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模块2Unit 4 Wildlife Protection复习讲义一、语法:现在进行时的被动语态:表示正在进行的被动动作, 条件有二:1、动词必须是及物动词; 二、动词必须是延续性动词。结构为:主语(物)+am/is/are+being+p.pMan is destroying the environment now.The environment is being destroyed (by man)now.We are having an English class at present.An English class _ _ _ at present.二、交际:1、谈论意愿和目的(Intention & purpose)I intend/mean/plan/would like/am ready +to do sthI feel like doing sth.I would rather (not) do sth/I would rather do sth1 than do sth22.表示歉意(Apologies)Im so sorrty/afraid that. It doesnt matter.Its a shame that. Never mind.Its very nice of you but Forget it.Thank you very much but Thats all right./Not at all.三、重点词汇1. wild:wild animals ; in the wildlife 2.protect wildlife;the protection of sth. 3.make enemies/friends a loss 5.reserve:cn 6.area:Whats the area of sp? 7.hunt birds/beasts 8.war and peace 9.thick fur 10.stomachs: Acow has three stomachs in its body. 11.suggest:sb. suggest doing sth / sb. suggest (that) sb. (should) do sth./ sth. suggested that+主语+过去式.12.rub sth 13.mosquito:cn 14.insect:cn 15.contain:vt(内在)包含16.powerful:China will become a powerful country sooner or later. 17.drug:take some drug 18.affect:vt /effect:cn:A teacher affects a student greatly. =A teacher has a great effect on his students.19. bite:vt/vi20.butterfly:cn 21.dust:un 22.fierce:have a fierce fight/ debate unkind to sb. 24. lazy: a lazy bone四、重点词组 a result:结果是, 插入语Tom got up late, as a result, he came to school a result of由于。的缘故; 作原因状语Tom came to school late as a result of his late rise.2.die out=disappear灭绝; 消亡Many anmials and plants have died out peace/at war: Most countries are in peace, but some are still at war in these danger:处于危险的境地Many rare animals are now in danger all over the world.5. protecfrom:保护避免受到.We must do something to protect wildlife from dying attntion to:注意.We must pay much attention to the probem of environment in Wenzhou.7. come into being:vi形成; 产生:Paper money was first came into being in China.五、必背句型1. Why are pandas in danger of disappearing? 大熊猫为什么会处于濒临灭绝的危险呢?2. She turned round and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her. 她转过身来,看到一头羚羊带着忧郁的神色望着她。3. The tore companied applied to be allowed to hunt some for a fee, which made a lot of money for the farmers. (非限制性定语从句) 旅游公司申请批准作有偿捕猎,这使得农民赚很多钱。4. I didnt catch the bus. As a result, I was late for school. = I was late for school as a result of missing the bus. = Missing the bus resulted in my being late for school. 我错过公共汽车,结果上学迟到了。 5. He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight. 他戴着太阳镜以遮挡强烈的阳光。 6. What do you suggest we (should) do to protect wildlife? 你建议我们应该做些什么来保护野生动植物?7. I disagree that national natural protection zones should be opened to tourists. 我不同意国家自然保护区应该向旅游者开放。8. What you do can affect the world we live in. (主语从句) 你的所作所为会影响到我们所在的世界。9. They tried their best to bring the new law into effect. 他们尽最大的努力使这部新法律生效。10. The number of South China tiger has risen from very few to about 60 after being left in peace with no hunting. 华南虎在停止受到猎杀后能平静生活,数量增加到大约60只。11. Rainforests are being cut and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future. (现在进行时的被动语态)热带雨林正以如此的速度被砍伐和燃烧,以致在不久的将来它们将从地球上消失。 12. More attention should be paid to improving the living condition of farmers. 应该更加关注提高农民的生活条件。 六、同步训练i、spell the words or expressions according to the explanations given: a. _: a very large thick-skinned animal, with one or two horns on its nose b. _: a deer-like mammal with horns and long thin legs which allow it to run very fastc: _: an animal that has the neck of a camel, the hoofs of a cow, the tail of a donkey, and the antlers of a deer d: _: a very large sea mammal that breathes air through a hole at the top of its heade. _: small animal with six legsf. _:person who never settles down to one job or activity for long没常性的人g. _: flying insect that bites people and drinks blood iifill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words above :1. beneficial _益虫harmful _害虫.2. i dont like this girl. she is a social _(交际花).3. take not a musket(滑膛枪) to kill a _.