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高考语法考点概述一、 情态动词的考点常用can/could句式:常用must句式:Shall /Should用法Willwould- used to;May/Might; Daredared; Needl 情态动词+不定式的完成式:二、形容词、副词的考点l 有关比较级和more than 用法l 比较级表最高级-比较级与否定句连用l 倍数表达法l 形容词作状语表主语做某动作的原因、结果或伴随状态。l 特殊形式的“非常”及其他l 以- ing/-ed 结尾的形容词:加 ing表“令人的”;加 ed表”感到的”l Rather与quite;common/usual/ ordinary/ normal/ average ; available/accessible; calm/silent/still/quietl 多个形容词做定语排序:好美小高状其新;彩色国料特别亲。A large black steel board三、 状语从句考点before ;when ;where ;as ;since/now that; whoever.四、 定语从句考点whose;when;where;why;that;which;as五、名词性从句考点 what; that; whoever;doubt六、非谓语动词 with的复合结构;there being/to be 七、虚拟语气 if; should; otherwise;but八、时态和语态 before; by;主动表被动 九、祈使句的反意问句及回答十、反意问句 I think ; must have done十一、倒装 not until;in no case;now/then ;only +状;so/suchthat十二、固定句型- 一就;when 表突然这时;before ;since;强调句型十三、代词 it; that;those;one; the other; another十四、主谓一致:定从中等十五、省略-状从中省略;to的省略;及承上省略to 后的动词十六、动词词组及辨析 break; bring;cut;make;pick;keep;hold;catch; put; turn; call; takeseat;sit-fit;suit;match-injure;hurt;wound-十七、一词多义 cover, catch ;strike;reach;follow十八、一词多性 eye; head; shoulder;face;chair;picture;sense 十九、介词 beyond; under; in ; on ;with; over二十、交际用语高考语法考点详述一.常用can/could句式:1. This work is more than I can do.这个工作超出我所能做的。2. He had run away before I could thank him.我还没来得及谢他,他已经跑了3. You cannot be too careful. 你越仔细越好4. You cant pay enough attention to your spelling.你越注意你的拼写越好=You cant pay too much attention to your spelling.5. Come here as quickly as you can.尽可能快点来= Come here as soon as possible.6. Experiments can be very expensive.实验有时会很贵A wise man can make a mistake sometimes.7. A plane is a machine that can fly.8. I cant agree more. 我非常同意9.Can it be true? 表怀疑10. It cant be Mr Li. 表否定推测11. How can you make progress when you dont work hard?如果你不努力,你怎么能取得进步呢?Compare: could / was able toThe fire spread quickly , but everyone was able to escape from the building .大火迅速蔓延但每个人都设法逃出大楼。l was able to do表过去成功地做了某事 = managed to do=succeeded in doingl cant wait to do 等不及要做二.常用must句式:1.If you must know, her name is Jean.如果你一定要知道的话,她叫Jean。2. Why must you make so much noise?偏偏3. He must live near here, doesnt he?一定4. You mustnt shout in class.禁止,不可以 5.It must/cant be Mr.li, isnt/is it? 一定是6.Need I do it at once?- Yes , you must. /No , you neednt.7.Must I do it now?-Yes, you must./No , you neednt.8.He must have arrived here by air yesterday, didnt he?9.You must have learned French before, havent you?三. Shall用于一三人称疑问句中表请求对方许可1. Shall we set off at once?我们立即出发好吗?2. Shall he come in?让他近来好吗?用于二三人称肯定句和否定句中表许诺、命令、威胁、警告等1. I promise you shall get a new bicycle if you make progress.2. It has been decided that he shall be given the job.3. If you dont take good care of my car, you shant use it. 四. Should1. Its strange/unusual/surprising/important that he (should) leave without saying goodbye. 竟然2. I should have thought of it.我本应该想到的 3. The photos should be ready by 12 oclock tomorrow. 按道理应该4. The doctor suggested that he (should) have a rest.Decide order command require request demand suggest advise propose recommend insist urge desire后从句常用should型虚拟,should可省略。It is suggested/odered thatMy suggestion is thatI made a suggestion that you should take a rest.It is important/necessary/strange/surprising/unusual thatIt is a pity/ a shame that 5. If it should rain tomorrow, the crops would be saved.如果明天下雨,庄稼就得救了五. Willwould- used to1. Fish will die out of water. 习惯2. The door wont shut. 门就是关不上。3. He would/used to sit in the garden like that for hours.他过去常像那样在花园里坐上数个小时。4. The engine wouldnt run.发动机就是不转5. He used to be a teacher.他过去是老师6. Dont you forget it, will you?- No, I wont.7. If you will listen, I will tell you about it. 表示意愿8. -You have forgotten to turn off the light-Really? I will go and turn it off. 表示临时决定9.Tomorrow will be Sunday. 表示客观规律六. May1. May I come in? 请求许可2. May your dream come true. 祝愿你梦想成真3. If I may say so, this color doesnt suit you.如果我说的话4. Im not sure, but he may help you可能七. Might1. Might I use your pen?-yes, you may. 请求许可2. You might as well practice reading since you are free.不妨既然你有空闲,你倒不如练练阅读3 He might have given you more help even though he was busy. 本该即使他忙他也应该给你更多帮助八. Dare-dared1. I dare say he will come.( I predict)我预计他会来的2. No one dared speak of it.3. How dare you say Im a liar?4. I didnt dare to move.