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Module6 Problems单元练习 一、单项选择(共10小题;共10分) 1.He goes to work by bus.A. not at allB. no longerC. not longerD. not any longer 2.He walks to school taking a bus.A. insteadB. instead ofC. instead forD. and 3.- Well go for a picnic if it this Sunday.- Wish you a lovely weekend.A. rainB. doesnt rainC. wont rain 4.When he was a child, he was always out new ideas.A. tryB. tryingC. takingD. tried 5.Dont be angry him. He is only a four-year-old boy.A. withB. onC. inD. to 6.- Have you finished your fashion design?- Not yet. Ill finish it if I ten more minutes.A. am givenB. giveC. will giveD. will be given 7.Everyone needs to have eight hours sleep at night.A. at lastB. at mostC. at onceD. at least 8.- Lets go to the church tomorrow, shall we?- Why not there on Sunday?A. consider goingB. to consider goingC. considering to goD. considering going 9.I am waiting for my friend. , I will go swimming alone.A. If he doesnt comeB. If he wont comeC. If he will comeD. If he is coming10.Unluckily, Tom failed the driving test again.A. passB. passesC. to passD. passing二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)11. If you dont work hard, you will f in your test.12. Good eating h (习惯) can help us to study better.13. - Do you pass the math e ?- I dont know. But I studied hard for it.14. Children often ask their parents for p money.15. I need to r my bike. Its broken.16. The policeman asked some people around some questions to find out the t of the accident.17. He is an boy, and he never tells lies.18. This is the r why he didnt go to school.19. I think its n to learn English well.20. Let me tell you a saying: K is power(力量).三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)21. My dear son, youd better tell me the (真实) about what you have done.22. We can (修理) the bike. Please dont throw it away.23. I think hes telling the truth, for he is an (诚实的) man.24. As a (志愿者), he has been working in Wenchuan for about a month.25. Jackie Chan is (认为) as a kung fu superstar by the people all over the world.26. Their most popular (乐器) are violins and pianos.27. I think (知识) is more important than money.28. Reading should be a life long (习惯) for every one of us.29. I (失败) my math test last week because of my carelessness.30. How would you (应对) with the stress?四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)31. 咱们去远足而不是呆在家里,好吗?(词数不限)Lets go hiking staying at home, shall we?32. 我养成了每天晚上听音乐的习惯。I listening to music every night.33. 要提高英语水平,你一个月至少应该读一本英语书。(词数不限)To improve your English, you need to read one English book one month.34. 老师因为我上学迟到而生我的气。The teacher is me for my being late for school.35. 2013年3月,由于H7N9禽流感,白水鸭在南京不再受欢迎。(词数不限)White ducks are lovely in Nanjing because of H7N9 bird flu in March, 2013.五、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) Some kids want to gain weight. But its wrong by 36 lots of junk food. It may seem strange many people want to be 37 but some kids want to gain weight. Some kids who are thin sometimes feel like they arent the right size. And they might even be 38 at about their size. You might have friends the same age who weigh a lot more than you do. That doesnt 39 that either of you is the wrong weight. Why are some kids thin or dont weigh as 40 as their friends? Theyre small-framed(小框架的), which is sometimes 41 small-boned. One way to compare frames is to look at your wrist. A person with a smaller frame usually has a smaller wrist and might have trouble getting 42 to fit! They feel thin compared with friends whove gone 43 puberty(青春期). During puberty, its normal for 44 to grow a lot. If one kid hasnt hit puberty and another has, the one whos still waiting for puberty is likely to be smaller. If 45 family members are on the small or thin side, theres a good chance you will be, too. Therefore, your mom and dad can pass on their genes(基因) to you.36.A. drinkingB. eatingC. buyingD. using37.A. thinnerB. healthierC. happierD. cooler38.A. laughedB. smiledC. criedD. coughed39.A. sayB. speakC. tellD. mean40.A. manyB. muchC. goodD. well41.A. calledB. phonedC. playedD. found42.A. TVB. radiosC. watchesD. earrings43.A. overB. acrossC. throughD. into44.A. parentsB. teachersC. adultsD. kids45.A. tinyB. closeC. sameD. dear六、阅读理解(共15小题;共30分)A Boys and girls, welcome to Teen Talk. Do you often make friends on the Internet? Do you have difficulties when you are chatting with your net friends? What problems make you puzzled? Today, Professor David Smith will give us some advice.ProblemsAdvicePeter: If my net friends want to know my phone number, what should I do?David: Youd better not tell strangers your phone number. Knowing your phone number, they might know where you live, and they can call you or your parents often. Sometimes it will bring you much trouble.John: Sometimes, I meet some adults. I have nothing to chat with them, What should I do?David: If you dont like talking with them, skip it. And look for some information you like. But sometimes, adults may give you some useful advice.George: If they want to visit my home or invite me to their homes, what should I do?David: If you want to see them, make sure that at least one of your parents can go to meet them, too. Inviting them to your house is good, or let a parent take you over to their houses. Be sure you have a parent along with you.Victor: Then, what else should we pay attention to?David: If someone asks you not to tell your parents about him/her, you must tell your parents at once. If they dont tell you much about themselves, maybe theyre not the ones they say they are.Host: Its time to end the program. Thank you.David: Boys and girls, if you are often online, be careful. Dont let strangers know you very easily.46. What are the problems with the kids? They dont know .A. how to talk with the professorB. what to do on the InternetC. how to look for information on the InternetD. what to do when their net friend ask them to do something47. Whats the professors advice?A. Dont tell much about yourself to strangers on the Internet.B. Dont make friends on the Internet.C. Dont talk with the adults too much on the Internet.D. You should believe what your friends say.48. What do the underlined words skip it mean according to the passage?A. 忍受它B. 不用理它C. 它跳起来D. 