江苏省句容市行香中学七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lets play sports Reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第1页
江苏省句容市行香中学七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lets play sports Reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第2页
江苏省句容市行香中学七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lets play sports Reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第3页
江苏省句容市行香中学七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lets play sports Reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第4页
江苏省句容市行香中学七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lets play sports Reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第5页
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unit2let splaysports reading 2 myfavouritefootballplayer forthegame fortheworld theworldcup footballplayers dream cometrue i u learningaims 1 toknowmoreaboutlihua 进一步了解李华 2 tointroducemyfavouriteplayerinenglish 用英语介绍我最喜欢的运动员 3 tomastersomeusefulphrases 掌握一些有用的词组 lihuais yearsold heisa of hecomesfrom butnowhe beijing helooks and footballverywell manypeople him inhis time he english healsoenjoys tomusic itmakeshim lihuahasa lihuawantstoplayinthe ihopehisdream heismy footballstar 22 member huanghefootballclub guangdong livesin strong plays like free studies listening happy next world cup comes true dream completetheblanks favorite milliewantstoknowmoreaboutlihua canyouhelpsimonanswerherquestions facetoface facetoface millie whoislihua simon heismyfavouritefootballplayer 1 playern 可数 运动员 选手 players 一个篮球运动员三个排球运动员许多网球运动员 abasketballplayer threevolleyballplayers manytennisplayers languagepoints verb noun playsingteachworkdancewriteread 1 playersingerteacherworkerdancerwriterreader languagepoints 1 favourite 最喜爱的 like best e g 我最喜爱的科目是英语 myfavouritesubjectisenglish whichseasondoyoulikebest 同义句 whichis yourfavouriteseason lihuaishisfavouritefootballplayer lihuaisanewmemberofhuanghefootballclub whoissimon sfavouritefootballplayer clubn 俱乐部 放在词组中需要大写 inthereadingclub在阅读俱乐部 在绘画俱乐部在电脑俱乐部 inthedrawingclub inthecomputerclub facetoface millie whatishenow simon heisanewmemberofhuanghefootballclub membern 可数 成员 会员amemberof 的一名成员 复数 membersof 1 她是阅读俱乐部的一名成员 sheis thereadingclub 2 我们是学校篮球队的成员 weare ourschoolbasketballteam amemberof membersof facetoface millie whydoyoulikehim simon becausehelooks andplaysfootballvery strong well looktall look adj look在句中是连系动词 意为 看上去 看起来 后常接形容词做表语 构成系表结构 看起来高大看上去高兴 looktall lookhappy 类似的连系动词还有 sound 听起来 smell 闻起来 taste 尝起来 feel 摸起来 感觉 等 它们都需要后接adj 形容词作表语 e g soundgreat smellbad tastedeliciousfeelcomfortable 感觉舒服 facetoface millie whydoyoulikehim simon becausehelooks andplaysfootballvery strong well playsfootball 动词词组 verywell 副词 lookatsb sth lookaftersb sth 副词 adv 副词 adv 好好照顾我的电子狗 lookaftermye dogwell 2 welladv 好 令人满意地 副词可用来修饰v 动词 例 milliedancesverywell millie舞跳得很好 jackplaysbasketballverywell jack篮球打得很好 katesingsvery good mikeisgoodatswimming sheswims a goodb badc welld badly well c look 连系动词 adj facetoface 动词 动词词组 副词 1 marylooks good well inblue 2 thosetoysforchildrenlook good well andsell good well good good well 3 mumlooks happy everyday 4 mumlooks happy atherson happy happily languagepoints 4 people 集合名词 意为 人民 人们 作主语时谓语动词用复数形式 e g 有些人喜爱读书 somepeoplelovereading there be manypeopleinthepark are 5 also 副词 意为 也 通常用于实义动词前 连系动词和助动词之后 用于肯定句 too 意为 也 通常放在句子末 用于肯定句 e g 他也是个学生 heisalsoastudent heisastudent too mary也住在北京 maryalsolivesinbeijing marylivesinbeijing too facetoface millie whatdoeshedoinhisfreetime simon hestudiesenglish healsoenjoyslisteningtomusic itmakeshimhappy 在他的空闲时间里 空闲的 befree heisfree 改成否定句 he daniellikesplayingcomputergames 在他的空闲时间里 inhisfreetime isnotfree facetoface millie whatdoeshedoinhisfreetime simon hestudiesenglish healsoenjoyslisteningtomusic itmakeshimhappy enjoyv 喜爱 欣赏 享受 的乐趣 enjoydoingsth like lovedoingsth 喜欢做某事enjoyoneself haveagoodtime havefun玩得高兴 过得愉快 roseenjoys watch tvattheweekend weenjoyourselvesatschooleveryday 同义句转换 we atschooleveryday watching haveagoodtime facetoface millie whatdoeshedoinhisfreetime simon hestudiesenglish healsoenjoyslisteningtomusic itmakeshimhappy make 使役动词 意为 使 让 使某人怎么样makesb sth 宾格 adj 使得某人做某事makesb 宾格 dosth 使他开心makehimhappy使我们难过makeussad thegoodnewsmakesme happyb unhappyc happilyd well2 don tmakeme laugh inclass a laugh e g 他的话使我们高兴 hiswords 她总是使她的英语课有趣 shealways makesherenglishclassesinteresting makeushappy facetoface millie doeslihuahaveadream simon yes hewants play inthenextworldcup ihopehisdreamcomestrue toplay wanttodosth wouldliketodosth 想要做某事 1 iwant go shoppingwithmymother 2 