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关于一些试卷的知识点的摘录或总结-1一, 语法1,The road was too narrow for the bus to pass.(改写成:The road was so narrow that the bus coundnt pass.)2,1)either ad.否也 a./ pron.(两者中)任何一个,每方作形容词 (两者之中)任一的, You may go by either road. 你两条路都可以走。(两者之中)每一方的;每一的 He had a bag in either hand他两手各拿一只包。 作代词 (两者之中)任何一个 I dont agree with either of you on these issues. 在这些问题上,你们两个我都不同意。作连接词,(通常与or连用)或者She is coming either today or tomorrow. 她不是今天就是明天来。 作副词, (用在否定句中)也,而且;根本If you dont go, I wont either.2)neither pron.(两者)无一个 ad.也不 a.两者皆非的作形容词, 两者都不Neither shoe fits comfortably. 两只鞋都不合脚。 作代词, (两者之中)无一个Neither of my friends has come yet. 我的两个朋友都还没来。作连接词, (与nor连用)既不.也不;也不We had neither money nor food. 我们既没有钱,也没有食物。作副词, (与no,not,never等连用)也不John cant swim. Neither can I. 约翰不会游泳。 我也不会。(若表示肯定,是用So的)注意none of全部都没有 all of全部都是; neither of 两者都不, both of 两者都;neither .nor即无,也无, not only.but also不仅.,也; either of 两者选其一的3, 含already (ad.早已,已经)的表示肯定的完成时态句子 改写成 含Yet (ad.还,尚,仍;已经;更 conj.然而)表示否定的完成时态句子He has been to shanghai three times already.改写:He hasnt been to shanghai three times yet.4,start doing sth. 与start to do sth.区别但在下列三种情况下,只能用start to do sth.(1)当主语是物而不是人时。如:The ice started to melt. 冰开始融化。(2)当start用于进行时态时。如:She is starting to cook the dinner.她开始做饭(3)当start后面的非谓语动词指心理状态或精神活动(即表示想法、 意见等的词,如think, realize, wonder, understand等)时。如:She started to wonder who had done it.注:1),一般情况下,两者可以互换。如:He started learning /to learn English when he was onlythree.他在只有三岁的时候就开始学习英语了。2),动词后面跟非谓语动词,to do 或doing时,有点区别不大,如like to do /like doing,也有的区别很大,如forget to do(忘记了要做的事)/forget doing(忘记了做过的事情)5,A is in the of B (A在B之中)C is to the of B(接壤但不包含)如中国和日本A is on the of C (不接壤不包含) 在领域之内的南部注:台湾和中国用in,虽隔海但台湾属中国领土,因此不可用to. 二, 词或短语Oriental civilization/art 东方文化/艺术grass n.草;草坪,牧场 grassy a.多草的;青草味的 short-grass plain短草平原barbecue 烤肉、烧烤晚会、便携式烤肉架Grassshopper n.蚱蜢,蝗虫 ant n.蚂蚁 insect n.昆虫,虫 cockroach蟑螂,油虫 Bat n.蝙蝠;球棒,球拍 spider n.蜘蛛 shiver vi. n.战栗,发抖 shivering颤抖的, shake n./ v.摇动,摇;(使)颤抖,震动sick a.有病的;恶心的;(of)腻烦的;恼火的 illa.有病的;坏的;恶意的 ad.坏地;不利地silly a.傻的,糊涂的(注:sill n.基石,门槛,窗台) fooln.傻子,笨蛋 vt.欺骗,愚弄 vi.干蠢事spicy辛辣的, 加有香料的;香的 spicy food辛辣食物 sweet a.甜的;可爱的 n. pl.糖果;亲爱的(人) salty a.咸的;盐的 sour a.酸的;馊的;乖戾的 v.(使)变酸(馊) bittera.有苦味的, 充满仇恨的;令人不快的;Staying up at night is harmul to our healthy.熬夜不利于身体。dusk n.薄暮,黄昏 at dusk在黄昏 dawn n.黎明;开端,起始 vi.破晓;开始,出现 at dawn在黎明daylight n.日光,白昼 黎明U at daylight在黎明ease n.容易;悠闲,自在 v.缓和,解除 at ease安适,不拘束easy a.容易的;舒适的;随和的,宽松的, at an easy rate廉价地, 非常容易地 glass n.玻璃,玻璃杯; pl.眼镜 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜NanPu Bridge(bridge的首字母不可写写)南浦大桥SuZhou Creek苏州河Creek n.小湾,小港;小河,溪 river n.河,江,川 lake n.湖 sea n.海,海洋ocean n.洋,海洋; pl.大量,许多bund外滩,田基,海堤,防火堤 have a bird-view of the Bund鸟瞰外滩shore n.(海等的)滨,岸 vt.(up)支撑,支持coast n.海岸,海滨 beach n.海滩,沙滩castle n.城堡 cattle n.牛 calf n. 牛犊,腿肚子;,(鲸等大哺乳动物的)幼崽 cow n.