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六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷(八套)说明:本套试卷精心编写了各考点和重要知识点,测试面广,难易兼备,仅供参考。全套试卷共八卷。目录:六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷A卷(一)六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷B卷(二)六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷C卷(三)六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(四)六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(五)六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(六)六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(七)六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷(八)1 / 38六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷A卷一时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 找出与另外两个不同类的单词( )A .milkB .juiceC .rice2. 找出与另外两个不同类的单词( )A .trainB .carC .doll3. 选出你所听到的图片( )A .B .4. 找出下列单词中不同类的单词( )A .northB .inC .south5. Mike is going to be a head teacher. (同类词)A .word bookB .fishermanC .tonight6. 7. I_ a red packet and my sister _ a doll.A .has; haveB .have; hasC .have; have8. 二、词语练习(30分)9. Write in the book.(改为否定句)_ _in the book.10. 用单词描述下列图片: 11. Where were you last Sunday ?I _ in Shanghai .A .AreB .wasC .were12. How old are you? .A .Fine, thank youB .Im tenC .Its nice13. 你朋友经常边玩电脑边吃薯条,你应该对他说: A .You should exercise a lot and eat healthy food.B .You should eat a lot of candy and chocolate.C .You should play computer games more.14. The little boy _ the king and laughed.A .looked atB .pointed atC .laughed at15. How many _do pandas eat a day ?A .hoursB .hourC .an hour三、提升练习(30分)16. What does Johns mother do? A .Shes a postwomanB .Shes a scientistC .Shes a police officer17. 选词填空went brought were saw flew became On Saturday morning, I _ to my grandparents home. I _ some presents for them. They _ very happy. I _ a bird in their garden. Then the weather _windy. The bird _ away.18. Mike does his homework in his study after school. (改成一般疑问句)_Mike_his homework in his study after school?19. How does Ben sometimes come to school? A .By carB .By shipC .On foot20. 21. 你妈妈叫你喝一些牛奶时,会说:( )A .Do you like milk?B .Have some milk?C .Have some milks?22. 第 5 页 / 共 38 页 六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷B卷二时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 选出句子中所包含的单词或词组( )A .watchB .catchC .match2. Im in front of Jack, so Jack is me.A .underB .behindC .in front of3. My brother usually up at six in the morning, but he up at seven this morning. He was late for school.A .gets; gotB .got; getsC .gets; gets4. Mike is . A .sadB .happyC .afraid5. I _a wonderful summer holiday last year.A .hadB .haveC .has6. 读一读. 选择与图片相符的句子A. D. 1. (1)Sometimes Peter likesreading stories about the cows.2. (2)My sister and I aregoing to take a trip next weekend.3. (3)My pen pal does wordpuzzles every day.4. (4)The children often goto ride bikes.5. (5)Sarah is very angryand the cat is afraid.7. Whats your name?A .I like apples.B .This is Peter.C .My names Gao Wei.8. 用单词描述下列图片: 二、词语练习(30分)9. I want _(be) your friend.10. My mother _to go to Hongkong .A .wantB .wantsC .wanted11. Is this your coat? .A .Yes, it isB .No, it isC .Its white12. 13. I dont like fish . He _like fish , too .A .doesntB .dontC .not14. My parents often watch _ 15. Tim enjoyed _ in the sea.A .swimB .to swimC .swimming三、提升练习(30分)16. 