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13句与”爱“有关的美句!a) Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, loving someone deeply gives you courage.被爱给你力量,爱人给你勇气b) Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。c) Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.勇气是其他美德攀登的梯子。d) Dont ever forget, you are loved very, very much!千万不要忘记,你拥有无尽的爱!e) I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and love today.我不害怕明天,因为我经历过昨天,又热爱今天。f) I never consider ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life itself.我从来不认为安逸和享乐是人生本来的目的。g) Ill never forget the time we share together.我永远也不会忘记我们在一起的日子。h) Love alone could waken love!只有爱才能唤醒爱!i) No matter how far apart we are, my thought always find their way back to you. Missing you. 无论我们相距多么遥远,我的思念总在你的身边。想你!j) The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart.世界上最美好最漂亮的东西是看不见的,也摸不着的。它们必须用心去感应。k) The hardest part is being away from youthe best part will be when were together again. Missing you, with all my heart.最难莫过离你而去最好莫过重新欢聚。全心想你。l) The value of life lies not length of days, but in the use of we make of them.生命的价值不在于能活多少天,而在于我们如何利用这些日子。m) You dont love a girl because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her!你不是因为她的美丽而爱她,而她却因为你的爱而美丽。由于我个人目前正在担任助教的工作,所以很多我所接触到的英语都是和考试有关。有些老美的惯用法虽然很简单,可是如果你从来没听过的话,还是会出糗的喔!像有一次我的学生就跑来问我Did you curve it? 大家猜得出来这句话是什么意思吗?1. Did you curve it?你有没有画常态分布曲线?大家应该都知道,考试的成绩分布看起来多半会是大多数的人落在平均分数附近,只有少数的人落在高分区和低分区,这就是所谓的高斯分布或是常态分布。所以我的学生跑来问我Did you curve it? 其实他就是问我有没有照常态分布下去打成绩。这种情形下,我就可以回答Yes, I did. The cut-off points for A is 80. 意思就是照这个常态分布你要拿到A的话,至少要有80分以上才行。另外像是中文的吊车尾,英文中可以说成on the lower end of the curve. 例如老师会说For those of you on the lower end of the curve, no need to panic yet. (那些吊车尾的同学现在还不必太紧张啦!)2. She took 10 points off.她扣了我十分。英文里的几分可以用point这个字。像是扣分就可以take points off这个片语,或是光用off也可以,例如Five points off from problem one and ten points off from problem two.(第一题被扣了五分,第二题被扣了十分。)不过要注意一点,我考了八十分,老美不会说成I got eighty points in that test. 而会说I got an eighty. 或是I scored an eighty. 这是一般人常犯的错误之一。3. You will receive some partial credit even you dont finish it.如果你没做完的话,你还是可以得到部分的分数。所谓的partial credit就是部分给分,例如一题十分的题目,你做了一半,老师给你五分,这就是所谓的partial credit。跟partial credit相对的则是full credit这个字,例如老师会说You wont get full credit unless you give the final answer.(除非你得到最后的答案,不然你是得不到全部的分数的。)如果是一分都得不到的话,则简单地用no credit或是nothing来表示就可以了,例如For those who make a mistake in the beginning, I am sorry youll get no credit for that problem.(我很抱歉那些一开始就做错的人一分也得不到。)4. The student who sent this in gets an extra brownie point.我给提出这个问题的同学一点印象分数。这句话是出自我们教授寄给我们的E-mail上,关键就在brownie point上,大家知不知道brownie point是什么?当初我以为教授的意思是说要给这个学生加分,因为brownie point听来就像是加分的意思。后来我问老美,我才知道原来brownie point的意思只是单纯说你作的很棒You have done a good job! 的意思,跟加分一点关系都没有。这跟中文里所说的印象分数十分类似。但是一旦有了好的印象分数,他会把你的表现记在心里,以后要写推荐信时说不定就派上用场了。典故:brownie原是自家做的小饼干,小学生常带此饼或苹果给老师(其实是二十年以前美国社会的刻版印象留下来的)或女童军卖饼干等。故brownie point原义为“做讨老师喜欢的事”,现引申为印象分数之意。5. I got an eighty something.我考了八十几分。老美很喜欢在数字之后接上something来表示多少或是左右的意思。例如你考了八十二分,你就可以跟别人说I got an eighty something. 或是I got eighty plus. 有时候老美不喜欢直接告诉你分数,他们会说I got something around the average. (我考在平均分数附近。)或是below the average(平均分以下)这些都是值得学习的用法。6. Whats your score?你考多少分啊?虽说直接问人家考多少分实在是不太礼貌,但有时候受了好奇心的驱使,还是不免要问一下Whats your score? 其实比较含蓄一点的问法应该是Did you do well in the test?(你考得如何啊?)或是Do you mind telling me your score?(你介不介意告诉我你考几分啊?)