



第九期外刊视频课第十讲#1. The euro-zone crisis resurfaced amid worries that Spain will be unable to keep its public finances under control and will require a bail-out at some point./ bail 摆脱困境、保释 / bail-out 经济上的紧急援助2. Its an insanely great honor to get published in such a prestigious magazine.3. Premier Wen vowed to crack down on housing speculation amid criticisms that soaring home prices put an intolerably heavy burden on average Chinese.4. strain public finances 使公共财政紧张at strain 努力地 / on the strain 紧张地put/impose a strain on/upon 使紧张、经受考验、使极劳累at full strain 竭尽全力,全力以赴without strain 毫不费力地,自然地5. To put the 3 million annual startup jobs in context, the US economy today has a labor force in excess of 150 million workers./ put in context of 以。为背景、为前提、为假设6. Obviously, a policy strategy of preserving the status quo is not, and never has been, reality based.7. University ranking is not, and has never been, a reliable indicator of the performance of individual universities across the nation.8. Last week Apple unveiled iPad, which is an obvious product for the company in the digital age./ obvious 明显的,显而易见的,平淡无奇的,显著的9. Google is accused of abusing its dominance in its general search engine to shift some specific markets in its favor.10. Call these diseconomies of scale if you must, but its patently untrue that existing firms are the source of new jobs in America./ you must = you have to 一定,必须,不。不成/ its patently untrue that 很明显不是事实,不是真的11. hi-tech industrial jobs / manufacturing industrial jobs12. What the new and improved industrial planners dont understand is that 13. Clearly, scaling is not a skill America forgot.14. Andy Groves misguided essay wont get him kicked out of the Silicon Valley Hall of Fame.15. Grove / Gates / Jobs / Ellison Oracle 16. Gone are the golden era when college graduates can land a decent job effortlessly/with ease.17. golden era 黄金时代the Golden State = California18. weigh down 使下沉,压倒,使负重,在价值、重要性或影响上超过、比。重、加分量/Do you know if a piece of lead will weigh down an equal bulk of iron?19. lip service 口惠而实不至,只是嘴上说说,刷嘴皮子20. University of California UC 加利福尼亚大学加州大学系统【UC Berkeley 伯克利分校、UCLA洛杉矶分校、UCSD 圣地亚哥分校】21. New findings suggest that genes may play a significant role in determining how successful a person is in life.22. An undetermined number of passengers got killed in this accident. = This accident claimed lives of an unidentified /unknown number of passengers.23. metamorphose 变质、变形、使变成(into)24. /predisposition 倾向、意向、偏好、素质、天性/ disposition 性格、脾气、气质、安排、清除、去掉/position 位置、方向、职位、立场、观点、主张/ genetic predisposition 遗传素质at/in ones disposition 随某人支配show/have a disposition to do 有。的倾向,露出。的意思25. social animals 社会性动物,群居性动物upbringing 教养、养育、抚育self-control = regulationa sense of belonging 归属感a sense of purpose 目标感、使命感、目的性26. Researchers said that genetically influenced characteristic traits like self-control, determination, sociability can make the difference between success and failure.27. Taking a positive mental attitude or not may mean the difference between success and failure.28. participants = subjects = volunteers = testees29. The subscriber you called has powered off.The subscriber you dialed is out of service.30. I am subject to you tonight on.31. depend on how they perceive life, themselves and others32. Record labels from overseas may be perceived as potential threats to domestic ones./ record label 唱片公司 / registered trademark 注册商标33. characteristic 典型、特性、特色;典型的,特有,与众不同的 / characteristics 性格、特质、特色/ build socialism with Chinese characteristics/successful characteristics 成功的性格,成功的特质34. These traits are important because it affects an individual ability to continue learning and developing, thus increasing their chances for later achievement.35. Ever since the ancient Greeks, people have debated the nature of a good life and the nature of a virtuous life.36. in/by virtue of 因为、由于、凭借、依靠。have/with the virtue of 具有。的优点virtue and vice 善与恶37. Teachers should impress the children with the virtue of always telling the truth.38. virtue - virtuous - virtuous cycle vice - vicious - vicious cycle39. Bates noted that while psychologists have previously thought that family and environment were largely responsible for an individuals ideas or psychological well-being, the latest findings “highlight a much more powerful influence from genetics.”40. Bates says that a persons sense of purpose is critical in determining future success, and that people wanting to thrive in


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