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译文赏析复习材料Made By Princess Yunyang英汉翻译:A Visit to Hengshan MountainAfter an hour of climbing, we finally found ourselves at the Zhurong peak, the very apex of the mountain, towering 1,296 meters above the sea level . There was no end of scenery, we could not help feeling intoxicated by the splendid view .To think that nature is so liberal of its allowance.The attraction and charm of Mount Hengshan owes much to its green trees and bamboos, growing Thick on all slopes, they present a green sea, extending as far as the eye can reach .The white clouds floating gracefully over the mountain added much to its beauty and charm. The mild sun looked down through the thick leaves, kissing the ground .The chorus of birds of all kinds mingled with a gentle freshening wind echoes in the valleys to our great delight . We felt as if we were in a fair land At noon , we picnicked in a dense forest,through which ran a murmuring creek .The water was so clear that we could see reflections of bamboos and trees and soft lazy clouds drifting across the sky .Here and there stood erect stone tablets and rocks with inscriptions of the noted scholars and celebrated monks in history.We shot a lot of pictures both of nature and ourselves in remembrance of the visit.It was already five when we were suddenly awakened from our long happy forgetfulness of ourselves and the world by the loud hooting of our car .We hurried downward with the sunsinking, dyeing the western sky rosy .翻译提示:这是一篇畅快淋漓,令人流连忘返的遊记,因此,翻译时要注意情与景的交融.语言必须流畅自然.,应如行云流水,一无滞碍.所以.句与句之间的衔接和连贯就成了关键.爬了一个小时后,我们终于登上了海拔高达1296米的衡山之颠祝融峰。在这里无限风光尽收眼底,我们为眼前的美景所陶醉,不禁为大自然的慷慨馈赠而感叹不已。衡山的魅力所在及诱人之处,最见于其绿树翠竹,它们蓊蓊郁郁,漫山遍野,犹如一片绿色的海洋,一望无际。悠悠白云缓缓飘过更为衡山平添几分秀色。和煦的阳光透过茂林修竹,亲吻大地。山谷之中百鸟齐鸣,徐风荐爽,令我们心旷神怡,如登仙境。正午时分,我们野宴于密林深处,林中小溪潺潺流过,溪水清冽,岸边竹树,天上闲云尽映。山中碑文石刻随处可见,上面锲有历代名士高僧的题咏。在这山光水色之中我们摄影留念,以致此游。正值我们游兴方酣,忘却人间何世,突闻骑车鸣笛,我们才如梦恍醒,不觉已经5点时分了。我们伴着西沉的斜阳匆匆下山。看夕阳将西天染成胭脂色。Felicias JourneyBy William TrevorThe sun is warm now ,the water of the river undisturbed. Seagulls teeter on the parapet in front of her, boats go by. The line of trees that breaks the monotony of the pavement is laden with leaves in shades of ruset. Figures stride purposefully on a distant bridge, figures in miniature, creatures that could be unreal. Somewhere a voice is loud on a megaphone.She is not hungry. It will be a few hours before she begins to feel hungry and then there will be the throwaway stuff in the bins The sky is azure , evenly blue, hardly faded at the edges at all. She moves a hand back and forth on a slat of the seat she is sitting on , her fingers caressing the smooth timber, the texture different where the paint has worn away.The gap left where a tooth was drawn a fortnight ago has lost its soreness . She feels it with her tongue , pressing the tip of her tongue into the cavity, recalling the aching there has been . It was the