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2015-2016学年度第二学期高二月考英语试题第卷第一部分 听力(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面6段对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。conversation 11. when does the bakery close?a. at about 6:15. b. at about 7:00. c. at about 7:30.2. what does the man want? a. bread. b. cookies. c. juice.conversation 23. where does the conversation take place? a. on the street. b. in the mans home. c. at a hotel.4. how much does the woman have to pay?a. 72 dollars. b. 40 dollars. c. 80 dollars.conversation 35. how did the audience find the performance? a. not good. b. just so-so. c. excellent.6. what kind of performance was it probably? a. a concert. b. a game. c. a fashion show.conversation 47. why doesnt the man get his watch repaired? a. because there is no serious problem. b. because repairing the watch is expensive. c. because he doesnt think it is worth repairing.8. when will he get a new watch? a. next monday afternoon. b. this weekend. c. this afternoon after the visit.9. what does the man probably do? a. a farmer. b. a teacher. c. a worker.conversation 510. whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? a. strangers. b. classmates. c. mother and son.11. how many school buses are there altogether?a. 2 b. 3 c. 412. how long does the woman have to wait for the bus?a. 20 minutes. b. 30 minutes. c. 40 minutes.conversation 613. why does the woman come to visit the man?a. because she has admired him for a long time. b. because she wants to say hello to him. c. because she wants to ask him about planting trees.14. what kind of activity is the man going to hold? a. environmental protection. b. saving animals. c. helping the poor.15. what is the lady? a. a journalist as well as a boss. b. a professor of a college. c. a hostess of a tv program.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。ashawn johnson is one of the strongest girls i know to compete in gymnastics. she was just 15 years old when she competed in the olympic trails (选拔赛). she went to the olympics in 2008 and competed in all four events with famous american gymnast nastia luikin. she was the balance beam (平衡木) gold medalist and team, all-round and floor exercise silver medalist at the games. after the olympics she was featuring on the hit reality show “dancing with the stars” in 2009-2010. it was not until she broke her knee in a january 2010 ski (滑雪) accident did she realize that she still wanted to compete. she made a comeback, aiming at the 2012 0lympic games. but because of the continuing problems with her knee, she decided to finish her season and then retire from gymnastics. she felt she was worn out and wasnt as good as she was the first favorite things about her are her confidence and how hard she works. she always has a smile on her face even when times are difficult. she also took time away from gymnastics to help kids around the world get cleaner water. she has influenced my life because i wouldnt have known to actually try hard to get great dreams realized and i hope one day i become somewhat close to how she is in every possible way. she has also taught me not to be afraid of failing at the first time and to learn from my mistakes instead of considering them as a downfall (堕落的原因). i think more people should look at her as a role cool thing is that i got to see her compete at the olympic trials in maryland on my birthday.16. why did shawn johnson retire?a. because she was too old to compete in gymnastics. b. because she was in bad health conditions. c. because she wanted to take part in reality shows. d. because she broke her knee and couldnt do sports any more.17. according to the passage, shawn johnson can be described as .a. confident b. hard-working c. optimistic d. independent e. kind-hearteda. abcd b. abce c. bcde d. acde18. what did the author learn from shawn johnson?a. to make as many achievements as possible. b. to work hard to earn a better living. c. to get close to intelligent and successful persons.d. to try bravely in life though there may be failures.bthe cabbage white butterfly (菜粉蝶) has a natural range across europe, asia, and north africa. to many farmers, the butterflies are regarded as a pest(害虫 ); to others, they are pretty to look at. researchers are looking into new ways to make efficient photovoltaic(光电的) energy and for this they have been inspired by the v-shape posture of the cabbage white butterfly. photovoltaic energy is the science behind solar power, where light is turned into improve the collection of sunlight, a research group have been inspired by the resting posture of the cabbage white butterfly. the butterfly keeps a “v” shape in order to heat up its flight muscles before taking off. by creating solar panels(板)in this shape, scientists think that the quantity of power that a solar panel can use can be increased by around 50 percent.the crucial part is the weight of solar panels. for this the researchers developed a kind of material that is lightweight. the cabbage white butterfly is different to many other butterflies because it is using the v-formation. on cloudy days common butterflies need to wait to receive enough sunlight in order to fly. however, by owning the v-shape posture the cabbage white butterfly is able to receive more energy more quickly than other butterflies. in addition, the butterfly can flash back sunlight from its wings, which allows its flight muscles to be warmed up to the best