= I dared not move. 九. Need1. Need/Must we come?- No, you neednt ./ Yes, you must.2.You neednt hurry with your meeting. = You dont need to hurry3.They didnt need to arrive so early.十.情态动词+不定式的完成式:2. must have done一定做过3. cant / couldnt have done不可能做过4. should/ ought to have done本应该做过5. shouldnt /oughtnt to have done本不应该做6. neednt have done本不必做7. could have done本来能够做8. may have done可能做过9. didnt need to do本不需要做而实际上也没做10. might have done可能做过; 本该11. He might have given you more help even though he was busy.十一 有关比较级和more than 用法1. Im more than satisfied with your performance.非常2. The work is more than I can do.超过3. China Daily is more than a newspaper; it also keeps us in touch with the world.不仅仅4. Pan Changjiang is no taller than Wu Dalang.同一样不5. He earns less than $500 a month.不到6. The harder you work , the greater progress youll make.7. The more I look at the painting, the better I like it. = I like the painting better, the more I look at it.8. He is the taller of the two brothers.比较级表最高级9. That couldnt be better.10. I couldnt agree more.=I totally agree with you.11. He has certainly made more successful films than any other director in the west.12. I have never been to a nicer restaurant.倍数表达法A+ be + 倍数+as + adj/adv.原级+as + BA+ be + 倍数+ adj/adv.比较级+than + BA+倍数+the size/length/height/depth/ width of BA+ be + 分数/百分数+ adj/adv.比较级+than + BA+ 谓语 + 倍数+more +名词+than + BIm not half as good as you.This room is three times larger than that one. = This room is four times as large as that one.= This room is four times the size of that one. I am twice your age The production this year is three times what it was last year.十二asas 结构表非比较级概念13. As/So far as I know, he has been admitted into/to Peking University.据我所知14. As/So long as you dont lose heart, you will win in the end.只要15. He went as far as the seaside.一直到16. He as good as said that I was a liar.几乎,实际上等于17. The teacher as well as the students enjoys himself at the party.和 十三 “一就”的表达18. Come as soon as possible.19. He phoned me as soon as he got there. = He phoned me the moment/the minute/second/instant he got there. =He phoned me immediately/instantly/directly he got there. = On getting there, he phoned me.20. Hardly /scarcely had they reached the station when the train left.21. No sooner had they reached the station than the train left.十四 as用法22. Child as/though he is , he knows a lot. =Though/although he is a child,23. Young as /though he is , he doesnt lack experience.24. Much as/though I like it , I wont buy it.25. Try as/though he may, he might fail as well.26. Lose money as/though he did, he gained experience.27. Wealthy person as/though he is , he is not healthy.尽管28. As you sow, so you will reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆29. As he grew older, he began to go deaf.随着30. As is known to all, Taiwan belongs to China.= It is known to all that Taiwan belongs to China.=What is known to all is that Taiwan belongs to China.31. He is such a good teacher as we all respect.=He is so good a teacher as we all respect.32. He is such a good teacher that we all respect him.十五before 用法及相关句型比较33. He had run away before I could thank him.34. Three years went by before we knew/realized it.不知不觉35. The theory must be put into practice before it is fully accepted./before being fully accepted.36. It was three years before he came back.三年后他才回来37. It wasnt long before he learned English.不久他就学会了英语。38. It wont be long before we meet again.过不了多久我们就会再见面的。39. It will be three years before we meet again.三年后我们才能再见面。40. It is three years since he joined the army.他参军三年了。41. It was three years ago that he joined the army.42. It was ten oclock when he came back.十六 it作形式主语及强调句型43. It takes patience/energy/effort to do this work.44. 做这个工作需要耐心。45. It took him two hours to finish this work.46. It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收,后悔无益。47. It is no good arguing about this matter.48. It is no wonder that he looks so excited.49. It is a fact that Taiwan belongs to China.50. It is clever of you to have solved this problem.51. It is necessary for us to have a knowledge of English.52. It is suggested that a meeting should be held to discuss this problem.It is/was +被强调部分(主语、宾语、状语) that/who + 其它53. It was not until you had explained it to me that I understood it.