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国内数控机床发展概括 数控机床是由美国发明家约翰 帕森斯上个世纪发明的。随着电子信息技术的发展,世界机床业已进入了以数字化制造技术为核心的机电一体化时代,其中数控机床就是代表产品之一。数控机床是制造业的加工母机和国民经济的重要基础。它为国民经济各个部门提供装备和手段,具有无限放大的经济与社会效应。欧、美、日等工业化国家已先后完成了数控机床产业化进程,而中国从 20 世纪80 年代开始起步,仍处于发展阶段。 作为现代工业基石的机床产业,是工业经济发展过程中无论如何都不能绕过一个关键性问题,中国机床产业由于先天不足, 一直在中高端机床项目发展上落于国外主流水准,正处于一个追赶的过程当中。 中国数控机床仍然较为落后。中国数控机床市场巨大,与国外产品相比,中国的差距主要是机床的高速高效化和精密化上,中国正处于工业化中期,即从解决短缺为主的开放逐步向建设经济强国转变,从脱贫向致富转变,煤炭、汽车、钢铁、房地产、建材、机械、电子、化工等一批以重工业为基础的高增长行业发展势头强劲,构成了对机床市场尤其是数控机床的巨大需求。 中国机床行业加速转型面临四大制约因素。中国的数控机床技术现在目前最多只能做到五轴联动,并且据有关人士说这个五 轴还是作秀成份居多,五轴以上几乎就是全部进口,并且在多点联动的技术上也和国外技术水准存在非常大的差距。 国内市场国际化竞争加剧:由于中低档数控机床市场萎缩和生产能力过剩,加之国外产品低价涌入,市场竞争将进一步加剧。而高档产品由于长期以来一直依赖进口,国内产品更加面临着国际化竞争的严峻挑战。 以技术领先的策略正在向以客户为中心的策略转变:经济危机往往会催生大规模的产业升级和企业转型,机床工具行业实现制造业服务化,核心在于要以客户为中心,积极提供客户需要的个性化服务。因此,从简单的卖产品转向提供整体解决方案、从 以技术为中心向以客户为中心转变成为当今的趋势。 中国的产品与中国市场需求反差较大,产品结构亟待快速调整:中国机床行业虽然保持多年持续快速发展,但是产业和产品结构不合理的现象依然存在,整个行业大而不强,高档产品还大量依赖进口。国产机床的国内市场占有率虽然已经有一定的提高,但是高档数控机床、核心功能部件在国内市场占有率还很低,全行业替代进口的潜力非常巨大。 企业技术创新模式有待完善:由于中国机床企业的地位、工业化水平和品牌影响力在逐步提升,要成为工业强国,其技术的获得再也不能依赖别人。过去,中国走了一条从模仿到 引进的道路,从现在开始必须走自主创新的道路。企业技术遇到新的封锁,建立自主、新型、战略性的产学研创新模式是支撑产品结构调整技术来源的惟一途径。 中国数控机床行业将延续结构调整的势头,不断以新产品、新亮点占领更大市场。数控切割机床按切割方式可分为火焰切割和等离子切割两大类。随着下游行业需求的不断提高,对数控机床配件提出了更大的需求和更高的要求。 东北地区发展不快,其他地方的发展也比较缓慢。三是调结构促转型取得成效。专家认为面对金融危机,广大企业应不断调整结构、提高质量、增加品种及推动产业升级,再加上企业加强管 理,降低费用,所以企业效益明显好转。数控切割机床装饰性发展趋势可见一斑,数控切割机床更多的是强调在机械性能、操作简便、价格经济、加工精度稳定等方面。在金属材料加工日益要求普及和批量化的今天,数控切割机床除了要满足上述功能性外,还要具有多切割方式的适用性。 国内数控机床企业为了提高自身实力,更快地拓展国际市场,将采取多种手段加快和国外企业的融合以提高产品质量、提高竞争力。在继续开拓美国、日本等国家市场的同时,在东南亚、中东、俄罗斯、欧洲、非洲等也全面开花。据了解,当前金属切割数控机床行业运行具有以下几个特点: 一是外销企业困难较大。从规模以上企业来看,以内销为主的品牌企业发展势头较好。没有品牌的中小企业发展比较困难。二是各地区发展不够均衡,浙江、山东、河北、北京以及四川发展比较快,广东的民营企业发展也较快。 数控切割机床行业多数企业都是依靠降低产品售价来获得市场,造成的后果是产品价格低、附加值低、利润低,企业没有足够的资金持续发展。随着产业的发展和竞争的升级,提高产品技术含量,拥有自主的专利、设计,注重品牌的打造和营销才是企业长期发展的最佳选择。 中国机床行业在过去几年实现了持续超高速的发展,一直到 2011 年上半 年,需求仍很旺盛,但是从下半年开始,需求增势明显趋缓,新增订单剧烈下滑,经济效益状况逐渐趋于严峻,利润率持续下降。 在 “ 十二五 ” 期间,国家实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,随着科技进步、产品升级以及国家重点工程、地方投资项目的不断推进,国民经济各行业对机床工具产品的需求水平将进一步提高,国防现代化对高水平机床的需求将更为迫切,市场需求将向更高层次发展,新一轮的市场竞争也将更加激烈。 由于行业景气度低迷,下游制造型企业对机床需求下降,所以我国机床行业一直处于低迷状态,升级转型成为行业近几年的关键词,经济型数 控机床则成为振兴装备制造业的重点之一。 我国的铸造机床产业取得了一定的成绩,但是其发展仍然面临着许多制约性问题,技术创新一直是国内铸造机床行业的硬伤。与国外的铸造机床产业相比,我国的铸造机床产业在制造工艺水平上明显落后,这使得其在核心运行部件的技术水平和运行速度、产品精度保持性以及机床的可靠性上有着明显的不足。 我国铸造机床企业缺乏自主创新和基础理论研究的意识与能力,这就制约了我国铸造机床技术的发展,要改变这种现状,就要深入研究用户行业产品工艺的特点和要求,结合工艺特点开发出高水平加工设备,同时,还要注重基 础理论工作的研究,这样才能让我国铸造机床产业在不久的将来有更好的发展。国家出台的一系列政策,大力建设新兴企业,高新技术企业,抓住了这一时机,企业内部出台了 “ 调整与振兴 ” 、 “ 自主创新 ” 等一系列政策,升级企业机床技术,严格保证产品质量,为加快铸造机床行业的发展提供了良好的环境跟市场。 机床工具行业作为国家基础性和战略性产业,在 “ 十二五 ” 规划中,已明确将自主创新战略作为最主要的一个组成部分,着重强调了要以技术创新工程来支撑和引领行业发展。我国机床工具行业的发展必须立足于自主创新,通过自主研发原始创新、引进技术消化 吸收再创新、集成现有技术创新等方式,实现关键技术突破和产业升级。构建和完善以企业为主体、以市场为导向、产学研用相结合的技术创新体系 ;坚持加大研发费用投入 ;加强关键技术、共性技术的研究,力争在基础和共性技术攻关上有所突破,提高产品开发技术水平。 技术发展 高速、精密、复合、智能和绿色是数控机床技术发展的总趋势,近几年来,在实用化和产业化等方面取得可喜成绩。主要表现在: 1、机床复合技术进一步扩展随着数控机床技术进步,复合加工技术日趋成熟,包括铣 -车复合、车铣复合、车 -镗 -钻 -齿轮加工等复合,车磨复合,成形复合 加工、特种复合加工等,复合加工的精度和效率大大提高。 “ 一台机床就是一个加工厂 ” 、 “ 一次装卡,完全加工 ” 等理念正在被更多人接受,复合加工机床发展正呈现多样化的态势。 2、数控机床的智能化技术有新的突破,在数控系统的性能上得到了较多体现。如:自动调整干涉防碰撞功能、断电后工件自动退出安全区断电保护功能、加工零件检测和自动补偿学习功能、高精度加工零件智能化参数选用功能、加工过程自动消除机床震动等功能进入了实用化阶段,智能化提升了机床的功能和品质。 3、机器人使柔性化组合效率更高机器人与主机的柔性化组合得到广泛应用 ,使得柔性线更加灵活、功能进一步扩展、柔性线进一步缩短、效率更高。机器人与加工中心、车铣复合机床、磨床、齿轮加工机床、工具磨床、电加工机床、锯床、冲压机床、激光加工机床、水切割机床等组成多种形式的柔性单元和柔性生产线已经开始应用。 4、精密加工技术有了新进展数控金切机床的加工精度已从原来的丝级( 0.01mm)提升到微米级( 0.001mm),有些品种已达到 0.05m 左右。超精密数控机床的微细切削和磨削加工,精度可稳定达到 0.05m 左右,形状精度可达0.01m 左右。采用光、电、化学等能源的特种加工精度可达 到纳米级( 0.001m )。通过机床结构设计优化、机床零部件的超精加工和精密装配、采用高精度的全闭环控制及温度、振动等动态误差补偿技术,提高机床加工的几何精度,降低形位误差、表面粗糙度等,从而进入亚微米、纳米级超精加工时代。 5、功能部件性能不断提高功能部件不断向高速度、高精度、大功率和智能化方向发展,并取得成熟的应用。