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Language points1. lash vt. 鞭打(1) to strike with or as if with a whip.:用或仿佛用鞭子击打(2) to strike against with force or violence: 猛烈打击:用强力或暴力打击:e.g. Sleet is lashing the roof. (3) to make a scathing oral or written attack against. 抨击: 2. scoff vt./vi.to laugh or to mock at. 嘲笑或嘲弄scoff at sb. sth. 嘲弄某人某事scoff at difficulties 藐视困难scoff sb.s fear 嘲弄某人的恐惧n. an expression of mocking or scorn. 嘲笑或讥笑e.g. be the scoff of the town 成为全城的笑柄3. sway vi. (1) to swing back and forth or to and fro., swing 摇摆:前后或来回摆动(2) to incline or bend to one side; veer: 歪,倾斜:倾或弯向一侧;转向:e.g. She swayed and put out a hand to steady herself. 她倒向一边伸出一只手稳住自己vt.(1) to cause to swing back and forth or to and fro. 使前后或来回摇摆e.g. sway a sword 挥剑(2) to cause to incline or bend to one side. 使倾斜:使倒向或变向一边n.the act of moving from side to side with a swinging motion. 摇摆:摇摆着从一边向另一边移动的动作4. illusion n. (1) an erroneous perception of reality. 错觉,假象:对现实错误的看法e.g. an optical illusion 视错觉(2) an erroneous concept or belief. 错误的观念:错误的观念或信仰 e.g. cherish the illusion that . 错误地认为.Language points5. devastating adj. completely destructive e.g. The flood was devastating for the country.devastate v.(1) to lay waste; destroy. 变成废墟,荒芜;破坏 e.g. The bombing devastated most of the farm land in that area. A long war devastated Europe.长期的战争破坏了欧洲。(2) to overwhelm; confound; stun: 推翻;挫败;打昏:e.g. He was devastated by the rude remark. 被粗鲁的言论搅昏了头6. glance at (1) to direct the gaze briefly: 粗略地看一下:e.g. glance at the menu; glanced in the rearview mirror.粗略地看了一下菜单;扫了一下反视镜(2) to move rapidly from one thing to another. Used of the eyes.扫视:迅速从一件东西转向另一件东西,用于眼睛n.(1) a brief look: 浏览:粗略的或仓促的看:e.g. gave the paper a glance before breakfast. 在早餐之前浏览一下报纸(2) a quick flash of light; a gleam. 光的极快闪烁;闪光at first glance: on initial consideration: 在最初考虑上:e.g. At first glance the plan seemed unworkable. 乍一看此计划好象不可行 7. They were careening wildly, three feet in either direction: They were swaying up to three feet high from side to side, like a ship in a great storm.careen v(1) to lurch or swerve while in motion. 蹒跚而行:在运动过程中突然侧倾或偏斜(2) to rush headlong or carelessly; career: 冲撞:头向前猛冲或漫不经心;急驰:e.g. The boy careened through forests desperately.8. cast into an extraordinary purgatory that morning: throw into the condition of great suffering that morningpurgatory n. a place or condition of great suffering受难之时或受难之地:受难、赎罪或忏悔的地方或状态:e.g. a purgatory of drug abuse. 滥用毒品而引起的痛苦9. For some, it was a matter of geography: For some, whether they could survive depended on where they were10. dilemma n.a situation that requires a choice between options that are or seem equally unfavorable or mutually exclusive.进退两难:需要在相等或相互排斥的选择物之间进行选择的处境e.g. be in a dilemma 左右为难be on the horns of a dilemma 左右为难place sb. in a dilemma 使某人处于进退两难的境地put sb. in/into a dilemma使人左右为难; 使人进退两难Language points11.off and on adv.not happening continuously or regularly; in an intermittent manner:断断续续; 不规则地; 不时地e.g. She slept off and on last night.12 transfer vt.(1) to convey or cause to pass from one place, person, or thing to another.转移:传递或使从一个地方、人或事物移到另一地方、人或事物(2) (Law) to make over the possession or legal title of; convey.【法律】 转让:将财产或法律权利转让;让与vi.(1) to move oneself from one location or job to another. 调动:使自己调换地方工作(2) to withdraw from one educational institution or course of study and enroll in another. 转学:退出一个教育机构或一门课程并加入到另一个中去(3) to change from one public conveyance to another: 转乘:从一种公共交通设施转换到另一个:e.g. We transferred to another bus at Peoples square. 转乘另一辆公共汽车n.13. reassuring adj. make someone feel less worried or frightened 安心的, 可靠的reassure vt.(1) 再保证; 使安心(2) 使恢复信心和勇气e.g. People are reassured. 人心安定了。The captains confidence during the storm reassured the passengers.在风暴中船长的信念使旅客们恢复了信心。