Welshman , Davo , who said that . They went along together because he knew the way . “Not many would bother with your toothache” Davo said. Not many would think toothache would occur in a derelicts mouth . “ You can always come back ,” the woman dentist said , “Dont be in pain.”The woman dentist has dedicated her existence to the rotten teeth of the derelicts , to derelicts odour and filth . Her goodness is a great mystery .She turns her hands so that the sun may catch them differently, and slightly lifts her head to warm the other side of her face .翻译提示:本文的写作手法为意识流. 它是20世纪西方小说的一种新兴写作手法与技巧.它表现人物意识不受理智控制的流动状态.使小说的叙述和表现获得心理时间的自由.它打破逻辑和时空的正常顺序.自由联想,情节跳跃.从而获得一种特殊艺术效果. 代表性作品如普鲁斯特的 詹姆斯.乔伊斯的等费利西娅的旅行阳光正暖,江面水波不兴。海鸥在她面前的护墙上摇摇摆摆地走着,船只从她身边驶过。一行树木打破了人行道的单调,树上长满了深浅不一的黄褐色树叶。远方桥上的行人正心无旁骛大踏步地向前走着,那些小人儿细细点点的,看上去影影绰绰、似真似幻。远处什么地方的扩音器里传来响亮的声音。她一点儿也不饿,还要再过几小时才会感到饿,那时候垃圾箱里自会有人家扔掉的东西。天空湛蓝湛蓝的,一丝云彩也没有,连天边的颜色都不见淡下去。她用手在座椅的一条横木上来回摩挲着,手指爱抚地摸着光滑的木头,油漆磨掉的地方木料的质感不同。两周前拔牙后留下的那个豁口现在已经不痛了。她用舌头舔着它,把舌尖伸进那个小洞里,同时回想着那曾经有过的痛楚。那话是那个威尔士人达沃说的,当时他们正搭伴一块儿往前走,因为他认识路。“没有多少人会为你的牙痛操心的。”他说。没有多少人会想到无家可归的人也会牙痛。“你什么时候都可以过来,”那个女牙医说,“别强忍着痛。”女牙医把自己献给了无家可归者的烂牙,献给了无家可归者身上的臭味和污秽。她的好心肠很是让人费解。 她翻转双手,让阳光从不同的角度拂照着它们,并且微微抬起头,让脸的另一侧也能感受到阳光的温暖。IsabellaBy Washington IrvingIsabella is one of the most beautiful characters in the pages of history(历史书中的一个绝代佳人). She was well formed, of middle size, with great dignity(行为得体) and gracefulness of deportment(举止端正) and a mingled gravity and sweetness of demeanour(意态严肃不乏温馨). Her complexion was fair, her hair auburn, inclining to red; her eyes were clear blue, with a benign expression, and there was a singular modesty in her countenance, gracing as it did, a wonderful firmness of purpose and earnestness of spirit(坚强意志与执着精神). Though strongly attached to her husband and studious of his fame(作为妻子她依附于她的丈夫,同时也很在意他的名声), yet she always maintained her distinct rights as an allied princess. She exceeded in beauty, in personal dignity, in acuteness of genius, and in grandeur of soul(若与其夫相比,容貌之美、人格之崇高、才智之敏捷、灵魂之高尚).翻译提示:华盛顿.欧文是美国文学之父.他所刻画的伊利莎白是西班牙历史上著名人物.西班牙曾是两个不同的王国,卡斯蒂利亚王国和阿拉贡王国, 伊利莎白是卡斯蒂利亚的王位继承人,.她与阿拉贡王国王储费迪南德结婚,.在他们的父王死后,西班牙统一.此前伊利莎白作过卡斯蒂利亚女王,婚后又作过阿拉贡女王.她曾支持哥伦布的航海事业,为人聪慧,好学.很有领导才能和政治远见.为史家称颂.技巧提示:一般人物描写忌用抽象词语.但欧文的刻画却反其道而行之.为何?而且结构整齐,又为何?伊莎贝拉是史篇中的绝代佳人之一,她修短合度,纤侬得体,举止端庄而不失优雅,仪态严肃而不乏温馨。肌肤白皙,秀发金褐,碧眸明澈,目光祥和。她既有温和而谦虚的外表,又具有坚强的意志与执着的精神。尽管她很体贴她的丈夫,尽量维护其名声,但她仍保持着作为一个联姻女王的明显的权利。若与其夫相较,无论容貌英俊,人格高尚,才智机敏,灵魂高尚均出其右。OF GREAT PLACEMen in great place are thrice servants : servants of the sovereign or state ; servants of fame; and servants of business .So as they have no freedom; neither in their persons nor in their actions nor in their times . It is a strange desire ,to seek power and to lose liberty; or to seek power over others and to lose power over a mans self . The rising unto place is laborious ;and by pains men come to greater pains ;and it is sometimes base ;and by indignities men come to dignities .The