机来.3)How do you, do, Mr.Clinton?克林顿先生,您好.How do you do?你好.How do you do?是初次见面时颇为传统与正式的说法,英国人较多使用.因为How do you do?含义是”幸会,幸会”,所以对方说”How do you do?”时,只能以”How do you do?”作为回应,不能说”fine, thank you.”.随意的场合应避免使用过于客套或正式的说法.在情形允许的情况下,可选择简洁与轻松的用语.例如:Hi, Ruth.Ruth.,你好.4)Let me do the interpretation for you.让我帮你翻译.口译interpreataion; 笔译用translation.5)Its an honor(for me)to meet you.很荣幸认识你.An honor for me, indeed.我才是很荣幸呢.(此处的me不妨重读).(Im)pleased to meet you (很高兴认识你).(Im)delighted to meet you.(Im)glad to meet you.(Im)great to meet you.(Im)nice to meet you.一见面时用不定式,而会面结束时则用现在分词或不定式的完成时:Nice meeting you/Nice to have met you.认识了你真好.Nice to meet you, Glad to meet you, Pleased to meet you广泛适用于各种场合下的初次见面.如果对方说Pleased to meet you.对这句话回应Me,too. 也可以,是十分安全和礼貌的.6)We warmly welcome you here.忠心欢迎您的到来.7)Thank you so much.非常感谢.此处的So不防重读.此句中的”到来”不必译为your coming here或 your arrival.意思明确时,简洁为佳.8)Weve long looked forward to meeting you.我们早已期待与您会面.此处的”to”为介词,介词必须带宾语,所以其后为名词,代词或动名词.此例为动名词meeting.使用名词的例子:Im looking forward to the press conference.(我期待着新闻发布会.)Your passport,please.请出示你的护照.9)Could you please show me your passport?不要忘记加上please,否则就太粗鲁.10)May I take a look at the content of your suitcase?能检查一下您提的箱里的东西吗?Content作名词时,意思是”内容”;作形容词意思是”满足的”.例如:He is content with his present life.(他对自己的生活现状很满意.)11)How was the journey?一路上好吗?Pretty good, thank you.(不错,谢谢.)Did you have a nice journey?pretty作副词时,意思是”还算,”“可以吧”,与fairly, moderately同义.Journey较多用于长时间,长距离:the great journey through life 漫漫人生路.Trip 较通用Travel可用作不可数名词;作可数名词时为复数形式,不可以说a travel.Tour 常指一连串的目的地Flight 飞行旅途Voyage乘船旅途Excursion 指结伴作短途旅行12)Long time no see.很久没见到你了.Yeah, weve missed you a lot.(对阿,我们非常想你啊.)I havent seen you for quite some time.Its been a long time since we net last.Long tmei no see 这一说法为美国人所惯用,其超乎常规的简洁源自美国人固有的活泼.13)Great to see you again.又见到你了.14)Howve you been?别来无恙?Fine, thanks. And you ?(很好,谢谢.你怎么样?)Howve you been doing?Howve you been? 与how are you?同义,但前者侧重询问对方自上次见面或联络之后的情况,面蝗者则泛指一般情况或专指见面当时的情况.例如:Howve you been lately?(近来怎样啊?)How are you today?(今天怎么样啊?)与How are you 相同的说法有:How are you doing?Real 在口语中可做副词,相当于really.15)Do you speak Chinese?你会说中文吗?这里的do you 最好不要换成can you,因为Do you 并不暗含说话者的要求,也不假设对方是否会或是否愿意.16)Whats it in English?这用英文怎么讲?Whats the English for this?How do you say it in English?What do you call it in English?17)Its nice and warm here.这里天气很暖和.Isnt it? ( 就是.)说什么东西好时,在直接表达意思的形容词前边加上nice and,可以增强哲学与满意的语气,而琅琅上口.18)I seem to have met you somewhere before.好像在哪儿见过你.如果是讲述发生的过去的事情,seem后面的不定式应该用完成形态.可以用it来做形式主语,再把主语从句放到seem的后面.这句话可能表达为:It seems that I have met you somewhere before.Seem 后面可以直接带表语.例如:It seems ok.(看来可以).19)Id like you to meet her.我想介绍你认识她.Let me introduce you to her.表达”第一次见面认识”,应该用meet,不能主”nice to know you.”.如果用know来表达,就应该在know的前边加上come to, 例如:I came to know him ten years ago. (我十年前认识他.)20)Allow me to introduce请允许我介绍一下Id like to introduce to youI wish to introduce to you21)What about introducing everybody first?