reassurance n.14. Ramos had waded into the pandemonium to help panicked workers onto a stairwell: He had walked into the wild chaos with great difficultywade vi.(1) to walk in or through water or something else that similarly impedes normal movement. 涉水:走进或趟过水或其它同样阻碍正常运动的东西(2) to make ones way arduously: 艰难地行进:e.g. waded through a boring report. 不耐烦地听一个枯燥的报告vt. to cross or pass through (water, for example) with difficulty:跋涉:艰难地穿过或通过(如水):e.g. wade a swift creek. 涉过险要的山涧n.the act or an instance of wading. 跋涉:涉水或艰难行走的动作或行为pandemonium n.a very noisy place or noise 嘈杂的地方, 吵杂:狂乱的喧闹e.g. The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium. 整个门厅一片嘈杂panic n.(1)a sudden, overpowering terror, often affecting many people at once; fear 惊恐,恐慌:一种突然的难以抗拒的恐惧,常常同时影响许多人(2) a sudden widespread alarm concerning finances, often resulting in a rush to sell property: 经济恐慌:有关金融方面的突然的广泛的恐慌,常常导致倾销财产:e.g. a stock-market panic. 股市恐慌adj.(1) of, relating to, or resulting from sudden, overwhelming terror:惊慌失措的,恐慌的:突然的广泛传播的惊慌的,与其有关的或由其引起的:e.g. panic flight. 惊慌失措的逃走(2) of or resulting from a financial panic: 财务恐慌的:金融大恐慌的,由其引起的:e.g. panic selling of securities. 金融大恐慌导致的债券抛售vtpanicked, panicking, panics to affect or be affected with panic; frighten 使恐慌,受恐慌影响Language points 15. descent n.(1) the act or an instance of descending. 下降,降落:下降的动作或实例 e.g. The descent of the mountain took nearly two hours.下山差不多花了两个小时。(2) hereditary derivation; lineage: 出身,血统,祖籍:遗传血统;家系:e.g. a person of African descent. 一个非洲血统的人 Many Americans are of English descent. 许多美国人的祖籍是英国。descend v.(1) to move from a higher to a lower place; come or go down.下来:从较高的地方移到较低的地方;降下(2) to come from an ancestor or ancestry: 遗传下来,传下:来自祖先:e.g. She was descended from a pioneer family. 她来自一个早期的开拓者家庭 The house has descended through four generations.这座房子已经传了四代 16. contract vt.(1) to enter into by contract; establish or settle by formal agreement:定约:通过合同契约开始从事;通过正式协议制定或确定:e.g. contract a marriage. 订婚(2) to reduce in size by drawing together; shrink. 通过收紧使尺寸缩小;收缩vi.(1) to enter into or make an agreement: 开始受协议约束或制订协议:e.g. contract for garbage collection. 同意垃圾收集(2) to become reduced in size by or as if by being drawn together:通过被收紧或者似乎通过收紧而缩小尺寸:e.g. The pupils of the patients eyes contracted. 病人眼睛的瞳孔缩小了Language points17. So Hong the guinea pig instead (Para. 16): So Hong decided to test the safety of the elevator himself.guinea pig 动豚鼠, 天竺鼠a person who is used as a subject for experimentation or research.【非正式用语】 供实验的人:被用来做实验或进行研究的人e.g. Doctor Wang always uses himself as a human guinea pig to a treatment of Chinese medicine which may cure some diseases18. collapse vi.(1) to fall down or inward suddenly; cave in. 倒塌:突然倒下或塌陷;塌陷 e.g. Numerous houses collapsed as a result of the Tangshan Earthquake in 1976. 在1976年, 无数的房屋因唐山地震而倒坍。(2) to break down suddenly in strength or health and thereby cease to function:崩溃:力量或健康突然停顿并因此陷于瘫痪:e.g. a monarchy that collapsed. 崩溃的君主制 e.g. If you work too hard, your health may collapse. 如果你工作太累的话, 你可能病倒。(3) to fold compactly: 折叠:紧凑地对折起来:e.g. chairs that collapse for storage. 折起椅子以便收藏This bridge table collapses. 这张桥牌桌子能折叠。vt.to cause to fold, break down, or fall down or inward. 使折叠,使崩溃或使倒塌e.g. Collapse the table and put it away, please. 请把桌子折叠起来放在一边。n.(1) the act of falling down or inward, as from loss of supports.倒塌:倒塌的行为,如因失去支撑(2) an abrupt failure of function, strength, or health; a breakdown.崩溃:功能、力量或健康方面的突然衰退;崩溃(3) an abrupt loss of perceived value or of effect:暴跌,瓦解:已获得的利益或效果的突然丧失:e.g. the collapse of popular respect for the integrity of world leaders.对世界领袖的正直无私的普通尊敬的瓦解collapsibility n. 崩溃性, 退让性collapsible or collapsable adj.Language points19. The rumbles of the collapsing tower next door seemed to sap the heavyset man of his last gasps of energy (Para. 24): The collapsing of the South Tower seemed to weaken the last


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