standing is slippery ,and the regress is either a downfall ,or at least an eclipse ,which is a melancholy thing . Cum non sis qui fueris, non esse cur veils vivere . Ney ,retire men cannot when they would ,neither will they when it were reason ;but impatient of privateness ,even in age and sickness ,which require the shadow ;like old townsmen ,that will be still sitting at their street door ,though thereby they offer age to scorn .Certainly great persons had need to borrow other mens opinions, to think themselves happy ;for if they judge by their own feeling ,they cannot find it; but if they think with themselves what other men think of them and that other men would fain be as they are, then they are happy as it were by report ; when perhaps they find the contrary within. .For they are the first that find their own griefs ,though they be the last that find their own faults .Certainly men in great fortunes are strangers to themselves, and while they are in the puzzle of business they have no time to tend their health either of body or mind . Illi mors gravis incubat,qui nolus nimis omnibus, ignotus moritur sibi 注:第一处斜体字意思是:When you are no longer what you were ,there is no reason why you should wish to live .第二处的意思是:It is a sad fate for a man to die too well known to himself .翻译提示:这是弗朗西斯培根的一段文字他是一与莎士比亚同时代人当时英语处于早期现代英语阶段就其中有一些古英语的语法和词义翻译时可用现代汉语或浅近的古汉语但注意不要文白交错 身居高位者,三重之仆役也:君王社稷之臣仆,名望声誉住奴仆,公事差务之役仆.故无论其人身,行动与时间,皆无自由而言.为追逐权力而失自由,欲谋治人之权而失自治之力,此诚不可思议也.历尽艰辛始登高位,徒一倍之艰辛换数倍之艰辛耳.若为谋高位而不择手段,以不誉之法取名誉之位,尤为人所不齿也.虽登高位亦立足难稳,一旦倾覆或身败名裂,或失昔日之尊.古人云:既失当年之盛,苟活世间,夫复何益? 已登高位者,则欲罢不能,鲜有急流勇退者或甘于寂寞者.既已老迈昏聩,固疾缠身,仍欲借高位以为荫庇,犹如巷口老翁虽不能远行,亦终日倚门长坐,不肯离去,徒令人笑其老而不死而已. 凡名高而位显者,皆需借他人之言以作自身之感,以他人以为幸者为一己之幸,而心中常苦悲者,实大不幸也.盖是辈所易感受者,内心之苦痛也,所不易感受者,己身之不智也.一旦跃居高位便视己身为陌路,终日苟营于案牍差务,而无暇顾及一己之身心,诚如古人云:悲哉,斯人之逝也,举世皆知其人而独不己知也.On BeautyBeauty means this to one and that to the other. And yet when anyone of us has seen that which to him is beautiful he has known an emotion which is in every case the same in kind .A ship in sail ,a blooming flower , a town at night , a lovely poem ,leaf shadows ,a childs grace, the starry skies , apple trees in spring , the thousand sights and sounds or words that evoke in us the thought of beauty - these are the drops of rain that keep the human spirit from death by drought . They are a stealing and a silent refreshment that we perhaps do not think about which goes on all the time . Beauty is the smile on the earths face , open to all,and needs but the eyes to see , mood to understand翻译提示:这篇短文论述的是审美观的因人而异,但审美所产生的愉悦感是对任何人都是相同的.同时论述了美对生活的重要性.在把握本文内在逻辑关系后主要是技巧的运用. .审美观念人各不同。然而当人们视其所见为美时,在他们心中所唤起的情感却总是相同的。扬帆小船,鲜花绽放,小镇夜色,清丽诗句,树影婆娑,天真雅趣,星光璀璨,果园春色,这万千景色,物鸣天赖,诗赋文章无不唤起我们对美的联想,它们如雨露甘霖滋润着人类的心田,使之免临干涸。它们潜移默化,润物无声,无时不在,无处不有,只不过不被我们所关注罢了。美是大地的微笑,人人得而享之。所需者敏锐之目光,善解之心灵耳。