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C4 T1 P1Be confronted withAlarming rate of loss of tropical rainforestsAt a rate equivalent toIn the face of the frequent and often vivid media coverage,.MultifacetedOrganizedConceptualAccessible to .(modification)The extensive coverage in the popular media of.Displace misconceptionsIndigenous (original) populationsPlace an intrinsic(内在的,本质的) value on non-human animal lifeSome personalizing the responsibility by Logging activityHarbor/Embraced(持有观点) the misconception thatIncompatible withVolunteer ideas that主动提出观点,思想Appreciate(comprehend)理解,掌握 the complexity of.Appreciate, value and evaluate conflicting views 理解、正视、评价有冲突的观点Be essential forP2What do whales feel?Reduced or absent It has been speculated that,. 据猜测.Stroking and touching are part of courtship ritual.Stereoscopic 立体的Anecdotal adj 趣闻的,轶事的 evidenceBe compensated forRepertoire n. 全部节目Song-like choruses 如歌般的合唱Complex, haunting utterances 复杂的,绕梁三日的声音P3Appreciate the use of outlines and perspectivesLiteral representations 文字代表的意思Be taken aback 大吃一惊Metaphorical ways Idiosyncratic adj distinctive, individual 特殊的,异质的Deem v. 认为Assign toPairto 4C4 T2 P1Lost for wordsNavajo is far from alone.Be far from 不是,并非Never before has the planets linguistic diversity shrunk at such a pace. 这个星球上语言多样性已前所未有的速度缩减Head for v.出发 前往,寻找Rebound v. 跳回,弹回,复兴,复原Thomass tactics(战略、策略) rebounded on him: BACKFIRE, boomerang(自作自受), have unwelcome repercussions; archaic rebound on.Be peppered with 布满、充满,雨点般的撒,痛打stars peppered the desert skies。another burst of bullets peppered the tank。A crisis of confidence 信任危机Lose faith in 对失去信心Be induced into 诱使做。the pickets induced many workers to stay away.these activities induce a feeling togethernessthe deadliest weapon 最致命的武器intimately bound up with 和。密切相关mounting adj 大量的,许多的,堆积成山的dire adj 可怕的,悲惨的direst predictions 可怕的预言erode erosion 逐渐消亡,侵蚀rekindle v. 再次点火,使再振作P2 alternative medicine in AustraliaHand in glove : in close collaboration, very closelyDisenchantment with,清醒 disappointment dissatisfactionSkeptical adjEmpirically adv 凭经验的Disillusion v 清醒 觉醒 disenchant enlightenIncentive=motivationHolistic adj 整体的,全盘的P3 play is a serious businessBe engrossed inbe indulged inCarefree and exuberantCavort v. 跳跃Playfulness n. 活泼快乐,戏谑In earnest adj/adv 认真的,诚挚的 serious,sincerewe are in earnest about stopping burglarieshe started writing in earnestat first glancea closer inspection reveals thatprowess n. 英勇,高超技术reciprocity n.相互性、对等、互惠reciprocate v. 交换; 互给; 报答; 往复运动; 往复运动, 酬答, 互换I was happy to reciprocate: DO THE SAME (IN RETURN), return the favour. love that was not reciprocated: REQUITE, return, give back. back up v. supportexam-orientated adj. 针对考试的C4 T3 P1Micro-enterprise credit for street youthdirect such opportunities to 把这样的机会直接给end up. 以。结局收场a dearth of= lack of, scarceness ofunskilled, labour-intensive tasks 没有技术含量的,劳动密集型工作tremendous advantages 巨大的好处P2 volcanoes-earth-shattering newsP3 obtaining linguistic dataBe available forUnavoidable=inevitableScrupulous adj. careful, meticulousscrupulous attention to detailminimize v. 减少 减小alternatively, adv 此外be supplemented by 由。补充be elicited by 由。引出C4T4P1 how much higher? How much faster?A steady improvementAdage n. 谚语、古语、格言Emeritus adj 退休的,名誉退休的Fail to address 没能解决、没能应用Left and right on all sideIn completely contradiction of all the received与所有一切已被接受的(事实)截然相反Be humbled by 被。羞辱For the foreseeable future在可预见的未来P2 the nature and aims of archaeologyToil v.费力做,苦干she toiled all night: WORK HARD, labour, exert oneselfshe began to toil up the cliff path: STRUGGLE, trudge, trampexcavation n. 挖掘,挖掘的洞sewer n. 污水管, 阴沟, 下水道#缝纫工; 缝纫机, 缝具#司膳管家 loot v. 抢劫, 洗劫; 强夺; 掠夺; 抢劫troops looted the cathedral: PLUNDER, pillage, despoilThe rich mixture of danger and detective work has also made it the perfect vehicle for fiction writers and film-makers.The essential truth 最根本的事实At its broadest 广义来说In a more restricted sense, 狭义来说Dwelling n. 住所 住宅In this respect =in this aspect 在这方面P3 the problem of scarce resourcesBe allocated or apportioned 被分配Be distributed Be given priority 给予优先权In respect of。 在。方面Finitude n. 有限quality of being limited; quality of being countable Finite adj 有限的having limitations, having boundsFinite and exhaustible 有限的,可被耗尽的Autonomous adj 自治的The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.C5T1 P1 Johnsons dictionaryNo standard wayNo agreementMake order out of chaos Circumscribe v. 