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太 原 五 中20132014学年度第一学期月考(10月)高 一 英 语第一部分 听力(共两小节,满分10分)第一节 (共5小题,每小题0.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题后所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. what is the mans major in university?a. biology.b. medicine.c. chemistry.2. why does the man often go to the music store?a. to listen to new songs.b. to buy new songs.c. to borrow new songs.3. how many rooms has the man booked?a. two.b. three.c. four.4. when will the woman spend her vacation?a. next week.b. at the end of this month.c. next month.5. what did the man pay for with cash?a. some chocolates.b. his books.c. his lunch.第二节 (共15小题,每小题0.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题后所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面材料,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. where is the woman from?a. japan.b. canada.c. iceland.7. which season does the woman like most?a. spring.b. autumn.c. winter.听下面材料,回答第8到第10两个小题。8. how often does the man do exercise?a. three times a week.b. four times a week.c. once a week.9. what does the man think of his physical health?a. he needs more exercise to keep fit.b. he is quite satisfied with it.c. he is worrying about his weight.10. what does the woman offer to do?a. play tennis with the man.b. eat out with the man.c. teach the man to cook food.听下面材料,回答第11到第13两个小题。11. how many pets are there in the mans home?a. four.b. five.c. six.12. why does the mans family train dogs?a. to help the blind.b. to start a training school.c. to earn a living.13. whats the womans favorite pet?a. the fish.b. the snake.c. the dog.听下面材料,回答第14到第17两个小题。14. where does the man usually do exercise? a. in a health club.b. around the lake.c. in the park.15. which sport is the man willing to do with his friends? a. running.b. cycling.c. basketball.16. what does the woman like to shop for the most? a. bags.b. shoes.c. clothes.17. what will the two speakers do after dinner? a. go to the cinema.b. do exercise.c. go shopping.听下面材料,回答第18到第20两个小题。18. why did the little boy open the windows? a. to feed an elephant.b. to have a careful look.c. to take some photos.19. how did nelsons family feel after the accident in the park? a. they felt calm.b. they felt very excited.c. they felt pretty shocked.20. what is nelson? a. a policeman.b. a doctor.c. a driver.第二部分 英语知识运用(满分35分)第一节 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21.jim, _ successful businessman, at _age of 17, wrote down all of the goals he wanted to achieve in life.a. /; theb. a;/c. the ;/d. a ;the22. equipped with modern facilities, todays libraries differ greatly from _.a. the past b. the rest c. those of the past d. which of the past23. i dont know about you, but im sick and tired of this weather. _. i cant stand all this rain. a. so do ib. so i amc. so am id. so i do24.do come here on monday, _ we, as planned, will take part in the gathering of aids prevention volunteers.abutbandcthereforedor25.to be successful, think of yourself as a success. truly _ yourself and the work you are doing and that work will bring results of great value.a. respect b. borec. relax d. disappoint26.just a small number of teachers were awarded this year nationally, _10 years ago.a.as half many asb. half as many asc. as many half asd. as many as half27.people should protect endangered trees_ future generations can live in a better environment.a. in caseb. unlessc. ifd. so that28. when are you leaving for shanghai? tomorrow morning. my plane _at 10:00 am.a. is leftb. was leavingc. leavesd. has left29.rather than_the eggs at a verylow price, she would _ them for her own children.ato sell;to keep bselling;keepingcsold;keepdsell;keep30. working all day long is _the life i wanted how i wish i could live a peaceful life!a. something likeb. nothing likec. better thand. nothing but31. when questioned by the police, ms lin gave a true _of what she had seen. a. comprehensionb. descriptionc. attentiond. direction32.at tsinghua, freshmen need to register and find their dormitory by themselves. the process requires two to three hours, _ volunteers take parents on a tour of the campus.a. during whichb. during thatc. during itd. during what33.with so many flowers _ the field, it looks like a vast sheet of colorful silk.a. being coveredb. to coverc. coveringd. covered34. what do you want to do next? we have half an hour until the basketball game._. whatever you want to do is fine with me. ait just depends.bit is up to you.call right.dglad to hear that.35.we _ by his enthusiasm and skills at every stage of our search, and at the final it was clear that we found the ideal person for the role of slide tester.a. impressedb. have been impressedc. were impressedd. were impressing第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的a、b、c和d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。