(谚)小题大做;杀鸡焉用牛刀。iii.单词拼写1. most people are afraid of w_ animals.2. the p_ of the old buildings is poor.3. it is hard for the graduates to a_ for ideal jobs.4. china is becoming a p_ country in international affairs.5. the story of hong zhanhui a _ millions of chinese.6. why are pandas in d_ of disappearing?7. he is wearing sunglasses to p_ his eyes from the strong sunlight.8. they tried their best to bring the new law into e_.9. why are they in danger of d_?10. one home in china is in wolong nature r_ , sichuan province.11. another problem is the l_ of bamboo.12. the number of south china tiger has risen from very few to about 60 after being left in p_ with no hunting.13. what do you s_ we (should) do to protect wildlife?14. we are killed for the wool that is taken from under our s_.15. more a_ should be paid to improving the living condition of farmers.16. i have not heard from her r_.17. it was as f_ as tiger.18. sea water c_ salt.19. he is the l_ boy in the family.20. poverty and ignorance are e_ of progress.iv完成句子。1. they were both punished _ smoking. 由于的结果2. many animals have _in the past(灭绝)3. he is _ losing life. (危险)4. what other _do you know? 濒危物种)5. our fur_ make sweaters like yours. 正被用来6. the tour companies _ be allowed to hunt some for a fee, which made a lot of money for the farmers. 申请7. the teacher stood in front of us, _.(脸上带着微笑) 8. suddenly, a cat jumped out _ (从门后). 9. _(面积是多少) of this temple?10. they lived on the earth tens of millions of ago, long before humans _.(形成)iii. 单选。1. as soon as he comes back, ill tell him when _ and see him.a. you will come b. will you come c. you come d. do you come2. “you cant catch me!” janet shouted, _ away.a. run b. running c. to run d. ran3. the doctor decided to operate on the injured man because he was _.a. dangerous b. danger c. endanger d. in danger4. too many animals of this kind _ and they _.a. had been killed; disappeared b. were killed; were disappearedc. have been killed; lost d. killed; was disappeared5. something must be done to _ trees _ down.a. stop; cutting b. keep; being cut c. prevent; being cut d. keep; cutting6. several species are endangered and tigers are one _.a. species b. animals c. specie d. animal7. air pollution is the greatest trouble that _ by the chemical works.a. caused b. has caused c. has been causing d. is being caused8. she shouted at me angrily, with her finger _ my nose.a. pointing at b. point to c. point d. pointing out9. that room _ my fathers library and now it is my bedroom.a. was used to be b. used to being c. used to be d. was used to being10. i dont feel like _ out today, but my brother would like _ fishing on the lake.a. going; to go b. to go; going c. to go; to go d. going; going11. the road in front of our school is _ and is closed to the motor traffic.a. repairing b. being repairing c. repaired d. under repair12. - _ the sports meet might be put off. - yes, it all depends on the weather.a. i have told b. i have been told c. im told d. i told13. people wear heavy clothes to _ themselves _ the cold.a. defend; from b. protect; from c. save; from d. rescue; against14. the film was _ and i was _.a. moving; deeply moved b. moved; deeply movingc. moving; deep moved d. moved; deep moving15. the smile on her face suggested that she _ pleased.a. should be b. be c. was d. were16. the headmaster suggested that i _ home for advice.a. went b. go c. should go to d. went to17. - is this task _ this afternoon? - no, we can leave it for tomorrow.a. intended to finish b. intending to finishc. intended to be finished d. intended being finished18. the headmasters speech _ the radio when i turned it on.a. was broadcasted on b. was being broadcasted onc. was broadcasting on d. broadcast over19. this is no easy question. we are completely _ an answer.a. lost in b. in a loss to c. at a loss for d. at a loss in20. michael never dreamt of _ for him to be sent abroad very soon.a. being a chance b. theres a chancec. there to be a chance d. there being a chanceiii. 