temperature.the new research was done at the university of exeters environment and sustainability institute (esi). discussing the findings, lead researcher professor tapas mallick stated: “this engineering is not new. however, this research, which shows ways to develop low-cost solar power, has not been done before.”19. what does the underlined word “crucial” in paragraph 3 mean?a. important. b. easy. c. useful. d. new. 20. which is the main benefit of the butterflys v-shape wings?a. they always keep the butterfly warm.b. they can help the butterfly fly much higher.c. they can help the butterfly avoid danger.d. they can help the butterfly get more sunlight.21. common butterflies need to wait on cloudy days because .a. they wait to get enough wind b. they lack enough energy to flyc. their muscles need to move first d. they wait to turn wings to a v shape22. what can be a suitable title for the text?a. butterflies inspire new types of solar powerb. how to develop the new kind of solar powerc. butterflies help the scientists do researchd. a new achievement about solar powerccar accidents are the no. l cause of death for kids in the united states, according to the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc). so at what age should kids ride in the front seat? parents need to pay more attention to kids safety when it comes to riding in the car. the perfect age, according to the cdc, is 12. kids younger than that should be buckled(扣住)up in the backseat, either in car seats or with the cars safety harness (安全带). the reason is that air bags in the front seat can kill smaller children.a new law in massachusetts takes things one step further. if it passes, the government would make it illegal for kids younger than 13 to sit up front. the penalty for breaking the law would be a $25 finenot much, but some people think its enough to draw awareness to this. some argue that the law is just another form of big government overstepping its boundaries(界限). they point out the reasons why it may not always be possible to have all kids under 13 in the backseat. for instance, what if youre driving a truck that doesnt have a backseat? or if you have many teenagers and need one of them to sit up front? however, some passenger safety organizations. such as safetybeltsafe u.s. a., even advocate (主张)a greater limit when it comes to sitting up front, suggesting that children should continue to ride in the backseat until they are ready to drive when should your child be allowed to ride in the front seat of the car? that depends on two things: the laws in your state and your comfort level. while most states require that children sit in the back at least until age 12, some like massachusetts have the age set closer to 13; while others, like georgia, allow kids to sit in the front seat by age 8. know your states law before you make your decision. but also keep in mind what works best for you and your family. the backseat is the safest place for kids to ride, so it makes sense to keep them back there as long as possible before you let them ride up front.23. why are kids not allowed to ride in the front seat of the car?a. there is no air bag in the front of the car.b. they dont know how to use the safety harness.c. they are easily hurt by air bags in the front seat.d. parents cant take care of them if they sit in the front seat.24. why dont some people support the law in massachusetts?a. they think the rule is not practical sometimes.b. they think not all the cars have backseats.c. they think not all the kids like sitting in the back.d. they think the punishment is too much.25. which of the following is not true according to the text?a. not all the states demand that kids under 12 should sit in the backseat.b. children in massachusetts cant sit in the front until they can drive alone.c. the backseat is always the safe place for kids to ride in a car.d. a l0-year-old boy can sit in the front seat in georgia.26. what is the best title for the text?a. should kids sit in the front seat? b. a new law will pass in massachusetts.c. tips for kids on riding safely. d. when can your kid sit in the front seat?da “silver bullet”(子弹) is a way to make everything better.the belief that there is magical power in the metal silver goes back to ancient greece. in the stories of other cultures, a silver bullet is the only way to vanquish monsters like werewolves(狼人).writer stephen king is a master of scary stories in america. his book “silver bullet” is about a man who turns into a werewolf with every full moon and attacks people in a small town. it can only be killed by a silver bullet. as with many of kings books: “silver bullet” was made into a film in 1985.silver bullets also have roots in an early american cultural character. “the lone ranger” began as a popular radio show in the 1930s. it turned to be a hugely popular television show in the 1950s and was remade into a movie in 2013. the lone ranger was a texas ranger, a kind of lawman. when his team members were attacked and killed, he was left alone. when he looked for the bad guys, the thing he left behind to show his identity was a bullet made from the precious metal silver. he used it as a symbol of justice (正义) and law.there are other words that are close in meaning. the latin word panacea means an herb that would cure all illnesses. the greek word “panacea” means cure-all.of course, if something is said to be a panacea or a silver bullet for all your problems, it