



Reading in DepthDont let vacations or business travel sideline (使退出) your exercise routine. Physical activity is a great way to 47 stress and adjust to a new time zone when youre traveling. Heres how to get the most out of it: Find fitness-friendly 48. Call ahead to make sure your hotel or motel has a good fitness facilityor at least a place where youll feel safe and 49 going for a walk. Take 50 of the local attractions. Many places offer their own 51 exercise opportunitiestrails through beautiful parks or forests, beach walks, boat rides on the lake, bike rides out of town. Check the travel 52 of your bookstore or look on-line for information before you travel. Be sure to pack what youll need. Walking shoes, gym shorts, a T-shirt, resistance bandsmake a checklist of all the things youll need while youre away and make sure to 53 it all. Use every opportunity. Too busy to set aside a block of time for 54 ? Look for every opportunity you can to be active. Book a room on the third floor and take the stairs. Walk whenever you canbetween meetings, while youre waiting at the airport, on your way from here to there. Be 55. if youre on a busy business trip, dont add to the stress by trying to do too much. Spending 56 15 minutes on refreshing walking, along with climbing a few flights of stairs instead of taking the elevator, should hold you until you get home againand back to your regular routine. A) pack B) realistic C) advantage D) equipment E) identically F) accommodations G) activity H) enjoyable I) oppose J) sketch K) unique L) potential M) section N) relieve O) merely Teddy bears have been around since 1902. The teddy bear came to being when President Theodore Roosevelt refused to shoot a black bear help captive (俘虏) by his hunting party. Also worth noting is that President Roosevelts refusal to 47 this captive bear became a very popular political cartoon by Cliff Barryman. A Brookly shopkeeper was 48 by the cartoon. The shopkeeper then asked president Roosevelt for 49 to name a toy bear “Teddy”, the nickname of “Theodore”. Thus became the creation of the teddy bear. It is also worth 50 that the teddy bear was born in Germany between 1902 and 1903. The first teddy bears did not have lovely faces or smiles, in fact, the first teddy bears had expressions which could best be described as 51 . Teddy bears were also quite stiff, the 52 arms and legs and soft, plush (毛绒绒的) bodies came much later. Now teddy bears are still the number one item to give babies as their first boy, the prize to win your girl on your first date, and most 53 , the toy of choice for law enforcement to give to children in sad, unsafe situations to help them calm down and feel safe. A collectible teddy bear is very different than the typical store bought teddy that you might give a child. The market for collectible teddy bears has seen significant 54 in the last several years. The industry 55 collectible teddy bears as hard, not floppy, and fully jointed (meaning arms, legs, and head are movable). The artists however, also determine the value of collectibles. For example, Steiff teddy bears and others have a very high collectible 56 . A) bendable B) shoot C) growth D) inclined E) notingF) similarly G) permission H) inspired I) notifying J) value K) importantlyL) defines M) succession N) stale O) serious When you have to meet someone from a different culture, be prepared. If you understand cultural differences, youll b a better 47 -even before you open your mouth! In many Western cultures, men stand up before they are introduced to someone 48 . Standing up shows politeness and respect. After that, someone will usually offer to shake hands. But in the east, 49 introductions often begin and end with bowing rather than shaking hands. Now, lets look at the simple introduction of shaking hands. Americans like a(n) 50 handshake. But the French 51 a light, short handshake. If you shake a Frenchmans hand the American way, he may think you are 52 . People in Eastern European countries and some Latino cultures prefer shorter handshakes, too. Hugging after shaking hands is also a common introduction. Dont be scared or 53 if you meet someone in Brazil and he gives you a hug. If you 54 this gesture, your friendship may not start well! The proper customs for eye contact vary between cultures, too. Western appreciate regular eye contact during conversations. Refusing to look a westerner in the eye may be understood as lack of trust, or maybe 55 . But in some African countries, too much eye contact can offend or sometimes have romantic meanings. Some people in Middle Eastern countries may appear to have their eyes half-closed while talking to you. Although it might seem like theyre tired or bored, such behavior is normal and should not be taken 56 . A) therapy B) uncultured C) boredom D) thereby E) preferF) firm G) misinterpret H) personally I) insignificant J) communicator K) importantL) illustrate M) offended N) typical O) imageTranslation 1. The next question we have to decide is _(我们何时呈交报告)2. _ (新政策刚刚实施) than the unemployment rate began to drop.3. If I were a teacher, I _. (严格要求学生)。4. The size of the newly built square is _ (是旧的四倍)。5. I _(被这些话深深感动) that I kept them in my mind for the rest of my life. 6. At last the board reached an agreement that _(只有这样我们才能完成任务)。7. _(意想不到的是) he had managed to run a company successfully. 8. _(他在事故中幸免于难) is really a miracle. 9. In the first place, _(晚会有助于筹款) for cancer research.10. In my opinion, surfing the net _(既浪费时间也有害健康)。11. Your gains from the stock


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