人教版八年级上册辅导讲义- Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show 课后练习一及详解_第1页
人教版八年级上册辅导讲义- Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show 课后练习一及详解_第2页




专题:Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show题1:1. -What do you _ my new dress?-Its very beautiful.A.think out B.think over C.think of D.think up2.I know the person you mean, but I cannot _ his name.我知道你讲的人是谁,但记不起他的名字。3. -_ his new job?-Its very boring.-你对他的新工作看法如何?-很无聊。4. -你觉得上星期日聚会如何?_-Very good. I like it very much.题2:1.A little boy was _ her mother in the crowd. A.finding out B. finding C. looking D. looking for2.We shall _ the truth early or late. A. look B.look for C.find D.find out3. I think Im lost; I cant _ the bridge.A.find B. find out C. look for D.look4. I must _ which of them was in the right.A.find B. find out C. look for D.look题3:1. He _ the finals.他期待进入决赛。2. 我预计下星期一回来。_3.他们预计星期五可完成这项工作。_4. Where do you _ your holiday?你打算去哪里度假?5. I _ a talk with you face to face.我想和你面对面谈一谈。题4:1. An article about him _ in the paper.一篇有关他的文章在报上发表。2. The boy suddenly _ from under the bed.小男孩突然从床下钻出来。3. My wallet _ from the table.我放在桌子上的钱包不见了。4. That magazine _ once a month.A.goes out B.looks out C.comes out D.takes out5. 蝙蝠只在晚上出来活动。Bats _ only at night.6. 太阳出来把马路晒干了。_ and dried up the streets.题5:In the _, the first computer was born in America.在20世纪40年代,第一台计算机诞生于美国。题6:be ready to do sth. /be ready for sth.填空:1.We _ the Olympic Games.2.He packed up and _ go.3.The soldiers _.战士们随时准备着保卫(defend)我们的祖国。4. The girl _ to parties.那女孩随时都准备着去参加聚会。5. They _ the challenge.他们时刻准备着面对挑战。题7:Im _ to study English hard.2.I will _ to improve my listening.题8:1. 她作为作家比作为歌手名声要大。She was _as a write than as a singer.2.France is famous _ its fine food and wine.3.She wants to be famous _ a movie star.题9:1. Who will _?谁将代替怀特先生?2. 聪明不能代替知识。_.题10: One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he went to his_1_ and told him his story angrily. “He is really bad,” the boy said, “and I_2_ him.”The grandfather said, “_3_ me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I too, sometimes hated others for what they did.” As the boy_4_ carefully, the grandfather went on, “There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is_5_ and kind. He gets on well_6_ everything around him. But_7_ is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He cant think carefully_8_ he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control(控制) me. ”The boy looked into his grandfathers_9_ and asked, “_10_ tiger always controls you, Grandfather?”The old man said slowly and seriously, “The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom(很少) get angry now. ”1. A. motherB. fatherC. teacherD. grandfather2. A. love B. hateC. knowD. enjoy3. A. MakeB. HelpC. LetD. Ask 4. A. saw B. feltC. talkedD. listened 5. A. goodB. badC. lazyD. quiet 6. A. atB. onC. withD. about 7. A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the other 8. A. becauseB.thoughC.before D. but 9. A. eyes B. earsC. noseD. mouth10. A. WhoB. WhichC. WhereD. When 课后练习详解题1:答案:C; think of; What do you think of;What do you think of /How do you like/ How do you feel about the party last Sunday?