根据短文,判断句子对错 One Sunny day, a rich old businessman in asmall town meets a factory worker, a coach and a fisherman. He gives them threeseeds and says Bring me the flowers in three months. The man with themost beautiful flower can have my much money! After 3 months, the factory worker brings abig red flower. The coach brings a small purple flower. But the poor fishermanbring nothing. He is very sad, I dont know why, I watered it everyday. The businessman says, You are honest!The seeds are bad and will never sprout! The much money is yours. Finally the fisherman is very very happy. Theother two men feel quite ashamed and sad.1. (1)The rich businessmanis young.2. (2)The rich oldbusinessman lives in a small factory.3. (3)He gives three seedsto 3 people-a worker, a teacher, a coach.4. (4)The worker brings abig purple flower to the rich businessman.5. (5)The coach brings asmall red flower to the rich businessman.6. (6)The fisherman bringsnothing to the rich old businessman.7. (7)The fisherman is thehonest and very very happy finally.8. (8)The factory worker andthe coach feel very very ashamed and sad.17. There _ two pairs of glasses on the TV just now.A .wereB .wasC .are18. Where Tom and John two days ago?A .areB .wasC .were19. 你妈妈叫你喝一些牛奶时,会说:( )A .Do you like milk?B .Have some milk?C .Have some milks?20. Can you tell me the way to the Great Wall ?(做否定回答)_, _ _.21. How does Ben sometimes come to school? A .By carB .By shipC .On foot22. I can tell you more about Thanksgiving Day.(变为否定句)I _ _tell you more about Thanksgiving Day. 第 9 页 / 共 38 页 六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷C卷三时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 从句子中找出一个含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词例如: cards Show me your hands, hands1. (1)us Stand up, please._2. (2)back The yellow duck is cute._3. (3)park He has two big arms._4. (4)sea I often read books in the library._5. (5)book The boy wants to be a cook._2. I_to Shanghai last Sunday. (come/came)3. 找出与另外两个不同类的单词( )A .storybookB .notebookC .desk4. American cowboy likes wearing .A .jeansB .a kiltC .magic clothes5. di ction (方向)A .leB .reC .ne6. watch water7. 8. Can we eat much sugar? No, Too much sugar your teeth.A .is good forB .is bad forC .is bad to二、词语练习(30分)9. 一 Hello, is that Bob?一 No, Tim.A .I amB .This isC .That is10. They find a sign _ a tree.A .inB .onC .at11. Beijing is the capital China A .ofB .toC .for12. _took this photo?My grandpa took it.A .WhatB .WhyC .Who13. 我喜欢住在城市里。14. 请仿照A图的描写,对B图进行描写。提示:年龄只能用英语单词表达,并注意书写格式 Hello! My name is Jack. Im a man. Im thirty-four years old. I am a worker. I go to work by bus every day. In the afternoon,I often play football. I usually read newspaper at home. 15. 选词填空A: Hi, what are you going to do this weekend?B: Im going to take a _(A .trip, B .ship) with myparents. And you?A: Im going to _(A. visit, B .look) my friend. Where are you going?B: Were going to the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.A: Is it very _(A .far, B .farm)?B: Yes, Were going to get there by _(A .plane, B .bike).A: What are you going to do then?B: Were going to go _(A .swimming, B .shopping) for my grandpa.A: Are you going to take _(A .pictures, B .draw) there?B: Yes, of course.A: What time are you going back?B: Were going back next _(A .weekend, B .day).A: Have a _(A .nice, B .good) time in Beijing!B: Thank you.三、提升练习(30分)16. There were two men beside the house.(改为单数句)There_beside the house.17. They _ _( play ) the piano now .18. Mike does his homework in his study after school. (改成一般疑问句)_Mike_his homework in his study after school?19. 根据句意选合适的单词填空。A. island B. famous C. Great D. flag E. AustraliaA: Which country has this_?B: Is it New Zealand?A: No, its _. Do you know this country?B: Yes. Its the biggest _in the world.A: Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院)in the country is very_.B: Yes, it is. Do you want to go there in the future? too.B: _! I want to go there, too.20. 看图选择合适的单词或短语,并将其抄写在横线上,注意书写规范。Ago to the supermarket Bdo kung fu Cbuy a postcardDplay football Edo word puzzles Fsee a doctorGdo more exercise Hwear warm clothes1. (1)2. (2)3. (3)4. (4)5. (5)6. (6)7. (7)8. (8)21. 