On Poetry By Robort FrostA poem is never a put-up job so to speak. It begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness , a lovesickness . It is never a thought to begin with. It is at its best when it is a tantalizing vagueness .It finds its thought and succeeds, or doesnt find it and comes to nothing. It finds its thought or makes its thought. I suppose it finds it lying around with others not so much to its purpose in a more or less full mind. Thats why it often comes to nothing in youth before experience has filled the mind with thoughts It may be a big emotion then and yet finds nothing it can embody in. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words. Lets say again: A poem particularly must not begin thought first翻译提示: 这是一篇论诗的短文. 因此必须要对诗歌的性质和特点有所了解. 如,诗的思与情的关系.同时, 我们也要注意这是一篇论说文,它应由论点,论据,结论组成,所以,要译好这篇短文需先明确论点是什么,只有抓住论点才容易找到结论, 其余便是论证部分.注意的问题:文中 it 一词出现率很高,它都指代什么?诗不是无病呻吟,而是有感而发,这种情感如鲠在喉,不吐不快。或发不评之憾,或表思乡之情,或诉相思之情。诗绝不是发端于思而是发端于情。当它的思想能诱人产生一种朦胧感时才为佳作。一首诗如果能有思想则算成功之诗,反之则一无是处。It finds(找到/发现) its thought or makes(赋予一种新思想) its thought。我想对于一个多少经历事事的人来说一首诗歌的思想与其他事物纠缠在一起,不一定就是作者的思想,这正是对于没有经历世事的年轻人诗歌的思想没有意义的原因。可能情感丰富却苦于不能体现它。这是可以先想它的思想,然后沿着它找到合适的词语,因此我再次重申:诗绝非发端于思。Pages from a workers life By William Z. FosterCommunists are particularly exposed to police frame-ups. Situations which mean nothing to other people may be full of dander for us. I have been in many tight corners of which the following are a few I managed to squeeze out of. Some years ago ,there was a big agricultural workers strike in California ,and the ranch owners had set up a real reign of terror .I was passing through San Francisco ,and it was decided that I should confer with the strike leaders . There must be no press publicity, however, because if my presence in the strike area were known it would be a signal for fresh vigilante attacks.In the strike center all went well until, by an ill chance , on the main street I ran smack into a reporter whom I had met in Frisco . It was impossible to avoid him ,so instantly I decided to try to deny my identity .“Hellow, Foster,” he sang out, “What are you doing here? Im working on the local sheet. Wont you give me a statement?”As best as I could, I put on a stony look of nonrecognition and replied, “Im afraid youve got the best of me .My name is not Foster and I dont know who you are.”He glanced at me incredulously. “What dont you remember me?” he said. “I had a long interview with you the last time you spoke in San Francisco.”Then it struck me that to get angry was my best way out, so I growled, “What are you trying to do,kid me?”At this, much bewildered, the reporter lamely apologized and made off down the street, occasionally glancing back and evidently undecided whether to believe his eyes or his ears. The strike leaders were alarmed when I told them what had happened, as the reporter was unfriendly.So everything was arranged for me to leave town next morning .Early enough I got up and went out to buy the paper, expecting to see my name plastered on the front