



Adding ImagesEvery product on Amazon needs one or more product image. The primary image of your item is called the MAIN. The MAIN image represents an item in search results and browse pages, and is the first image customers see on an items detail page. Choose images that are clear, easy to understand, information-rich, and attractively presented. Images must accurately represent the product and show only the product thats for sale, with minimal or no propping. Images are very important to customers, so quality matters.Image Standards Images must accurately represent the product and show only the product thats for sale, with minimal or no propping. MAIN images must have a pure white background (pure white blends in with the Amazon search and item detail pages - RGB values of 255, 255, 255). MAIN images must show the actual product (not a graphic or illustration), and must NOT show excluded accessories, props that may confuse the customer, text that is not part of the product, or logos/watermarks/inset images. The product must fill 85% or more of the image. Images should be 1000 pixels or larger in either height or width, as this will enable zoom function on the website (zoom has proven to enhance sales). The smallest your file should be is 500 pixels on the longest side. Amazon accepts JPEG (.jpg), TIFF (.tif), or GIF (.gif) file formats. JPEG is preferred.Adding Product ImagesYou can provide one main product image and up to eight alternate image views for your product listings on Amazon. You can add an image either when you create a product page or after the page is already created. It can take up to 24 hours after adding an image for it to appear on the website.To add an image to an existing listing:1. On theInventorytab, selectManage Inventory.2. Click theActions linkfor an item.3. SelectManage product imagesfrom the drop-down menu.4. In the pop-up window, clickBrowse Filefor the first empty image area.The Main image is labeled in the top left corner.5. Select an image from your computer and clickOpen.6. ClickUpload imagesto add your image to the listing.To add an image to a new listing:1. In Manage Inventory, clickAdd a product, located near the Search box.2. For images, clickAdd Images.3. In the pop-up window, clickBrowse Filefor the first empty image area.The Main image is labeled in the top left corner.4. Select an image from your computer and clickOpen.The image path appears below the Browse File button for that image space.5. ClickUpload imagesto add your image to the listing.Intimate apparel and swimwearImages of intimate apparel, lingerie, and swimwear products may not be sexually explicit or obscene, as determined at the sole discretion of Amazon. In addition, images of such products must comply with the following rules: Images of live models that use poses that could be interpreted as indecent, excessively erotic, or lewd are not permitted. Images that display full nudity (breasts, genitalia, bare bottoms, and so on) are not permitted. Images with live models wearing sheer products might be permitted, provided that genitalia and breasts/nipples are not exposed or presented in a lewd or provocative manner. No bars or other types of graphics are permitted to cover exposed body parts. Thongs and panties must use front views for the main product image. Back views can be uploaded as alternate views. Thongs and panties that do not provide full coverage in the front and back must have images that do not use a human model. Air-brushing is not permitted for exposed skin areas.Additional Images MAIN images should be supplemented with additional images showing different sides of a product, the product in use, or details that arent visible in the MAIN image. A white background is recommended, but not required. Additional images must not include logos or watermarks, and all props or accessories must be presented in a way that do not cause customer confusion.Note:Our servers cannot accept images that are not formatted to our specifications.


  • 1. 本站所有资源如无特殊说明,都需要本地电脑安装OFFICE2007和PDF阅读器。图纸软件为CAD,CAXA,PROE,UG,SolidWorks等.压缩文件请下载最新的WinRAR软件解压。
  • 2. 本站的文档不包含任何第三方提供的附件图纸等,如果需要附件,请联系上传者。文件的所有权益归上传用户所有。
  • 3. 本站RAR压缩包中若带图纸,网页内容里面会有图纸预览,若没有图纸预览就没有图纸。
  • 4. 未经权益所有人同意不得将文件中的内容挪作商业或盈利用途。
  • 5. 人人文库网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑,并不能对任何下载内容负责。
  • 6. 下载文件中如有侵权或不适当内容,请与我们联系,我们立即纠正。
  • 7. 本站不保证下载资源的准确性、安全性和完整性, 同时也不承担用户因使用这些下载资源对自己和他人造成任何形式的伤害或损失。