jenny 想要听 tomusic 3 benwants somemusicbooks a tobuyb buyingc buysd buy4 simonwantsto be afootballplayer togo wantstolisten a facetoface millie doeslihuahaveadream simon yes hewants play inthenextworldcup ihopehisdreamcomestrue toplay cometrue成为现实ihopesb will dosth 1 ihopeyou tomeagain a towriteb willwritec wroted writing2 ihopemyfather homesoon a tocomeb comesc comed coming b b 3 ihopehisdreamwillcometrue 我希望他梦想成真 hope 宾语从句 一般将来你时 我希望我们有更多空余时间 ihopeiwillbeagoodswimmer ihopewewillhavemorefreetime 我希望成为一名游泳健将 hopetodosth ihopetobeagoodswimmer usefulphrases 1 我最喜欢的足球运动员2 看起来强壮3 足球踢得非常好4 在他的空闲时间里5 喜欢做某事6 喜欢听音乐7 玩得高兴8 使得某人 样9 使得某人做某事10 想要做某事 2 11 成为现实12 的一名成员 myfavouritefootballplayer lookstrong playfootballverywell inhisfreetime enjoydoingsth likelisteningtomusic enjoyoneself haveagoodtime makesb adj makesb dosth wanttodosth wouldliketodosth cometrue amemberof 一 根据句意或所给汉语提示填写单词1 my 梦想 istoplayinthenextworldcup 2 areyou 空闲的 now ihavesomequestionstoaskyou 3 nickplaysbasketballvery good 4 kobebryantismymyfavouritebasketball play 5 he study chineseeveryday 二 动词填空1 she clean herbedroomonceaweek 2 mymotherwantsus wash ourhandsbeforedinner 3 don tmakeme laugh inclass 4 hergrandfatherenjoys listen totheradio 5 wouldyoulikeyourson be amemberoftheschoolfootballteam 三 完成句子1 他来自南京 住在上海 he nanjingand shanghai 2 在我的业余时间里 我踢足球 my i football 3 dick喜欢看书 他是阅读俱乐部的一员 dick heis thereading 4 李华的梦想是什么 islihua s 5 姚明是我最喜欢的篮球运动员 yaomingis basketball 6 李军看起来很强壮 足球踢得非常好 lijun andplaysfootball 7 音乐使得我们高兴 music happy dream free well player studies cleans towash laugh listening tobe comesfrom livesin play makesus looksstrong verywell likesreading exercise1 用所给单词的正确形式填空1 jackisagood play inourschoolfootballteam 2 he notlive insuqian 3 henryplaysfootballvery good 4 hisfather come frombeijing 5 mumlooks everyday mumlooks atherson happy 6 ihaveabook of about billgates player well comes happy happily about doesn tlive ilovesports andilikebasketballverymuch yaomingismyfavouritebasketballplayer yaomingis32yearsold hewasamemberofthenba heplayedforrocket hecomesfromshanghai butnowheliveswithhisfamilyinbeijing helookstallandplaysbasketballverywell manypeoplelikehim now yaomingseldom 很少 playsbasketball buthedoesalotofcharitywork anditmakeshimhappy yaomingwantstodomorevoluntarywork hewantstohelpmorepeopleinneed ihopehisdreamwillcometrue 1 whoisthewriter sfavouritebasketballplayer a yijianlian b jeremylinc yaomingd wedon tknow 2 whoisyaoming a heisafootballplayer b heisawriter c heisabasketballplayer d heisateacher 3 whatdoesyaomingdonow a playbasketball b drawing c playingfootball d charitywork 4 whatisyaoming sdream a hewantstoplayinthenextworldcup b hewantstohelpmorepeople c hewantstobeanartist 艺术家 d wedon tknow c ilovesports andilikebasketballverymuch yaomingismyfavouritebasketballplayer yaomingis32yearsold hewasamemberofthenba heplayedforrocket hecomesfromshanghai butnowheliveswithhisfamilyinbeijing helookstallandplaysbasketballverywell manypeoplelikehim now yaomingseldom 很少 playsbasketball buthedoesalotofcharitywork anditmakeshimhappy yaomingwantstodomorevoluntarywork hewantstohelpmorepeopleinneed ihopehisdreamwillcometrue 1 whoisthewriter sfavouritebasketballplayer a yijianlian b jeremylinc yaomingd wedon tknow 2 whoisyaoming a heisafootballplayer b heisawriter c heisabasketballplayer d heisateacher 3 whatdoesyaomingdonow a playbasketball b drawing c playingfootball d charitywork 4 whatisyaoming sdream a hewantstoplayinthenextworldcup b hewantstohelpmorepeople c hewantstobeanartist 艺术家 d wedon tknow c c ilovesports andilikebasketballverymuch yaomingismyfavouritebasketballplayer yaomingis32yearsold hewasamemberofthenba heplayedforrocket hecomesfromshanghai butnowheliveswithhisfamilyinbeijing helookstallandplaysbasketballverywell manypeoplelikehim now yaomingseldom 很少 playsbasketball buthedoesalotofcharitywork anditmakeshimhappy yaomingwantstodomorevoluntarywork hewantstohelpmorepeopleinneed ihopehisdreamwillcometrue 1 whoisthewriter sfavouritebasketballplayer a yijianlian b jeremylinc yaomingd wedon tknow 2 whoisyaoming a heisafootballplayer b heisawriter c heisabasketballplayer d heisateacher 3 whatdoesyaomingdonow a playbasketball b drawing c playingfootball d charitywork 4 whatisyaoming sdream a hewantstoplayinthenextworldcup b hewantstohelpmorepeople c hewantstobeanartist 艺术家 d wedon tknow c c d ilovesports andilikebasketballverymuch yaomingismyfavouritebasketballplayer yaomingis32yearsold hewasamemberofthenba heplayedforrocket hecomesfromshanghai butnowheliveswithhisfamilyinbe


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