母牛,奶牛 bull n.公牛;买进证券投机图利者,看涨的人be know as被认为是,被称为 be know for因而出名at chiristmas in the west: 西方圣诞节lever a message:留下一个信息railway station: 火车站bus station: 巴士站four underground lines四条地铁线the spring outing 春游 outing n.远足,郊游,短途旅行a professional basketball player 专业的篮球运动员catch a/the flu传上流感get my dinner at the school canteen.我在学校食堂用餐。many people ahead of me我前面的一些人set out出发,动身;a chemical change化学变化Be on business 出差办事On the contrary正相反Live in the age of technology生活在科技时代Win the grand prize of ¥5,000,000获得5百万人民币的大奖The grand canyon 大峡谷grand a.宏伟的;重大的;傲慢的;绝佳的;全部的gander n.雄鹅 v.闲逛gender n.性别;(语法中的)性In the fancy dress ball 在化妆舞会上 fancy vt.喜欢 a.高档的 n.爱好;想象力;设想on the island在岛上 in my size我的尺寸 become more outgoing变得更外向 try it试试 try on 试穿live a hard life过着艰难的生活afford part of the tuition fee付部分学费 at the beginning of the term在这个学期的开始dream of 渴望,向往meet difficulties in the key high school:在重点高中,遇见了困难。enter the high school进入高中mate n.伙伴,同事;配偶;大副 v.(使)交配schoolmate同校同学 =schoolfellow n.同学courage n.勇气,胆量 encourage vt.鼓励,激励,怂恿;促进,助长,激发Only you know whats best for yourself. 只有你知道什么是最好的。Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. 没有事真得结束了,除非你停止尝试。Be brave enough not to be afraid of difficulties.足够勇敢而不畏困难。It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave. 通过尝试我们学习如何变得勇敢(在此句中take chance/take a chance: 尝试、抓住机会、冒险)Become more outgoing 变得更外向 outgoing a.友善的,即将离去的 kind n.种类 a.亲切的,和蔼的,仁慈的kindly ad.亲切地 a.友好的keen a.热心的;敏锐的;激烈的;锋利的enthousiastic a.满腔热情的,热心的,极感兴趣的helpful a.有益的;给予帮助的,肯帮忙的help clean the neigbourhood(或neighborhood) 帮助打扫街坊neighbor(或neighbour) n.邻居;邻近的人(或物),邻国neighborhood(neighbourhood) n.四邻,街坊;邻近地区,附近pigeon n.鸽子 dove n.鸽;温和派人物,“鸽派”人物 n. vi.跳水,潜水;俯冲,扑 drive vt.驾驶,开动,打入;驱使 vi.驾驶 n.驾驶Set goals:设置目标;rise vi.升起;起立(床);上涨 n.上涨;升高 arise vi.产生,出现;起源于;起身(床) raise vt./ n.举起;增加;筹集;引起;养育raise money集资 rubber ball皮球each os us我们中的每一个try to have balance in your life试着在你的生活中建立平衡。bounce back回弹 careful a.小心的,仔细的, carefully ad.仔细地;小心地 , careless a.粗心的;随便的;(of)不关心的, carelessly ad.粗心地;疏忽地step by step 逐步地a little different from有点不同于.brolly(英国单词)=umbrella(美国单词)伞 confusion困惑,糊涂 understanding协议,理解in every region在每个区域the first language 第一语言the second language 第二种语言take place:发生fog雾 mist n.薄雾 v.(使)蒙上薄雾,(使)模糊test how long it takes to gently stop your car. 测试下轻轻停住车需多少时间。(gentle .和蔼的;轻柔的,徐缓的;坡度小的 gently ad.温和地;静静地)give at least two reasons最少给出两个理由all time全部时间, all the time一直,始终, all the same仍然,照样地at times有时,间或=sometimes; soemtime ad.将来(或过去)某个时候 a.以前的as a matter of fact 实际地= in fact= in realityin return作为回报,作为报答get good result in the examination.获取考试的好结果。Make their children live in a comfortable world.让他们的孩子生活在舒适的世界中Shorten the gap缩小差距,缩写代沟=mend the gap=bridge the gap The summer holiday(s)暑假The winter holiday(s)寒假Shoping online在线购物an useful and convenient way 一个有用且便捷的方法the third gold medal第三块金牌;in 2010 Vancouver Winter Olymplic Games 2010温哥华冬季奥运会spend too much time on it 花了太多的时间在其上面be warned not to do sth.