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2019中考英语完形填空选练(11)Passage 9(2019中考选练)Last autumn, my 80-year-old grandmother was having problems with her heart. My family sent her to the_ After a careful examination, a famous doctor told my grandmother, “You have such a_ heart condition that you should have an operation.” “But the complications (并发症) can happen.” the doctor_my grandmother and looked at her worried face. The doctor went on to say that she would have a 40 percent possibility of having a heart trouble _the operation, a 35 percent possibility of being unable to stand up, and even 20 percent of_on the operating table because of her old age. My grandmother was terribly surprised and quickly said, “Doctor, since youre talking about these _, I have one for you: there is a 100 percent possibility that you wont operat on me! ”_these words, my grandmother got up and_the doctors office. The next day, my grandmother went to_doctors office. There she was also told she needed an _. The doctor also said that her_might cause some problems. _ he was quite sure about the success of operation. My grandmother might be brave, but she is not silly. She then asked the doctor, “If I am your mother, what will you_?” The doctor walked up to her, smiled, put his arms_her, and said, “Mom, lets have the operation!” My grandmother had the operation and came out_! Her positive attitude (乐观的心态) added many wonderful and happy years for her and enjoy living with my family.1A park B hotel C restaurant D hospital2A wonderful B serious C difficult D proper3A advised B warned C promised D encouraged4A during B before C till D against5A fighting B hurting C returning D dying6A actions B changes C possibilities D conditions7A At B With C for D By8A left B researched C passed D visited9A other B the other C another D one10A operation B experience C offer D examination11A weight B height C length D age12A when B if C but D because13A imagine B recommend C mind D need14A over B above C around D below15A fine B disabled C dead D sad【解析】【分析】试题分析:本文作者祖母心脏有问题,家人送她去了医院。作者讲述了乐观积极的祖母接受手术、最终与家人过着幸福的生活的故事。1句意:我家人送她去了医院。A. park 名词,公园;B. hotel名词,旅馆;C. restaurant名词,饭店;D. hospital名词,医院。根据前文Last autumn, my 80-year-old grandmother was having problems with her heart.可知,“生病”应该去“医院”。故选:D。2句意:你心脏情况非常严重,应该做手术。A. wonderful形容词,精彩的;B. serious形容词,严肃的、严重的;C. difficult形容词,困难的;D. proper形容词,合适的。应该做手术说明心脏问题 “严重”。故选:B。3句意:医生告诫我祖母,看着她焦虑的脸。A. advised 动词,建议;B. warned动词,警告、告诫;C. promised动词,允诺;D. encouraged动词,鼓励。根据前文医生说的话,“告诫”符合语境。故选:B。4句意:医生接着说,她的手术会有心脏麻烦的可能性为40%,无法站立的可能性为35%,甚至有20%的人因为年龄大而死在手术台上。A. during介词,在期间;B. before介词,在之前;C. till介词,直到; D. against介词,反对、倚、靠。根据语境可知,是指 “在手术期间”。故选:A。5句意:医生接着说,她在手术中会有心脏麻烦的可能性为40%,无法站立的可能性为35%,甚至有20%的人因为年老而死在手术台上。A. fighting战斗;B. hurting伤害;C. returning归还、返回;D. dying死。根据语境“做手术”可知,本处指“死亡”之意。故选:D。6句意:医生接着说,她在手术中会有心脏麻烦的可能性为40%,无法站立的可能性为35%,甚至有20%的人因为年龄大而死在手术台上。A. actions名词,行动;B. changes名词,改变; C. possibilities名词,可能;D. conditions名词,状况、环境。本处是预测,所以表达“可能性”符合语境。故选:C。7句意:说完这些话,我祖母起身离开了医生的办公室。A. At介词,在,表示时间或地点;B. With介词,随着、关于;C. for介词,为了;D. By介词,通过。With these word在句中作伴随状语。故选:B。8句意:说完这些话,我祖母起身离开了医生的办公室。A. left动词,离开;B. researched动词,研究;C. passed动词,通过;D. visited动词,参观、看望。根据下文The next day, my grandmother went to_9_doctors office.可知,“祖母离开医生办公室”符合语境。故选:A。9句意:第二天,我祖母去了另一个医生的办公室。A. other形容词,其他的,泛指,后跟可数名词复数;B. the other剩下的,特指; C. another形容词,另一、又一,后跟单数名词,泛指,不包括前文提到的人或物;D. one数词,一个,泛指,有可能包括前文提到的那位医生。区别前文The doctor,“另一个医生”符合语境。故选:C。10句意:在那里,她也被告知需要手术。A. operation名词,手术; B. experience名词,经验、体验;C. offer名词或动词,提供、供应;D. examination名词,检查。