page. And in truth I saw even more than I counted on.Big headlines shouted that the night before (while our committee was in session ) some persons ,allegedly two mysterious men seen lately in town ,had set off dynamite under one of the ranchers association warehouses .And then , right under this article , but with a separate headline ,was the reporters story of his peculiar meeting with me . It all looked very suspicious .What a lovely chance for the police to connect the two stories and to frame me for the dynamiting.翻译提示:这是上个世纪六十年代美国的事情,当时美国工人罢工的事常有发生,阶级矛盾比较尖锐。威廉。福斯特是时任美国共产党的总书记。共产党虽然允许存在,但美国当局可以制造一些借口把共产党人投入监狱。本文正是福斯特的一次亲身经历。这篇文章有参考译文。但质量不高。我们正是通过对译文的修改提高翻译水平。主要方法是通过语义成分分析的方法提高译文的准确性。参考译文:共产党人特别容易遭受警方的污蔑。一些情况对普通人来说非常平常的场合,对我们则充满了危险。我就经历过许多次惊险的场合。下面就是我死里逃生的几次经历。几年前,在加利福尼亚州发生一次农业工人的大罢工,农场主对这次罢工进行了残酷的镇压。当时我正路过旧金山,于是组织上决定让我留下来和罢工领导人共同商议罢工的具体事宜。 但这事一定不能被新闻界知道,因为如果我在罢工地区这事被公布出去,就会招致罢工集团再一次的袭击,必定会成为农场主的借口而使罢工行动受到再一次打击。在罢工中心本来一切顺利,可不巧的是,我在大街上撞上一个我在旧金山见过的记者,要避过他是不可能了,于是我当即立断决定否自己是福斯特。“你好,福斯特,”他大声打着招呼,“你到这里干什么? 我就在这里的一家报馆工作,怎么,不给我来一篇演说吗?”我尽力装出一付素不相识的模样,冷冷地回答说,“真是莫名其妙,我不叫福斯特,也不认识你是谁。”他看了看我,显然相信。“怎么,你不记得我了?他说,“你上次在旧金山讲演,我曾采访过你,还谈了很长时间。”这时,我灵机一动,想到摆脱他的最好办法是发火,因此,我大叫道,“你到底要干什么,寻我开心吗?”这么一来记着也懵了,一面支支吾吾地道歉着,一面顺着街道匆匆地溜了,不时地回过头看看,显然拿不定主意应该相信自己的眼睛,还是相信自己的耳朵。回去后,当我把发生的事讲给罢工领导人听时,他们大吃一惊,因为那记者是不怀好意的。于是他们为我安排好一切,让我第二天早晨离去。第二天一早我出门去买报,估计我的名字会赫然出现在第一版上。而事实上比我预想的还要糟。醒目大字标题说,昨天晚上(在我们委员会正在开会的时候)有人,据称就是近来在城里看见过的两个来历不明的人,在农场主协会所属的一个仓库下面点炸药。就在这篇文章的正下方,有一篇另起标题的文章,就是那记者报道的同我不寻常的会见。这一切不得不叫人怀疑。 把这篇报道联系在一起,从而诬陷我点了炸药,这对警方来说,该是好的机会啊!The First SnowBy Henry Wadsworth LongfellowThe first snow came. How beautiful it was,falling so silently all day long, all night long,on the mountains,on the meadows, on the roofs of the living ,on the graves of the dead. All white save the river ,that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape; and the leafless trees, that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches. What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion. Every sound was muffled , every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels. Only the chiming of sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.参考译文: 初雪初雪飘临. 多么美啊. 它整日整夜那么静静地飘着, 落在山岭上,落在草地上,落在世人的屋顶上,落在死者的坟墓上. 在一片白茫茫之中,只有河流在美丽的画面上 划出一道曲曲弯弯的黑线,还有那叶儿落净的树木,映衬着铅灰色的天空,此刻更显得枝丫交错,姿态万千. 初雪飘落时,是何等的宁谧,何等的幽静. 一切声响都趋沉寂,一切噪音都化作柔和的音乐. 再也听不见马蹄得得,再也听不见车轮辚辚. 唯有雪橇的铃铛,奏出和谐的乐声, 那明快欢乐的节拍犹如孩子们心房的搏动. 提示: 运用英美新批评的文本理论分析,并对参考译文做评论.1 语音层面2 结构与配置3 意义单位4 再现客体与图式化观相5 形而上质层面 The True Artist By Norman BethuneThe true artist lets himself go(从心所欲) .He is natural(凛性自然) . He “swims in the stream of his own temperament”. He listens to himself .He respects himself .He comes into the light of every-day like a great leviathan(海中巨兽) of the deep ,breaking the smooth surface of the accepted things ,gay(愉快的) ,serious , sportive(爱玩耍的) .His appetite for life is enormous .He enters eagerly into the life of man ,all men. He becomes all men in