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学校代码:10254密 级:论文编号: 上海海事大学SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY硕 士 学 位 论 文MASTER DISSERTATION论文题目: 等值翻译理论与商务英语广告汉译学科专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学 作者姓名: 赵 葳 指导教师: 翁 凤 翔 教授 完成日期: 二一年六月 Equivalent Translation Theory and English to Chinese Advertisement TranslationBy Zhao WeiUnder the Supervisor of Professor Weng FengxiangA Thesis Submitting to the College of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Maritime UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the MA DegreeShanghai Maritime UniversityJune, 2010论文独创性声明本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。论文中除了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或其他机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均己在论文中做了明确的声明并表示了谢意。作者签名: 日期: 论文使用授权声明本人同意上海海事大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权送交论文复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以上网公布论文的全部内容或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他手段保存论文。保密的论文在解密后遵守此规定。作者签名: 导师签名: 日期: AcknowledgementsUpon the fulfillment of the paper, I feel highly committed to extend my heartfelt gratitude to those who have helped me write the thesis. Without of their help, the completion of this thesis could hardly have been possible.First, I would like to thank Prof. Weng Fengxiang, my supervisor, for his inspiring guidance and insightful comments.I am also grateful to my classmates, who were generous enough in helping me search for the reference books over the past few months and encouraging me great during my period of postgraduate study. Thanks also go to my supervisor, friends and classmates for all of their brilliant advice on the paper. 摘 要 随着经济全球化和商品经济的发展,广告与人们的日常生活联系日益紧密。广告已经不是单纯意义上的商业活动,而渐渐演变成一种充满艺术性的文化载体,逐步被引入为翻译学领域的重要研究对象。功能对等理论主要强调翻译作品相对于原作品的功能实现程度。奈达博士将新的等效翻译标准引入翻译领域,在如何实现忠于原文这个方面,相对于传统翻译理论具有很大的实用性。特别是对于广告这类功能性文体,对如何实现对等翻译从而实现广告功能具有较强的指导意义。广告语言是广告表达的工具,无论是哪种形式的广告,语言都是其核心部分。此外,跨国广告中的语言转换,功能实现还需要涉及文化底蕴。总的来说,一条广告翻译是否成功,文化转化和语言转换具有相同重要的作用。目前,国内的英译汉广告翻译水平良莠不齐,有的翻译文本只是做到了文字方面的转换,没有实现更深层次的文化转化。广告翻译若未能准确的传达原文意思,反而引起歧义,造成误解,导致理解上的困难,不能称之为准确合格的翻译作品。优秀的翻译作品不应仅仅满足与语言层面的对等转化,更应该注重文化层次的转换,因为语言是文化的表达方式。只有完成文化层次的转化,翻译作品才会拥有更优美流畅的语言,忠实地再现原文的意义。本文作者在奈达博士的功能对等理论指导下,广泛收集各种国内外广告翻译实例,对之进行深入分析研究,归类总结,并在阅读大量相关理论书籍,学术论文的基础上,综合前辈研究成果,结合具体实例分析。着重从语言,文化,广告特点,广告翻译策略等方面探讨如何积极地运用等效翻译理论来有效指导广告翻译。此外,还对如何提高广告翻译水准提出了建议以及相应的策略。本文共由五章组成。第一章为全文的基本介绍,对理论基础,语言及文化因素,广告特点和广告翻译等四个方面基本介绍。第二章主要阐述了理论基础,对奈达博士的功能对等理论的定义阐述,发展过程,以及其他翻译理论学家相关等效翻译理论基础做了详尽细致地分析。第三章阐述了语言和文化对翻译研究的重要影响,特别是强调了文化因素在广告翻译中不可忽视的作用。此外,在细节方面,本文作者对语言差异及文化差异举例例证,全面分析。指出对于广告文本这一特殊文体,深层的文化转化相对于单纯语言层次的转化更为重要。这个原则也是在功能对等原理指导下实现广告功能对等翻译的重要部分。第四章从广告特点,广告语言,广告文化等三个角度,通过大量实例分析,归类总结中西方广告的差异,以及对待该差异的原则和策略。第五章论及了在奈达博士功能对等理论下和考虑到文化语言方面的差异,广告翻译应该使用的翻译原则及策略。此外,对如何提高广告翻译水平提出建议。关键词:广告,功能对等,翻译策略ABSTRACTWith the development of globalization and international business, advertisement has much closer relationship with peoples daily life. Advertising is not merely one of business activities, but becomes a cultural carrier filled with art values which is already the important issue of translation research. Functional equivalence theory focuses on the method of realizing the function of original works which has more application than traditional translation theory; Dr. Nida introduces new standard into the field of translation practice. In other words, Nidas functional equivalence theory is a best theoretical guidance of advertisement translation for realizing advertising function of translated text, especially for advertisement translation which is the text of special purpose. Advertising language is a tool to express advertisement. No matter what types of the advertisement it may be, language is the core structure. Furthermore, the success of advertisement depends on cultural conversion. Advertisement consists of business objective, language expression and cultural backgrounds. In conclusion, translator should take both language and culture element into account in order to present a qualified translation. At present, advertisement translation is not satisfactory in the domestic market. Some of them are just the transference on the lexical level without cultural conversion which will lead to ineffective delivery of original meaning. Since language is outcome and expression of culture, qualified translator should pay more attention to transference at the cultural level. Only in this way can the translated text be as fluent as possible to express original meaning faithfully.Under the guidance of Nidas theory of function equivalence and on the basis of extensive reading and summarizing achievements of famous scholars, the author of the paper probes into the across-language, across-culture and advertisement knowledge and explores effective strategies of improving advertisement translation. This paper consists of five chapters.Chapter One is the basic introduction of the whole paper from four perspectives: theoretical base-Nidas functional equivalence theory, language influence, cultural element, advertisement characteristics and advertisement translation. Chapter Two introduces the theoretical base of the paper-Nidas theory of functional equivalence. It presents explanation of the theory, development of the theory, comparison between theorists equivalent translation theory and application of the theory in detail.Chapter Three explores language and cultural effect of the advertisement. It especially focuses on essentiality of cultural element of advertisement translation. The author of the paper also illustrates examples of advertisements. The point of emphasizing culture transference of advertisement translation is discussed. Chapter Four talks about the strategies towards advertisement translation difference from three aspects: advertisements, advertisement language