dear brian, i need to apologize to you for some big mistakes i made in my fathering. i hope this allows us to feel 36 to one another. my greatest 37 would be for you to forgive me. although we have never talked about it, there were maybe several times in your childhood when i beat you in 38 . one of those times 39 sharply in my memory, and i imagine in yours, as well. i think you were about eight. i came home from a job that i hated, more 40 than usual. you were playing ball in your room, which i had 41 told you not to do. i heard the crash of broken glass and 42 into your room. i saw that you had just broken your window. i started hitting you, even several times in the face. afterwards you were crying and i felt 43 , but i never let you see my deep regret or apologized for my cruel 44 . i want you to know how sad i feel for every time i 45 you, especially for that one particular evening. it has 46 heavily on my heart over the years. i have often 47 myself a bad father because of it. i want you to know it was never your 48 when i hit you. no child deserves(应受) to be 49 by a parent or anyone else. i should have 50 my anger and disappointment with words, 51 my hands. 52 i never hit you again after that night, it has taken me till now to understand that it is never too late to ask for your 53 . someday you may be a father. if that comes to pass, i think you will be a better 54 than i was to you. i 55 hope my apology helps. i love you. dad36. a. saferb. closerc. furtherd. worse37. a. puzzleb. advicec. idead. hope38. a. fearb. troublec. dangerd. anger39. a. stands on b. stands upc. stands outd. stands by40. a. frustratedb. nervousc. embarrassedd. frightened41. a. previouslyb. finallyc. carefullyd. completely42. a. slippedb. enteredc. jumpedd. ran43. a. carefulb. amazedc. terribled. relaxed44. a. feelingsb. instructionsc. storiesd. actions45. a. meetb. hurtc. telld. stay46. a. placedb. weighedc. passedd. left47. a. judgedb. decidedc. praisedd. made48. a. factorb. effectc. faultd. responsibility49. a. heldb. praisedc. metd. hit50. a. performedb. providedc. expressedd. escaped51. a. as well asb. except forc. besidesd. rather than52. a. althoughb. unlessc. onced. since53. a. assistanceb. agreementc. realizationd. forgiveness54. a. partnerb. teacherc. friendd. father55. a. actuallyb. curiouslyc. sincerelyd. seriously第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。ai grew up knowing i was different, and i hated it. i was born with a cheft(分裂的) lip, and when i started to go to school, my classmates were constantly laughing at me-a little girl with a misshapen lip and crooked(歪的) nose. i couldnt even blow up a balloon without holding my nose.when my schoolmates asked, “what happened to your lip?” id tell them that id fallen as a baby and cut it on a piece of glass. somehow it seemed more acceptable to have suffered an accident than to have been born different.then i entered the second grade, and mrs. leonards class. she was round and pretty. everyone adored her. but no one came to love her more than i did. and for a special reason.the time came for the annual(每年的) “hearing tests”. i could hardly hear anything out of one ear. so i cheated. i had learned to watch other children and raised my hand when they did during group testing. the “whisper test” required a different deception(骗术) : each child would go to the door of the classroom, turn sideways and block one ear with a finger. and the teacher would whisper something from her desk, which the child would repeat. then the same thing was done for the other ear. nobody checked to see how tightly the untested ear was being blocked, so i pretended to block mine.my turn came. i turned my bad ear to her, filling up the other ear solidly with my finger, and then gently backed my finger out enough to be able to hear. i waited, and then heard the words that god had surely put into her mouth ; seven words that changed my life forever.mrs. leonard, the pretty teacher i adored, said softly, “i wish you were my little girl.” 56. the author lied to her classmates because she_.a. didnt want to tell others her story b. wanted to get sympathy from themc. wanted to make her cleft lip more acceptable d. wanted to be a special person57. we can learn from the “whisper test” that_. a. everyone would be tested in groups b. there was something wrong with one of the authors ears c. the teacher would check whether the untested ear was blocked d. the students had to be face to face with the teacher58. which of the following is true, according to the text? a. an accident caused the authors cleft lips. b. no one loved mrs. leonard except the author. c. mrs. leonards words had a huge effect on the author. d. the authors deception didnt work in the “ whisper test”.59. what is the best title for the text? a. a teacher who makes others confident b. the words of god saved me c. a small expression of love that went a long way d. an unforgettable test that corrected my mistakeba newly-published study has shown that loneliness can spread from one person to another, like a disease. researchers used information from the framingham study, which began in 1948. the framingham study gathers information about physical and mental health, personal behavior and diet. at first, the study involved about 5,000 people in the american state of massachusetts. now, more than 12,000 individuals are taking part.information from the framingham study showed earlier that happiness can spread from person to person. so can behaviors like littering and the ability to stop smoking.university of chicago psychologist john cacioppo led the recent study. he and other researchers attempted to show how often people felt lonely. they found that the feeling of loneliness spread through social groups.having a social connection with a lonely person increased the chances that another individual would feel lonely. in fact, a friend of a lonely person was 52% more likely to develop feelings of loneliness. a friend of that