单选。1. as soon as he comes back, ill tell him when _ and see him.a. you will come b. will you come c. you come d. do you come2. “you cant catch me!” janet shouted, _ away.a. run b. running c. to run d. ran3. the doctor decided to operate on the injured man because he was _.a. dangerous b. danger c. endanger d. in danger4. too many animals of this kind _ and they _.a. had been killed; disappeared b. were killed; were disappearedc. have been killed; lost d. killed; was disappeared5. something must be done to _ trees _ down.a. stop; cutting b. keep; being cut c. prevent; being cut d. keep; cutting6. several species are endangered and tigers are one _.a. species b. animals c. specie d. animal7. air pollution is the greatest trouble that _ by the chemical works.a. caused b. has caused c. has been causing d. is being caused8. she shouted at me angrily, with her finger _ my nose.a. pointing at b. point to c. point d. pointing out9. that room _ my fathers library and now it is my bedroom.a. was used to be b. used to being c. used to be d. was used to being10. i dont feel like _ out today, but my brother would like _ fishing on the lake.a. going; to go b. to go; going c. to go; to go d. going; going11. the road in front of our school is _ and is closed to the motor traffic.a. repairing b. being repairing c. repaired d. under repair12. - _ the sports meet might be put off. - yes, it all depends on the weather.a. i have told b. i have been told c. im told d. i told13. people wear heavy clothes to _ themselves _ the cold.a. defend; from b. protect; from c. save; from d. rescue; against14. the film was _ and i was _.a. moving; deeply moved b. moved; deeply movingc. moving; deep moved d. moved; deep moving15. the smile on her face suggested that she _ pleased.a. should be b. be c. was d. were16. the headmaster suggested that i _ home for advice.a. went b. go c. should go to d. went to17. - is this task _ this afternoon? - no, we can leave it for tomorrow.a. intended to finish b. intending to finishc. intended to be finished d. intended being finished18. the headmasters speech _ the radio when i turned it on.a. was broadcasted on b. was being broadcasted onc. was broadcasting on d. broadcast over19. this is no easy question. we are completely _ an answer.a. lost in b. in a loss to c. at a loss for d. at a loss in20. michael never dreamt of _ for him to be sent abroad very soon.a. being a chance b. theres a chancec. there to be a chance d. there being a chancev. correcting the mistake in each line: 1. as you know, many building had been rebuilt recently. _2. the scientist explained to us how earthquakes went into being. _3. many wildlife is now gone because of the new chemical factory. _4. she is quite busy. a long passage is now being typing by her. _5. the ancient relics were saved with the help from the government. _6. with time went by, there seemed to be no hope. finally, they lost heart. _7. create new things is great fun as well as hard work. _8. have you heard of that a wonderful film will be on this sunday? _9. i was quite amazing at the news he brought us. _10. for the next ten days, they will be stayed in the reserve to do some research. _vi. 语法填空。 not long ago there was a girl _1_ (call) daisy. one day she woke up and found a flying chair _2_ her bed. “where do you want to go?” it asked. daisy hurried to get _3_ (dress) and put on her jeans and sweater. “id like _4_ (see) the animals _5_ gave fur to make this sweater,” she said. the chair began to _6_ (rise, raise). it flew _7_ to tibet in china faster than a bird. “but where are the antelopes?” cried daisy. “there are _8_ mountains and people!” she turned around and there was an antelope _9_ a sad face _10_ (look) at her. the antelope said, “our f


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