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综合质量测评(时间:90分钟满分:110分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节;满分30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。aone of new yorks most beautiful and valuable buildings is in danger. the new york public library, in the heart of the city at 42nd street and 5th avenue, may have to close its door.the library is a very special place. even though it is in the busiest part of the city, it has grass and trees around it, and benches for people to sit on. even more unusual in crowded new york, its rooms are very large. the roof of the main reading room is fiftyone feet high. here, the readers can sit and think and work in comfort.the library has over thirty million books and paintings. it owns one of the first copies of a shakespeares play, a bible printed by gutenberg in the 15th century and a letter written by columbus in which he told the finding of the new world.every new yorker can see and use the librarys riches free.but the cost of running the library has risen rapidly in recent years, and the library does not have enough money to continue its work. in the past, it was open every evening and also on saturdays and sundays. now it is closed at those times to save money.the library is trying in every possible way to raise more money to meet its increasing costs. wellknown new york writers and artists are trying to help it, so are the universities, whose students use the library, and the governments of new york city and new york state. but the problem remains serious.yet a way must be found to save the library because as one writer said, “the public library is the most important building in new york city it contains all our knowledge.”1when is the library open now?a. its open every day from morning to evening.b. its open every day except sunday from morning to evening.c. its open every day except weekends from morning to evening.d. its closed every evening.答案与解析:c细节理解题。第五段第二句“in the past, it was open every evening and also on saturdays and sundays.”以及第三句“now, it is closed at those times to save money.”即“每天晚上和周六、周日不开放”,故选c项。2which of the following statements is true?a. there are so many books to work with in the library.b. its impossible to grow grass and trees in the heart of new york.c. the librarys costs are going down.d. the library needs more books and paintings.答案与解析:a细节理解题。文章第二段第二句“. it has grass and trees around it .”,第三段第一句“. has over thirty million books and paintings .”以及第六段第一句中“. its increasing costs”分别排除答案b、d、c三项,故只能选a项。3how much does a new yorker have to pay to use the library?a. he doesnt have to pay anything to use the library.b. he used to pay nothing but now has to pay a little money to use the library.c. he has to pay its increasing costs.d. every new yorker can visit the librarys riches free, and use it with paying.答案与解析:a细节理解题。文章第四段中“free”即为“免费”之意,动词是现在时态,因此现在也不必付钱,故选a项。4why is it important to save the library?a. because it is one of new yorks most valuable buildings.b. because it contains all the knowledge.c. because there are a lot of rooms, in which readers can sit and think in comfort.d. the passage doesnt mention it.答案与解析:b推理判断题。文章最后一段中“the public library is the most important building in new york city it contains all our knowledge.”是一个因果句,句中的破折号相当于“because”,正因为“它装着人类的知识”才值得去拯救,故选b项。bplenty of exercise improves the academic performance(学习成绩) of teenagers, according to a new research.the study, of about 5,000 children, found links between exercise and exam success in english, maths and science. it found an increase in performance for every extra 17 minutes exercise for boys, and 12 minutes for girls.the study by the university of strathclyde and the university of dundee found physical activity particularly benefited girls performance at science. the authors said this could be a chance finding or reflecting gender differences in the impact(巨大影响) of physical activity on the brain.most of the teenagers exercise levels were found to be well below the recommended(被推荐的) 60 minutes a day. the authors wondered what might happen to academic performance if children got the recommended amount.they claimed that since every 15 minutes of exercise improved performance by an average of about a quarter of a grade, it was possible for children who carried out 60 minutes of exercise every day to improve their academic performance by a full letter grade for example, from a c to a b, or a b to an a.however, the authors admitted this was speculation given that very few children did this amount of exercise.dr. josie booth, one of the leaders of the study, from the university of dundee said, “physical activity is more than just important for your physical health. there are other benefits and those are something that should be especially important to parents, policymakers and people involved in education.”the authors of the study, published in the british journal of sports medicine, said further research backing the findings could have implications for public health and education policy.