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1 重 庆 理 工 大 学 文 献 翻 译 二级学院 管理学院 译 文 要 求 1、译文内容必须与课题(或专业)内容相关,并需注明详细出处。 2、外文翻译译文不少于 2000 字;外文参考资料阅读量至少 3 篇(相当 2 于 10 万外文字符以上)。 3、译文原文(或复印件)应附在译文后备查。 译 文 评 阅 导师评语 (应根据学校“译文要求”,对学生外文翻译的准确性、翻译数量以及译文的文字表述情况等作具体的评价) (要求手写) 指导教师: 年 月 日 关于当前中国城市社区管理现状的研究 摘要 :当 中国城市社会经济进入 某一 阶段 时, 积极推进社区管理是一个不可避免的要求。目前 ,中国的社会经济 正处于 全面发展 的时期 ,在城市社区的管理 方面 仍 不完善,有些问题 急需 解决。 本文 通过分析 中国城市社区管理当前 所面 临的 一些 问题 ,并 提出有关相应的 对策以加强和完善 中国的 城市社区管理。 对中国城市社区管理实践的层面 3 而言,这些建议 有一定的参考价值 。 关键词: 社区,城市社区管理,对策 一、 引言 社区作为城市的一个基层组织,是城市的一个重要组成部分。随着中国市场经济体制的快速发展和进一步的深化改革,社区作为一个社会自治的基层组织,其独特的社会功能和作用也越来越明显。 社区管理 作为 城市管理的基 石,在 充分发挥社区群众的力量 ,推进经济社会共同进步 方面 起着十分重要和不可替代的 作用。完善的社区管理也有助于 构建和谐舒适的 生活 气氛 ,进一步 提高 人们的 生活 水平和 质量 。 因此,通过提高社区管理水平来加强和改善城市的现代化管理,正日益成为一个重要的手段。 自从中国改革开放以来 ,社区管理越来越受到重视和关注,已经是城市现代化管理的一个基本特征。 因此 ,在进一步推进城市现代化的过程中,我们必须积极转变中心城市的管理方式,依照城市和地区的现代化水平分解城市管理的一些功能,通过社区管理这个平台来提高城市的现代化管理水平。 所以 , 如何改革旧的城市社区管理体制 ,建立一个新型的社区管理系统以满足社会经济发展的需要 ,使社区充分发挥其特有的社会功能对于城市的进一步发展 ,已 经成为一项紧迫的任务 。 二、 当前中国城市社区管理中存在的主要问题 目前 ,中国城市社区管理体制的改革 ,已经有了初步效果。但从构建新型社区管理系统的实践中 ,我们仍然可以发现一些存在于城市社区管理中的问题。 它们主要表现在以下几个方面: ( 1) 随着“单位制”的消失,大量的城市工人和居民逐渐转变为“社会人”或者成为自由职业者加强了城市的流动性。源自四面八方不断增加的人口,使城市的人口结构越来越复杂,从而导致社区管理也越来越困难。 ( 2) 失业的风险所带来的自由就业导致的事实是 : 在某些社区 ,“ 贫穷阶层 ” 是不断出现和扩大。 他们的社会保障 和 福利 ,例如 失业补偿、医疗 津贴、 贫困家庭的儿童 教育 和社会 抚恤金 不能 得到有效地 保证。 ( 3) 市民参与社区管理的意识不足 。尤其缺乏 关于 社区建设 的理解。在社区日常事务的管理方面,参与度也不足。 4 ( 4) 社区管理的职能分工模糊。从横向层面和纵向层面的角度看,社区管理中存在着工作的不协调性。基层社区组织的主体是相关的行政管理部门。他们把自己的精力和物质资源都投入到各自的工作中,但却不能相互合作和相互协调,从而导致管理力度的分散。 ( 5) 由于管理体制等各方面的原因, 社区居民委员 总是在 政府部门 的护航下,完善 自 身 的 建设和开展他们的工作 。因此,城市社区 要实现真正的自治, 仍然 会 有很长 很艰难的 路 要走 。 ( 6) 社会公共管理和服务 的作用并未 在日常生活中 充分发挥 出来 ,加上 基础设施 发展的不健全, 没有形成一个完整的体系。 社区管理 普遍存在着服务功能劣质、地址布局不合理和不便于民的问题。 上述提及的一些问题已经变成中国城市社区管理发展的障碍了。 三、 中国城市社区管理发展的对策 中央政府已经为城市社区管理设定了相应的目标。要求如下: ( 1) 符合城市现代化的需要,加强社区党的建设和居民自治组织的建设,基于情感的归属,构建新的社区组 织体系。 ( 2) 为了满足社区居民日益增长的物质文化需要,以社区服务的扩展为突破点,促进社区服务的网络化和现代化。 ( 3) 从根本上改革城市管理体制,建立符合社会主义市场经济体制的社区管理体制和运行机制。 ( 4) 坚持政府的指导和 公民 参与 的结合, 充分发挥社区的力量 ,合理分配 社区资源 , 提高整个社区居民 的素质 和社区的文明程度。与此同时 , 努力构建新型现代化的社区。 为了达到 上述目标的要求 ,提出以下几点建议来解决中国城市社区管理发展过程中的相关的问题: 3.1严格依据民主的原则管理社区 建立最高权力机构 社区成员的代表 大会,它的成员有社区所有居民选举产生。它是一个决策机构,有权处理社区的重大事件,有决策和监督的职能。 通过自荐或者民主推荐,选举产生主席和社区居民委员会的成员。社区居民委员会负责管理社区具体事务,并受到社区成员代表大会的监督。而社区的协商组织机构 是由著名的人 5 物 ,全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会的成员 ,社区的 代表单位和居民 组成的 。通过谈判议程, 民主监督 , 提出意见和建议,它能影响重大决策和管理活动 ; 另外, 社区也 应该 设置一些详细 的规章制度 来保障 处理事务 的 公开 性 、服务 的可信性 、 公众的支持度 等等。当条件 成熟的时候 , 社区自治规则也应该保证社区依法自治 的 健康运行。 3.2完善社区组织管理的法律体系 ( 1) 建立 具有 法人资格的机构 ,比如 按照法律法规成立的 社区管理委员会 ,并 给与 它相应的权利和义务 ,明确划分它的行为与政府的界限。 ( 2) 通过法律法规成立 各种各样的委员会或社区的行政机构 ,为了让 社区充分发挥其有效作用 , 使相应的功能性组织行使权管理、检查、监督、惩罚 的权力。 ( 3)设置相应组织的最大权限,通过法规使社区的各种组织相互牵制,并建工作的内部和外部的监控体系以确保维护大多数居民的利益。 3.3 提高居民的自我管理意识 的方法 政府应该尊重 像居民委员会这样的具有 法律 地位的 基层自治组织 , 支持和保 障 居民他们的自治活动 权力 ,引导 代表居民 讨论 社区居民关心的 主题 ,并 加强民主决策的权利。 关于住宅区的建设等重大问题, 应该提交给居民委员会或居民会议 进行 讨论 和执行实施 。此外 ,政府应该提高和加强社区的 职责,并逐渐将这些职责转移给社区 。这不仅 能 增强 社区成员对社区事务的 注意力 程度,也能 减少 政府 不必要的负担。 3.4积极促进社会福利的社会化和培养社区的服务行业 ( 1) 实现投资主体的多元化。采取国家 ,集体和个人 的 多渠道 投资 ,建立 一套拥有多种所有权形式的发展模 式。 ( 2) 实现服务对象 的公共化 。社区服务 行业 应该面对所有社区居民和 不断地 扩大服务领域 ,服务范围和覆盖率。 ( 3) 实现多样化的服务方法。以一个更具成本效益的方式开发服务设施和社区福利的网站 ,建立社区福利服务体系以满足社区居民的多样化需求。 3.5加强社区管理的人员队伍建设以满足城市现代化的需要 在城市社区的建设和管理 中, 人是最关键的 因 素。因此 , 在推进 城市社区管理 改革和 构建 城市社区的管理模式 的过程中, 管理团队的建设是至关重要的。目前 , 城市社区的管理团队与现代化的城市发展需求仍有 很 大的差距 。主要表现在以下 几个方面 : 年龄结构、文化结构、思想品质、服务和协调的能力等。因此 , 为了提高他们的 6 整体素质 , 一方面 , 要加强 现有管理人员的 专业培训 ; 而另一方面 , 我们 也可以通过引进人才来 调整社区管理团队 ,从而 确保社区管理 与城市的社会经济发展相符合 。 四、结论 伴随着 中国 整个社会经济 的 稳步发展 ,城市的现代化水平不断提高。 根据民主原则, 城市社区的管理 在政府在采取 综合协调 的基础上,会逐渐形成 一 种 自助和自我管理 的 模式。这 种模式在未来的中国城市社区管理 将是一个必然的发展趋势。 