and culture, and advertisement language. Chapter Five is mainly about advertisement translation strategies and principles under the guidance of Nidas theory of functional equivalence. The author of the paper also provides advice for advertisement translation. According to the theory, translators should not be bound by language form in order to fulfill the goal of functional equivalence. The author of the paper offers translation strategies according to advertisement translation trends. Key words: Advertisement, Functional equivalence,Advertisement translation strategyContentsAcknowledgement.Abstract.Abstract in EnglishChapter One Introduction31.1 Necessity of study31.2 The purpose of the paper31.3 The equivalent translation theoretical base41.4 The elements of advertisement translation41.5 Literature review61.5.1The development of advertisement and advertisement translation61.5.2 The status quo of domestic advertisement translation61.5.3 Theoretical base of advertisement translation research81.5.4 Current approaches to the study of advertisement translation91.5.5 Current studies on advertisement translation91.5.6 Summary10Chapter Two Functional Equivalence Theory112.1 Translation theory112.1.1Other equivalence translation theory122.1.2 Two basic orientations in translating132.1.3 Nidas functional equivalence theory152.2 The functional equivalence theory152.2.1 Definition of the theory152.2.2 Analysis of the theory from three points of view172.3 Explanation of the theory192.3.1 The theory base192.3.2 The application to advertisement translation21Chapter Three Culture and Language233.1 The concept of culture233.2 Culture difference233.2.1 Different social values and thinking patterns253.2.2 Different social customs263.2.3 Different language reflected in culture273.3 Language and culture273.4 Language difference between English and Chinese283.4.1 Hypotactic vs. paratactic293.4.2 Florid language vs. plain wording32Chapter Four Basic Knowledge of Advertisement364.1. Definition of advertisement364.3 Functions of advertisements384.3.1 Informative function384.3.2 Persuasive function384.3.3 Aesthetic function384.3.4 Emotive function384.4 Advertisement culture384.4.1 Thinking patterns394.4.2 Social values40Chapter Five Advertisement Languages and Translation445.1 Linguistic characteristics of advertisement language455.1.1 Lexical characteristics455.1.2 Synthetic features485.2 Rhetorical characteristics515.2.1 Alliteration515.2.2 Rhyme525.2.3 Semantic rhetoric525.3 Advertisement translation strategies555.3.2 Application of the functional equivalence theory555.3.3 Advertisement translation strategies565.4 Specific translation strategies565.4.1 Literal translation575.4.2 Transliteration585.4.3 Free Translation585.4.4 Partial Adaptation59Chapter Six Conclusion616.1 Summary616.2 Distinctive features of this paper626.3 Limitations63Bibliography64 73Equivalent Translation Theory and English to Chinese Advertisement TranslationChapter One Introduction1.1 Necessity of studyWith the globalization of economy, international business is very common and English advertisement is becoming more and more important. And with rapid development of Chinese economy and acceleration of globalization process, advertising business is growing at an incredible speed, and China has also become one of the top ten advertising giants of the world today. In fact, advertisement is around our daily life. From manufacturing businesses to daily goods and services, advertisement is closely related to our life. Accordingly, advertisement translation is becoming more and more important. Advertisement translation, as a type of intercultural communication and a new field of study, is receiving more and more attention than ever before. Having already permeated into various aspects of human life, advertisement tells consumers what function a specific product, brand or service is supposed to play when it is used, and helps consumer to understand and evaluate the value of product and services that they are supposed to provide. By making people be aware of the concepts of products, services and ideas, advertisement has consciously promotes sales and increase profits. The function of advertisement translation is to deliver the information about products as exactly as possible. At present, with development of advertising business, both designers and consumers pursue the artistic feelings of advertisement. In other words, advertisement translation needs to represent aesthetic values besides fulfilling the information-delivery function. Nidas theory of functional equivalence offers direction to advertisement translation. In view of the equivalent functional theory, advertisement translation should focus on the greatest possibility of fulfilling advertisement function. In a word, advertisement translation should realize its function without paying to much attention to language form, and necessary adjustment is permitted. 1.2 The purpose of the paperThe primary purpose of this paper is an attempt to explore theoretical basis of Nidas functional equivalence theory and provide practical advice to translators in translating English advertisement.1.3 The equivalent translation theoretical baseEquivalent translation has a long history. Traditional translation theory focuses on equivalent style. Nidas functional equivalence theory moves attention to readers reaction which brings new idea in the field of translation science. The functional equivalence means choosing the most natural and closet target language to express original meaning. Social language translation aims to let readers get exact meaning of source language. In order to express original meaning, necessary modifications are admitted. Nida has two definitions of translation: formal equivalence and functional equivalence. He