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姓 名班 级苏家小学英语六年级下学期期末检测试卷(时间:60分钟;满分:100分)AIIIIIIIVV合计综合得分得分BIIIIIIIVVVIVII合计得分A Listening Part听力部分(40分)IListen and complete听音,填空。(5分)Im in a . Im looking out of the .It is .People are carrying .Children are in the water .Theyre very happy.IIListen and choose听音选择你听到的单词或短语,把序号写在括号内。(5分) ( )1、Were going to to England.A go to B go back C go( )2、There are students at the school.A. 2,500 B. 250 C. 25,000( )3、Were going to have a .A basketball team B baseball team C football team( )4、 ,Shenzhou V flew into space.A In October 2003 B in October 2003 C In October 2008 ( )5、 There are spaceships from . A. America B. American C. AustraliaIII. Listen and number. (听音标号) (5)( )Why are you scared?( )Who are they talking about?( )I am flying in the sky.( )We are going to have a picnic.( )Whats the matter?IV. Listen and circle “T” or “F” (听并判断正误,圈T或F) (10) ( ) 1.Yang Liwei is 186cm tall.( ) 2.Yang Liwei is a policeman.( ) 3.He went to Jiuquan Space Centere in October 2003.( ) 4.He spent about twenty hours in space.( ) 5.Yang Liwei made a spaceship in his space travel.V. Listen and number. (听音排序) (15)( ) A. Lucy is laughing, because I said an interesting thing.( ) B. Zhang Jie is sitting on the sofa, because he is full.( ) C. There is a dinner party in my home.( ) D.I am finding, because I cant find my little dog.( ) E. Chen Ming is drinking a cola, because he is thirsty.Written Part 基础知识与综合运用部分 (60)I. Look and write.(根据汉语意思,完成句子)。(5)1、Im going to go to a .(中学)2、We had a (野餐)on Saturday.3、The toy car is 23 (美元).4、Sam is (鼓掌) his hands.5、There is a (服务员) standing behind you. II. Put the word into sentences. (连词成句)。 (5)1.what/ want/ you/ to / eat/ do (?) _ 2.weather/is/what/to/like/going/the/be(?) 3.oranges/are/the/falling(.) _4.is/playing/telephone/then/he/the/rings/but(.) 5.wearing/are/cups/heads/on/why/you/your(?) _III. Read and choose the correct sentences.(选择正确的句子,将序号填入横线上)(10)Simon: When are we going to eat, Mum?Mum: .Simon: .Mum: Its only half past eleven.Simon: Look, Its going to rain soon.Mum: ,Its a beautiful day.Simon: Oh on, its raining now!Mum: Lets go under the tree.Daming: What are the ducks going to do?Simon: A. Its dry there.B. At half past twelve.C. Theyre going to eat our sandwiches!D. What time is it now?E. No, it isnt.IV. Read and choose. (读一读,选择,将正确的序号写在提前的括号内。)10( )1、- What could you do? - A. I could swim. B. I can swim. C. I like swimming.( )2、- Whats the matter? - A.I want a hot dog. B.I am ill. C.I am going to Zhuhai.( )3、- Why are you angry? - A. Because you are late. B.I will go to the bus stop. C.I want some soup. ( )4、- Who can help me? - A. Can you help me? B. You can help me. C.I will help you.( )5、- I am lunch now.A. have B. had C. having( )6、I am making a good dream .A. but then you falling down. B. but then you are falling down. C. but then you fall down.( )7、My mother for New Years Day.A. is buying things B. buy things C. bought thing( )8I some photos in Beijing last year.A. take B. took C. am taking ( )9、We are go in the restaurant.A. having dinner B. have dinner C. to have dinner ( )10.I played football Sunday afternoon.A. at B. in C. on V. Read, then complete.(读短文用括号里词的正确形式填空)( 10)I (have)a very nice day on Saturday. I (go )to a park with Simon and his mum. But then it (rain). These ducks (eat)our sandwiches. And we (are)wet and hungry.VI. Reading.1。Look, then choose.( 读短文选择正确答案)(5)I had a very funny day on Sunday .I went to a beautiful lake with my father, mother and sister, There were many fish in the lake. We took bread, colas, water, hotdogs, sweets and bananas. First my father wanted to fish. Sue and I wanted to eat. My mother wanted to fly a kite. At last, my father got fourteen fish. Sue and I were very full. My mother was angry, because there wasnt any wind. We went home at five oclock. 1. Where did we go ? A. We went to a park. B. We went to a lake. C. We went to a zoo.2.Were there any fish? A. Yes, there is. B. No, there werent. C. Yes, there were.3. What was the weather like? A. It is sunny. B. Its windy. C. Its rainy.4. Does the father like fishing? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he doesnt. C. Yes, he does.5. Were there any frogs here? A. Yes, there were. B. No, there werent. C. Sorry, I dont know.2.Read then answer.(阅读并回答)(10) My name is Amy. Tomorrow is Saturday. I have no lessons. And my parents arent going to work. We are going to have a big dinner party tomorrow, so we are very busy. Mother and I are going to the supermarket in the morning. Father will clean the house. We are going to prepare dinner at 3 oclock. I will help them in the kitchen. I think we will have a wonderful Saturday.1、What day is today? 2、What is mother going to do in the morning? 3、What is father going to do in the morning? 4、When will we prepare dinner? 5、What is Amy going to do tomorrow? VII.小作文(至少写5句)5同学们,新的学习生活即将开始,祝贺你们顺利完成小学学业,你们准备好了吗?对于你们的中学了解有多少?能用你手中的笔用英语将它记录下来吗?完成小练笔。注意语句 通顺,书写工整。至少5句话。 My middle school 苏家小学六年级英语期末测试答案A Listening Part听力部分 ,听力原文及答案IListen and complete听音,填空。(5分)Im in a train Im looking out of the window. It is raining .People are carrying umbrellas. Children are jumping in the water .Theyre very happy. train/window/raining/umbrellas/jumpingIIListen and choose听音选择你听到的单词或短语,把序号写在括号内。(5分) 1、Were going to go back to England.2、There are 2,500 students at the school.3、Were going to have a baseball team.4、In October 2003 ,Shenzhou V flew into space.5、There are spaceships from America . 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.AIII. Listen and number. (听音标号) (5)Number 1: I am flying in the sky. 2: Whats the matter?3: Why are you scared? 4: We are going to have a picnic.5: Who are they talking about? 3, 5,1,4,2IV. Listen and circle “T” or “F” (听并判断正误,圈T或F) (10)Yang Liwei is a space man, He is 168cm tall. Now he is very famous, In October 2003,he went to Jiuqnan Space Centre. He flew into space in a spaceship. He spent about 21 hours in space. His wife and son saw him on TV. He made a video. The he came back to the earth. 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.FV. Listen and number. (听音排序) (15) There is a dinner party in my home.Lucy is laughing, because I said an interesting thing. Chen Ming is drinking a cola, because he is thirsty.Zhang Jie is sitting on the sofa, because he is full.I am finding, because I cant find my little dog. 2,4,1,5,3Written Part 基础知识与综合运用部分 (60)I. Look and write.(根据汉语意思,完成句子)。(5)1、middle school 2.picnic 3. dollars 4.clapping 5. waitre


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