如果是别人这样问你的话,你可以回答说I scored an 80 in the test.(我考了八十分。)或是I didnt score high in that test.(我考得不好啦!)7. You have to work hard to get a C.你必须很努力才能得到一个C。这是一句逗趣的说法,意思就是你是决不可能会拿到C的啦!而非真的你要很努力才会拿到一个C。但是如果这句话说成You have to work hard to get an A.那意思可又不同了,意思就是你必须很努力才会拿到一个 A。所以有些话你必须视当时的情况来判断它说的到底是什么意思。8. I have to get a hundred to get a B.我必须考个一百分才能拿到一个B。我想很多人都有这样的经验吧!由于第一次第二次考得太烂了,所以第三次要考个一百二十分才能拿到一个A。这实在是个很遭糕的情况。有一次我的学生就跑来跟我诉苦I have to get a hundred to get a B. 对于这种学生,我也只能投以同情的眼光了。9. Problem 4 killed me.我都是败在第四题上面。老美很喜欢用kill这个字才代表某件事把自己给毁了或是说自己败在某件事情上面。像是例句Problem 4 killed me. 可能意谓着其它的题目都还做得不错,唯独第四题做得是一团糟。又例如你最讨厌数学,每次学期总成绩都被数学给拉下来,那么你就可以说The math killed me.10. Please remember to write down your name on the test.请记得把自己的名字写在考卷上。去年有一次我去监考,当时我要大家记得把名字写上时我是这么说的Please remember to sign up your test. 结果大家你看看我,我看看你,显然他们是没听懂我在讲什么。后来有一个热心的老美跑来问我刚才到底在讲什么,我把我的意思讲了,他才恍然大悟地说:“原来如此。”这句话应该说write down your name on the test 就好,你说sign up your test别人会误会成要签到的意思。其实sign up指的应该是指报名或是上课时的签到,例如有些课老师会发一张单子让大家传下去签名,以便统计出席率,这才是sign up。所以当我说sign up your test的时候,别人才会误会我的意思吧!专八写作技巧:表原因的句型 本文相关应用1There are some good reasons for(分析原因)人民生活状况的改善原因有两点。首先,我们一直在贯彻执行改革开放政策。其次,国民经济正在迅速发展,而且出生率已经得到控制。There are two reasons for the improvement in peoples living conditions. In the first place, we have been carrying out the reform and opening-up policy. Secondly, there has been a rapid expansion of our national economy . Further-more, the birth rate has been put under control.2. My suggestions to deal with the problem are as follows. In the first place, Secondly,Finally(提出建议)我对解决这个问题的建议如下。首先,迫在眉睫的是建立自然保护区。其次,有些濒临灭绝的珍稀野生动物应该收捕、人工喂养并繁殖。最后,对于捕猎珍稀野生动物的人必须严惩。My suggestions to deal with the problem are as follows . To begin with, it is urgent to create nature reserves. Secondly, certain rare wild animals that are going to be extinct should be collected, fed and reproduced artificially. Finally , those who hunter them must be punished severely.3. Different people have different opinions on this question. Some people believe that Others argue that Still others assert that(论述不同看法)人们对失败持有不同的态度。面对失败,有人能够经得起考验,从失败中汲取教训,并努力去完成他们下定决心要做的事情。然而,另一些人却丧失信心并退却了。People differ in their attitudes towards failure. Faced with it , some of them can stand up to it .draw useful lessons from it and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do. Others, however, lose heart and give in.4. It is important (necessary, urgent, difficult, easy, expensive, desirable, advisable, convenient, comfortable) for sb. to do sth. (发表意见)人们希望建立的医院、购物中心、娱乐中心、电影院和其他公用设施来满足人民日益增长的需求。It is desirable to build more hospitals, shopping centres, recreation centres, cinemas and other public facilities to meet the growing needs of people.5. As a popular saying goes “Everything has two sides.” (分析利弊)常言道:“事物总是一分为二的”。如今人们从科技发明中得到越来越多的好处。另一方面,科技进步也给我们带来了许多麻烦。现在许多国家的人民饱尝公害之苦。As a popular saying goes, “Everything has two sides.” Now people (the public)are benefiting more and more from scientific and technological inventions. On the other hand, the progress of science and technology is bringing us a lot of trouble. People in many countries are suffering from public hazards.6. For example, /For instance, /Lets take for example.(举例阐述)就拿汽车为例。汽车不仅污染城市空气,而且使城市拥挤不堪。此外,汽车造成许多交通事故。汽车所产生的噪音使居住在街道两旁的居民日夜不得安宁。Lets take cars for example. They not only pollute the air in c


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