himself.The function of the artist is to disturb. His duty is to arouse the sleepers ,to shake the complacent(自鸣得意的、自满的) pillars of the world . He reminds the world of its dark ancestry, shows the world its present and points the way to its new birth .He is at once the product and preceptor of his time .After his passage we are troubled and made unsure of our too-easily accepted realities .He makes uneasy the static ,the set and the still .In a world terrified of change ,he preaches revolution - the principle of life. He is an agitator , a disturber of the peace -quick ,impatient ,positive ,restless and disquieting(不安的) .He is the creative spirit working in the soul of man .翻译提示:这篇文字主要练习翻译技巧,.有一些技巧不是教材上所归纳出的,所以有时需要我们自己在实践中总结和提炼才行.注意在翻译时运用它们.参考译文1真正的艺术家从心所欲,凛性自然,率性而为,他听自我 ,并尊重自我。他来到了日常生活的阳光底下,就像一头深海的巨兽. 他打破了日常生活中固有的平静 ,时而愉快地,时而严肃地,时而嘲弄地。他对生活期望很高。他闯进了人们的生活,全部人的生活。最后,他成了人精。艺术家的职责就是打破。他的责任是唤醒沉睡者,去摇撼世俗的自得的人们,他提醒世界黑暗的过去,显示现在的世界,还指出新生之路。他立刻成为了当时的产物和导师,他擦身而过之后,我们被他惊动。他令安于现状,墨守陈规和裹足不前的人心神不安起来。在一个恐惧变化的世界,他宣扬革命-生活的原则。他是鼓动家,是破坏安宁的人-迅速,急切,积极,烦躁而焦虑。他是人们灵魂中的创造力。参考译文2真正的艺术家从心所欲。他自由自在,悠然自得地在自己个性的川流中畅游。他倾听自我尊重自我。他以深海巨鲸的姿态,浮现在日常生活的阳光下,打破人们习以为常的平静的生活的洋面,轻松愉快,严肃认真,嘻笑自若。他酷爱生活,拥抱生活。他渴望与各种人物同命运,共呼吸。他成了所有人的化身。艺术家的职责就是要打破社会的平静,唤醒沉睡的人们,震撼那些自鸣得意的社会栋梁。他提醒世人不要忘记过去的黑暗,向他们昭示当今的世界,并指引他们新生的道路。他既是时代的产儿,也是时代的先锋。跟着他的脚步,你会变得困惑,你会对理所当然的现实产生怀疑。在一个惧怕变化的世界里,他公开宣扬变革乃是生活之本。他是一个鼓动家,一个打破平静生活的人物-聪颖敏捷,充满渴望,坚定果敢,不知疲倦和引发不安。他是活跃在人类灵魂中富有创造力的精灵。汉英翻译:八级考试 翻译部分(汉译英) 人是一个非常复杂的矛盾体.为了不受干扰地工作,常常要逃避世俗的热闹;可一旦长期陷入孤境,又感到痛苦,感到难以忍受. 一般情况下,我喜欢孤独. 我的最大爱好是沉思默想. 我可以一个人长时间地独处而感到愉快. 独享欢乐是一种愉快,独自忧伤也是一种愉快.孤独的时候,精神不会是一片纯粹的空白,它仍然是一个丰富多彩的世界.情绪上的大欢乐和大悲痛往往都在孤独中产生.孤独中,思维可以不依照逻辑进行.孤独更多地产生人生的诗情 - 激昂的和伤感的.孤独可以使人的思想向更遥远更深邃的地方伸展,也能使你对自己或环境作更透彻的认识和检讨. 当然,孤独常常叫人感到无以名状的忧伤. 而这忧伤有时又是很美丽的. 我喜欢孤独. 但我也惧怕孤独.Men is really a paradoxical creature. He tends to choose some secluded places void of worldly affairs so as to work without being disturbed. But once he fall into long loneliness he would find it painful and hard to bear.However, I prefer to be alone. My avocation is to indulge myself in meditation. I find it not unpleasant to stay all by myself, even for long. For to me, it is a treatment to brood over my sadness as well as to enjoy my happiness all exclusively. Lonely as I am, my inner world is far from being a sheer sheet of blank paper, but a rather colorful cosmus. It is aways in loneliness that wild joy and deep sorrow is produced; that the thought proceeds without complying with logic, thus a stronger poetic mood, passionate or sentimental, comes into being; that my thoughts are allowed to run further and deep into recesses, therefore, I am able to have a thorough congnition and critism of myself and the outside world.Loneliness can certainly arouse nonderscript melancholy, yet, it may be a melancholy with a sense of beauty.I like loneliness.But sometimes I fear it too.八级考试 汉译英部分徐霞客一生周


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