



如何将纸上文字快速输入到电脑在工作学习中,我们常常要将纸上有用的文字快速输入到电脑中,如何做到轻而易举不费吹灰之力将纸上有用的文字快速输入到电脑中?其实不难,下面小编带你见证奇迹的一刻(亲!需要的话认真保存好哦,以防不时之需!)幕前准备: 条件1: 电脑一台、数码相机一台(具有高像素摄像头的手机也可,我试过了:可用,但就是乱码比较多,毕竟我的手机像素不高。因此像素越高越好,你懂的!)条件2: Word2003版本以上 (别人用Word2003试验的,我用Word2007试验的。另外,金山办公软件WPS应该也可以) doPDF (用于制作PDF文件) CAJViewer软件(相信写过论文的都知道) 具体操作步骤如下: 步骤一: 安装 doPDF和CAJViewer 软件步骤二: 用相机或手机把需要的段落拍下来(网上截图也可以)。 下面我以一篇英文片段为例(相机拍摄的,本来是老师要求我们翻译这些内容的,当时不知道有这个一条捷径,害得我们好苦,你懂的!)步骤三: 在Word文档中插入如上照片。步骤四: 点击Word文件菜单(word2007直接点击)打印在打印机选项中选择doPDF确定浏览选择存放位置和给文件命名(最好保存在桌面以防丢失)保存确定(此刻照片已经成功导入PDF文件) 。如下演示一样:5、注意电脑是否已自动打开上述步骤获得的PDF文件(注意:一定要由CAJViewer打开该文件, Adobe Reader打开无效,其他的软件没试过),若没打开,自己动手打开CAJViewer软件,然后打开刚刚转换的PDF文件。6、点击CAJViewer中的“文字识别”按钮,然后拖动鼠标画出需要“识别”的段落。 7、点击“发送到WPS/Word(W)”按钮发送到新建文档(插入当前光标位置),就换成Word文件了。保存即可,此时可以任意编辑。附:经上述步骤获得的内容:(注意:有可能出现乱码,谨记注意核对一下)DNA DAMAGE AND REPAFRmutant was isolated, techniques had not yet been developed for carrying outgenetic analysis with E. toll strain B. Thus, similar mutants in the more geneti-tally accessible E. toll K12 strain were sought. The search for mutants made useof the phenomenon of host-cell reactivation described earlier. Several hundredthousand cells of a mutagenized sample of E. toll were spread on agar along withabout tw a vaauea 1-t pnage. one concentration or grage on the plate was sucnthat before colonies became visible, each microcolony had been infected withseveral UV killed phage. If the microcolony consisted of wild-type cells, a frac-lion of the UV killed phage was reactivated, and these went on to infect and lysethe microcolony. Colonies of mutants unable to engage in host-cell reactivationwere also infected, but they did not release progeny phage and hence survivedto produce visible colonies. These colonies were streaked on agar to isolate themutant cell from free户age and wild-type cells (see Chapter 4), bacterial cul-lures were prepared, and the radiosensitivity of the cultures was tested. Many ofthese colonies were exceedingly sensitive to UV Complementation tests showed that the mutations fell into three classes,which defined the genes uvrA, uvrB, and uvrC. Biochemical analysis showedthat the uvrA, uvrB, anduvrC mutants are defective in an endonuclease requiredfor excision of thymine dimers (as well as in repair of many帅es of chemicaldamage). Survival curves for some of these mutants are shown in Figure 9-9. Sev-eral other classes of mutants were also found to be W sensitive. In studies of genetic recombination in E. toll (described in Chapter 14),which were totally unrelated to the repair phenomenon, recombination-deficientmutants were isolated. These mutations mapped in山ree genes, designated recA,recB, and recC. When the phenotypes of the rec mutants were examined, it wasdiscovered that they are sensitive to W radiation (see Figure 9-9). Biochemicalanalysis, however, showed that these mutants excised thymine dieters normally,indicating that a system that uses recombination (or at least requires the rec genes jis responsible for another type of repair. In the course of stu如ng DNA replication in E. toll, a mutation was isolatedin the gene polA, which encodes DNA Pol I. The mutant was viable, which sug-Bested that Pol I is not the major replication enzyme. This助面g provided theimpetus for seeking other DNA polymerases in E. toll, and in fact Pol III wasisolated from the polA mutant. Detailed examination of the polA mutant ulti-mately showed that it retained normal S”3 exonuclease activity and had aresidual polymerizing activity of about 2% of the wild-type, which was sufficientfor it to play its essential role in the removal of RNA primers and the joining ofprecursor fragments (see Chapter 8).


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