全数字交流伺服电机和驱动装置,高技术含量的电主轴、力矩电机、直线电机,高性能的直线滚动组件,高精度主轴单元等功能部件推广应用,极大的提高数控机床的技术水平。 发展问题 国内数控机床的需求日益 增长,数控机床的发展推动了数控机床功能部件的创新升级。目前我国高档数控机床关键功能部件工业还不能满足国内需要,国内数控功能部件产业主要存在以下问题。 1、适应性和满足度远达不到市场需求 从当前我国数控机床的发展趋势来看,国产功能部件的适应性和满足度远远达不到市场的需求。主要表现在: 1)我国功能部件的产品水平和国外有一定差距。我国生产的功能部件多数以劳动密集型为主,技术含量低,难以适应国产数控机床的发展速度和技术要求,特别是高档数控机床。 2)我国功能部件开发能力较弱,新产品开发速度慢,多数功能部件需要与国 外合作开发、合作生产、合资经营,甚至只能组装。虽然这两年形势有显著变化,但高技术、最新型的功能部件,我国尚在研制过程中,市场占有率前景依然不容乐观。 2、我国数控功能部件生产企业的规模小 据统计我国固定资产达到 1000 万元以上的功能部件生产企业有 70 多家,占全部生产企业的 10%以下。我国的功能部件生产企业的 “ 出身 ” 有 4 种:一是从研究院所、大专院校以技术支撑发展而来的企业,可称为 “ 院所型 ” 。这些企业的特点是:有一定技术基础和人才基础,有多项技术的发展潜力,但生产手段较弱,难以在短时间内形成产业规模,在成本、营 销、服务等方面也存在一些差距;二是从主机厂逐步 “ 独立 ” 、 “ 分离 ” 出来的以生产某种功能部件为主发展起来的企业,可称之为 “ 主厂型 ” 。这些企业在生产能力、工艺水平和使用经验上都可以适应市场需求,在一定程度上可以形成规模,但由于其与原主机厂有着千丝万缕的联系,在竞争中往往让用户产生疑虑,影响其市场开拓,同时,其开发能力也有一定的局限性,所以难以形成著名品牌;三是在江浙一带大量涌现出的民营企业,可称之为 “ 民企型 ” 。这些企业主要以劳动密集型、单一品种为主,如护链罩、拖板、喷油管、排屑器、照明设备等。由于竞争激烈,其质量 和价格都能满足中低档数控机床的市场需要。虽然这些品种的高档产品尚不能制造,还需依赖进口,但在很大程度上,适应了我国数控机床发展的总体需求;还有一部分外商合资企业或独资企业生产部分较高水平的功能部件,但批量较小,且没有独立的技术开发能力,难以成为功能部件的主体和主流。 3、核心零部件大量依靠进口 中国数控机床行业的发展令人瞩目, 2008 年中国数控机床工具工业完成工业总产值 34723 亿元,产品销售产值 3348.3 亿元,同比分别增长 27.5%和 26.0%。20022008 年中国是世界机床第一消费国和第一进口国。 但行业迅速发展的背后,一个不能忽视的事实是,我国关键零部件生产依然受制于人,出现了利润不高、产品缺乏核心竞争力的局面。 4、缺乏高技术含量威胁产业安全 我国机床出口连年保持增长的喜人态势,不过 “ 量增价减 ” 的尴尬直接反映出我们的技术水平。大量核心技术的缺乏和关键零部件的依赖直接影响到我国的机床产业安全。因此,我们需要强化预警工作意识,凝聚行业智慧和力量,维护产业安全。 Domestic CNC machine tools development Nc machine tools is by American inventor John parsons, invented in last century. Along with the development of electronic information technology, the world machine tool industry has entered the era of digital manufacturing technology as the core of electromechanical integration, one of nc machine tools is the representative product. Nc machine tools is the machining machine tool manufacturing and important basis of national economy. It provides the equipment and method for various sectors of national economy, has the infinite amplification effect of society and economy. Europe, America, Japan and other industrialized countries have successively completed the industrialization process, numerical control machine tool and started from the 1980 s, China is still in the stage of development. As the cornerstone of modern industrial machine tool industry, it is in the development of industrial economy could not bypass is a key problem, Chinas machine tool industry due to the congenital deficiency, have been in the high-end machine project on the development in foreign mainstream standards, are in a process of catch up. Nc machine tools are still relatively backward in China. CNC machine tool market is huge in China, compared with foreign products, Chinas gap mainly machine tools of high efficiency, and motors, China is in the middle of industrialization, that is, from opening and solve shortage of economic power shift to the construction, from poverty to get rich, coal, automobiles, steel, real estate, building materials, machinery, electronics, chemical industry and so on one batch of based on the heavy industry development momentum of high growth industry, form the market especially the huge demand for nc machine tool to machine tool. China machine tool industry to accelerate the transformation of the four big factors. Chinas CNC machine tool technology is the most can only achieve five-axis linkage, and according to relevant personage says the five axis or show ingredients, more than five axis is almost all imports, and also on the multipoint linkage technology and overseas technical level there is a very big gap. Internationalization of the domestic market increased competition, such as CNC machine tool market atrophy and excess production capacity, combined with