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完成句子满分:班级:_姓名:_考号:_一、完成句子(共28小题)1.1 我想玛丽和爱丽丝一样高。i think mary _alice.2 他因为跳舞好而著名。 he _ dancing well.3 英语老师根本不喜欢踢足球。my english teacher _ football _.4 昨天妈妈让我帮助奶奶打扫房间。mother _ my grandma _ her house.5 昨天我很生气。汤姆硬是让我把我的日记给他看。i was angry that tom _yesterday.2.1 我很高兴你通过了考试。_ you pass the exam.2 他的妈妈每天打扫房间要花费一个小时。it _his mother _ to clean the room every day.3 我们的家乡正在变得越来越美丽。our hometown is getting _. 4 杰克害怕晚上独自呆在家里。jack _ at home alone at night.5 我认为妈妈不会阻止我放学后帮助他学习数学的。 _ my mother will _ after school.3.1 明天是周六,为什么不和我一块参加“地球一小时”活动呢?its saturday tomorrow. _ join “earth hour” event with me?2 要下雨了,你最好快点回家。 its going to rain. _ go home quickly.3 工人们直到完成了国庆60年大典的所有准备工作才离开。the workers_ they finished all the work of chinas 60th national celebration.4 对我们来说,学会与人相处是很重要的。 how to get on well with others.5 她是如此地喜欢听音乐,以至于花很多钱去买cd。she _cds.4.1 我母亲擅长唱歌。my mother is _singing.2 我一到那里,就给你们打电话。ill call you _ i get there.3 对不起,我晚了。im sorry _.4 每天锻炼一小时对你的健康有好处。_ for your health to do exercise for an hour every day.5 你最好不要在电脑游戏上花许多时间。_ computer games.5.1 妈妈正在厨房里忙着做饭呢!mom _ in the kitchen.2 我非常高兴地铁15号线顺义段正在建设中。_the subway line 15 in shunyi _.3 你愿意把自己的座位让给这位老人吗?谢谢!_ to this old man? thank you!4 送到青海玉树的不仅有衣服还有帐篷。_have been given to the people in yushu, qinghai.5 他花很多时间玩电脑游戏,视力都下降了,不得不戴上了眼镜。he_his eyesight became poor and he had to wear a pair of glasses.6.1 你最好给我留下你的电子邮箱。you _ leave me your e-mail address.2 有时候,宠物可以帮人做点家务。sometimes a pet can _ some housework.3 为了过低碳生活,我将继续骑车上下班。in order to live a low-carbon life, i will _ bikes to and from work.4 我不仅会说英语,而且会说法语。i can english french5 我认为没必要每天都花那么多时间写博客。i _ necessary _so much time writing blogs every day.7.1天气预报说有雨,你最好带一把伞。the weather report says it will rain. you _ take an umbrella.2很抱歉我上学又迟到了。im sorry _ school again.3晚饭后出去散步怎么样?_ for a walk after supper?4劳驾,请您告诉我工人们要用多久才能建成这所新医院?excuse me,could you please tell me _ the workers to build this new hospital?5昨天晚上,迈克太累了没能画完这幅画。mike was _ last night.8.我今天太忙,不能和你去看电影了,明天怎么样?i am too busy to go to the movies with you today._?2该上课了,咱们进教室吧!its time for class. _ into the classroom !3汶川地震后,人们现在正忙着建设新家园。after wenchuan earthquake,people _ new homes now.4我们相信,中国人将用大约10年时间就能制造出大型飞机。we are sure that it _ large passenger airplanes.5jim很爱他的爷爷奶奶,他每周末都去看望他们,还帮着做些家务。jim loves his grandparents _ every weekend.9.七点钟了,该上学了。its seven oclock._.2北京以长城闻名。每年都有许多外国朋友来参观长城。beijing _the great wall. thousands of foreign friends visit it every year.3你昨晚没有去参加聚会。你怎么了?you didnt go to the party yesterday evening. _?4我很高兴自从来这以后我交了许多朋友。i _ since i came here.5我有两个学习英语的方法。一个是大声朗读英语,另一个是坚持收看英语电视节目。i have two ways of learning english. _.10.1开会迟到是不礼貌的。its not polite _ the meeting.2请把这幅中国地图挂起来好吗?_ put up this map of china?3观众应该等到演出结束才能离开。the audience _ the performance is over.4他总是随身带着笔,以便有重要的事情就记下来。he always _ so that he can write down the important things.5我们要尽可能多读好书,因为好书能给我们知识,还有助于我们更好地了解世界。we need to read _ the world better.11.1我们高兴的是越来越多的博物馆向公众免费开放了。_ more and more museums are open to the public for free.2请在课前把书准备好。