most likely is not. thats why these terms are often used in the negative form: there is no silver bullet to solve the problem of homelessness in america. there is no panacea to cure all the worlds ills. so, if someone wants to sell you a silver bullet to cure all your troubles, dont buy it.27. the underlined word “vanquish” in the second paragraph means .a. to give birth to b. to defeat completelyc. to increase the power of d. to turn something into a human28. according to the passage, “the lone ranger .a. tells the story of a real person in american history b. first became known as a tv show in the 1950s c. was the origin of american crime movies d. made the silver bullet a symbol of justice and law29. the author suggests in the passage that we should . a. learn more about latin and greek cultures b. use silver bullet more in the negative form c. not believe theres a silver bullet that can cure all d. not buy bullets that are made from metal silver30. what does the passage mainly talk about?a. magical power.b. two popular films. c. the term silver bullet and its stories. d. the book silver bullet and its author.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。life can quickly change from great to disappointing at any given moment. these unexpected changes can surprise and frighten us. 31 it could be something as simple as hurting a toe(脚趾)when we get out of bed that influences our moods for the whole day. if we develop more awareness(意识)of trying to be positive, however, we have the power to change the way we feel. 32 positivity, on the other hand, is often wrongly seen as puny(微不足道的)however, negative feelings without control can result in health damages over time, while positivity plays an important role in our are some simple suggestions for increasing positivity: 1. 33 they can be satisfying completion of a project, a kind gesture, a humorous email, or an unexpected compliment. 2make a conscious transition(有意识的过渡)at the close of the workday. decide what you want to bring home with you after work. 34 sit in the car for a few minutes and breathe deeply. when you get home, take time to relax, like doing a five-minute gentle yoga exercise. 3. contact and connect with loved ones. call, text, email, send a love letter or a shared photo of a happy memory. laugh, dance, share a meal, hold hands or simply sit together. 35 developing positivity can change our bodies as well as our minds greatly, which will help us in creating better lives.a. during the day, be mindful of wins.b. as a result, we get feelings of negativity.c. negative emotions do harm to our health.d. do remember that you can expect the best in your life in return.e. developing positive attitudes can largely improve our lives.f. negativity is often mistakenly viewed as powerful.g. leave the stress and upsets of the day behind.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)tim cunninghams cancer has taken over his body and his life. but the 36 at the woodlands hospital in texas wasnt going to let it stop him from holding a wedding.cunningham, 53, was asked to 37 in hospital on october 4, 2015, the day before he was to marry his fiancee(未婚妻), ruth georgia. both work as flight attendants, and they were constantly flying and never seemed to find the 38 his hospital visit, though, likely meant they would have to 39 their wedding. cunningham was nurse rachel jarrells 40 . after the two chatted a while, jarrell went to the other 41 and said she wanted to do something 42 for him. “he said that he was supposed to get married the next day and that made me 43 ,” jarrell said. at first, jarrell and the other nurses werejust going to 44 his room. when the decoration was finished eventually, they decided to give the couple a real 45 alisa mccusker, president of the hospital, 46 a bag of things needed for the wedding. she also brought her 47 to take a few photos of the couple. “their true love 48 me to do something for them,” mccusker said. miss mccusker asked ruth georgias dad to host the wedding, 49 the kitchen staff made a beautiful cake and a nurse made a wedding dress. the group decorated the 50 courtyard - healing garden and tims wheelchair. “it felt like a real wedding,” jarrell said. “ 51 we had music playing and toasted(向祝酒)them, which made it feel very actual.”the couple was shocked by how beautiful everything looked when ruth pushed the 52 into the courtyard. “we 53 asked them to hold the wedding; wejust 54 it casually(随意地),”cunningham said. “it just goes to show the beauty of humanity(人性)and how wonderful and generous people can be to 55 ”36. a. doctorsb. nursesc. staffd. cleaners37. a. stayb. workc. studyd. live38. a. agreementb. balancec. moneyd. time39. a. prepare forb. put offc. ignored. hold40. a. partnerb. friendc. bossd. patient41. a. nursesb. volunteersc. employeesd. pilots42. a. powerfulb. beneficialc. speciald. valuable43. a. curiousb. heartbrokenc. amazingd. frightened44. a. paint b. changec. decorated. design45. a. settingb. weddingc rewardd. rest46. a. brought in b. found outc. built upd. put away47. a. radiob. tvc. recorderd. camera48. a. inspiredb. forcedc. requiredd. reminded49. a. unless b. until c. but d. while50. a. churchsb. roomsc. hospitalsd. houses51. a. althoughb. becausec. onced. so52. a. bedb. tablec. wheelchair d. desk53. a. oftenb. never c. everd. really54. a. mentionedb. noticedc. discoveredd. remembered55. a. relativesb


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