参考文献 1 Study on Current Situation of Chinas Urban Community Management,Baoding, P.R.China,2005 International Conference on Public Administration 2Facilitating Community, Enabling Democracy: New Roles for Local Government Managers .John Nalbandian.Public Administration Review.Vol. 59, No. 3 (May - Jun., 1999), pp. 187-197 3David. H. The Future Role and Organization of Local Government. Birmingham: The Institute of Birmingham University, 1986: 89-90 4Mite Ethicon. The Spirit of Community: Rights, Responsibilities, and the Communitarian Agenda. New York: Crown Publishers Inc, 1993: 77-79 5Urban Aging Community Building Problems, Causes and Countermeasures: A Case Study of Beibei District, Chongqing, China,2011 International Conference on Public Administration Study on Current Situation of Chinas Urban Community Management Abstract :It is an inevitable demand for actively advancing community 7 management when Chinas urban social economy enters certain stage. At present, while Chinas social economy is all-round developing, there are still some urgent problems to be solved in urban communitys management. Based on the analysis of current problems faced by Chinas urban communities, this paper proposes some relevant countermeasures in order to strengthen and perfect the urban community management in China. The suggestions may be of certain reference value to the urban community management practice in China. Key words : Community, Urban community management, Countermeasure 1 Introduction A community is a cell and an important component of the city. With further deepening of the reform of urban economic system and the fast development of market economy of China, community, as a social autonomy organization at the basic level, its unique social function is becoming more and more prominent. Community management, the foundation of city management, plays an extremely important and irreplaceable function to give full play to the strength of the community masses, advancing the economic society to progress together, building harmonious and comfortable atmosphere and raising life quality of the people undoubtedly. Hence, the strengthening of urban modernization management that relies on community management is becoming an important means to improve the level of urban 8 modernization management. Since Chinas reform and opening-up, the community management was being more and more regarded as the important and basic characteristic of urban modernization management. So,we must shift down the center of city management progressively while continuing advancing city modernization, separate some functions of city management from city and district level in order to raise the level of modernization management of cities based on community management. So how to reform the old urban community management system and set up a new-type community management system in order to meet the developing needs of social economy and make the community give full play to its peculiar social function and establish a solid foundation for the further development of the cities, has already become an urgent task presently. 2 Main problems existed in current urban community management of China At present, the reform of urban community management system of China has already had preliminary effect, but from the practice of constructing new-type community management system, we could still find some problems in urban community management. They are mainly shown in the following aspects: (1) As system of unit fades, large quantities of urban workers or residents have already been transited to social people or freemen and the 9 urban mobility is strengthened, the population from other places increases, the urban population structure is more and more complicated