please _ before class.3我觉得他们不会放弃当志愿者的机会。_they will _the chance of being volunteers.4我经常告诉父母别再为我担心,我已经长大了。i often _because ive already grown up.5爸爸总是忙于他的工作,但是当他有空的时候,他要么帮妈妈做家务,要么陪我一起锻炼身体。my father _ his work,but when he is free,he _.12.1你最好现在就起床,别再上学迟到了。youd better get up now. dont _ school again.2七月份天气太热,不适宜外出。its _ go out in july.3我用了两个小时才读完那本杂志。_ two hours to finish reading the magazine.4你能和同学们相处融洽,我很高兴。_ that you can get on well with your classmates.5我们要尽可能常读好书,因为好书不但能给我们知识,而且有助于我们更好地了解世界。we need to read good books _ learn about the world better.13.1很高兴你按时完成了报告。_ you have finished the report on time.2她向我要了一份报纸。she _a newspaper.3他们已经为植树做好了准备。_ planting trees.4他让我等了很久。_ for a long time.5莉莉不仅自己喜欢画画,而且有时在放学之后花很多时间教我画画。lily _.14.1我和汤姆都做好了打网球比赛的准备。_ are getting ready for the tennis match2我每天花一小时看电视。i _ tv every day3他们对动物很感兴趣。they _ animals4你与你的同学相处得好吗?do you _?5我们愈注意我们的饮食习惯,我们就愈健康。_,the healthier we will be15.1很高兴我的英语取得了很大的进步。_ ive made great progress in english2请你在父亲节给爸爸最美好的祝福。please _ on fathers day3你的饮食习惯越好,你的身体就越健康。_ your diet is,_ you will be4为了保护环境,我们去超市购物时最好带上购物袋。we _ the supermarket _ the environment.5这个小镇过去污染很严重。人们既看不到蓝天也呼吸不到新鲜的空气。the pollution in this town used _ people _16.1别怕犯错误,没人会嘲笑你。dont _ making mistakesnobody will laugh at you2北京机场三号航站楼长2,900米,宽790米。beijing capital international airport terminal 3 is _3她不会介意帮我们完成这项工作的。she wont _ the job.4我认为冬天总是关着窗户不利于你的健康。i dont think it _ in winter5托尼经过和老师长时间地反复讨论之后,托尼才下定决心尝试这个新想法。tony _ discussing it with his teacher again and again17.1汤姆一进房间就看到了礼物。tom saw the gift _ he entered the room2麦克非常喜欢唱歌。mike _ very much3你最好每天运动一个小时。_ do exercises for an hour every day4恐怕我得早点起床了。im _5我认为他的家长不会阻止他帮助我学习英语。i _ my english18.1 明天是母亲节。我们去给她买个礼物吧! tomorrow is mothers day. _ go and buy a present for her.2 吃含有苏丹红1号的食物是不安全的。 _ to eat food with sudan1.3 这位穷困的女孩非常幸运,她通过希望工程得到了许多书。 the poor girl was _ she received many books from project hope.4 最近,科学家们正忙着撰写有关甲型h1n1流感的研究报告。 scientists _ the report on h1n1 flu these days.5 我认为现在还不是放松的时候。 我们仍然有许多要做的事情。 i _. we still have a lot to do.19.1 他年龄太小了,不能自己购物。he is _ shopping by himself.2 过去那里有一棵大树。there _ be a big tree.3 咱们一起去公园怎么样?_ going to the park together?4 他一到加拿大就把电话打了过来。he called us _canada.5 他对集邮很感兴趣,以至于为此花费了大量的时间。he is_ collecting stamps _ too much time on it.20.为什么不和我们一起去帮助别人呢?_ join us to help others?2. 电梯坏了, 让我们走着上楼吧。_ the lift. lets walk upstairs.3. 提高我们的英语写作能力要花很长时间。_ our english writing skills.4. 作为一名北京青少年,了解如何把北京精神与我们日常生活联系起来是很必要的。as a teenager in beijing, _ connect beijing spirit with our daily life.5. 当我们与别人意见不能达成一致时,我们最好既不要与人争吵也不要放弃自己的观点。we _our own opinions when we cant reach an agreement.21.该看脱口秀节目了。_ watch the talk show.2. 苏格兰有许多的湖泊和山脉,以美丽的乡村景色而著名。scotland, with its lakes and mountains, _beautiful countryside.3. “一夜成名”不像我们想得那么容易。an overnight success is _we think.4. 为了提高英语水平,请多花些时间读英语故事好吗?to improve your english, _?5. 许多人被清华“励志修车哥”所感动,决定像他那样坚持梦想,并努力使之成为现实。many people are _ “the guy with courage” in tsinghua _ like him.22.房间里很暗。为什么不开灯呢?its very dark in the room. _ turn on the light?2. 