安静地听它49. The passage is a .A. talk showB. piece of newsC. speechD. classB My Dawson was an old man with a bad temper(脾气). Kids were afraid to go into his yard to pick apples. One day, 12-year-old Janet and her friend Amy had to walk past Mr. Dawsons house. When Janet saw him outside, she suggested they cross the street and walk on the other side. But Amy said they didnt need to. When Mr. Dawson saw Amy, he smiled and said, Hello, Amy! I see you have a new friend with you today. Amy smiled back. Mr. Dawson was friendly and gave them each a fresh apple. Later Janet asked Amy, Everyone says he is the most unwelcome(不受欢迎的) person in town. Why was he so kind to us? Amy explained that when she first walked past his house, she was also afraid of him. But she pretended(假装) there was an invisible(看不见的) smile on his face and then started talking to him. At first she only said hello but then began talking to him more every time she saw him. An invisible smile? Janet was puzzled(困惑的). Yes, answered Amy, My grandma told me to try that. She says smiles can spread. If we keep trying to smile at someone, sooner or later he will really smile back. Amys grandma realized most people cant refuse(拒绝) to smile at a friendly face.50. People thought that Mr. Dawson was a(n) person.A. honestB. kindC. welcomeD. unfriendly51. What did Amy do when she first walked past Mr. dawsons house?A. She went into his yard to pick apples.B. She was so scared that she went away quickly.C. She smiled to him and greeted him.D. She talked with him like old friends.52. What does the story tell us?A. Its important to take others advice.B. Being friendly to others is very important.C. People with bad temper can also make friends.D. Smile to the world and it will smile at your back.C Youre teenagers and you are old enough now to have some of your own money. This money is also called income(收入), and youre probably getting it in these ways. Earning it through a job or work outside your home, like washing dishes or babysitting. From gifts, like a birthday check from Grandma. Youve probably gotten a check or cash for your birthday, holidays, or other special chances from relatives or friends. From allowance given to you by your parents. Parents usually give you some pocket money so that you can buy something you need. Having your own money is a great thing, but it also means you have to make choices about how to use it. We asked some teenagers and did a survey. We wanted to know what they spend their money on. Justin, 11, likes to go to the movies. He often spends most of his money on movie tickets. Amy, 12, spends most of her money on telephone calls, clothes and roller-skating. Evelyn, 13, spends her cash on stamp collecting. Emily, 9, loves to buy books. I have over 400 books! she told us.53. Teenagers can get income from different people EXCEPT .A. relativesB. friendsC. parentsD. classmates54. The underlined word allowance probably means in English.A. expenseB. pocket moneyC. costD. education tuition55. often spends money watching movies.A. JustinB. AmyC. EvelynD. Emily56. Emily probably spends her money on .A. clothesB. ticketsC. manicuresD. books57. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. How teenagers get their pocket money.B. What teenagers spend their pocket money on.C. What Justin spends his pocket money on.D. How Evelyn gets her pocket money.D Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia(栀子花) was sent to my house. No card came with it. Calls to the flower shops were not helpful at all. After a while I stopped trying to discover the senders name and was just very pleased with the beautiful white flower in soft pink paper. But I never stopped imagining who the giver might be. Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about the sender. My mother encouraged this imagining. Shed asked me if there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness. Perhaps it was the old man who I looked after when he was ill. As a girl, I had more fun imagining that it might be a boy. One month before my graduation, my father died. I felt very sad and didnt want to go to the coming graduation dance at all. And I didnt care whether I had a new dress or not. But my mother, in her own sadness, would not let me miss any of those things. She wanted her children to feel loved and lovable. In truth, my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenialovely, strong and perfect with perhaps a bit of mystery. My mother died ten days after I was married. I was 22. That was the year the gardenia stopped coming.58. Which statement is true according to the passage?A. The author found the sender by calling the flower shops.B. In fact, the flower was sent by a boy.C. It was a pleasant moment for the girl to imagine the sender.D. The author got a gardenia every year after she was married.59. The mother let her daughter go to the graduation dance because .A. she hoped she would miss her fatherB. she thought education was most importantC. she hoped she would find a friendD. she wanted her to be happy and strong60. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. A Childhood Dream.B. A Mothers Love.C. A Graduation Party.D. A Special Birthday.七、短文7选5(5选5等)(共4小题;共8分) When I was about 13, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings(缺点). Sometimes she said I was lazy. Sometimes she said I wasnt a good student. 61. I tried to put up with (忍受) her as long as I could. At last, I became very angry. 62. My father listened to me quietly, and then he asked, Are the things she said true or not? Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said. I returned to my room and I did as my father told me. To my surprise, I found that about half the things were true. 63. He refused to take the list. Thats just for you, he said. When something said about you is true, youll find it will be helpful to you. Listen to them all, but hear the truth and do what you think is right. Many years have passed. 64. In our life we often meet with some trouble and we often go to someone and ask for advice. For some advice you will treasure(珍惜) all your life!A. I brought the list back to my father.B. The situation often appears in my mind.C. My mum didnt like me.D. I ran to my father.E. Sometimes she said I talked too much.八、阅读与表达(问答式)(共5小题;共10分) Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends. Good friendship has many benefits. It offers companionship, improves self-worth and promotes good health. There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leaves us without a friend. Making new friends comes easy for some people. But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends. Associate with others The first step to making friends is associating with other people. You can go to public places to meet new people. Besides, you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places. Start a conversation Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends. Do not wait to be spoken to. You can always start the conversation. Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people. Do things together Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together. Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience. Let it grow It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to press your new friend with calls, messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend. So you will need to give your friend time to react to you. The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally. Enjoy your friendship The best way to en


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