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2019-2020年六年级下册量与计量总复习专项训练 班级: 姓名: 一、填空。(19分)1.棱长1分米的正方体,体积是( )立方分米;它又是棱长( )厘米的正方体,体积是( )立方厘米。2.一年中,每月是31天的有( );每月是30天的有( );平年二月有( )。3.下午3时用24时计时法表示是( ),晚上11时30分用24时计时法表示是( )。4.把15吨改写成以千克作单位的数就要在15后面添上( )个0。5.4.5米里面有( )个45毫米,9分米的5倍是( )米。6.把1米长的线段平均分成100份,每份长( )厘米。7.25分米是1米的( ),1.8吨的是( )千克。8.商店早晨5时开始营业,下午7时停止营业,一天共营业( )小时。9.有15升水,如果用一只容量为700毫升的量杯来量水,能量( )杯,还余( )毫升。10.一根绳子长3米,剪去6分米,剩下的绳子是剪去的绳子的( )倍。11.一根圆钢,长1米2分米,把它锯成8厘米长的小段共可锯成( )段,要锯( )次 。12.一张长方形纸片长8厘米,宽6厘米,把它剪成一个最大的正方形,剪去部分的面积是( )。二、判断。(正确的在括号内画“”,错误的在括号内画“”)(12分)1. xx年是366天。( ) 2. 8立方米比8平方米大。( )3. 一年中的大月总比小月多2个。( ) 4. 今年的二月有29天。( )5. 钟表上分针移动的速度是时针的1/60。( ) 6. 凡是能被4整除的年份就是闰年。( )7. 任何两个体积单位之间的进率都是1000。( ) 8. 3小时24分3.24小时( )9. 3时15分的时候,时针与分针重合在一起。( )10. 一支圆珠笔的长度大约是130毫米。( )11. 千克是高级单位,克是低级单位,所以9千克比9000克重。( )12. 一个正方形的边长是4厘米,它的周长和面积相等。( )三、用合适的单位名称填空。(10分)1. 一个鸡蛋重62( )。 2. 一间房子,长4( ),宽3( )。3. 一张方桌的桌面约1( )。 4. 孙明的身高是140( )。5. 一头大象重1.5( )。 6. 一支圆珠笔的价钱是4( )。7. 一只苹果重100( )。 8. 一只粉笔盒的体积是0.8( )。9. 一只水桶能装水50( )。 10. 一种学生字典的厚度是25( )。四、选择。(将正确答案的序号填在括号里)(5分)1. 下面公历年份中,不是闰年的是( )A.1992 B.1996 C.xx D.19002. 380200米( )A. 38千米2米 B. 380千米2米C. 380千米200米D.38千米200米3. 晚上9时用24小时记时法写作( )A. 1900B. 900C. 1700D. 21004. 求一段圆柱形木材有多少立方米,是求它的( )A. 侧面积B. 底面积C. 体积D. 表面积5. 1987年2月1日是星期日,这年的6月1日是星期( )A. 六B. 日C. 一D. 二五、单位换算。(40分)1、 8.2吨( )千克 1.25平方米( )平方分米 4小时( )分2.5升( )毫升4.06千米=( )分米 3.8公顷=( )平方米1/100米=( )厘米 3立方分米=( )立方厘米2、 4080克( )千克120米( )千米3分( )元150秒( )分180000平方米( )公顷350立方厘米( )立方分米1650毫升( )升1010千克( )吨3、 4小时15分( )小时7千米70米( )千米1平方米2平方分米( )平方米4分米5厘米( )分米( )厘米4.15小时( )小时( )分2.07千米( )千米( )米7.05升=( )升( )毫升 1.3吨=( )吨( )千克4、 3.4小时( )小时( )分 8.5吨( )吨( )千克3.02立方米( )立方米( )立方分米50.06公顷( )公顷( )平方米0.32米( )分米( )厘米2.3升( )升( )毫升4.05平方米( )平方米( )平方分米78分( )小时( )分5、 4.15立方米=( )立方分米=( )立方米( )立方分米3小时20分( )小时( )分40千克60克( )千克( )克198厘米( )分米( )米六、应用题。(14分)1.杨师傅每天上午7时到厂上班,午间休息2小时15分,下午6时离厂,杨师傅每天在厂里工作与活动多少小时? 2.一块平行四边形菜地,底是250米,高120米,这块地的面积是多少公顷?3.、医生给爷爷开了一瓶药,药瓶标签上写着“0.2mg(毫克)250片“。医生开的处方上写着:第天3次,每次0.6mg,7天为一个疗程。给爷爷开的药大约可服多少个疗程?附送:小学英语六年级下册阅读理解过关检测卷班级 学号 姓名 成绩 2019-2020年六年级下册阅读理解过关检测卷一、根据短文内容,指出下面的句子是否短文一致,如一致,在括号内写T, 否则写F。(一)Kate has a bedroom. Theres a bed, a desk, a shelf and two chairs in it. It has a green door and two clean windows. Theres a clock on the wall. Its made(制造)in Shanghai. Its seven in the evening. Kate is sitting at the desk. She is doing her homework. Kate has a black cat. Its lovely. It is playing with a toy mouse. ( )1There is a door in Kates bedroom.( )2The windows are green.( )3The clock on the wall is made in Shanghai.( )4Kate has a lovely dog.( )5Her cat is playing.( )6She is sitting on the desk.( )7Kate is playing with her black cat.(二) There are some lovely animals at the zoo. Look! The cat is climbing the tree. The monkey is eating a banana in the tree. The elephant is drinking water. Two pandas are playing with a ball on the grass happily. The dog is running around the ground. The tiger is walking by the river.( )1There are seven animals at the zoo.( )2The monkey is eating a banana on the grass.( )3The tiger and the dog are walking by the river.