你们愿意和我们一起去听音乐会吗?_ go to the concert with us?3. 因为你太累了,最好不要继续工作了。_go on with your work because you are too tired.4. 昨天晚上我们直到汤姆的妈妈回来才离开。_toms mother returned last night.5. 到为春节做准备的时候了。_the spring festival.23.电影院很近, 我们步行去吧。the cinema is very near. _there on foot.2. 妈妈很喜欢看电视上的人与自然节目。mom_man and nature on tv.3. 快毕业了,你最好别浪费时间。well graduate from middle school. _waste your time.4. 不要怕犯错误,因为那很正常。dont _because its very common.5.学生们抱怨作业多,睡眠不足。the students complain that they have _.24.你的腿怎么了?让我看看。_ your leg? let me see.2. 英语老师对我们很好,而且她的课很有意思, 我们都喜欢她。my english teacher is friendly to us and her lesson is_interesting_we all like her.3.去年夏天,我在一所美国学校学习英语。那里和我们的学校一点都不一样。i studied in an american english school last summer. it_ like our school _. 4. 彼得上个月花很多钱买了一辆新车。peter _his new car last month.5. 妈妈经常说学习不是别人的事。如果我多读,不怕出错,她认为我肯定会成为英语能手。my mother often says study has nothing to do with others. _.25.你看上去很累,你最好休息一下。you look very tired. _ have a good rest.2.母亲节快到了,我们去给她买个礼物吧!mothers day is coming. _ and buy a present for her.3. 请你明天六点叫醒我好吗?_ wake me up at six tomorrow?4.直到抵达山顶他们才休息。they _ they reached the top of the mountain.5.父母经常告诫我做人守信很重要。my parents often tell me _.26.快点,孩子们,该做早操了。come on, children! _for morning exercises.2.你看起来如此很累,为什么停下来歇一下呢?you look very tired. _ stop for a rest?3. 这个任务如此的简单以至于每个人都能按时完成。this task is _everyone can finish it on time.4.直到昨晚很晚爸爸回了家他才去睡觉。he _ his father came back home late last night.5. 我认为他这次考试不会取得好成绩,因为他没有准备好。i _in this exam because _27.为什么不停下来休息一下?_ stop and take a rest?2. 到了上课的时间了。_have classes.3. tom昨天又迟到了。tom _school again yesterday.4. 你最好对自己严格要求。_yourself.5. 雨下得真大,天放晴了飞机才起飞。it rained _.28.你看上去很疲惫,为什么不好好休息呢?you look so tired. _have a good rest?2快点儿,该跑步了。 hurry up, please. _run.3北京的春天与夏天一样美丽。spring is _summer in beijing.4. 为了节能我们应该人走灯灭。in order to save energy, we should_.5.青少年在成长过程中,既要学会面对各种问题,还要竭尽全力解决他们。teenagers need to _ when they grow up.答案部分1.考点:完成句子试题解析:1.as+adj/adv的原形+as:.和.一样2.be famous for: 因.而出名3.not at all:根本不,一点也不4.ask sb to do sth:要求某人做某事;help sb (to) do sth:帮助某人做某事5.make sb do sth:使某人做某事;show sb sth: 向某人展示某物答案:1. is as tall as2. is famous for3. doesnt like playingat all4. asked me to help (to) clean5. made me show him my diary 2.考点:完成句子试题解析:1. be glad that+句子:高兴的是.2.it takes sb sometime to do sth: 花了某人多少时间去做某事。3.比较级+and+比较级:越来越.:4.be afraid of doing sth:害怕做某事5.stop/ prevent sb from doing sth: 阻止某人做某事;help sb with sth:在某方面帮助别人/帮助某人做某事答案:1. im glad/ happy that2. takes an hour3. more and more beautiful4. is afraid of staying5. i dont think stop/ prevent me from helping him with maths 3.考点:完成句子试题解析:1. why not+动词原形:为什么做某事;why dont you+动词原形: 你为什么不做某事2. had better+动词原形:最好做某事3. not.until.:直到.才.4. its+adj for sb to do sth: 对于某人来说做.是怎么样的。5. enjoy doing sth:喜欢做某事;so.that+句子: 如此.以至于.; such +a /an +形容词+名词+that+从句,意思是如此.以致于.答案:1. why not/ why dont you.2. youd better. 3. didnt leave until.4. its important for us to learn5. loves / enjoys listening to music so much that she spend much money on / buying. 4.考点:完成句子试题解析:1. be good at=do well in : 擅长于做某事2. as soon as:一.