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医学研究SCI论文剖析好论文是怎样锻造出来的,袁岩中山大学人类病毒学研究所,1,Question Idea,DoResearch,Write Paper,科学论文四步曲,Question Idea,DoResearch,Write Paper,科学论文四步曲,Idea 来自哪里?,观察敏锐,挑战权威瞄准问题,锲而不舍跟着感觉走意外机遇灵感交流中产生火花 ,4,Idea 来自哪里?,观察敏锐,挑战权威瞄准问题,锲而不舍跟着感觉走意外机遇灵感交流中产生火花 ,5,胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡,6,Erosive gastritis in the gastric antrum,Duodenitis with two large ulcers,Helicobacter pylori,Erosive gastritis in the gastric antrum,Duodenitis with two large ulcers,Good News : Infection Causes Ulcers,Erosive gastritis in the gastric antrum,Duodenitis with two large ulcers,Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2005,Idea 来自哪里?,观察敏感,挑战权威瞄准问题,锲而不舍跟着感觉走意外机遇灵感交流中产生火花 ,13,细胞融合:寻找HIV感染受体,14,15,细胞融合:寻找HIV感染受体,Ed Burger and his group,Idea 来自哪里?,观察敏感,挑战权威瞄准问题,锲而不舍跟着感觉走意外机遇灵感交流中产生火花 ,17,Tom Cech,18,Tom Cech,19,Tom Cech,20,21,Idea 来自哪里?,观察敏感,挑战权威瞄准问题,锲而不舍跟着感觉走意外机遇灵感交流中产生火花 ,22,Sidney Altman,23,24,RNase P 蛋白和RNA组分互换实验,25,RNase P的RNA分子为酶的活性成分,26,27,Idea 来自哪里?,观察敏感,挑战权威瞄准问题,锲而不舍跟着感觉走意外机遇灵感交流中产生火花 ,28,Kary Mullis,29,Kary Mullis,30,Idea 来自哪里?,观察敏锐,挑战权威瞄准问题,锲而不舍跟着感觉走意外机遇灵感交流中产生火花 ,31,32,Map of cleavage sites of adcnovirus 2 DNA for restriction endonucleases EcoRI and HindIII,Philip Sharp and David Baltimore,33,电镜下Adenovirus mRNA和编码它的基因DNA的杂交,34,35,Structure of A Scientific Article,Abstract (4 or 5 sentences) Introduction Background Problem You are able to address the problem Materials and methods Results My idea Detailed approaches Detailed results Conclusion Discussion Brief summary of the study and significance Related work implication and impact to the field future direction,HUMAN HERPESVIRUSES,Kaposis Sarcoma,Virion Proteins of KSHV,Generation of ORF45-null Recombinant KSHV,KanR selection,Generation of BACD45,KanRSucS,BAC36-wt,BAC36-Rev,BAC-STOP45,BAC45,M A M F V R T S S T H,M A M F V R T S S T H,M A M F V R T STOP CODON,M A M F V R T S SacB,Generation of Revertant and stop45 Viruses,BAC36-wt,BAC36-Rev,STOP45,BAC45,BAC36-wt,BAC36-Rev,STOP45,ORF45,KpnI,NotI,An ORF45-null Mutant Is Defective in Virion Release,Interaction of KSHV ORF45 and Cellular KIF3A,Kinesin-2 Protein KIF3A,Cell center,Cell periphery,Mettenleiter (2002) J. Virol. 76:1537-47,KIF3A Interacts with the Amino & Carboxy Termini of ORF45,ORF45 Interacts with the Cargo-binding Domain of KIF3A,KIF3A,Interaction of KIF3A and KSHV Tegument-capsid Is Mediated by ORF45,Effect of Nocodazole on KSHV Virion Production,Localization of KSHV Particles along Microtubules,anti-tubulin anti-ORF65 Merged,Effect of A Dominant Negative Mutant of KIF3A on KSHV Virion production,0 0.5 1.0 2.0 10 0 (g) KIF3A-DN10 10 10 10 10 0 (g) RTA,A Model for Intracellular Transport of KSHV Tegumented Capsid on Microtubules,Interaction of KIF3A and KSHV Tegument-capsid Is Mediated by ORF45,修改前,修改后,0 0.5 1.0 2.0 10 0 (g) KIF3A-DN10 10 10 10 10 0 (g) RTA,修改前,修改后,Effect of shRNA-mediated KIF3A knockdown on KSHV Virion production,Give credits to others, which does not diminish the credit you get from the paper. Mention others work. Be generous to your competitors ( “In his inspiring paper “) Warmly acknowledge people who have helped you. Start writing early, very early. Hastily-written paper get rejected. Articles are like wine, they need time to mature Get help from others Get your paper read


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