高中英语 Module 6 Animals in Danger测试题 外研版必修5(1).doc_第1页
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14-15学年外研高二上学期5册module6测试 class: name: marks: 满分(120)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)a my mom just bought me a new bike. since my cousin mary didnt have a bike with her, she walked next to me. i thought that mary would jump on the luggage carrier (行李架) over the back tire when i was riding. mom knew exactly what i was thinking. “dont ride the bike with mary on the back,” she said. “its too dangerous. you could kill yourself. take turns.”i nodded, but i was thinking i could handle this. a few minutes later, i turned right to a wide road. “jump on the back,” i told mary. i rode fast, laughing as the wind blew through our hair. it was exciting, until the handlebar (车把) started shaking. the front tire dropped into a drain (下水道) and i fell off the bike, still holding the handlebar. my face, hands, and knees crashed into the pavement. the pain in my mouth was unbearable, and i tasted blood. i turned towards mary who was on the ground, holding her knee and crying. seconds later, it seemed that my moms car stopped next to us. i wanted mom to say, “oh, my poor sweetheart. let me hug you and everything will be fine.”however, my mom only said, “what have you done to your face? vanessa, look at what youve done!” mom wasnt the gentle “i love you, sweetie” type. sometimes, i thought mom had no mercy. but in her own way, she was holding me tighter than i could understand she was teaching me the lesson i needed. “you did it deal with it and learn from it. one day, the consequences (后果) will be greater and i wont be there to help you. think it out, vanessa.”1. we can learn from the text that . a. vanessa fell because she didnt hold the handlebar b. vanessa and mary rode the bike by turns c. vanessa was blown down by the heavy wind d. vanessa and mary were all injured2. in the authors opinion, her mother . a. was always gentle to her b. encouraged her all the time c. was cold sometimes d. didnt care about her at all3. whats the main idea of the last paragraph? a. vanessas mother was strict with her. b. vanessa understood her mothers love. c. vanessas mother would leave her. d. vanessa wasnt eager for her moms hug any more.b care london to paris cycle challenge in this challenge youll cycle from london to paris in three days, enjoying the beautiful countryside along the way.you will cycle through the peace of rural (乡村的) england to portsmouth, where you will cross the river by boat to ouistreham. the route then winds through peaceful lands and attractive villages, where you can taste fine french food before cycling to your final destination, paris.why join our london to paris cycle challenge?this is a great way to get fit and experience the best of rural europe with friends, colleagues or on your own as a personal challenge. the money you raise will support cares work around the world. care works to help poor people lift themselves out of poverty (贫穷). for example, we support volunteers like eugenia who travels by bike to distant towns near her home in peru to make sure pregnant (怀孕的) women and new mothers receive medical care. before, women were often left with little support or language barriers which meant medical care assistants could not communicate effectively with them. with local volunteers support, women living in remote areas can benefit from health services.what is included on the london to paris cycle challenge?guides, medicine and support staffthree nights accommodationmeals during the challenge, including a celebration meal on the final night in parisboat from portsmouth to ouistrehamreturn from paris to londonthe minimum amount of the money youll have to collect for this challenge is 1,350, which includes your registration (注册) fee. well support you throughout your training and general preparation. 4. care is probably the name of . a. a constructionb. a place c. an eventd. an organization5. care london to paris cycle challenge is held mainly to . a. help people keep fit b. develop travel industry c. raise money for charity d. call on environmental protection6. eugenia is mentioned in the text because . a. she is fond of cycling b. she helps people in need c. she is a former championd. she is preparing for the cycling 7. which part of the journey needs boat transportation? a. from portsmouth to ouistreham.b. from london to ouistreham.c. from ouistreham to paris.d. from paris to london. c when paul cave was 19, his father-in-law told him how, on march 19, 1932, he had queued (排队) up for two days at wynyard station so he could buy the first rail ticket to cross the sydney harbour bridge. in 1985, two days before he died, he gave that ticket to cave ticket number 00001. “it created a fascination (酷爱) with the bridge that i have to this day,” says cave. and it started him on a long journey towards another harbour bridge first. cave came up with a simple but daring idea lease (租用) the bridge from the government and allow ordinary people to climb australias greatest icon. “i thought it would take two years,” says cave, 63. “what appeared like a simple job turned into some very complex activities. but in business, you just have to