person was 25% more likely. the researchers say this shows that a person could indirectly be affected by someones loneliness.the effect was the strongest among friends. neighbors were the second most affected group. the effect was weaker on husbands and wives, and brothers and sisters. the researchers also found that loneliness spread more easily among women than men.the new york times newspaper reports that, on average, people experience feelings of loneliness about 48 days a year. it also found that every additional friend can reduce loneliness by about five percent, or two and a half fewer lonely days.loneliness has been linked to health problems like depression and sleeping difficulties. the researchers believe that knowing the causes of loneliness could help in reducing it.the study suggests that people can take steps to stop the spread of loneliness. they can do this by helping individuals they know who may be experiencing loneliness. the result can be helpful to the whole social group.60. what is true about the framingham study?a. it was only conducted in 1948.b. it involves more than 12,000 people who join in.c. it was led by john cacioppo.d. it showed that any behavior could spread.61. which statement about the spread of loneliness is true?a. the spreading effect was the second strongest among friends.b. no spreading effect was found on husbands and wives.c. women are more likely to be affected than men.d. brothers are more easily affected than neighbors.62. what is the main idea of the passage?a. actions should be taken to help lonely people. b. people feel lonely for many reasons.c. ways to fight against loneliness.d. lonely people can affect others.cwithout proper planning, tourism can cause problems. for example, too many tourists can crowd public places that are also enjoyed by the inhabitants of a country. if tourists create too much traffic, the inhabitants become annoyed and unhappy. they begin to dislike tourists and to treat them impolitely. they forget how much tourism can help the countrys economy. it is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them. tourism should help a country, keep the customs and beauty that attract tourists. tourism should also advance the wealth and happiness of local inhabitants. too much tourism can be a problem. if tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. this means that other parts of the countrys economy can suffer.on the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can lose jobs.businesses can also lose money. it costs a great deal of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminals, first-class roads, and other support facilities(配套设施)needed by tourist attractions. for example, a major international class tourism hotel can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to buildif this room is not used most of the time, the owners of the hotel lose money.building a hotel is just a beginning. there must be many support facilities as well, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, sewers to handle waste and water. all of these support facilities cost money. if they are not used because there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost. 63. the underlined word inhabitants (in paragraph 1) probably means_. atourists bpassengers cpopulation dcitizens64. too much tourism can cause all these problems except _. aa bad effect on other industries ba change of tourists customs cover-crowdedness of places of interest dpressure on traffic65. it can be inferred from the text that _. athe author doesnt like tourism developing so fast blocal people will benefit from tourist attraction cother parts of a countrys economy wont benefit from tourism much dwe cant build too many support facilities第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。d do you want to improve the way you study? do you feel nervous before a test? many students say that a lack of concentration(专心) is their biggest problem. 66 if so, use these tips to help you.study techniques(技巧) 67 you shouldnt sit somewhere that you use for another purpose. for example, you always study at the desk, but when you sit on a sofa to study, your brain will think it is time to relax. before sitting down to study, bring together all the equipment you need. 68 if your study desk or table is needed when you are not studying, store all your equipment in a box beside it. dont try to do a lot of things in one study period. 69 if you need a break, stand up and walk around for a few minutes, but try not to telephone a friend or have something to eat.test-taking skills all your hard work will be for nothing if you are too nervous or tired to take your test. getting plenty of rest is very. 70 when you enter the examination room, find your seat and sit down. breathe slowly and deeply. check the time on the clock during the test, but not too often.a. dont watch tv while you are studying.b. finish one thing before beginning another.c. you should always study in the same place.d. it is a better idea to have a long-term study plan.e. this means that you mustnt study all night before your test.f. it has a negative influence on their study and their test results.g. if you are studying english, have textbooks, pens and a dictionary at hand.第四部分 写作(共三节,满分25分)第一节 单词拼写(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据首字母写出正确单词71. my most e_


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