



实验3 了解网络广告一、实验时间:2学时二、实验目的1、了解网络广告的特点。2、掌握网络广告发布的操作。3、了解网上调查的流程。4、掌握网上调查的操作技巧。三、实验内容浏览B2C,B2B,C2C知名网站各一个,并根据每种网站完成以下内容:1、有哪些广告方式?每种广告方式各有什么特点?每种广告主要针对哪一类浏览者?B2C京东商城()广告方式:横幅广告、弹出式广告、文本链接广告、电子邮件广告、报纸式标准化广告B2B阿里巴巴()广告方式:横幅广告、弹出式广告、文本链接广告、报纸式标准化广告C2C淘宝()广告方式:横幅广告、弹出式广告、文本链接广告、报纸式标准化广告特点以及针对的浏览者类型:横幅广告:利用图片、动画等格式,放置在网页的上方或者中间来吸引消费者的注意,通常创意者进行构思在图片中表达广告宣传内容,一般动态的比静态的更加吸引眼球。是最为普遍的网络广告类型,适合所有类型的浏览者。弹出式广告:浏览者要登录一个网页时强制出现一个广告页面,在电子商务网站中一般是静态的,而且一般是在网页四周,不会占用很大的部分,不会打断浏览者的浏览,大多是为自己网站做的广告。适合不会反感这种强制式广告的浏览者。文本链接广告:是以一排文字作为一个广告,点击后可以进入相应的广告页面,对浏览者干扰较少,但较为有效。适合有耐心浏览的浏览者。电子邮件广告:费用低廉,广告内容不受限制,并且针对性强。例如京东在用户注册的时候需要填写电子邮件,当出货等消息发至邮箱中时,会有您可能感兴趣的商品一栏,便会列出网站根据追踪你的行迹,觉得你可能喜欢的商品。因为电子邮件广告的针对性极强,适合每一位浏览者。报纸式标准化广告:比横幅广告更加吸引人,看起来像是报纸或者杂志上的广告,图片下面配上文字,通常是在一个网页的专栏中,点击后会出现更多的信息。适合所有类型的浏览者。2、网络广告与传统广告的异同。相同点:它们的本质和目的是相同的,是为了某种特定的需要(如品牌宣传、促进销量),通过一定形式的媒体载体,公开而广泛地向公众传递信息的宣传手段。 不同点:1)它们的载体不同,传统广告一般是通过电视、广播、杂志和报纸传播的,而网络广告则是通过网络传播的。 2)传统广告是单向的大规模传播,而网络广告则实现了供求双方信息流的双向互动。 3)传统广告的制作成本较高,而网络广告的制作成本相对是较低的。因此,网络广告可以根据客户的需求快速制作并进行投放,而传统投放周期却很固定。4)传统广告在发布后很难更改,即使可以改动往往也需付出很大的经济代价,而网络广告可以按照客户需要及时变更广告内容。这样,广告主的经营决策变化就能及时实施和推广。3、广告费用的收取标准。按展示计费:CPM广告(Cost per mille/Cost per Thousand Impressions):每千次印象费用。广告条每显示1000次(印象)的费用。CPM是最常用的网络广告定价模式之一。 CPTM广告(Cost per Targeted Thousand Impressions) :经过定位的用户的千次印象费用(如根据人口统计信息定位)。CPTM与CPM的区别在于,CPM是所有用户的印象数,而CPTM只是经过定位的用户的印象数。 按行动计费:CPC广告 (Cost-per-click):每次点击的费用。根据广告被点击的次数收费。如关键词广告一般采用这种定价模式。PPC广告(Pay-per-Click):是根据点击广告或者电子邮件信息的用户数量来付费的一种网络广告定价模式。 CPA广告(Cost-per-Action) :每次行动的费用,即根据每个访问者对网络广告所采取的行动收费的定价模式。对于用户行动有特别的定义,包括形成一次交易、获得一个注册用户、或者对网络广告的一次点击等。CPL广告(Cost for Per Lead):按注册成功支付佣金。 PPL广告 (Pay-per-Lead):根据每次通过网络广告产生的引导付费的定价模式。例如,广告客户为访问者点击广告完成了在线表单而向广告服务商付费。这种模式常用于网络会员制营销模式中为联盟网站制定的佣金模式。按销售计费:CPO广告(Cost-per-Order) :也称为Cost-per-Transaction,即根据每个订单/每次交易来收费的方式。 CPS广告(Cost for Per Sale):营销效果是指,销售额。 PPS广告(Pay-per-Sale):根据网络广告所产生的直接销售数量而付费的一种定价模式。4、假设 自己要建立一个网站(要求写出网站主题),你打算采用哪些广告方式?打算在哪些网站上发布你的广告?如何节省广告费用?(都要求写出理由)网站主题:招聘网打算采用的广告方式有:、电子邮件广告,因为其成本低、信息发布速度快、反馈速度快,并且可以随时随地的把信息发送给找工作的人,节省广告费用。、横幅广告:可以和其它相关联的网站交互在各自的网站上显示出对方公司的广告,已达到节省广告费用的效果。打算在智联招聘网、人才招聘网等与招聘相关的网站上发布广告,因为可以和这些网站交互发布各自的广告已达到节省广告费的目的,同时这些网站与自己的网站主题一样,所针对的对象也一样,可以吸引浏览者来浏览自己的网站。5、阅读案例5.1或5.2,回答其后的问题。CASE5.11.DoubleClick can build a dossier on the visitor that is attached to an ID number that was assigned during the visitors first visit to any of the cooperating.2.As the visitor continues to visit the sides, an intelligent(software) agent builds a relatively complete dossier on the visitor that includes the sites they visit, the pages they looked at, the Internet address from which they can, and so on.3.Because it knows that potential buyers are people who work in advertising agencies, in information systems departments of large corporations, or in companies that use UNIX as their operating system.4.The participating sites carry the 3M ads and remember a visitors past behavior on the Internet.6、谈谈自己对网络广告的认识,并分析网络广告与传统广告相比的优劣。