在.周围画线, 限制 In installment 分期付款Garret n. 阁楼,头,顶楼Station v. 驻扎, 配置, 部署 the regiment was stationed at Woolwich: PUT ON DUTY, post, position, place; establish, install; deploy, base, garrison. vicissitude n. 变化, 荣枯, 变迁 unpredictable changes (especially during the course of a lifetime); variability; hardship during a lifetime patronage n. 赞助, 任免权, 光顾 eccentricity n. 偏心; 离心率; 古怪 cornerstone n. 基石、隅石、地基P2 nature or nurture?Distaste n. 讨厌,嫌恶Balk(at) v. 突然止步不前; 佯投; 畏怯, 犹豫; 作犯规动作; 阻碍, 阻止; 错过; 妨碍; 推诿 refuse to move forward; hesitate; hinder, thwart I baulk at paying that much.they were baulked by traffic: IMPEDE, obstruct, thwart, hinder, prevent, check, stop, curb, halt, bar, block, forestall, frustrate.revulsion n. 剧变, 剧烈的反应, 非常的厌恶 discrepancy n. 相差; 矛盾; 差异pent-up adj. REPRESSED, suppressed, stifled, smothered, restrained, confined, bottled up, held in/back, kept in check, curbed, bridled. legitimacy n. 合法; 合理; 正统 adj legitimate malevolent adj. 有恶意的, 坏心肠的 adjective MALICIOUS, hostile, evil-minded, baleful, evil-intentioned,forgo v. 摒绝, 放弃 forgo(also forego) verb (forgoes, forgoing, forwent; past participle forgone) go without (something desirable). P3 The truth about the environmentThey have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are becoming extinct in vast numbers, and that the planets air and water are becoming ever more polluted.Lopsidedness n. 不匀称; 偏重; 倾向一方; 一边较大 overstate v. 夸大的叙述, 夸张 altruistic adj. 利他的; 无私心的 C5T2P1 BakeliteSynthetic adj 综合的; 假想的, 虚构的; 合成的, 人造的; 虚伪的; n.合成物质Of enormous technological importanceLaunch v. 使下水, 把船放进水里; 发出, 放出; 开始; 运转, 活跃 (计算机用语); 开辟, 创新; 投掷; 冲进, 打断 constituent n. 选举者; 要素; 委托人adjective constituent parts: COMPONENT, integral; elemental, basic, essential, inherent.Viscous adj 粘的, 粘性的, 有粘性的 sticky, gluey, adhesiveImmense technological progress in the domain of chemistry, coupled with wider cultural changes, and the pragmatic need to find acceptable substitutes for dwindling supply of luxury materials such as tortoiseshell and ivory.Embark on v.从事、着手Be busily amassing dollars 忙着赚钱On a commercial basis 在商业化基础上Malleable adj 有延展性的, 可锻的 a malleable young woman: EASILY INFLUENCED, suggestiblebe subjected to 使服从, 从属于 -, 在 - 的影响之下, 在 - 之下的 we are all subject to the law: BOUND BY, constrained by, accountable toenjoy an unparalleled popularity 非常的流行relish v. 喜爱, 爱好; 欣赏, 品味; 吃得津津有味; 给.加佐料; 有特定滋味; 味道可口; 有特定意味 N. 滋味, 美味; 食欲; 风味; 兴味 he was relishing his moment of glory.I dont relish the drive: LOOK FORWARD TO, fancy, anticipate with pleasure. drab adj 黄褐色的; 单调的; 浅褐色的; 无趣的 a drab existence: UNINTERESTING, dull, boring, tedious, monotonousP2 Whats so funny?Punchline n. 笑料last line of a joke that provides the humour or climax dub v. 封.为爵士; 把.叫做; 授予.称号; 给.取绰号; 配音; 授予称号; 轻点; 授与.称号, 修剪; 配音; 复制; 译制, 配入; 混录verbhe was dubbed the worlds sexiest man: NICKNAME, call, name, label, christen, term, tag, entitle, style; designate, characterize, nominate; formal denominate. she dubbed a new knight: KNIGHT, investpedigree n.血统、家谱ludicrousness n. absurdness, ridiculousness mutate v. 变化; 产生突变; 使变异 tap into v.vocalization n. 发声; 元音化; 有声化; 浊化 be consistent with 与。一致be retuned in response toP3 The birth of Scientific EnglishGiven.Lingua franca 通用的语言Cartography n. 地图制作Adopt and publicize 采纳和宣传C5T3P1 Early Childhood EducationPour into v. 倒, 注, 灌; 大量投入; 倾注; 大量生产; 倾泻, 涌流; 倒起来; 斟茶; 倾盆而降 pilot adj. 引导的; 试验性的, 试点的; 导向的predicate v. 断定为, 意味着, 使基于; 作出论断, 断言phenomenal adj. 现象的, 异常的, 能知觉的 REMARKABLE, exceptional, extraordinary, amazing, astonishing, astounding, sensational, stunning, incredible, unbelievable; marvellousbear little or no relationship to 跟。几乎没有关系perpetuate v. 使永存, 使不朽 institutionalize v. 使成公共团体; 使约定俗成; 使制度化; 将.收容在公共设施里transform something into an institution (i.e. custom, law, pattern of behavior); place a person in an institution (also institutionalise) P2 disappearing Deltaat an astounding rate 以惊人的速度scour v.擦净; 洗涤; 擦亮; 擦掉; 擦; 冲刷; 洗; 急速穿过; 走遍搜索; 急速穿行; 追寻 she scoured the cooker and cleaned out the cupboards: SCRUB, rubChristine scoured the shops for a gift: SEARCH, comb, hunt throughvirtually adv. 事实上, 实质上 EF


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