语篇解读一项新的研究结果表明,青少年锻炼身体能够提高学业成绩。5if a girl takes exercise for extra 15 minutes, she is likely to _.afeel much happier bhave a good memoryclose weight gradually ddo better in the exam答案与解析:d细节理解题。根据第二段可知,男生每次多锻炼17分钟,女生每次多锻炼12分钟,他们的成绩能够得到提高。6the underlined word “speculation” in paragraph 6 probably means “_”aguess bcontributioncadvice dconclusion答案与解析:a词义猜测题。根据第五段可知,研究者声称,既然孩子们每锻炼15分钟,成绩平均可以提高大约四分之一,那么对他们来说,每天锻炼一个小时,成绩提高整整一个等级,即从c提高到b,从b提高到a是有可能的。这是研究者作出的一种推测。故选a。7what can we learn from what dr. josie booth said?aphysical activity leads to good health.bphysical activity offers a lot of benefits.cstudents should spend more time on exercise.dphysical exercise should be introduced to schools.答案与解析:b推理判断题。根据第七段的内容可知,这项研究的领导者之一dr.josie booth说,体育活动不仅仅有益于身体健康,还有其他好处。故选b。cnational tom sawyer daysfamily fun is right around the corner! the 58th national tom sawyer days celebration will be held on july 47 in hannibal, missouri.national tom sawyer days has been listed as one of the top 100 events in north america. it attracts more than 100,000 visitors from all over the world each year. from the national fence painting contest to the frog jumping contest, and mud (泥) volleyball to music shows at tanyard gardens, national tom sawyer days is for the young and the young at heart.although national tom sawyer days begins july 4, related (相关的) celebrations begin july 2. on the day the carnival opens on broadway. the main events begin july 4. dont miss the wonderful fireworks (烟火) show over the mississippi that evening. the celebration continues through july 7. there are a lot of events the whole family can enjoy.monday, july 2carnival set up on broadwaywednesday, july 410:00 am.: parade down broadway, carnival opens noon: tom & becky announcement in central park12:301:00 pm.: talent show in tanyard gardens6:009:30 pm.: rock & roll revival playing in tanyard gardens (all ages welcome)9:30 pm.: fireworksthursday, july 510:00 am.: carnival opens4:00 pm.: y mens club mud volleyball beginsfriday, july 610:00 am.: carnival opens5:00 pm.: fence painting contest by the mark twain boyhood home, y mens mud volleyball 6:00 pm.: loafers car cruise on main street, tanyard gardens opens (21 and over)8:00 pm.midnight: the pimpkatz playing in tanyard gardens saturday,july 710:00 am.: carnival opens11:00 am.: tricycle racenoon5:00 pm.: jaycees events on main street4:30 pm.: frog jump5:00 pm.: fence painting by the mark twain boyhood home7:00 pm.: jaycees ultimate family fun raffle drawing at tanyard gardens8:00 pm.midnight: madd hoss jackson playing at tanyard gardens语篇解读本文是应用文。文章介绍了全国汤姆索亚日和相关的庆祝活动。8according to the text, national tom sawyer days _.a. lasts five daysb. is designed for teenagersc. is famous in north americad. was first celebrated 50 years ago答案与解析:c细节理解题。根据第二段的“national tom sawyer days has been listed as one of the top 100 events in north america”可知答案。9on july 6, people can _.a. watch fireworksb. watch a performancec. join a jumping contestd. parade down main street答案与解析:b细节理解题。根据表格中july 6一栏的the pimpkatz playing in tanyard gardens可知,晚上可以在公园观看演出。10in which part of a magazine can we probably see the text?a. news. b. history.c. lifestyle. d. entertainment.答案与解析:d推理判断题。文章介绍了一个节日期间的娱乐活动,属于娱乐版块。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。all over the world people enjoy sports. sports help to keep people healthy, happy and help them to live longer._11_ they buy tickets or turn on their tvs to watch the games. often they get very excited when “their” player or team wins. _12_ football, for example, has spread around the world. swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. what fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in china, egypt or italy! _13_ think how many people love to skate or ski in japan, norway or canada.some sports or games go back to thousands of years, like running or jumping. chinese boxing, for example, has a very long history. but basketball and volleyball are rather new. neither one is a hundred years old yet. _14_ waterskiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.people from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game they often become good friends. _15_ one learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.a. and think of people in cold countries.b. sports help to train a persons character.c. not a few people like sports in the world.d. many people like to watch others play games.e. people arent inventing new sports or games.f. some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them.g. people are inventing new sports or games all the time.答案:11.d12.f13.a14.g15.b第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的a、b、c和d四个选项中,选出最佳选项。