keep going its about having self-belief.” indeed, it took him nine years and ten months to convince the nsw government to allow his dream to be a reality. “six years were wasted dealing with some very restrictive officials,” says cave. they threw difficulty after difficulty in his path with doubts over the safety of the climbers and the motorists below the list went on and on. through it all, cave held the ticket tightly. it was a constant reminder of why, to cave, this fight was worth winning. finally, in 1995, came the breakthrough (突破) hed worked for a letter arrived from workcover, the states occupational health and safety insurer, backing his idea. since opening on october 1, 1998, over 1.8 million people have climbed the 1,439 steps to the top of the bridge, making bridgeclimb a $50-million-a-year success and a major international tourist attraction. 8. cave at first thought his dream . a. was a hard task b. was easy to come true c. would get support from the government d. would become some complex activities 9. what was the restrictive officials attitude towards caves idea? a. cautious. b. approving.c. doubtful. d. enthusiastic. 10. what inspired cave to fight for his dream during the hard situation? a. workcover. b. harbour bridge. c. bridgeclimb. d. ticket 00001.11. the text mainly tells us that . a. not every dream in our life is very easy to come true b. you should have self-belief even faced with great difficulty c. family members always give you the inspiration for success d. life seems a long journey towards another harbour bridge first d a habitat is a natural area where wildlife lives undisturbed. most animals and plants have become endangered not because they have been killed on purpose but because their habitats are being destroyed. human activities have changed or destroyed habitats for thousands of years. the natural habitats in almost every country in the world have been affected in some way. let us take britain as an example. nowadays most of the british countryside consists of fields of grass grown for cattle and sheep or crops for humans. if you had lived about a thousand years ago, the countryside would have looked very different for most of britain was covered with forest.now there are only small areas of woodland across the country, one of the largest areas being the new forest in hampshire. throughout the centuries humans have steadily (持续地) cut down the trees to make room for the human population which has increased greatly particularly during the past 200 years or so. the trees have been replaced by houses, factories, schools, roads, farmland etc. hedgerows (灌木篱笆) which were planted by humans as boundaries (界限) around fields have replaced woodlands. as you may imagine, the great loss of habitats has affected the wildlife that lives in them. large animals such as the brown bear and the auroch became extinct in britain during the 10th century mainly due to destruction (破坏) of their forest habitats. other british species of animals and plants have become extinct during the last few hundred years and many more are endangered today. although many organizations are working to protect wildlife, natural habitats are still being destroyed.12. the text mainly tells us .a. what a habitat is b. how to protect wildlifec. habitat destruction makes animals endangeredd. how to prevent the environment from being destroyed13. according to the text, animals are endangered mainly because . a. people kill wild animals on purposeb. the environment is seriously pollutedc. humans havent worked to protect themd. the human population has increased greatly14. we can learn from the text that .a. the new forest is the largest woodland in the worldb. the brown bear has been extinct for many years in britainc. humans destroyed natural habitats mainly by growing cropsd. humans planted hedgerows to make home for cattle and sheep15. which of the following may the writer agree with?a. setting up reserves is the best way to protect animals.b. we can hardly stop animals from being endangered.c. things will become better for wild animals in britain.d. human activities began to affect wildlife 200 years ago.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 before trying to start a new career, there are several things that should be done. to begin with, a person should do an enough amount of research about the field that he or she is planning to enter. 16 they should consider the earning potential (可能性), the standard benefits, and the specific requirements for the jobs that they are considering. 17 having work experience in one field does not make sure that a change to a new field will be smooth. people should avoid overstating or misrepresenting their qualifications (资历) only to get a job. doing so can result in a lot of stress and place a person at risk of losing the new job.even when a person enters a new career at the correct level, there is a possibility that he or she will not know everything that is required. 18 so people should ask the necessary questions. on the contrary, it is best for people in new positions to show high levels of interest and desire to learn. people should realize that wanting to start a new career does not mean that it is possible at any given moment. people should not quit their jobs too early with false expectations of easily getting another job. 19 it is also wise for a person to save some money before starting a new career. 