



张静中学2014高考英语一轮训练题及答案二二(*)coffee houses can be seen anywhere in america. 76. people from european brought the idea with them. soon77. coffee became the leading drink. today people in united78. states drink more coffee than people in any country. 79. people who drink coffee at breakfast, at lunch, and80. between meals. they drink them at work and at home. 81. coffee is drunk by people around the world. some82. people like coffee what is very black and very strong. 83. another people like coffee with cream or sugar, or, cream84. and sugar with it. now coffee has become a world-wide drink. 85. (四)76anywhere everywhere 77.european europe 78. in the 79. any other 80. 去掉who 81.them it 82. 83.what that/which 84. another other 85.with in*结束短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。i was born in a farmer family in suizhong county, liaoning province in june, in 1965 when i was a child, i dreamed of flyingin the sky i joined the army in june, 1983 in 1992, i was sent tothe air force base in august, 1996, i was one of the first 14 members from 1,500 pilots through the physical examination i worked hardly, because i was among the first astronauts of our country in 1998. i was chosen one of the first man space aircraft astronautslateron oct15, 2003, i successfully fly to space, circledaround the earth about 14 circle and then returned i was honoredto have given the chance to be the first chinese to travel in space 参考答案短文改错1farmer改为farmer,s2 去掉1965前面的in 3 an air force base。4 把hardly改为hard5把because改为so6在chosen后加as7 manned8 flew 9 把circle改为circles 10 在have后面加been *结束【专题训练与高考预测】阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。以下是广告信息;以下是与广告相关的读者来信。请匹配来信与它们所对应的广告。1. may 15,2006gentleman, the enclosed advertisement for your organization comes from the april issue of cosmopolitan. i am interested in doing volunteer work for abused children and would 1ike to have your information booklet. my address is as follows: 6 villa maurice, 92160 antony france yours truly,d. gruber2. january 15, 2006 dear sir or madam, i am interested in writing adventure stories for children. please send information on the course you offer to the following address: 5481 torrance blvd, torrance, ca 90503 yours faithfully, irene ponbs (ms)3. april 14,2006 dear sir or madam, i am interested in finding a part-time job in the morning. please send information to the following address: 2955 pacific coast highway, torrance,ca 90505 sincerely, m. e. nielson (mr)4. 1068 baxter road, loveland, ohio 45140 march 13,2006 dear sir or madam, please send me your catalog and information on the service you offer. i have a small business and have been robbed several times. yours truly,j. barnes5. am frankenheim 21, 5000 koln 40 germany june 1, 2006 dear sir, i would like to receive the list mentioned in your recent advertisement, as well as more information about l.a. parent. i enclose a self-addressed envelope.yours faithfully,【参考答案】-a篇 1. e 解析:d.gruber 喜欢帮助受虐待的孩子,e篇的标题the scars of an abused child can stay with us all his life ,故此答案是e。2. b解析:irene ponb喜欢写冒险故事,与b篇一个成功的作家相一致,故此答案是b。3. d解析:nielson想找早晨的工作,和d一致,鼓词答案是d4. c解析:j. barnes最近遭到抢劫,需要了解保护知识,c篇正好介绍这些,故此答案是c5. a解析:a篇和书信中都提到了l.a. parent.,故此答案a。*结束(*)smoking which is a widespread habit even among school children.76. the number of young smokers are increasing. it is reported that77. over two-fifth of the students in a certain school smoke, and78. some of whom even steal money to buy cigarettes. this is terrible. 79. as we all know, smoking is harmful to our health. so its80. even harmful to middle school students for it does great harm not81. only to their health but also for their mind. middle school students82. are future builders of the country. they should spend their time83. learning useful knowledges. so its really time that these young84. smokers made up their minds give up smoking. 85. 【参考答案】(五)76去掉which 77.are is 78. two- fifth two-fifths 79. whom them but 81. harmful more 82.for to83. 84.knowledges knowledge 85. minds to*结束短文改错(10分)错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改增加:在缺词出加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改侯的词。注意:只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。never shall i forget the first english lesson giving by miss liu. one monday morning, when she entered the classroom, we found out that she was a young and beautiful lady. then she introduced her and said they shouldnt call her teacher liu but miss liu. later, she let us go to the blackboard and said something about ourselves in english in turns. when it was my turn, i felt too shy that i didnt dare to say anything before the class. she went up


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