就.3. be late for : 晚了,迟到4. be good for:对.有好处5. had better+动词原形:最好做某事;had better+not+动词原形:最好不做某事;sb spend time in doing sth:某人花时间做某事答案:1. good at2. as soon as3. im late4. it is good 5. you had better not spend much time (in) playing 5.考点:完成句子试题解析:1.be busy doing sth:正忙着做某事2. be glad that+句子:高兴的是.3.would you like to do sth: 你愿意做.吗?give sth to sb:把某物给某人4.not only. but also.不仅.而且.5.sb spend time doing sth:某人花费时间做某事; so.that.:如此.以至于.答案:1. is busy cooking2. im very glad that, is being built now.3. would you like to give your seat4. not only clothes but also camps5. spent so much time playing computer games that 6.考点:完成句子试题解析:1.had better do sth:最好做某事2.help sb to do sth:帮助某人做某事。help sb with sth:在某方面帮助别人/帮助某人做某事3.go on doing sth:继续做某事;ride bikes:骑自行车4.not only.but also.不仅.而且5. its adj to do sth:做某事是怎么怎么样的; spend time doing sth:花时间去做某事答案:1. you had better leave me your e-mail address.2. sometimes a pet can help (people) do/with some housework. 3. in order to live a low-carbon life, i will go on riding bikes to and from work.4. i can speak not only english but also french.5. i dont think it necessary to spend so much time writing blogs every day. 7.考点:完成句子试题解析:1.had better do sth:最好做某事2.be late for:因.而迟到3.what about/how about + doing sth:做什么什么事情怎么样4.it takes sb sometime to do sth: 某人花费时间去做某事;how long:多长时间5.so.that+句子:如此.以至于.; finish doing sth:完成做某事答案:1. had better2. to be late forfor being late for3. how about going(out)what about going(out) 4. how long it will take 5. so tired that he couldnt finish drawing the picture 8.考点:完成句子试题解析:1.what about/how about:什么什么怎么样2.lets +动词原形:让我们做某事3.be busy doing sth:正忙于做某事4.it will take sb sometime to do sth:将花某人多少时间去做某事5. so.that.:如此.以至于.;help sb with sth:在某方面帮助别人/帮助某人做某事答案:1. what about tomorrow2. lets go3. are busy building4. will take the chinese about 10 years to make5. so much that he visits them and helps do some houseworkhelps them with housework 9.考点:完成句子试题解析:1.its time to do sth:该是做某事的时候了2.be famous for:因.而出名3.whats wrong with you? 你怎么了4.be glad that+句子: 高兴的是.; make friends:交朋友5.one.the other.:一个.另一个.; keep doing sth:坚持做某事答案:1. its time to go to school2. is famous for3. what was wrong with you4. am glad that i have made a lot of friends5. one is to readreading english aloud, and the other is to keep watching english tv programs 10.考点:完成句子试题解析:1.be late for:因.而迟到2. would you pleasecould you please+动词原形?“能否麻烦你”、“请你”的意思3. not.until.直到.才.4.take sth with sb:随身携带5.as many+复数名词+as possible:尽可能多的.; not only.but also.:不仅.而且.;help sb (to) do sth:帮助某人做某事;learn about:了解答案:1. its not polite to be late for the meeting.2. would you pleasecould you please put up this map of china?3. the audience shouldnt leave until the performance is over.4. he always takes his pen with him so that he can write down the important things.5. we need to read as many good books as possible, because they not only give us knowledge,but also help us learn about the world better. 11.考点:完成句子试题解析:1.be glad that:高兴的.2.get ready for:为.做准备;get sth ready:准备好.3.dont think that:认为.