20 there is also a possibility that he or she may have to invest (投资) in training or supplies, which may be difficult to cover while in a new position or in between jobs.a. therefore, it should not be taken lightly.b. this is understandable when a person is new on a job.c. it is also necessary to get the proper training or education.d. it is not wise for people to act on just a desire (渴望) for change.e. some people choose a career they enjoy doing in their spare time.f. instead, it is best for them to begin their job search while they are still employed. g. this will provide one with a great help in case the new job does not work out.第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)have you ever had a day when everything seemed to go wrong, and nothing seemed to go right? not too long ago i was having one of those days. i felt 21 , tired and sad. i lived 22 and had no one to turn to. at last, i decided to go to my mothers. after arriving at my mothers place, i immediately expressed my 23 to my mother. i stood there 24 some pity, but she didnt 25 me. instead, she said, “i heard jamie was having a(n) 26 day, too. why dont you 27 her some cookies and well take them to her this afternoon?”i didnt really want to, 28 thinking working might help me feel better, i went to the 29 . when the cookies were ready, i 30 them on a plate. then i made a 31 and wrote something on it with empathy (同情).that afternoon we went to my friends house. i rang the bell. soon, jamie came to the door and looked at me in 32 for the unexpected visit. before she could say anything, i said, “i heard you were having a hard day and 33 to bring you something. i hope your day goes better.” the 34 that came over jamies face was one that i could never put into words. it was as if a darkened sky was suddenly 35 with the golden rays of the sun; it was as if in that small act, her day was 36 .i got back into the car and 37 some amazing reason, i felt much better. that day i experienced the 38 that james barrie attempted to 39 . he once said, “those who bring 40 to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” 21. a. blue b. yellow c. red d. green22. a. far b. freely c. alone d. coldly23. a. terror b. worry c. anger d. sadness24. a. applying for b. standing for c. caring for d. hoping for25. a. stop b. judge c. comfort d. notice26. a. easy b. difficult c. familiar d. different27. a. sell b. buy c. make d. post28. a. but b. or c. and d. so29. a. house b. kitchen c. garden d. store30. a. sent b. placed c. covered d. ate31. a. report b. gift c. call d. card32. a. trouble b. peace c. surprise d. doubt 33. a. struggled b. decided c. forced d. prepared34. a. look b. spirit c. failure d. tear35. a. torn b. fired c. lit d. burnt36. a. started b. ended c. discovered d. brightened37. a. on b. at c. for d. with38. a. truth b. rule c. method d. excuse39. a. create b. guess c. hide d. describe40. a. sunshine b. cloud c. rain d. wind第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。alice: lets go in and order some coffee while we appreciate your pictures, bill.bill: good idea. 41 of us like coffee. ok, here is a picture of david, my roommate. it was not long after we arrived at school this fall 42 i took this picture. we hadnt known each other for long by then. the picture was taken when we 43 (tidy) up the room. 44 a mess the room was then!alice: you certainly had a lot of boxes. how did you ever find room for everything?bill: in the beginning we thought wed never get all 45 (arrange). but now we are very comfortable. 46 (luck), david keeps his things neat. alice: do you like living in the dormitory?bill: its not bad. sometimes david turns his radio 47 too loud and makes too much noise, 48 of course makes me angry. sometimes i leave my books and clothes lying around and he gets angry. 49 , we get along well with each other. here is a picture of him taken when we paid a 50 to my family during vacation. alice: and the last one?bill: thats my dog alex. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 第三部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 请修改下面的短文。短文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。senior school students have different opinions about senior one students military training at school. according the survey, most of them support it. they think the training makes their bodies or minds stronger. at the same time, they learned to help each other and overcome difficulties together, which help them form better relations. most important in all, they learn to be on time, that will be of great help in the future.on the other hand, some students think that the military training is hard and bored. its a waste of time and of not practical use to their studies.in my opinion, we should take a part in these activities because they are really helpful to us.第二节 书面表达(满分25分) 下面这幅漫画展示了世界上许多动物濒临灭绝的现状。请你根据对这幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇题目为“animals in danger”的短文,并发表在自己的英文博客上。注意:1


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