解析:1.根据答语,可知句意为,“你认为我的新裙子怎么样?”,think out “想出”;think over“反复思考”;think up“想出”;think of“认为,对.的看法”,故选择C。2. think of可表示“想起,想念”。3. What do you think of.?“你认为.怎么样?”。4. What do you think of.?=How do you like.?=How do you feel about.?“你认为.怎么样?”。题2:答案:DDAB解析:1.句意为,“一个小男孩正在人群中寻找他的妈妈”look“看”,不及物动词,不接宾语;find“找到,发现”,强调结果;find out“发现,查清”,指经过观察、调查把某事、某物弄明白,多用于复杂而不易直接查出的情况;look for“寻找”,强调动作过程,故选择D。2. 句意为,“我们迟早会发现真相”look“看”,不及物动词,不接宾语;look for“寻找”,强调动作过程;find“找到,发现”,强调结果;find out“发现,查清”,指经过观察、调查把某事、某物弄明白,常接一些抽象的名词,the truth“事实”故选择D。3.句意为,“我想我迷路了,我找不到那座桥”look“看”,不及物动词,不接宾语;look for“寻找”,强调动作过程;find out“发现,查清”,指经过观察、调查把某事、某物弄明白,常接一些抽象的名词;find“找到,发现”,强调结果,故选择A。4.句意为,“我必须查出他们当中哪一个是对的。”look“看”,不及物动词,不接宾语;look for“寻找”,强调动作过程;find“找到,发现”,强调结果;find out“发现,查清”,指经过观察、调查把某事、某物弄明白,常接一些抽象的名词,而句中宾语为抽象结论,故选择B。题3:答案:expected to get through to; I expect to be back next Monday;They expected to finish the work by Friday;lan to spend; want to have解析:1.expect“期待,预期”,接动词不定式作宾语,get through to“顺利通过”。2. expect“期待,预期”,接动词不定式作宾语,expect to do sth.“期待/预计做.”。3. expect“期待,预期”,接动词不定式作宾语,expect to do sth.“期待/预计做.”。4. plan“计划,打算”接动词不定式作宾语,plan to do sth.“计划/打算做某事”。spend ones holiday“度假”。5. want“要,想要”接动词不定式作宾语,want to do sth.“想要做某事”。have a talk“交谈”。题4:答案:came out/ appeared; came out/ appeared; disappeared; C; come out; The sun came out解析:1.come out和appear都有出现,出版的意思。2. come out和appear都有出现的意思。3. disappear“消失,不见”。4. 句意为,“那个杂志每月出一期”,选择C,come out“出现,发行”。go out“出去”;look out“当心,注意”;take out“取出”。5. come out“出现,出来”。6. come out“出现,出来”。题5:答案:1940s/1940s解析:英语中表示多少世纪多少年代,用in+ the + 整十s或整十s来表达。题6:答案:are ready for; was ready to;are always ready to defend our country;is always ready to go; are always ready to face 解析:1.be ready for“为.做好准备”,后接名词或动名词作宾语。2.be ready to do sth.“准备好做某事”。3. be always ready to do sth.“随时准备着做某事/乐于做某事”。4. be always ready to do sth.“随时准备着做某事/乐于做某事”。go to party“参加派对”。5. be always ready to do sth.“随时准备着做某事/乐于做某事”。face the challenge“面对挑战”。题7:答案:trying my best; do/try my best解析:1.try ones best“尽某人最大努力”,根据空前am,可知时态为进行时,故答案为trying my best。2.try/do ones best“尽某人最大努力”,根据空前will,可知答案为try/do my best。题8:答案:more famous; for; as解析:1.famous为多音节词,其比较级在前面加more构成。2. 句意为,“法国以它的美食和美酒而闻名”,be famous for“因.而闻名”。3. 句意为,“她想以电影明星的身份出名”,be famous as“以.而闻名”。题9:答案:take the place of Mr White/ take Mr. Whites place; Cleverness does not take the place of knowledge.解析:1.take sbs place=take the place of sb.“取代某人”。2. take the place of sb/sth.“取代某人/某物”。题10:答案:DBCDA CDAAB 解析:1.据下文,The grandfather said.,可知答案为D。2. 据下文中,When I was a boy, I too, sometimes hated others for what they did.”,可知此处选择B,hate“恨”。3. let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”,可知此句


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