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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中测试试卷D卷一、 听小对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题 (共5题;共14分)1. (2分)What sport does Bob usually play after dinner? A . VolleyballB . Ping-pongC . Basketball2. (2分)Which animal are they talking about? A . B . C . 3. (2分)Which book does William like reading? A . Sleeping BeautyB . CinderellaC . Hansel and Gretel4. (6分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)When(什么时候)do they meet? A . In the morning.B . In the afternoon.C . In the evening.(2)Whats Zhang Qiangs telephone number? A . Its 092-4527.B . Its 093-4527.C . Its 093-4528.(3)Who is that boy(男孩)? A . Marys brother.B . Zhang Qiangs brother.C . Zhang Qiangs friend.5. (2分)How did Mr. Brown come back from Shanghai? A . By plane.B . By train.C . By bus.二、 听长对话,回答问题。 (共2题;共16分)6. (10分)选择最佳答案。(1)Where is Jennifer from? A . JapanB . AmericaC . China(2)When is Jennifes birthday?A . 5th JulyB . 15th AugustC . 15th October(3)When did Jennifes go to New York City to look for a job?A . In 2004B . In 2010C . In 2012(4)How old was Jennifer when she acted in the film Winters Bone? A . 20B . 25C . 30(5)What does Jennifer usually do when shes free? A . She plays gamesB . She plays basketballC . She plays the guitar7. (6分)听第二段对话,回答题。(1)How long will Bill be away from school?A . For a day.B . For 2 days.C . For 3 days.(2)Whats the matter with Bill?A . He has a bad cold.B . He has a headache.C . He has a fever.(3)Who took Bill to hospital?A . His father.B . His mother.C . His sister.三、 听独白,根据所听到的信息完成句子,每空一词。 (共1题;共5分)8. (5分)听短文,完成下列表格NameFavorite AnimalWhyKate_FriendlyHer brother_Her father_InterestingHer mother_Cute四、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)9. (15分)Choose the best answer to complete the passage. We can see the mobile phone freaks(手机控)everywhere nowadays. Can you 1when we started to take our mobiles to a dinner table? This happens a lot, especially when we eat out. When a dish comes, we2our mobiles and take photos of the food first instead of eating.After that, we post the photos on Weibo or WeChat,3to be liked. Then we may check our mobiles from time to time during the meal, to see4we get liked or not. We just cant leave our mobiles for only a meal.Does that sound familiar to you? Do you do that often? If not, how do you feel when 5people do that?A recent6shows that spending time on photos of food7the food less pleasant. To test this, some researchers did an experiment. Some people were asked to take photos 8they could enjoy food. As a result, it showed that the more photos they took, the9the food seemed to them. So, please dont take photos and just enjoy the food in front of you.10the result, there are also some other bad11of taking photos and posting the photos on the Internet before meals.12, they will check their mobiles many times. Does everyone like my13? I hope a lot of people like them! It seems that your mobile secretly calls your name all the time, even when you are with real people.So next time when you go out for dinner with your family or friends, how about14photos of food? Let the food be delicious as it is and share your life15people around you.(1)A . remember B . forget C . believe (2)A . take in B . take up C . take out (3)A . wait B . waited C . waiting (4)A . if B . whether C . which (5)A . other B . others C . the other (6)A . news B . study C . information (7)A . make B . made C . makes (8)A . but B . before C . after (9)A . less delicious B . delicious C . more delicious (10)A . Except B . Beside C . Besides (11)A . disadvantages B . expressions C . influences (12)A . Such as B . For example C . Like (13)A . photos B . mobiles C . food (14)A . take B . taking C . not taking (15)A . to B . with C . at 五、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)10. (10分)阅读理解Zumba For KidsIWA KidzVenture Club EventEnrol your kids for a fun dance party set to hip-hop, salsa(萨尔萨舞) and more .Achieve confidence building, teamwork, leadership, memory and creativity while learning difficult rhythms around the world.For Whom: Kids of age 5-10 yearsWhen: 5 June 2019 4-5pmWhere: A&J Creative Danceworld 18 cross streetWhat to Wear: Sportswear with socks & sports shoes, water bottlesFREE Event. For Few IWA Members KidsContact Free tickets iwasingapore. org/events for Free Tickets No Later Than 29 May 2019 Admission $3 Per Person; $2.5 Per Person for a Group of 4 & More; $2.3 Per Person for a Group of 10 & More. Interested? R/events or Fill out an application(申请表) on site or Call at 66413982 Questions? Q/events(1)Who can join in the club event . A . Dance lovers.B . Hiphop stars.C . Kids aged 510.D . Parents interested in the club event.(2). Where is the club? A . In Singapore.B . In UK.C . In China.D . In Australia.(3)A group of 10 kids will go to the club with a free ticket, they should pay in total. A . $27B . $22.5C . $20.7D . $20(4)How can you join in the club event? A . Fill in an application online.B . Mail to Register /events.C . Mail to Questions /events.D . Mail to Free tickets iwasingapore. org/events.(5)Which one is TRUE according to the ad.? A . Kids may wear casual clothes to the club event.B . If you want to get more information, call at 66413982.C . IWA Members kids do not have to pay for the club event.D . Through the club event, kids may learn to cooperate with others.11. (10分)阅读理解China Youth says that more and more girl students have entered colleges to study in recent few years. As we know, once the number of boys was larger than that of girls, and the boys did much better than girls in our country for a long time. Now things have changed a lot.In recent years, the proportion of girl students is growing fast. In 1998, about 39.7% of college students were girls. In 2000, it was 41.07% and in 2001, the number was 42.14%.There are several reasons for this.Firstly, there is little difference between boys and girls in their intelligence(智力). Thats to say, girls are as clever as boys. And boys have more interests than girls, so they may not do well in their study.Secondly, girls are more careful and more sensible than boys. They work harder at school and they do better in all exams.Another reason is that with the development of society, people pay more and more attention to girls education. (1)China Youth says that more and more _A . boys are cleverer than girlsB . boys cant go to schoolC . girls have entered collegesD . girls begin to study at school(2)42.14% refers to the number of _A . girls at schools at schools in 1998B . girls in colleges in 2001C . boys at schools in 2001D . boys in colleges in 1998(3)The writer gave us _ reasons to explain the question.A . twoB . threeC . fourD . five(4)The underlined word “proportion” means _ in Chinese.A . 