emphasizes that the standard of functional equivalence is that relationship between receivers and information should be the same as source language. Translation strategies will be discussed in the theoretical framework of the functional equivalence translation in the second chapter.1.4 The elements of advertisement translationNowadays, under the background of global economy, the importance of international advertisement is becoming more and more obvious. To some extent, advertisement is as important as the product of a company. The success of an advertisement is a precondition to the success of a company. Translation should focus on transferring of two different cultures in order to achieve a better promotional effect. Cultural element is essential for a language which has rich meanings under a specific cultural background. Cultural influence of advertisement translation is not supposed to be ignored during translation process. The importance of culture background will be discussed in the third chapter. Every culture has its own pattern, which is indeed different from others for different development courses. As one means of cross-communication, advertisement brings the differences together. In fact, translation aims to solve the misunderstanding resulting from cultural differences and presents a satisfactory translation version which could transfer original meaning and avoid ambiguity. In order to finish the task, translators should take the differences between source language and target language into account. While faced with two different languages, a translator should consider not only different languages, but also different cultures. Sometimes, culture could deliver much more information than language does. After all, each consumer grows up in a certain surroundings which will have influence on their daily life choices. Cultural effect is deeply embedded and influences people unconsciously which would also affect consumers decision-making. In order to promote sales, cross-cultural elements should be considered in advertisement translation.Advertisement culture as a part of culture has national characters as well as its own specialty. As a matter of fact, advertisement is the concentration of society cultures. Moreover, the commercial aim of advertisement is to sell products. The concise advertisement language reflects some characters of the whole society, leaving a profound impression on potential buyers in order to realize its commercial values. An adequate advertisement translation should not only consider cultural elements but also advertisement cultural specialty. Both culture and advertisement culture will be discussed in the third chapter in detail. Language is not only related to culture, but also a reflection of culture as well. Differences between two languages usually result from different cultures. Also, language is the core of advertisement and the way to express it. Some languages have much in common while others are different from each other. A qualified translator should understand source language as well as his/her native language and be familiar with the conversion of two languages. The requirement of translated text is to express the original meaning naturally in target language. Advertisement language will also be discussed in the third chapter. Advertisement, as an important part of this paper will be discussed by the author of the paper in the fourth chapter. Definition of advertisement, advertisement culture and language will be discussed in detail. Advertisement translation, as non-literal text translation could be analyzed with the functional equivalence theory. Compared with other texts, advertisement has its function which is to promote products or to increase sales. And the functional equivalence theory could be applied to solve problems of non-equivalent translation due to different cultures and different languages. As the most important part of the whole thesis, advertisement translation will be discussed in the fifth chapter.This paper combines language features of advertisement English with the study of culture and advertisement translation. Chapter One will be a whole introduction to the whole structure of the thesis. In Chapter Two, the author of the paper will introduce Nidas theory of functional equivalence in detail. The method he advocates this theory, the content of the theory and its application to advertisement translation will also be illustrated. Other theorists equivalent translation theory will also be raised. In Chapter Three, the author of the paper will discuss different cultures and different languages. Some examples are illustrated to analyze the reason for “non-equivalent” translation. Advertisement culture will be discussed as an important part. In Chapter Four, the author of the paper will describe language features and style of advertisement English from two perspectives: the perspective of function and the perspective of form. Last but not least, advertisement translation will be discussed also in the fifth chapter. Strategies and advices for advertisement translation under the guidance of Nidas functional equivalent theory will be mentioned. 1.5 Literature review1.5.1The development of advertisement and advertisement translationWith rapid development of modern society, international communication becomes more and more frequent. International advertisement, as one of the means of cross-cultural communication, is more and more important. The emergency of advertisement English is both the outcome of social-economic development and English linguistic development. As an important functional product of English, advertisement English shows its own overwhelming strength. After Chinas accession to World Trade Organization


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