被警告做某事drinking wine喝酒give up smoking放弃抽烟have a good rest好好休息have a lot(a little) in common 有很多(很少)共同处take care of 照顾take hold of 抓住take place of 代替take/be in charge of 负责take exams in online schools上在线学校考试May be uncomfortable也许不舒服。Mysterious a.神秘的,难以理解的;诡秘的 secret a.秘密的,机密的 n.秘密 secretary n.秘书;书记;部长,大臣strict a.严格的;严谨的;完全的,不折不扣的Wish sb. sth. ,比如wish you happiness and success in the future祝你未来快乐并成功Watch a wonder cartoon 看一个惊奇卡通片Attend the sckool/ lecture/competetion/party: 参加学校/课堂/竞争/聚会Attend the lesion(course): 上课Give a call打电话 Give a party 举行一次聚会(或宴会,聚餐)Give a hand帮助Take clothing and personal items with him(或take him clothing and personal items)随身携带上衣服及个人东西。Clean the street 大少街道Fill seven big rubbish bigs 填满七个大袋的垃圾The head of community社区的领导Community n.社区,社会;团体,界;(动植物的)群落Communicate vi.交流,通讯;连接 vt.传达,传播;传染100-meter-race 100米赛跑race n.赛跑;竞争;人种 v.参赛;(使)疾走(跑)Su Yun, aged 60= SunYuns age is 60= Sunyun is 60 years oldIn the past过去Realize the importance of doing exercises:认识到做运动的重要性(take exercises也是做运动之意)A health club:健康俱乐部Put up举起, go down下降 come true变得真实 point out指出Bright light明亮的灯At the end of day这一天快结束时Take a boat;乘船See the amazing nightlife on the Bund看沙滩上吸引人的夜生活Side by side一边一边地Travel at half the speed of light以一半的光速度旅行reduce the overall cost减掉全部的成本 learn a lot about other people and cultures on this trip在旅途中了解了很多人和文化travel abroad去外面旅游hear from her a bit later后来听到她的一点休息start organizing the trip开始组织旅游agenda for this evening meeting今晚会议的日程apply for passport申请护照do some serious planning做一些严重的计划 put up your hand:举起手Hamburg汉堡包At home;在家,at work;在工作hand(/give/deliver) it to him:将其传递给他the fast-food restaurant serve;快餐店服务;beef sandwiches;牛肉三明治serve French fries 供应法国煎炸食品How old= what is the age ofIn north or south of the city 在城市的北部或南部Fast service , low cost, important quality快速服务,低价格,重要的质量revierside;河边in the spring festival 在春节with the help of the dog在狗的帮助find ones way home: 某人找到回家的路do the housework做家庭作业The two-thirds of my classmate三分之二的同班同学The three-quarters (or three-fourths)of the books 四分之三的书A three quarter view四分之三的视野Convene vi.开会,集合 vt.召集 convention n.习俗,惯例;公约,协议;会议,大会convent n.女修道院 Release the pressure 释放压力pea n.豌豆 pear n.梨(树) pearl n.珍珠;珠状物;珍品 peel vt.削皮,剥壳 vi.剥落,脱皮 n.(外)皮receive vt.收到;受到;接待,接见,欢迎 receiver n.(电话)听筒;接收器 reception n.招待会;接受;接待;接收效果 reception room接待室 receptionist接待员 receptive a.接收能力强的,能迅速接受的 receipt n.发票,收据 pl.收入,进款;收到recess n./ vi.暂停,休庭;休息 pl.深处 recession n.(经济的)衰退,衰退期botanical garden植物园zoo n.动物园park n.公园;停车场 v.停放(车辆等)be sure to watch out for traffic 务必注意交通(be careful, look out都是当心之意)a pair of spiked running shoes一双带钉的跑鞋 spike n.长钉,大钉a great /grand city 大城市downtown ad.往(或在)商业区 a.商业区的,闹市区的 capital n.首都(府);资金;大写字母 a.大写的 grain n.谷物;谷粒,颗粒,细粒;少量,微量rice n.稻,米,饭meal n.