根据前文,一直在以“手术”为话题,所以选择单词operation。故选:A。11句意:医生还说她的年龄可能会引起一些问题。A. weight名词,重量;B. height名词,高度; C. length名词,长度;D. age名词,年龄。根据前文and even 20 percent of_5_on the operating table because of her old age可知,本处指年龄问题。故选:D。12句意:但他对手术的成功很有把握。A. when连词,当时候,引导时间状语从句;B. if连词,如果,引导条件状语从句;C. but连词,但是,表示转择关系;D. because连词,因为,引导原因状语从句。根据上下文意,可知是“转择关系”。故选:C。13句意:如果我是你的母亲,你会推荐什么?A. imagine动词,想像;B. recommend动词,推荐、劝告;C. mind动词,介意;D. need动词,需要。根据语境可知是寻求建议,与“推荐”之意相符。故选:B。14句意:医生走到她身边,微笑着,搂着她说:“妈妈,我们做手术吧!” A. over介词,在上面/通过;B. above介词,在上面;C. around介词,围绕;D. below介词,在下面。根据语境可知此处为“环抱、搂着”之意,与around意思相符。故选:C。15句意:我祖母做了手术,结果很好。A. fine 形容词,好的;B. disabled形容词,残疾的; C. dead形容词,死的;D. sad形容词,悲伤的。根据后文Her positive attitude (乐观的心态) added many wonderful and happy years for her and enjoy living with my family可知,手术结果很好。故选:A。【点睛】整体把握语篇大意,揣摩上下文文意,理解语境,选择最契合文意的选项;理清上下文之间的转折、承接、因果等关系,选择合适的连词;明确人称代词的指代关系;辨析近义词(组)other, the other, another等,把握其不同的含义和用法。Passage 10 (2017汕头市澄海区模拟)A woman in her sixties lived alone in her little house with a pear tree at her door. She spent all her time _1_ the tree. But the children nearby drove her crazy by making fun of her. They would climb her tree and then _2_with pears, shouting “Aunty Misery” at her. One evening, a passerby asked to _3_ for the night. Seeing that he was a trusted man, she let him in and gave him a nice treat. The next morning the stranger, a sorcerer (巫师), thanked her by making her wish come true. That is anyone who climbed up her _4_ should not be able to come back down unless she agreed to let him go. When the children came back to steal her fruit, she had them stuck(卡) on the tree. They had to beg her _5_ she gave the tree agreement to let them go. Aunty Misery was free from the _6_ at last. One day _7_man stopped at her door. This one didnt seem _8_, so she asked who he was. “I am Death. Ive come to take you with me,” said he. Thinking fast, Aunty Misery said, “Fine, but Id like to pick some pears from my dear tree to remember the _9_ it brought to me in this life. But I am too old to climb high to get the best fruit. Would you please do it for me?” Mr. Death climbed up the tree and was _10_ stuck to it. No matter how much he warned or begged, Aunty Misery would not allow the tree to let him go.()1. A. worrying about B. cutting down C. dealing with D. taking care of()2. A. throw away B. run away C. take away D. put away()3. A. stay B. live C. hide D. relax()4. A. house B. door C. tree D. wall()5. A. before B. while C. since D. after()6. A. fun B. question C. trouble D. danger()7. A. another B. other C. the other D. any other()8. A. handsome B. safe C. honest D. poor()9. A. pleasure B. pride C. excitement D. hope()10. A. certainly B. probably C. immediately D. sadly完形填空15 D B A C A610 C A C A CPassage 11(2019中考选练) He was pleased to learn that Chibi knew all the places where the wild grapes and wild potatoes grew. He was amazed to _how much Chibi knew about all the flowers in our class garden. He liked Chibis black and white drawings and put them up on the wall to be _. He liked Chibis own handwriting, which no one but Chibi could read, and he put that up on the wall. But, when Chibi appeared on the stage at the talent show of that year, no one could _hiseyes.“ Who is that?”“ What can that stupid do up there?” Until Mr Isobe announced that Chibi was going to imitate(模仿)the voices of crows. “ Voices?”“ Voices of crows?”