and the difficulty of community management is increased day by day. (2) The risk of unemployment brought by free employment led to the fact that in some communities, “under-privileged stratum” is appearing and expanding constantly. Their social security and social welfares like unemployment compensation, medical treatment subsidiary, aids for education of poor familys children and social pension could not be assured efficiently. (3) Peoples consciousness of community is faint. They especially lack the understanding of community building and it is still insufficient for them to participate in the communitys affairs. (4) Functional demand is unclear in community management and it has caused incongruous work both on horizontal and vertical level. Communities at the basic level are directed by relevant administrative departments. They put their energy and material resources into their own work only but fail to cooperate and coordinate with each other. Therefore, it has led to the scattering of strength. (5) Community resident committees still have the tendency of administration in their self-building and carrying out of their work, so there is still a long way for them to go to be real autonomy. (6) The functions of social public management and public service are not 10 given a full play and the infrastructure does not form a complete set. The problems of inferior service function, the unreasonable overall arrangement in the site and incomplete handy service for the people still exist generally. Some above-mentioned problems have already become the obstacles for the development of urban community management of China. 3 Countermeasures for urban community management development of China The central government has set corresponding goals for urban community management as the follows. (1) Meeting the needs of urban modernization, strengthening the construction of party and residents autonomy organizations in communities, setting up new-type communities based on an emotion tie and structuring a new community organization system; (2) Regarding the community service expansion as the tap, promoting community service networking and industrialization in order to satisfy the increasing material and culture demands of community residents constantly; (3) Reforming urban management system at the basic level, setting up the community management system and operating mechanism in conformity with socialist market economy system; (4) Insisting the combination of governments guidance and participation of the society, giving full play to communitys strength, disposing community resources rationally, improving the whole quality of the community residents 11 and civilization degree of the community. Meanwhile, making great efforts to build the new-type modernized community. At the request of above-mentioned goals, suggestions should be put forward to some relevant problems of the development of urban community management in China: 3.1 Operating community according to the principle of democratic autonomy strictly Establish the highest authority- communitys members representative assembly which is elected directly by all residents of the community. It is a policy-making body of dealing with communitys great affairs and has the decision and supervision function. Produce the director and members of resident committee of the community by representative assembly via self-recommendation, democratic recommendation. The resident committee of the community is the organization which carries out communitys concrete affairs , responsible for and supervised by the communitys members representative assembly; Set up consultative