给下列句子排序_A girl used the last match to make the fire_Some workers cut Mr Tree down and took him to a factory_The workers took the matches to a village_There they cut him into wood_They used the wood to make matches22. 选择合适单词填空。Aminutes Bfoot Clive Dnext toEstraight Ffar GSometimes Hright My name is AnnI_in Flower StreetI usually go to school on_. _I go by bikeMy home is not_from my schoolGo_from the west school gate,turn left at the libraryWalk about four_You can see a post office on the_sideMy home is_the post office 第 14 页 / 共 38 页 六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷D卷四时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 选出下列单词中划线部分发音不同的选项( )A .eatB .seatC .bread2. There many houses on the mountain two years ago.A .areB .wasC .were3. It was . There were some black .A .cloudy; cloudsB .cloud; cloudsC .cloudy; cloud4. 选出你所听到的图片( )A .B .5. Why _ you _ me?A .do; calledB .did; callC .did; called6. I _my grandparents last summer holiday.A .went toB .visitedC .took7. 选出正确的选项 Long long ago, there was a cat and a mouse. They were good friends. They lived together. One day, a cow came and said, Hello, my friends. There is a football game in the forest tomorrow. Do you want to join us? If you win, youll get much food.” “Really?” The cat and the mouse were very excited. They wanted to take part in this match. So the cat said to the mouse, my dear, I often sleep, sleep, sleep. You get up early every day. Please call me tomorrow.” The mouse said, “Sure.” The next day, the mouse got up. He went to the football match. But he didnt call the cat. At last, the cat was very angry with the mouse.1. (1)_ were good friends. A .The cat and the cowB .The mouse and the cowC .The cat and the mouse2. (2)There was a _ game. A .basketballB .footballC .volleyball3. (3)_often got up early. A .The CatB .The mouseC .The cow4. (4)_ went to the football match. A .The mouseB .The catC .The mouse and the cat5. (5)Did the mouse call the cat? A .YesB .No.C .Sorry, Idont know8. I can see some_二、词语练习(30分)9. She is from_.10. There _lots of beautiful places to go in China .A .isB .beC .are11. Please help me _ my homework.A .doingB .doC .did12. 13. 你朋友经常边玩电脑边吃薯条,你应该对他说: A .You should exercise a lot and eat healthy food.B .You should eat a lot of candy and chocolate.C .You should play computer games more.14. 选择合适的答语( )A .I must slow down and stopB .I must stop and wait15. 选择适当的问句或答语( )A .What did you have for breakfast?B .Where did you go this morning?C .What did you have for supper?三、提升练习(30分)16. He visited the _. 17. Bobby和Sam正在做一个课题。18. Id like _(buy) some _(peach) in the supermarket.19. This is _(he)book,and that is _(me). (填适单词当形式)20. Black smoke from factories makes the air _ 21. 选择适当的问句或答语( )A .What do they like?B .What do they look like?C .Why do they like?22. We can_ 第 17 页 / 共 38 页 六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷五时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 选出你所听到的图片( )A .B .2. Whats the time , please ?Its twenty _five now .A .toB .atC .in3. My brother usually up at six in the morning, but he up at seven this morning. He was late for school.A .gets; gotB .got; getsC .gets; gets4. 找出与另外两个不同类的单词( )A .redB .yellowC .lion5. Mike _ a very healthy life.A .haveB .hasC .is6. You should do that.(改为否定句)You_ do that.7. You can go there . Its far from here.A .by busB .walkC .on foot8. What _ you do last night?A .didB .doesC .do二、词语练习(30分)9. Where were you last weekend?I _ at home.A .stayedB .stayC .amD .am staying10. What in it?A .canB .isC .am11. There were some oranges on the trees.(改为否定句)There _ _oranges on the tree.12. He listens to the _ 13. I like .A .mangoB .pearC .jams14. Why does the snake come out _the box ?A .ofB .forC .in15. Were going to make some cakes and _ 三、提升练习(30分)16. This boy likes p_f_. 