(此题要求用英文回答,不少于300个单词)With development of the Internet, especially in recent years, Internet plays an important role among people in society, and has an influence on peoples life. With the number of the Internet users increasing, more and more people pay attention to the profit that Internet can bring to them, including many advertisers in companies.Internet advertisement is growing rapidly in recent years. Many television viewers are migrating to the Internet, which causing the large number of Internet users. In addition, many Internet users are well educated and have high incomes. Therefore, many Internet surfers are a desired target for advertisers. Because of the presence of people, more and more companies choose put their advertising on the network.Internet advertising has a unique advantage, it is an important part of the modern marketing media strategy, it has fast results and is satisfactory, which is a good way for the expansion and growth of small companies, especially for extensive international business companies.Compared to the traditional advertising, the Internet advertising has many advantages and disadvantages. In terms of on the advantages, to begin with, Internet advertisements are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and global. As the people say, the internet breakthrough time and geographical constraints. This ensures the openness of the Internet advertising. Second, Internet advertising spread faster, the network does not have boundaries, and can spread information handy. On contrary, newspapers and magazines paper need typographical and to be printed, which take a lot of period. Third, Internet advertisement cost less than advertisements on TV, especially in prime time. Last, Internet advertisings are more targeted. Such as television, radio, they play for a lot of people, and people concern vulnerable. Internet advertising achieves interactive trading, one-on-one communication.As for disadvantages, there is not doubted that Internet advertisings have many disadvantages. First, there is no clear standard or language of measurement. And the law is not enough. Then, many areas in China does not have computers and Internet, causing audience is still small. Finally, Internet advertising is less authoritative than traditional advertising.7、阅读教材中“网络广告”部分内容,回答问题:Internet的出现给传统广告带来了什么样的变化?为什么越来越多的企业选择利用网络广告?Internet的出现给传统广告带来了什么样的变化?To begin with, television viewers are migrating to the Internet, which causing the large number of Internet users. In addition, many Internet users are well educated and have high incomes. Therefore, many Internet surfers are a desired target for advertisers. Finally, an ad in a print publication or on TV will not offer statistics tracking the number of people who actually saw the ad or even opened the page featuring an ad.为什么越来越多的企业选择利用网络广告?1. many Internet users are a desired target for advertisers. 2. The world of online advertising offers much more information and feedback.3. cost: Onl


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