_he imitated the voices of newly hatched crows. And he made the mother crows voice. He showed how crows cry early in the morning. He showed how crows cry when the village people have some unhappy accident. He showed how crows _when they are happy and cheerful. Everybodys mind was taken to the_mountainside from which Chibi probably came to school. Chibi made very special _deep down in his throat(喉咙)to imitate a crow in an old treein the end. Now everybody could imagine_the far and lonely place where Chibi lived with his family. Then Mr Isobe explained _ Chibi had learned those calls-leaving his home for school at sunrise, and arriving home at sunset, every day for six long years. Every one of us cried, thinking how much we had been _ to Chibi all those long years. He was a boy beyond our usual imagination!1A complain B count C find D refuse2A admired B printed C punished D avoided3A check B hurt C open D believe4A Later B Next C Last D First5A jump B call C fly D dance6A far B crowded C near D modern7A scripts B reports C speeches D sounds8A hardly B happily C exactly D peacefully9A what B how C whether D who10A wrong B kind C honest D generous【解析】【分析】本篇短文内容取材于日本画本书乌鸦太郎,讲述了一个叫chibi的农村男孩,每天走很远路去上学,沉默寡言,独来独往。后来经过Mr. Isobe的推荐,chibi在舞台上学乌鸦的叫声,他发出的这些惟妙惟肖的叫声,让人想到这个孤单的孩子,是如何一天天一个人在旷野里奔跑,追着一群乌鸦,奋力地把自己的声音融汇到它们中间去,很多人听着流下了眼泪。1句意:他惊奇地发现赤壁对我们班花园里所有的花儿知道很多。A. complain 抱怨;B. count 计数;C. find 发现;D. refuse 拒绝。根据上文He was pleased to learn(他高兴地了解到)可知此处应为“惊奇的发现”,故选C。2句意:他喜欢赤壁的黑白绘画,把他的画挂在墙上欣赏。A. admired 赞美,欣赏;B. printed 印刷;C. punished 惩罚;D. avoided 避免,根据“He liked Chibis black and white drawings,”可知因喜欢而去称赞追崇,故选 A。3句意:没人相信自己的眼睛。A. check 检查;B. hurt 伤害;C. open 打开;D. believe 相信。根据上下文,当赤壁出现在才艺舞台上时,没有人相信自己的眼睛,故选D。4句意:首先,他模仿新孵出的乌鸦的声音。A. Later 后来;B. Next 下一个;C. Last 最后;D. First 第一,根据“he imitated the voices of newly hatched crows. And he made the mother crows voice”,推出句意:首先,他模仿新孵出的乌鸦的叫声,然后他发出了乌鸦妈妈的声音,故答案选 D。5句意:他表演了乌鸦高兴或兴奋时发出的声音。A. jump 跳;B. call 呼叫;C. fly 飞;D. dance 跳舞。本段一直在讲述chibi模仿乌鸦的声音,此处应为乌鸦高兴或兴奋时的声音,根据下文提示Chibi had learned those calls,故选B。6句意:每个人的心思都被带到远处的山坡上,赤壁来上学的地方。A. far 远的;B. crowded 拥挤的;C. near 附近的;D. modern 现代的,根据后文Now everybody could imagine _ the far and lonely place where Chibi lived with his family. 每个人都能准确的想象出赤壁和他的家人居住的遥远而孤独的地方,推出此处是指:每个人的心思都被带到远处的山坡上,故选 A。7句意:赤壁在他喉咙深处发出非常特殊的声音,最后模仿出老树上的乌鸦的声音。A. scripts 原稿;B. reports 报告;C. speeches 演讲;D. sounds 声音,根据 deep down in his throat(喉咙) to imitate a crow 在他的喉咙深处发声去模仿一只乌鸦,推出是模仿乌鸦的声音,故选 D。8句意:现在每个人都能想象出赤壁和他家人居住的遥远而孤独的地方。A. hardly 几乎不;B. happily 幸福地;C. exactly 正确地;D. peacefully 平静地。结合语境可知,人们完全想象出赤壁所居住的环境,故选 C。9句意:然后,Isobe先生解释了赤壁是如何学到这些声音的。在日出时离开家去上学。A. what 什么;B. how 如何;C. whether 是否;D. who 谁,根据 Then Mr. Isobe explained Chibi had learned those calls,推出句意:然后 Mr. Isobe 解释赤壁如何学到这些叫声的,故选 B。10句意:我们每个人都哭了,想着我们在过去的岁月里对赤壁有多大的误解。A. wrong 错误的;B. kind 热心的;C. honest 诚实的;D. generous 慷慨的,根据前文 Who is that? What can that stupid do up there?“那是谁?”“那个笨蛋能在那里做什么?”可知大家长期对他有错误认识,故选 A。【点睛】完形填空题与单项选择题不同,它给出的是一篇意思较为完整的短文。做该题型试题时,首先应跳过空格通读全文,以全文为背景,联系句子的上下文进行推理和判断,从4个选项中选出一项进行试填。考生可以从词义用法、固定搭配、逻辑推理和上下文的联系等方面去考虑。最后应再把全文通览一遍,细心检查所选答案能否使短文上下连贯,前后呼应,词句通顺,使短文意思完整。检查时还应从语法、惯用法、逻辑推理和事情发生的情节等方面进行考虑,以达到准确无误之目的。例如第10小题是考查形容词辨析,根据前一句“Every one of us cried”再结合前面所说的话“What can that stupid do up there?”可以推测大家对多年来对赤壁的错误认识感到内疚,故答案选A。Passage 12I am a 16yearold American girl. I always have a big dream. I would like to be a doctor when I _1_ because I think I am the right person to be. Do you know _2_? Let me tell you now. Firstly, I was born in a doctors _3_. Both of my parents are doctors. So I am always _4_ in medicine. Secondly, though my parents are always working for pati


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