身高B . 比例C . 特征D . 速度(5)Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A . Boys may not do as well in their study as girls because they dont like studying.B . Boys are much cleverer than girls because theyre interested in many things.C . Girls intelligence is the same as boys.D . Girls study harder, but they couldnt get higher marks than boys.12. (10分)阅读理解AO. Henry, a famous American writer of short stories, was born in North Carolina in 1862. O. Henry was a pen name. His real name was William Sydney Porter. When he was a young boy, he did not go to school for long because of being born in a poor family, but he tried to teach himself everything he needed to know.When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas. There he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank. But he got himself into some trouble. Some money went missing from the bank. O. Henry was believed to have stolen(偷)it, so he was sent to prison(监狱). During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and went on writing.He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because almost all of them finished with a sudden change. This made the readers surprised.(1)_ was the real name of the famous American writer. A . O. HenryB . William Sydney PorterC . CarolinaD . Texas(2)O. Henry was sent to prison because _. A . people thought he had stolen money from the newspaperB . people thought he had stolen money from the bankC . he wanted to write stories about prisonersD . he broke the law(法律)by not using his own name(3)Which of the following is true? A . O. Henry was from a rich family.B . O. Henry was in school for a long time.C . O. Henry learned everything he needed by himself.D . O. Henry liked writing stories when he was a little boy.(4)O. Henry got most materials(材料) for his stories from _. A . his happy life as a boyB . New York and the poor in the cityC . the newspaperD . his life in prison(5)People enjoyed reading O. Henrys stories because _. A . they had surprising endingsB . they were easy to understandC . they showed love for the poorD . they were about New York13. (10分)阅读理解。One day, Mr. Smith went to a dinner party. He was wearing very old clothes. He came into the room. But people in the room didnt look at him. They didnt ask him to sit at the table. He wasnt happy. But he said nothing.Mr. Smith went home quickly and put on (穿上) his best clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him. They gave him good food to eat. Mr. Smith took off his coat, and put it on the food and said, “Eat, coat!” The other people were surprised and asked, “What are you doing? Why do you do that?” Mr. Smith answered, “I am asking my coat to eat food. When I wore old clothes, you didnt look at me. You didnt ask me to sit down.Now I am wearing these nice clothes. And you give me good food. Now I see, you give the food to my coat, not to me.”(1)One day, Mr. Smith went to_. A . a birthday partyB . a dinner partyC . an English partyD . a movie(2)When he came into the room, the people didnt look at him. Why? A . Because the people didnt ask him to come.B . Because Mr. Smith wore old clothes.C . Because Mr. Smith didnt say hello to them first.D . Because it was night, they didnt see him.(3)Why did he go home quickly? A . Because he didnt want to stay here.B . Because he went home for his best clothes.C . Because the people there asked him to leave.D . Because he didnt like the food there.(4)Whats the meaning of “surprised”in Chinese? A . 高兴的B . 不满的C . 感到奇怪的D . 生气的(5)Which statement is right? A . A person in good clothes should eat good food.B . A good coat should eat good food.C . We cant judge(判断)a man by his clothes.D . Mr. Smith is stupid(愚蠢的).六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)14. (25分)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容回答问题。 Dear Tom,Most of the time, I just stay at home for my vacation. Thats too boring. But I had a special and exciting vacation last summer. My classmates and I made a trip to Mount Tai by bus.When we arrived there, it was dark(天黑). At 7 pm, we began to climb the mountain. It took us the whole night to get to the top of the mountain. On the morning of the next day, we enjoyed the beauty of the sunrise on the top. Thats wonderful. In the daytime, we visited a temple (寺庙). In the evening, we had a big dinner in a local restaurant together. The food there was delicious but a little expensive.I hope you can come to China next year. Then we can visit more interesting places together.Yours,Mike(1)How did Mike like the trip? (2)When did Mike visit Mount Tai? (3)How long did it take them to get to the top? (4)In the morning what did they enjoy on Mount Tai? (5)How was the food there? 七、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)用方框内短语的适当形式完成下面的句子find out, as soon as, in the daytime, places of interest, in the open air(1)The visitors decided _ the temple in the village. (2)People cant see any stars _but can see them at night. (3)I hope to travel to the _all over China one day. (4)Betty will call you _ she arrives in Changchun. (5)The most interesting thing is to enjoy the sunshine _. 八、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)There are_(siksti)workers on the farm.九、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)I saw a boy_(lie) under that big tree just now. 十、 翻译下列句子。 (共3题;共17分)18. (2分)He _ _ (


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