



仰望星空,无怨无悔Look up at the stars and have no regrets夜,是宁静的。夜空,是典雅的。繁星点点的夜空,是奇幻的,是充满光明的,是无瑕的。躺在一望无际的绿地上,仰望着灿烂星空,感觉是那么美妙。恍恍惚惚的灿烂的星空,仿佛有种神奇的魔力,能让人引发无限的遐想。是啊!星空就如我们的人生,一颗颗星星就如人生中的一个个梦想。然而我的星空在哪里,属于我的那颗星又在哪里?The night is quiet. The night sky is elegant. The star-filled night sky is fantastic, bright and pure. Lying on the vast green land and looking up at the stars is so beautiful. The brilliant stars seem to have magical powers and give us unlimited feelings. Well! The sky is just like our life. A star is a dream in our lives. However, where is my sky? Where is the star that belongs to me?两年前,带着梦想,带着期待,我来到了湖口县第二小学,这个梦想出发的地方,开始了我新的旅途,全新的教师生涯。小时候,“长大后我就要成为你”的梦想终于实现了。初涉教坛的我可以说是意气风发、豪情万丈,对教学、对学生充满了无限的热望与期待。我决定将我一生的精力奉献给这项伟大的事业。正如当时一位同事所说:“我两手空空而来,我怀着满腔赤诚而来。”Two years ago, I came to No 2. primary school in Hukou County with my dream and expectation. I began my new journey and teaching career from the place where my dream started out. When I was young, the dream of “when I grow up I want to be a teacher finally came true. I was in high and energetic spirit when I first went into the career. I was filled with unlimited desire and expectation for my teaching and students. Therefore, I decided to devote my life to this great career. As a colleague said, I came here with nothing but with my absolute passion and sincerity. 但从教的生活是清苦的,艰辛的。教育家朱永新先生这样定义教师:“教师是一个冒险,甚至是危险的职业,伟人与罪人都可能在他的手中形成,因此教师必须如履薄冰,尽最大的努力让自己和自己的学生走向崇高。可正如那句流行语所说:理想很丰满,现实很骨感。面对并不理想的学生,一种莫名的无力感便困扰着自己,让人感觉到纵使有千般力气,万般想法却无处可施,一次又一次的激动换来的是一次又一次的失望。为追求梦想而来的我不懂得不怀疑当初的决定是正确。与此同时,在追求物质生活的今天,纵观当年的伙伴有考研深造学业的,有他乡成功创业的,有拿到公务员金饭碗的,可我呢?面对的是如沼泽地般无计可施的困境。眼睁睁的看着自己的青春像流沙一样在指缝间流走。最初的梦想还值得我坚持吗?将来的路如何走呢?就在我哀伤和犹豫的时候,突然,一颗火流星倏然滑过天际,竟使我内心颤栗了一下,感觉到一种穿透时空般的梦幻和不知所错的茫然。转瞬间,我明白了,流星划过夜空,为了刹那间的美丽,燃放了生命的全部。 But the teaching life is bitter and difficult. An educator Mr. Zhu Yongxin gave a definition of teachers: “Teacher is an occupation with adventures and even dangers. The great and the sinner may be taught by him. Therefore, teachers should be very careful and do their best to make themselves and their students find the noble goals.”However, as a popular saying goes: The ideal is fullness, the reality is very skinny. Facing the poor students, I felt a sense of helplessness and had no ways to solve it. I was disappointed instead of exciting. I was confused about the decision I made on my way to the dream. At the same time, I see my schoolfellows take post graduate examinations to further study, I see many entrepreneurs succeed in other places, I see many people work as public servants, but what about me? Facing the helpless difficulty just like swamps, I felt my youth just like quicksand flowing through my fingers. Should I persist in my original dream? How my future of the road should go? When I was sad and unconfident, a meteor suddenly I saw crossing through the sky made me shock and gave me a fancy through time and space and vacant feelings. In another moment, I understand the meteor crossing the night sky burned its life to show the moment of beauty.遗憾啊,我怎能在小小的困难面前畏缩不前。一股前所未有的动力驰骋在体内,我要将最初的梦想牢牢的握在手上 ,当初最想要去的地方决对不会在半路就返航。我相信,只要不低头,美好的初衷总会像流星般绽放,或早或晚。熄了灯闭上眼,即将逝去的两年的灿烂和朴实在脑中细细研磨,开心的,孤独的,晴朗的,落寞的都在渐渐随风散去,我坚信我的星空就在这三尺讲台上,我愿化作那颗火流星,用一生的努力划过天空,留给世人耀眼的光芒 。最后我想说,做一名教师,我自豪,做一名教师,我无怨无悔.I feel very regretful! How can I hang back when I encountered some difficulties? I feel an unknown force inside my body and I will firmly hold my first dream. I will never be back on the way to the place where I wanted to go. I believe my beautiful dream is like a blooming meteor sooner or later as long as I never give up. When I closed my eyes after turning off the light, I thought over past two years of my teaching experience. Happiness, loneliness and brightness will gradually go with the wind. I believe my sky is on the three-foot lecte


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