不.; give up: 放弃4.tell sb to do sth:告诉某人做某事;worry about sb:为某人担心;not any more:不再.5.be busy with:在.方面忙碌;either.or.:要么,要么;help sb do sth:帮助某人做某事; do exercise: 锻炼;做运动;做练习答案:1. we are glad that more and more museums are open to the public for free.2. please get your book(s)ready before class.3. i dont think they will give up the chance of being volunteers.4. i often tell my parents not to worry about me any more because ive already grown up.5. my father is always busy with his work,but when he is free,he either helps my mum do the housework or does exercise with me. 12.考点:完成句子试题解析:1. be late for:因.而迟到2. too.to+动词原形:太.而不能3. it takes sb sometime to do sth:花了某人多少时间去做某事4. be glad that+句子:高兴的是.5.as.as possible:尽可能的是.; not only.but also.:不仅.而且.答案:1. be late for2. too hot to3. it took me 4. im (very) glad5. as often as possible because they can not only give us knowledge but also help us 13.考点:完成句子试题解析:1.be glad that+句子:高兴的.2.ask sb for sth:向某人索要某物3. get ready for:为.做准备4. keep sb doing sth: 一直让某人做某事5. not only.but also.:不仅.而且.; spend time doing sth:花时间做某事;teach sb to do sth: 教某人做某事;答案:1. i am glad(that)2. asked me for3. they have already got ready for4. he kept me waiting5. lily not only likes drawing pictures herself but also spends much time in teaching me how to draw sometimes after school 14.考点:完成句子试题解析:1.both.and.:两者都2.spend time doing sth:花时间去做某事3.be interested in: 对.感兴趣4. get onalong(well)with sb: 和某人相处的好/融洽5. pay attention to:注意,重视;the+比较级,the+比较级:越.就越.答案:1. (both)tom and i2. spend an hour watching3. are interested in4. get onalong(well)with your classmates5. the more we pay attention to our eating habits 15.考点:完成句子试题解析:1.be glad that+句子:高兴的是.2.give sth to sb: 给某人某物3.the+比较级;the+比较级:越.就越.4.had better do sth:最好做某事5.used to do sth:过去常常做某事; so.that+句子:如此.以至于.;neither.nor.:两者都不;breathe in:呼吸答案:1. im glad(that)ive made great progress in english.2. please givesend best wishes to your father on fathers day.3. the better your diet is,the healthier you will be.4. we had better take shopping bags(with you)to the supermarket(in order)to protect the environment.5. the pollution in this town used to be so serious that people neither saw the blue sky nor breathed in the fresh air. 16.考点:完成句子试题解析:1.be afraid of doing sth:害怕做某事2.数词+量词+adj3.mind doing sth;介意做某事; help sb (to) do sth:帮助某人做某事4. be good for:对.有好处;keep sth+adj:保持某物怎么样5. make ones mind to do sth=decide to do sth: 决定做某事;try out:尝试,试验,试用; spend time doing sth: 花费时间去做某事答案:1. dont be afraid of making mistakes. nobody will laugh at you.2. beijing capital international airport terminal 3 is 2,900 meters long and 790 meters wide.3. she wont mind helping us(to) finish the job.4. i dont think it is good for your health to keep the window(s) closed in winter.5. tony didnt make up his mind / decide to try out this new idea until he spent a long time discussing it with his teacher again and again. 17.考点:完成句子试题解析:1. as soon as:一.就2.like doing sth:喜欢做某事3.had better+动词原形:最好做某事4.hav


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