( )4A beautiful panda is playing with a ball on the grass. ( )5All the animals at the zoo are very happy, we love the animals.(三)Today is Sunday. Its a fine day. The sky is blue. Mr Wang is with his family. There are four people in his family. They are in a park. Mr Wang and Mrs Wang are sitting and talking. Wang Gang and Wang Fang are flying kites. All of them have a good time. ( )1It is Monday today. ( )2Mr Wang is with his family in a park.( )3Mrs Wang is flying a kite.( )4Mr Wang is talking with Wang Gang.( )5They dont have a good time.(四)This is our classroom. Its big. There are 50 desks and chairs in it. Theyre yellow. There are 50 boys and girls in our class.There is a blackboard on the wall. There are four pictures on the wall, too. Theres a map near the blackboard. Its a map of China. Our classroom is very clean. We like it very much. ( )1There are 50 desks and a chair in our classroom. ( )2There is only a blackboard on the wall. ( )3Near the blackboard, there is a picture. ( )4Our classroom is very small and clean. ( )5We all like our classroom.(五) Today is Childrens Day. I get up at six thirty in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to school at seven after having breakfast. The sky is blue. The birds are singing in the trees. All the boys are in white shirts, and the girls are in red skirts. At school we sing and dance, run and jump. We look like little birds. How happy we are !( )1Today is Teachers Day.( )2I go to school at 6:30.( )3All the boys are in white coats.( )4The girls are in red skirts.( )5The boys and the girls are very happy today.二、根据短文选择问题的正确答案。(一)Some dogs are little, and some dogs are big. Some dogs like running. Some dogs run very fast. A dog has two eyes, two ears and a nose. It has four legs and a tail. Dogs wag their tails, when they are happy.A mother dog has three children. One is black, one is white, and one is black-white. The black-and-white one is very beautiful. They often sit beside their mother or play with a ball. All the dogs like eating meat. They eat a lot of meat every day.( )1What do some dogs like? AThey like walking. BThey like swimming. CThey like running.( )2What does a dog do when it is happy? AIt runs. BIt wags its tail. CIt eats meat.( )3What do all the dogs like?AThey like eating meat. BThey like drinking milk. CThey like drinking water.( )4Has a dog two eyes, two ears and a nose? AYes, it does. BYes, it has. CNo, it hasnt.(二) Mr Li is our English teacher. His home is near the school. Sometimes we go to his home. He has two sons. They are only five years old. They look like their father. They often wear the same clothes. We love to see them and play with them. Mr Li calls them Da Bao and Xiao Bao. ( )1Mr Li is the father of . Athe two girls Bthe twins Cus and the two boys( )2Mr Lis home is . Ain the school Bnear the school Cfar away from the school.( )3The twins are . Aten Bfour Cfive( )4The twins often wear . Athe same clothes Bthe blue shirts Cthe same shirts( )5The twins often play with . ATheir stu


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