十七it作形式宾语及其它54. I like/love/enjoy it when you smile.55. I hate/dislike it when people talk with their mouths full.56. Ill appreciate it if you can practice spoken English with me.57. See to it that the door is shut.58. You can depend on it that he can help you。59. Dont take it for granted that your parents should do everything for you.60. I feel it an honour to speak to you.61. Got it.知道了62. Its up to you.= It depends on you.由你决定63. Make it another day.改日吧64. If you stick to it, you will make it.如果你坚持的话,你会成功的。十八what用法65. He is not what he used to be ten years ago.66. After what seemed an hour , he came back.67. He was born in what is Shenyang today.68. Patience is what it takes to do this work.69. So what?那又怎样70. Honey is to a bee what milk is to a cow.71. What if there is a world war ?如果怎么办72. What about taking a walk?十九 形容词作状语表主语做某动作的原因、结果或伴随状态。73. He hurried home, full of fear.74. They arrived home at last, hungry and tired.75. She sat there, silent.二十 主动表被动I taste smell look sound feelII write read wash wear sell open shut burn III need want require deserve + doing = to be doneIv be worth doingV 主语+ 系动词+ 形容词( heavy, difficult, fit , comfortable, pleasant etc.) + to doVI be to blame; be to let76. This pen writes smoothly.77. Apples of this kind sell well.78. Leather shoes wear long.皮鞋耐穿79. This kind of cloth washes well.这种布料好洗80. His poem reads well.他的诗读起来好听81. This car drives fast.82. Vegetables and meat wont keep long in hot weather.83. The door wont shut.84. The film finishes early, so we are going to eat at a restaurant after seeing the film.85. The flowers require watering.= to be watered.86. The baby needs looking after.87. The sentence wants explaining.88. No one is to blame.没有人该受责备89. The house is to let.此房出租90. The book is well worth reading.= The book is well worthy of being read.=The book is well worthy to be read.= It is worthwhile to read the book.= It is worthwhile reading the book.当做表语的形容词是pleasant,easy,fit,hard,difficult,heavy,light,comfortable 后面的不定式用主动形式.91. The room is pleasant to live in.92. The water is fit to drink.93. The chair is comfortable to sit on.94. Russian is difficult to learn.95. Silk feels smooth.二十一常用where引导定语从句的特例96. Can you think of a situation where you can use this idiom?97. We have reached a point where reform is needed.98. There are many cases where students know a lot of English words and expressions but cant write a good composition.99. The people who saw the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remember the scenes where people were eaten by tigers.二十二常用when引导定语从句的特例100. We are living in an age when many things are done on computer.101. There are times when we play together.102. There was a time when we played cards together.103. There are few occasions when they feel confused about their individual roles.二十三when 表“突然这时”104.Was doingWas about to doWas going to do Had done Was on the point of doingWas close to doing + when ( suddenly/all at once/all of a sudden)105. He was reading when the light went out.106. He was halfway home when it began to rain.107. He was about to go to bed when the bell rang.108. They had not travelled far when their car broke down.109. I was going to open the door when it opened of itself.二十四 when 的其他考点110. He went to work on foot when he could have taken a taxi.尽管111. Why do you want a new job when you already have such a good one?既然112. How can you hope for mercy when you show none?如果113. Hardly/ Scarcely had he gone to bed when the bell rang.二十四 while 的考点114. While there is life, there is hope.只要115. While I admit he is not perfect, I do like this person.尽管116. He was watching TV while his wife was washing dishes.然而117. Strike while the iron is hot.趁着118. Im going to the post office. - While you are there, please buy me some stamps.当时二十五 标点符号与选择119. There are eight tips on how to sleep well; one of them is: dont sleep too early unless you think is necessary.120. Turn the radio down - the baby is asleep.121. Ive never seen a person run so fast- just watch David go.122. Tom, be sure to come on time.123. Tom is sure to come on time.124. He lives in a house, whose roof is red.=He lives in a house, of which the roof is red.