先介绍一下大家吧.What about之后加动名词或名词是一种方便的用法,表示征询对方的意见:What about a cup of tea?喝杯茶,如何?同时,它也可以表示该怎么处理:What about the delays in delivery?交付延迟该怎么办?How about 的意思和用法与 What about 相同.介词永远要带宾语,而宾语必须是名词民生质的,因此句中的介词about的后面带动名词.22)This is Mr.Qian, supervisor of the Customer servive Department.这是钱先生客户服务部主管.句中的Mr.Qian 和supervisor of the customer service deparment是同位语.使用同位语可以使说话简洁.如果这句话不用同位语,就可能会说成”This isHe is”,岂不累赘?Supervisor 主管,监管人 23)Do you know him?你认不认识他?24)Did you ever meet him before?你以前见过他吗?No, never.(不,我从未见过他.)Yes, I did. (见过.)25)Could I have your name, please?你叫什么名字?如果说成”Whats your name?,就太没礼貌了.26)How shall I address you?怎样称呼您?Just call me Adam.(就叫我Adam吧.)What would you like me to call you?Address为正式用词;call较为随意.用address时,应how作提问;用call时,应以what作提问.因为call可同时带有直接宾语与间接宾语,而address则不能.How在疑问句中做状语;what在疑问句做间接宾语.参看它们在非疑问句中使用的例子:I address her as Miss wang.(我称呼她”王小姐”.)“as Miss wang”在句中做状语.She calls him Tommy.(她叫他”汤米”.)“Tommy”在句做直接宾语.27)Could you speak a bit more slowly? I dont quite catch you.能否讲慢一点点?我不大听得明白.28)Are you working to speak slowly?你是刻意讲这么慢吗?Are you deliberately speaking slowly?Work to do sth: 刻意做某事Deliberately 刻意地29)This is my name card.这是我的名片.名片: name / business card.30)Im in charge here.我是这里的负责人.31)Is this your family name or your given name?这是您的姓,还是您的名?姓:family name, surname, last name名:given name, first name决不可直呼对方的姓,应在姓之前加上Mr.,Mrs.(已婚女子),Miss.(未婚女子),Ms.(婚否未知的女子,)或职称,如:Professor Russell罗素教授熟悉,亲近或随意的关系中可直呼对方的名,如:Hi, Tom. (汤姆,你好.)32)How do you spell your name?你的姓名怎样写?主动式与被动式可表达同样的意思,但被动式由于模糊了执行者而显得更为客观,例如:How do you cook this dish?(这怎么做这道菜?)How shall I pronounce this?(我怎样读这个呢?)However you like. (随你便啦.)33)I beg your pardon? Could you please repeat that?抱歉,能重复一下吗?Would you mind saying that again?未听清楚对方时,可说”I beg your pardon? “,”Pardon?” ,”Excuse me?”, “Im sorry?” ,”Sorry?”用升调.在请对方做事时,可用下例几类说法(按委婉程度由低至高排列):A. Can you?Will you.?Will you please.?B. Could you.?Would you?C. Could you please?Would you please?D. I wonder if you couldI was wondering you couldI wonder if you wouldI was wondering if you would此外亦可用Would you mind?(后接动名词)34)This way, please.请这边走.Which way?(走哪一边?)35)Please follow me.请跟我来.36)come on in ,please.请进来吧.这里的on 和in都是副词,on是继续,in是进入.37)please take a seat.请坐.Please be seated.Please sit down.Seat可以做名词和及物动词.38)Would you like something to drink?要不要喝点什么?不定式可以具有名词,形容词或副词性质,因此可以相应地作主语/宾语,定语或状语.不定式to drink在这句话里是作后置定语,修饰something.39)Weve heard a lot about you.久仰,久仰.Weve long cherished a deep respect for you.40)May I help you with the luggage?我帮你拿行李吧.41)Allow me.让我来吧.42)I have nothing but some personal belongings.我只带了一些个人用品.个人用品:personal belongings / personal effects43)I need a favor from you .我需要您帮一个忙.What is it ?(什么事?)Yes?44)At your service.愿为您效劳.Thats very kind of you.(你真好.)Youre very kind.Thanks you.(谢谢)My pleasure.With pleasure.Im more than wiling to be of any help to you.45)Where are you from?您从哪里来?Where do you come from?如果加上副词originally,就是指原籍,祖籍.例如:Im originally from Guangzhou.