17. The cat is in the tree. Sarah is w_. 18. What does Oliver do every day? A .He studies ChineseB .He does word puzzlesC .He reads English19. We should not use too many _ 20. 多么美丽的花朵啊!What _!21. Christmas is the _(important) holiday in the UK.22. Each girl _(say) one sentence. 第 20 页 / 共 38 页 六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷六时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. How do you go to the USA? I go_.A .on footB .by the planeC .by plane2. 写出图片代表的节日:_ 3. What are his hobbies?_.A .He likes swimmingB .He likes beefC .By bus4. Peter is honest boy. We all like him.A .anB .aC .the5. 根据提示,补全对话。 Are you crying? _.(做否定回答)6. 7. 根据题意,补全对话。 Whats the capital of the UK? _.(伦敦)8. 二、词语练习(30分)9. He is _to China .A .flyB .flyingC .flew10. 选择合适的答语( )A .Hes reading a bookB .Hes going to visit his grandparents11. 选择合适的答语( )A .I feel happyB .I feel sad.12. They _ a lion dance now.A .are watchingB .watchedC .are going to watch13. The queen asked the mirror,Whos the of all? A .fairestB .fairC .fairer14. 一Where is Peters classroom? 一Its the second floorA .onB .inC .at15. 为了保持学校的干净,我们能做什么?三、提升练习(30分)16. Were going to watch _ 17. There is not much coal and oil on _ 18. Does Olive_(livelivesliving) in China? 一No, he doesnt. 19. 20. Whats your favourite month?A .Its cold in January.B .I like December very much.C .My favourite month is January.21. He drinks_milk.A .a lotB .a lot ofC .a lotsD .lot of22. Are you good at jumping, Amy?A .Yes, Im good at painting.B .No, Im good at skipping.C .No, Im skipping. 第 22 页 / 共 38 页 六年级混合强化训练上学期小学英语期末模拟试卷卷七时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. I often . A .make a snowman in winterB .go swimming in summerC .pick fruits in autumn2. 阅读理解并选择正确答案。 Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week. He wants to give some presents to them. Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop, he bought a blue sweater and black trousers for his grandfather and some good books for his grandmother. Both his parents thought they were very good presents. Ben was very happy.1. (1)Where are Bens grandparents?A .In LondonB .In New YorkC .In Beijing2. (2)What did Ben do yesterday?A .He visited his grandparents.B .He went shopping with his friends.C .He went shopping with his parents.3. (3)How many people went shopping yesterday?A .OneB .TwoC .Three4. (4)He bought _ for his grandmother.A .black trousersB .some booksC .blue sweater5. (5)When is Ben going to visit his grandparents?A .TomorrowB .Next weekC .Yesterday3. Chinese isnt easy _ .A .learnB .learningC .to learn4. _ your mother see a film yesterday evening?A .AreB .DidC .Was5. The students are _a story.A .sayingB .tellingC .speakingD .talking6. 7. 选出你所听到的句子( )A .Now,there are not many pandasB .In the past,there were many pandas.C .In the pastthere were some pandas8. 二、词语练习(30分)9. They _big eyes .A .hasB .haveC .are10. _she at home yesterday ?A .WasB .AreC .Were11. _ is the most important holiday in China.A .Spring FestivalB .Mid-Autumn festivalC .Dragon Boat Festival12. How old are you? .A .Fine, thank youB .Im tenC .Its nice13. 根据句意,结合单词和右图提示,选择正确的词。 提示:bookstore,cinema,doctor,John,hospital My name is_. I am a _. On Monday I go to the_. I like reading. I go to the_on Tuesday. I like seeing a film, too. I go to the_on Wednesday. 14. _ nice fireworks!A .WhatB .WhatsC .How15. I went to the _. 三、提升练习(30分)16. There some sheep on the farm last year.A .isntB .isC .were17. Whats Sarahs hobby? A .Playing footballB .Doing KungfuC .Watching kungfu play18. Shall we go and _ _ _?(看电影)19. My parents_(amisare) going to Renmin Park.20. Beijing is the_ (首都)of China.


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