=He lives in a house; its roof is red.125. Its getting dark, however, they go on working in the office.126. The car is in good condition, besides, its price is reasonable.127. He got caught in the traffic jam, therefore, he was late for school.二十五 两种形式的过去分词128. a sunken ship- sink sunk sunk/sunken129. a drunken man -drinkdrunkdrunk/drunken130. a poverty-stricken village strikestruck/struck/stricken131. a learned person132. a lighted candle 133. a burnt child二十六 a/an 的位置134. so young a person135. too cold a day136. How lovely a child!137. as good a car as any138. that expensive a car139. What a lovely day!140. half a dozen二十七 there be 句型141. There is no point / sense/use in arguing with him.142. There is no doubt about it.143. There is no need to worry.144. There being no buses , I had to take a taxi.145. I enjoy there being a computer at home.146. I dont want there to be a vase here.147. Its necessary for there to be a computer at home.148. There stands a tall tree in the garden.149. There lies a rice field at the back of the house.150. There existed an island in the middle of the sea.151. There lived an old fisherman long time ago.二十八 doubt在疑问句否定句中后接that在肯定句中后接whether /if152. I dont doubt that he will win.=I have no doubt that he will win.153. Do you doubt that he will win?154. I doubt whether/if he will come.二十九 that 155. The reason why he was late was that he was held up in the traffic jam. 156. That he came late was because he was held up in the traffic jam. 157. Having checked the door was locked, and that all the lights went off, he headed for his bedroom.(and/but/or后的that不省)158. The two cities are similar in that they both lie on the seaside.在于159. I know nothing about them except that they are Russians.160. But that you helped me, I wouldnt have succeeded.若不是161. a /an +可数名词单数 one162. the + 可数名词单数 that/the one163. ( the) +不可数名词 that164. the +名词复数 those/the ones165. 名词复数 ones166. The Buildings in Beijing are more expensive than those in Shenyang.167. Few pleasures can equal that of a cold drink on a hot summer day.168. The population in china is larger than that of Japan.169. I prefer a house in the country to one in the city.170. They talked about the things and persons that they remembered at school.171. This is the only thing that he treasured.172. The bike is the very thing that I am looking for.173. That is the most graceful dance that I have ever watched.174. This will be the second time that I have traveled abroad.175. Who is the boy that is standing there?三十特殊形式的“非常”及其他176. The book is well worth reading.177. He was wide awake last night.178. He is fast / sound asleep.179. He is all alone.180. I need the information badly.181. The problem is highly important.182. Thats quite impossible/ right/ wrong.183. She is much ashamed.184. We are narrowly beaten.185. I didnt buy the coat; I was $50 short.186. China has a large population.187. What /How large is the population of China?- China has a population of 1.3 billion.188. He bought the house at a high price.189. My watch is two minutes fast/slow.190. The coat is cheap/not expensive.三十一常用who引导定语从句的情况191. Anyone who comes first will get a prize.192. Those who break the law should be punished.193. He who laughs last laughs best.三十二whoeverno matter who194. I will give prizes to whoever comes first.195. Whoever breaks the law should be punished.= Anyone who breaks the law should be punished.= Those who break the law should be punished.196. No matter who breaks the law, he should be punished197. Whoever breaks the law, he should be punished三十二常用过去时的句型198. Its time that I went home.=Its time that I should go home.199. Id rather you came tomorrow.200. I wish I were ten years younger.201. If only I knew his address!202. I forgot to turn the light off.203. Hello! I didnt know you were here.三十三过去未成实现的愿望或打算过去时,otherwise/or would have donewould have done, but +过去时204. I had planned/ intended/ meant / wanted/hoped to visit you yesterday, but I had an unexpected visitor. = I planned to have visited you yesterday, 205. I would rather have gone to the cinema last night, but I had to prepare for the exam.206. The son would like to have been taken to Beijing, but his father didnt take him.207. You had better have wo


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