the foreign products low price, market competition will further intensified. And because high-end products have long been dependent on imports, domestic products more faces the challenge of international competition. With leading technology of the strategy is to customer-focused strategy: the economic crisis tends to encourage the growth of large-scale industrial upgrading and transformation, realize manufacturing machine tool industry as a service, the core is to the customer as the center, actively provide customers need personalized service. Therefore, from simple to sell products to provide the overall solution, from the technology as the center to take the customer as center into todays trends. Contrast China products and China market demand is bigger, the product structure need to be quick adjustments: although Chinas machine tool industry keep sustained and rapid development for many years, but the industry and product structure unreasonable phenomenon still exists, the entire industry is big but not strong, is also a large number of high-end products rely on imports. Though domestic machine tool of the domestic market share has been improve to a certain extent, but the high-grade numerical control machine tool, the core features in the domestic market share is still very low, the industrys potential to replace imported is enormous. Needs to improve enterprise technology innovation mode: because of Chinas machine tool enterprises status, industrialization level and brand influence in gradually improve, to become an industrial powerhouse, its technology can no longer rely on others. In the past, Chinese go a way from imitation to introduce, from now on to the road of independent innovation. Autonomy, enterprise technology meet new blockade, establish new, strategic innovation mode of production, study and was the only way to support product structure adjustment technology source. CNC machine tool industry in China will continue to structural adjustment of momentum, constantly to new products, new luminescent spot occupy a larger market. CNC cutting machine in cutting way can be divided into two categories, flame cutting and plasma cutting. With the constant improvement of the downstream industry demand, puts forward a greater demand on CNC machine tool accessories and higher requirements. Development of northeast area, the rest of the development is slow. Three is to effective structural adjustment to promote transformation. Experts believe that in the face of financial crisis, the enterprise should constantly adjust structure, improve quality, increase the varieties, and promote industrial upgrading, and strengthen enterprise management, reduce the cost, so enterprise efficiency improved significantly. CNC cutting machine development trend of decorative, CNC cutting machine is more emphasized in mechanical performance, easy operation, stable price economy, the processing precision, etc. In metal material processing increasingly demand popularization and booming today, CNC cutting machine in addition to meet the above functionality, but also has the applicability of the cutting way more. Development of northeast area, the rest of the development is slow. Three is to effective structural adjustment to promote transformation. Experts believe that in the face of financial crisis, the enterprise should constantly adjust structure, improve quality, increase the varieties, and promote industrial upgrading, and strengthen enterprise management, reduce the cost, so enterprise efficiency improved significantly. CNC cutting machine development trend of decorative, CNC cutting machine is more emphasized