once upon a time there was a bed of beautiful tulips(郁金香) in the garden. it belonged to a _16_ old woman. one night she was awakened by the sounds of babies laughing outside. she looked _17_ at the window but could _18_ nothing.the next morning she walked among her flowers, but there were no _19_ of anybody having been there the night before.on the following night she was again awakened by the _20_. she stepped softly through her garden and _21_ closely. she saw a little fairy(小精灵) mother standing by each tulip. they were singing softly while rocking(摇动) the _22_ slowly. in each tulipcup lay a little fairy baby who was _23_ and playing.the old woman stepped _24_ back to her house, and from that time on she _25_ picked a tulip, nor did she _26_ her neighbours to touch the flowers.the tulips grew daily brighter in colour and _27_ in size,and they gave out a delicious _28_ like that of roses. they _29_, too, to bloom(开花) all the year round. and every _30_ the little fairy mothers kissed their babies and rocked them to _31_ in the flowercups.the day came when the old woman died, and the tulipbed was _32_ by people who didnt know about the fairies,and trees were _33_ there instead of the flowers. but the trees soon _34_, and so did all the other plants and from that time nothing would grow there.but the old womans grave grew _35_, for the fairies sang above it, and kept it green; while all around it were tulips.16a.pretty bweak cgood dstrict17a.in bout cdown dup18a.hear bfeel ctouch dsee19a.signs bplaces ccolours dwords20a.cries bsounds csteps dscreams21a.drove bshook clooked djumped22a.cats bbirds ctrees dflowers23a.dreaming blaughing cwriting dreading24a.quietly bquickly csadly dcalmly25a.even balso cnever dalways26a.beg bremind cadvise dallow27a.shorter blarger cdarker dheavier28a.smell blight cpicture dgas29a.stopped bhoped cbegan dtried30a.noon bafternooncmorning dnight31a.travel bsleepcwalk drelax32a.destroyed bprotectedcignored dexamined33a.planted bcutckept dused34a.grew bappearedcdied dmoved35a.black btallcdeep dbeautiful答案与解析:16c通读全文可知,这位女士悉心保护郁金香,是个善良的(good)人。17b因为当时她正在屋里睡觉,所以她被吵醒后就从屋里向外(out)看。18d与本句中looked构成并列:她向外看了看,但是没有看到(see)任何东西。19a当她查看花丛时,也没有找到任何有人来过这儿的迹象(signs)。20b由上文中的“the sounds of babies laughing”这一信息可知,第二天晚上,她又一次被这种声音(sounds)吵醒了。21c她走进花园仔细查看(looked)。22d她们正在轻轻地摇动花儿(flowers)。23b由上文laughing这一信息可知,此处应为“小精灵们在花蕊中欢笑(laughing)、玩耍”。24a她不想惊动他们,所以就悄悄地(quietly)走回房间。25c因为她很爱护这些花儿,所以从那以后,她不再(never)摘任何郁金香。26d同时,也不让(allow)邻居们碰那些花儿。27b由本空后的size判断:这些花儿长得越来越鲜艳,越来越大(larger)。28a这些花儿除了长得越来越漂亮、越来越大外,还散发出一阵阵像玫瑰花一样沁人心脾的清香(smell)。29c在这位善良女士的保护下,这些花儿开始(began)一年四季都开花了。30d 由第一段“one night she was .”可知,此处为night。31b每天晚上(night)精灵妈妈们都轻轻摇动花朵,让孩子们进入梦乡(sleep)。32a由下文“这片花圃被种上了树”可知:当这位女士去世后,这片花圃就被毁掉了(destroyed)。33a于是,这里就被种上了(planted)树。34c由本空后“任何植物都不能生长”的事实判断:这些树很快就死掉了(died)。35d由本空后“这里长满了郁金香”可知:这位善良女士的坟墓变得很漂亮(beautiful)。第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。last fall, i visited dali, yunnan in southern china. it was an 36._ (amaze) experience because, while much of china is changing quickly, dali has kept its old traditions. as i reached dali, i first 37._ (notice) the great cangshan mountains. wherever you stand in the city, you can see 38._ blue peaks (山峰) poking (戳穿) through thick white clouds. thats because no tall buildings have been put 39._ to stand in their way.dalis old town has several busy streets, most famously foreigners street. 40._ these areas arent too commercialized (商业化). the ancient roads and buildings still have a romantic charm (浪漫魅力) in 41._ modern world.the best moments of my visit were spent outdoors. one afternoon, i cycled 42._ (happy) on roads around erhai lake. near erhai, endless organic vegetables, fruits and flowers have been planted. it was nice to cycle next to those fields of green, and the air was really good 43._ (breathe)i also visited chongsheng temple. the three pagodas (宝塔) there gave me a deep 44._ (impress). walking in the green gardens and enjoying views of the pagodas, i felt that i would rather live here 45._ go home.答案与解析:语篇解读雄伟的苍山、秀美的洱海让我流连忘返的古城大理。36. amazing所填词在句中作定语修饰名词experience, 应用amaze的形容词形式amazing“令人惊奇的”。37noticed该句缺少谓语,且根据全文整体时态可知该处应用一般过去时态,故填noticed。38. their该空缺少限定词修饰名词peaks,又根据语境可知该处指苍山的峰顶,应填物主代词their。39upput up “建立,建造”,是固定的动词短语搭配。40but空格前后两句为转折关系,且空格后无逗号,故填转折连词but。41thein the modern world“在现代化的世界”。42happily所填词在句中修饰动词应用副词形式,故填形容词happy的副词形式happily。43to breathe根据固定句式结构“主语be形容词to do”可知该空填不定式to breathe。44impressiongive sb. a deep impression “给某人留下深刻的印象”。45thanwould rather do . than do .“宁愿做某事而不愿做”。第三部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(每小题1分,满分10分)英语课上,老师要求同桌同学相互修改作文。假设以下短文为你同桌所写,请你对其进行修改。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。3必须按答题要求做题,否则不给分。dear susan,i was excited when i received your letter and the english stamps.thank you for send me the english stamps. what beautiful these stamps are! i really liked them. i like stampcollecting very much. when i was


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