膳食,一餐,一顿(饭);进餐,进餐时间corn n.谷物,小麦;玉米 corn oil玉米油wheat n.小麦cotton n.棉,棉花;棉线,棉纱crop n.作物;收成;一批 vt.剪短,修剪sesame 芝麻 sesame paste 芝麻酱 sunflower向日葵east China华东 the east China sea东海fast east far east 远东 east Asia 东亚north China华北stretch vi.伸展 vt.拉长 n.一段时间(路程);伸展 extend vt.延伸;扩展;给予 vi.伸展,延伸;达到 extension n.伸出,扩大;延长部分;电话分机(号码)expand v.扩大,扩张,扩展;膨胀 expansion n.扩大,扩张,扩展;膨胀nearby附近地(后面不接具体地点), beside our school=next to our school挨着我们学校do someboday a favour给某人帮忙=giva somebody a handlose ones temper 发脾气make much progress 取得进步go sight-seeing/sightseeing去观光go shopping去买东西the history museum of the state: 国家历史博物馆develop the reading ability through reading a page of Englsih every day.通过每天读一页英语,而发展阅读能力。The most successful colorful film最成功的彩色电影Make a dicision做决定Obey traffic rules to keep ourselves save遵守交通规矩让我安全It is common knowledge that oil doesnt be mixtured with water.油与水不相融,是常识Its real a good idea to go group-buying, especially when prices go up like a rocket.集体购买是好主意,特别是在价格向火箭一样上涨的时候Humans have five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.人有五种感觉:看,听,尝,闻及触觉。the first /second prize第一等/二等 奖brush our teeth twice one day 一天刷牙两次have breakfast吃早饭 have a little breakfast吃一点早饭outshot凸出部分 outshot wool废毛outshoot 及物动词1. 发射;冲出; 不及物动词1. 冲出 名词1. 发射;发射物keep your elbows at the same height as(/at the top part of ) the keyboard保持肘离键盘的距离不变in the bright sunlight在明亮的阳光下 gist要点 point n.要点,观点;点;时刻 v.指,指明there is no point to it 关于它,没有什么观点stamp邮票 letter信 envelop n.信封 vt.包,裹;围绕;包围the day before yesterday 前天far more/far less=much more/less 更多、更少at the huge shopping center/plaza在大型购物中心/广场 supermarket n.超级市场 mall n.(由许多商店组成的)购物中心 department store百货商店museum n.博物馆 library n.图书馆,藏书室;藏书 laboratory n.实验室exhibiton hall展览厅put your heart into task 专心于任务=devote yourself to taskmonitor vt.监听(视;测) n.检测器;显示器;班长cute a.漂亮的,娇小可爱的;聪明伶俐的,精明的=lovely a.可爱的,秀美的,动人的;美好的 =pretty ad.相当,很 a.漂亮的,俊俏的,标致的Be pleased with对.感到高兴(满意)=be statisfied with Well-known for a.著名的,出名的= famous forBe parallel to 与平行parallel n.相似处;平行线;纬线 a.平行的;类似的cook vt.烹调,煮,烧 n.厨师,炊事员 cookery n.烹调法;烹调的地方plate n.盘子;金属牌;平板,薄板 vt.镀 dish n.碟,盘;菜肴,一盘菜bee n.蜜蜂, 蜂蜜 beef n.牛肉 roast beef烤牛肉 toast n.烤面包,吐司;祝酒辞 vt.烘,烤;祝酒 boast vi.(of,about)自夸 vt.夸口 n.自吹自擂coast n.海岸,海滨 roast v.烤,炙,烘 n.烤肉 a.烤(烘)过的necessity nisesiti n.必需品;必要(性),(迫切)需要necessary a.必要的;必然的 n. pl.必需品 necessarily ad.必要地,必需地;必定地,必然地mobil phone手机=cell phone the symbol of the status身份的象征near ad.在近处 v./ prep.靠(接)近 a.接(亲)近的nearby a.附近的 ad.在附近(当副词时,后面不解具体地点,而beside后面接具体地点)nearly ad.几乎,差不多=almost(注:most n.大多数, ad.最;十分 a.最多的;大部分的指;mostly: ad.几乎全部地,主要地)pollute vt.弄脏,污染;腐蚀 pollution n.污染,污染物( reduce the pollution减少污染)dabble v.涉足,浅赏 babble v.说蠢话,牙牙学语fiddle n.欺诈;小提琴 vt.篡改 vi.拨弄;胡混 middle n.中部,中间 a.中部的,中间的riddle n.谜(语);难题 vt.筛;把弄得处处穿孔 field n.田地;领域;运动场;产地;场;视野; farmland农田,耕地;farmyard n.农家场院 cultivated area/land耕地factory n.工厂,制造厂 plant n.