in mechanical performance, easy operation, stable price economy, the processing precision, etc. In metal material processing increasingly demand popularization and booming today, CNC cutting machine in addition to meet the above functionality, but also has the applicability of the cutting way more. Domestic nc machine tool enterprises in order to enhance their own strength, to expand the international market, faster to take a variety of means to speed up and fusion of foreign enterprises in order to improve product quality, improve the competitiveness. Continued to open up the United States, Japan and other countries market at the same time, in southeast Asia, the Middle East, Russia, Europe, Africa and so on also full bloom. It is understood that the current running metal cutting CNC machine tool industry has the following several characteristics: one is difficult to export enterprises. From the point of enterprises above designated size, give priority to with domestic brand enterprise development momentum is good. Without the brand development of small and medium-sized enterprises are difficult. Second, development is not balanced in different regions, zhejiang, shandong, hebei, Beijing and sichuan development faster, faster development of private enterprises in guangdong province. CNC cutting machine tool industry has relied on to reduce the product cost for most businesses, the consequences is the product price is low, the low added value, low profits, enterprises do not have enough capital to sustainable development. Along with the development of the industry and competition upgrade, improve product technology content, with independent patent, design, pay attention to brand building and marketing is the best choice of the enterprise long-term development. China machine tool industry in the past few years to realize the sustained development of ultra-high speed, until the first half of 2011, is still very strong demand, but starting from the second half of the year, significantly slowing demand growth, the new orders fell sharply, the economic situation gradually become serious, profit margins continued to decline. During the twelfth five-year, the state implemented a proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy, along with the progress of science and technology, product upgrade and national key projects, the advancement of local investment projects of the national economy industry demand for machine tools product level will increase further, defense modernization would be more urgent demand for high levels of machine tool, the market demand to develop to a higher level, a new round of competition in the market will also be more intense. Due to the boom of industry downturn, the downstream manufacturing enterprises fall in demand for machine tools, has been in the doldrums, Chinas machine tool industry upgrading transformation become keywords of industry in recent years, economical nc machine tools has become one of the highlights of the revitalization of equipment manufacturing industry. Casting machine tool industry in China has made some achievements, but its development is still faced with many problems conditionality, technology innovation has been the domestic casting machine tool industrys shortcomings. Compared with foreign casting machine tool industry, casting machine tool industry in China lags behind at the manufacturing level, which makes it run in the core parts of technical level and running speed, product accuracy stable, and the reliability of the machine tool has obvious shortage. Our casting machine tool enterprises lack the consciousness of independent