(我的故乡是广州.)46) Could you let us know more about you?能否让我们多了解一下你?Would you tell us more about yourself?47) What do you want to know about me?你想了解我什么?48) There isnt much to say about me.关于我没有多少可讲的.意思为”关于”的其它词或词组有:concerning, as to ,regarding,和with regard to 等等,其中with regard to 应避免用于口语中,否则会因为过于老派和累赘而显得做作.49) Might I know about your job title?能问一下您的职务吗?Job title:职务,职位名称,如:accountant, CEO, teacher, administrative assistant, manager等. Job function:从事的职业,如:accounting, education, administration, human resources,等.用虚拟形式的情态助动词比用其原形多一些礼貌.50)Im the deputy general manager of the Intertrans Ltd我是Intertrans.公司的副总经理.Deputy是指整个机构或企业的”二把手”.若是子部门的副职则用assistant,如:assistant manager 副经理.董事长chairman/chairperson, 总裁president,总经理general manager/chief executive officer(CEO),总监director, 助理assistant,文员clerk,技师technician,销售员salesman/salesperson/sales representative,采购员purchaser,采购员及销售员merchadiser.51)We admire your expertise.我们很仰慕你的专业水平.Expertise 专家的特别知识和技术52) Is this your fires visit to China?这是您第一次来中国吗?Is this the first time youve ever been to China?53)Are the entry formalities done?入境手续办好了没有?Formality 手续,客套We exchanged a few formalities.(我们客套了一套.)54)Far from that.哪里,哪里Not quite.Thats a bit of an exaggeration,当然不要太谦虚,便与事实相符时,说一说这样的话也无妨.55)Its not worth mentioning.不值一提.“值得做”是Be worth doing.注意要用动名词,不能使用不定式.56)Thank you for your compliment.谢谢你的夸奖.Im so much flattered.(你太过奖啦.)加上So much自然显得大方真诚又活泼.Compliment赞美57)please register with the front-desk clerk.请到前台工作人员那里登记.Register登记,注册.58)We are so glad to host your visit.我很乐意接待你们的来访.Host主持,操办,可作动词也可作名词,作名词时是指主持人,东家.59)Weve reserved for you a single room at the Garden hotel.我们在花园酒店为您订好了一个单人房间.Reserve 保留,预定Single单人,唯一,未婚60)Its been most thoughtful of you.你想得真周到.Thoughtful体贴的,沉思的.61)Thank you for everything youve done for me.麻烦你了.Sorry to have troubled you so much.62)I have no idea either, but I will ask people about it.我也不知道,不过我会问问别人.63)thank you in advance.先谢谢你了.In advance 事先In advance of 在之前(ahead of)64)What else can I do for you?还有其它什么事情需要我为你效劳?65)If theres anything I can do for you, dont hesitate to let me know.如果有什么地方能为您效劳,尽管告诉我.Hesitate犹豫.66)Im afraid I have to trouble you again.恐怕又得麻烦你.在不需要过分表现自己的果断的时候,不妨多使Im afraid,这更多的时候表现的是自己的信心和修养.67)No trouble at all.一点也不麻烦.At all可以用在否定句,疑问句,和由if/whether 引导的从句里,例如:Do you want it at all?(究竟你想不想要?)Im not sure if I understand it at all.(我不知道我到底懂还是不懂.)68)Dont bother to do that.不用麻烦啦.Bother打扰,费劲.可以作及物和不及物动词:Ive bothered you so much.(我已经麻烦你这么多了.)69)thank you.谢谢你.Thank you so much.Tanks you very much.Many thanks.Thanks.Thats very kind of you.I really appreciate it .Thanks用在熟人之间的小事上;相比之下,thanks you更正式,更礼貌.如果对方说thanks you ,可以同样用thanks you,来回答,并且重讯you,意思就是用”应该我谢谢你才对”.70)Dont mention it.不用谢.Youre very welcome.Not at all.Mention提起.71)Thats what Im here for.这是我应该做的.72)Hope youll have a nice stay here.希望你在这里过得愉快.1 2行程安排1)May I propose an itinerary?我建议一下行程,如何?itinerary旅行计划,旅行路线.2)please gather in the lobby at 2:30 pm.