植物;工厂;间谍 vt.种,植;放置 maker n.创造者;制作者 manufacturer n.制造商,制造厂vendor n.卖主,供应商 supplier供应商 a big drop大幅下降 Have a walk in the park在公园里散步a large floating population大量地流动人口 a floating box on the sea海面上一只漂浮的箱子 a floating pier(或dock) 浮船坞 a floating debt短期债务have picnics(a pinic) 进行野餐 on the cruise ship在游轮(游船)上 go shopping=have(或do) some shoping 买东西三, 句子The electric fan can hardly blow away the terrible smell in the hall, can it?电风扇几乎将大厅可怕的味道都吹走了,它能吗?It took me a whole week to go over all the subjects of this term.它花费了我一整星期,去复习这个学期的所有内容。WHO is the short form of the health organization. WHO 是卫生组织的缩写形式 We had learned eight English songs in the hobby group by the end of last month.截止到上月末我在这个兴趣小组已学了八首英语歌。Think of life as a game in which you are playing with five balls in the air. You name them work, family, heakth, friends and spirit. 把生活看作一个游戏,在此游戏中你正玩耍空中的五个球。你将这五个球命名为工作、家庭、健康、朋友和精神。Dont look down on your worth by comparing yourself with others.别通过将你自己与他人做比较,而小看你的价值。Yesteray is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is gift. 昨天是历史,明天是秘密, 而今天是礼物。 (此句中,mystery指n.神秘(性),神秘的人(或事物))The quickest way to reveive love is to give it, the fastest way is to lose love is to hold it too tightly; the best way to keep love is to give it wings.接受爱的最快方式是给予爱; 失去爱的最快方式是将爱握得太紧;留住爱的最好方式是给爱插上翅膀。Knowledge is a treature you can aways carry easily.知识一直是你能很容易带着的财富。The more ice there is, the further down the road you have to look. 冰越多,你越要往下看路。(此句中look down往下看,)They buy their children pretty clothes, cool shoes, strange but expensive school things and always a thoustand-yuan-cost bike.他们得为孩子买漂亮的衣服、凉鞋、奇怪且昂贵的学习用品,及总是上千元价格的自行车。I think it means a place where we can hide ourselves from the outside world.我想它指的是一个能将我们藏起来见不到外面世界的地方。 So I think that parents should save their money and sit down to talk with their children to let them know that they have true family, so the child and his parents could understand each other more and more. Then, no boy will be regarded as a little boy.所以我想父母该把钱省下,坐下来和孩子们谈下,以让他们知道他们有个真正的家,这样孩子们与他的父母间有更多的理解。那么,就没有孩子将被当做小男孩了。This physical problem is so difficult that few students can work it out without help.这道题是如此难以致好少的学生在没有帮助的情况下能解决它。It is a pleasure for me to be invited to play the piano at the concert. 被邀请到音乐会上弹钢琴,是我的荣幸。The twins are so much alike that it is difficult to tell one from the other双胞胎如此像,以此难以辨清他们。I enjoy the popular dance ”hip-hop”, but none of my parents likes it.我挺享受hip-hop这种流行的舞蹈,但是我的父母都不喜欢I apologized to my parents for not finishing the exercises in time.我为未能及时完成作业而向父母道歉。Do you know nearly three quarters of our body is water?你知道我们身体的近四分之三是水份吗?Lets begin right now to protect our nature.让我们现在就开始保护自然。(nature形容词是natural)Make a plan for your future study, and you will succeed in the end.为你的未来学习做个计划,最终你会成功的。(succee


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