innovation and the basic theory study and ability, it is restricting the development of China foundry machine tool technology, to change the status quo, to delve into the characteristics and requirements of industry products process, combined with process characteristics developed a high level of processing equipment, at the same time, also pay attention to the basic theoretical research, so as to make casting machine tool industry in China in the near future have a better development. The country issued a series of policy, vigorously construction of emerging enterprises, high-tech enterprises, seized this opportunity, enterprise internal issued adjustment and revitalization, independent innovation and a series of policies, upgrade enterprise machine tool technology, strictly ensure the quality of products, in order to speed up the casting machine tool industry development provides a good environment and market. Machine tool industry as a fundamental and strategic industry, in the twelfth five-year plan, has the independent innovation strategy as one of the main component, emphasized the need to support technology innovation project and lead the industry development. The development of Chinas machine tool industry must be based on the independent innovation, through independent research and development innovation, introduction of technology digestion, absorption and innovation, integrate existing methods such as technology innovation, a breakthrough in key technologies and industrial upgrading. Build and perfect with enterprises as the mainstay, market-oriented, with a combination of technical innovation system; Stick to increase r&d investment; Strengthen the key technology and common technology research, strive for a breakthrough on the basic and common technology research, improve the level of product development technology. Technology development High-speed, precision, composite, intelligent and green is the general trend of nc machine tool technology development, in recent years, in the practical application and industrialization has made gratifying achievements. Mainly displays in: 1, compound machine tool technology to further expand with nc machine tool technology, composite processing technology matures, including milling composite - car, car milling compound, car - boring - drill - compound gear processing, grinding compound, forming composite processing, special composite processing, composite processing precision and efficiency is greatly increased. A machine tool is a processing plant, a card, complete processing idea is accepted by more people, such as compound machine tool development is diversified. Intelligent technology have new breakthrough in 2, CNC machine tools, on the performance of the numerical control system gets more. Such as: automatic collision interference power function, the workpiece automatically when the power is out of safety protection function, the processing parts detection and automatic compensation intelligent learning function, high precision machining parts, process parameter selection function, automatically eliminate machine tool vibration, and other functions into the practical phase, intelligent improve the machines function and quality. 