请于下午2:30在前厅集合.3)so, see you then.那就到时见Till then4)Due to the forecast typhoon, the scheduled visit on Tuesday is put off for one day.星期二参观活动由于预报的台风而推迟一天.有关天气描述:a) 阴晴sunny 阳光充足,clear 晴朗,rainy 有雨,overcast 阴,cloudy 多云,misty 有雾b) 冷暖hot 炎热,warm 温暖,mild适中,cool清凉,cold 冷,chilly寒冷,freezing 极冷c) 湿度wet 湿漉漉,damp 潮湿(物品),humid潮湿(空气),moist 微湿,dry干燥d) 风力breeze 微风,light wind, moderate wind, strong wind,storn暴风雨,typhoon台风,gale超强风,tornado 龙卷风,cyclone 飓风 e) 下雨drizzle 毛毛雨,light rain, shower 阵雨,heavy rain, downour 倾盆大雨put off等于postpone forecast 的原形,过去式,过去分词的形式是相同的,它在本句中是过去分词,作为ty-phoon的定语.及物动词的过去分词作定语时,表示被修饰者是这一动作的接受者,此例中forecast typhoon 等于the typhoon that is forecast.5)First of all, well visit and thenafter that finally我们首先参观然后之后最后6)Well take the superhighway.我们走高速路高速公路:美国人用superhighway,英国人用expressway7)Youll be accompanied by her.由他陪同你accompany 陪伴8) He wants to talk to you in person.他想与您面谈in person 面对面地,亲自9)He will be paying a courtesy call on you他要礼节性的拜访您coutest 礼节,礼貌will be doing是将来进行时,它比一般将来时will do 更强调的是动作的确定性、必然性.10)where is it located?它的地点在哪里?Where is it ?有关地点的描述:a) 近:near, nearby adjacent, in the vicinity, close b) 远:far, distant, remotenear 可作定语,也可以作状语,可以指时间,也可以指空间,可以作形容词,副词,动词;nearby只能指空间,不能指时间,而且只能作定语,如果作状语,可用near by;adjacent 可以指邻近,也可以指相连;vicinity是名词,是一个很正式的词.11)Have you ever been there before?你以前到过这里吗?Have been there与have gone there的区别是:前者己经返回;后者尚未返回.12)How far is it from here?距离有多远?From是介词,必须带有宾语,而宾语必须是名词性质的,但here/there是副词,怎么可以作宾语呢?这是特例.In here/there也可以视为相同的用法.13) about one and a half hours drive.车程大约一个半小时.14)its just around the corner.就在拐角处.Around与round的区别是:round可以作n , adj ,动词而around不可以;在作介词,副词时,两者是相同的,但美国人使用around,英国人使用round.15)Wed better avoid the rush hour.E:KMshY|F0我们最好避过交通高峰期.Rush 交通最繁忙的时间Rush season商标需求的旺季,the Christmas rush 圣诞节前的购物狂潮16)on our way back, we will stop for a while at their office.回来的途中,我们会在他们的办事处停留一下,17)here we are到了18)May I take a few pictures of it?我可以折几张照片吗?19)yes, of course.当然可以.Sure , of course 是使用非常多的.Sure以美国人最常使用.当然不行/不是,可以用of course not 来表达.20)Do you think we are to tightly scheduled?这样的日程是否过于紧张了?Schedule 可作名词和动词使用.21)Will this inconvenience you?这样不会给您带来不便吧?Will this cause inconveniences to you ?Inconvenience 可作名词和动词使用,意为”麻烦,引起不便” .22)The meeting starts tomorrow at 3:00pm会议在明天下午3:00开始.对己确定的日程安排,可用一般现在时代替将来时.23)There will be nearly one hundred people attending the meeting.有近100人要参加会议24)Well make preparations accordingly.我们会作相应的准备.25) We will be waiting for you here到时我会在这里等你26)Lets not make a decision till then.到时再定吧27)Whats on tomorrows agenda?明天的议题是什么28) What do you think?你觉得怎样好?29)We would appreciate it if you could arrange for our meeting with the manufacturers.如果能安排我们与制造商面谈就好了句中的情态动词使用了would 和could ,带有虚拟的意味表示说话者不愿强加要求给对方,对方并没有义务去照做.1.3 发言1) First of all, I wish to express my warmest welcome to our distinguished guests.首先,我要向各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎.HX1n2x:V2L0distinguished杰出的,著名的2)I wish to take this opportunity to extend my congratulations to everyone here.