organization of the community which is made up by the well-known figures , deputies to the National Peoples Congress , members of the CPPCC National Committee , representatives of units and residents in the community.It could influence the great decisions and management activities through negotiation agenda, democratic supervision and putting forward the opinions and suggestions; In addition, the community should set up and amplify such several rules and 12 regulations as handling affairs publicly, service promise, examining appraisal through discussion, etc. When the condition is ripe, community autonomy rules should also be made so as to ensure the healthy operation of the community autonomy according to the law. 3.2 Perfect the legal system of communitys organizational management (1) Establish the status of legal person of newly-set-up decision organization like community management committee in the form of law and give it corresponding rights and obligations and delimit a boundary line between the behaviors of it and the government. (2) Provide all kinds of committees or executive bodies of the community with certain power through the regulations and rules, make corresponding functional organizations exercise power of management, examination, supervision, punishment in order to make the community give full play to its effects efficiently. (3) Establish the limits of functions and powers, and inter-reaction of all kinds of organizations in the community through the regulations; and set up the internal and external supervisory system of working to every organization in order to uphold the interests of most residents. 3.3 Improve the consciousness of self management of community residents The government should respect the legal statuses of such grassroots autonomy organizations as the resident committees, support and ensure the 13 residents to launch their autonomy activities, lead representatives of residents to discuss the topics that the residents care about and enforce democratic decision-making rights. The important issues related to the construction of residential block should be submitted to resident committees or residents meetings to be discussed and carried out in the community. In addition, the government should increase and strengthen the communitys functions and transfer the functions that could be grasped by the communities to them gradually. This will not only strengthen the degree of attentiveness to communitys affairs of community members but also reduce unnecessary burden of the government. 3.4Promote the socialization of community welfare actively and develop the service trade of the community (1) Implement the pluralism of investment subject. Take multi-channel of investment of the country, collective and personal and set up a development pattern of ownership form of many kinds. (2) Implement the public of the service object. The community service trade should face all community residents and expand the service field, the service range and coverage rate constantly. (3) Implement the diversification of serving method. Develop the service facility and site of community welfare in a more cost-effective manner and set up the service system of community welfare to meet the multi-levelly, diversified demands of community residents. 14 3.5 Strengthen the building of contingent of communitys management to meet the need of citys modernization In urban communitys construction and management, people are the most crucial element. So, during the process of advancing the reform of the urban community management and structur


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