3, robot flexible combination is more efficient robot is widely used and the flexible combination of the host, making flexible line more flexible, further expansion of functions, flexible line further shorten, the efficiency is higher. Robot, car milling compound machine tools and machining center, grinder, gear cutting machine tool, tool grinding machine, electric machine, sawing machine, punching machine, laser machine, water cutting machine and so on many kinds of forms of flexible units and flexible production line has been used. 4, precision processing technology have made new progress CNC metal-cutting machine tools machining accuracy has (0.01 mm) from the original yarn to micron level (0.001 mm), some species has reached to 0.05 mu m or so. Ultra-precision CNC machine tool cutting and grinding, fine precision can achieve stable around 0.05 mu m, shape accuracy can reach 0.01 mu m or so. Use the energy such as light, electricity, chemical special machining precision can reach nanoscale (0.001 microns). Through the machine tool structure design optimization, superfinishing machine parts and precision assembling, using high-precision full closed loop control and dynamic error compensation technology, such as temperature, vibration, improve the volumetric accuracy of machine tool processing, reduce the form error, surface roughness, etc., thus into the era of submicron and nanometer level superfinishing. 5, more functional unit performance features to high speed, high precision, high power and intelligent direction development, and achieved mature application. Full digital ac servo motor and drive device, high technology content of motorized spindle, torque motor, linear motor, high-performance linear rolling components, features such as high precision spindle unit application, greatly improve the level of nc machine tool technology. Development issues Growing domestic demand for CNC machine tools, the development of numerical control machine tool is the function of nc machine tool parts of innovation to upgrade. At present our country high-end CNC machine tool industry cant meet the needs of the domestic key features, and domestic nc feature industry mainly exist the following problems. 1, adaptability, and satisfaction is far can not meet the market demand From the developing trend of nc machine tools in China, domestic features of adaptability and satisfaction is far less than the demand of the market. Mainly displays in: 1) feature level of products in China and abroad have a certain gap. Our country majority mainly labor-intensive production features, technical content is low, difficult to adapt to the development of domestic CNC machine speed and technical requirements, especially high-end CNC machine tools. 2) feature development ability is weak in our country, new product development speed is slow, most of the features needs to be developed with foreign cooperation, cooperative production, joint venture, even only for assembly. Although the situation changes significantly over the past two years, high technology, the latest features, our country is still in the process of development, market outlook is still not optimistic. 2, the small scale of nc feature production enterprises in China According to statistics, Chinas fixed assets reached 10 million yuan of above features more than 70 production enterprises, less than 10% of the total production enterprises. Feature production enterprises in China origin has four kinds: one is from research institutes, colleges and universities for technical support the development of enterprises, can be referred to as the institutes. The characteristics of these enterprises is: there are certain technical foundation and talent base, there are many technology development potential, but the means of production is weak, difficult to form industrial scale in a short time, in such aspects as costs, marketing and service also exist some gaps; Step by step from the hosts, independent, separation out to produce a ce


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