我想借此机会向在座的各位致以衷心的祝愿.3)I shall speak briefly on a few points.我简单地谈几点.4)In the first placesecondlyfinally首先其次最后First second last有人在发言中提到最后一点时,往往会说last but not least ,意思是”最后一点,但也是同样重要的一点”,这虽然有点陈词滥调,但有时也还是有用的.5)Id be most happy to answer your questions , if any.如果你们要提问的话,我很乐意回答.6)Id like to end my talk by saying我想用一句话来结束我的发言.7) Before anything else, Ill give you a brief account of its current status.首先,我简要描述一下它的目前状态.9)This is a good question.这问题问得好.10)Thats a long story.这说来话长.11)To make a long story short长话短说12)Thats all我讲完了13)Thanks for your attention.谢谢各位听我讲话.1.4话别1)When is your scheduled departure?你计划什么时候走?Where are you leaving for home?2)Shall we have a farewell party?我们要不要来个告别晚会?3)Please forgive us if there is anything weve failed to do well for you.照顾不周,请多包涵.4)When are we going to see you next time?下次什么时候再见到你?5)this has paved the way for our future cooperation这为我们将来合作铺平了道路6)our cooperation has been fruitful.我们的合作是卓有成效的.7)our success would have been impossible without your generous help.如果没有你们的大力帮助,我们也不会取得这样的成绩.本句是虚拟语气的用法.如果不是,可以用without介词词组或were it not for或if 引导的从句表达,如:where it not for the money he lent me I couldve been starved to death 如果不是他借钱给我,我可能就饿死了.8)This is a gift for you.这是送给你的礼物9)please take it as a small token of my respect to you.不成敬意,请笑纳.10)were indebted to you for the enormous help youve given us.你帮了大忙,很感激你.11)hope to see you again very soon.期望很快再见到你.12)this has been a most rewarding trip.此行收获很大.13) I do hope so.我的确希望如此.14)Well be missing you.我想我会想你的.15)keep in touch保持联络16)Please keep us advised of any progress thats been made.请让我们知道事情的进展17)Why dont we take a picture together?我们来个合影吧.18)Please remember me to your family.请代问家人好19)I will 我一定会的20)We will reciprocate your hospitality我们会以同样的方式回报你们热情好客21) Hope youll come again.欢迎你再来.22)you are welcome here any time随时欢迎你.23)See you again.后会有期24)Have a nice journey.旅途愉快25)Take care保重2. 谈工作2.1产品1)Wed like to look into your product in great detail.我们想了解产品的细节.2)Were one of the main producers of china rare in the south of china.我们是中国南方主要的瓷器生产商之一.3)Our company was established in 1990.我们公司建立于1990年.4)We take pride in our product.我们对我们的产品感到自豪.5)it stands no inferior to the worlds first-rate products of its kind可以媲美世界一流产品Inferior 较低劣的,下级的Superior 优越的,上级的Stand no inferior to 媲美,be on a par with, be as good as 有时可以把否定从谓语转移到宾语,表语或其它成份上.It stands no inferior = it does not stand inferior.例如:it goes no further than that 仅此而己its no good thinking about that all day long.成天想那个没什么好处.Stands no inferior 也可以说成does not stand inferior. 将否定从谓语的助动词上转移到其它成份上,是很常见的,例如:I dont have the mood to see a film = I have no mood to see a film我没有心情看电影6) Our buyers include我们的买家包括7)could you name its possible deficiencies?能否谈一下它的不足之处?8)it is used to它是用来its used for to 为不定式,后接动词原形;for为介词,后接动名词或名词.如:this is used to wash dishesthis is used


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