



A job application letter Dear sir,Please consider me as an applicant for the position of accountant which you recently advertised in China Daily. I am twenty-four years old and I will graduate from the university this July.I am majoring in accounting . during the four years study , Ive got a very good academic score. And also when I was a junior, I once had a part time job in the local accounting firm because I felt that an academic education in a field such as accounting can be enhanced tremendously by contact with professionals in the field. I did my work well.I would be grateful for the opportunity to put what Ive learned in the college into real use and discuss my accounting experience and any other aspects of my background that the enclosed resume does nor cover. Could we meet at your convenience ? I would greatly appreciate a personal interview. Please call me any day from 8:00-22:00 at the number 62778888 or write to me to the address on the envelop. Yours truly, WangningWhat Will the WTO Entry Bring to China?For Chinas entering WTO(World Trade Organization ) , people wondered what it will bring along. People s attitude s toward it are different. Some people take optimistic attitudes while others take pessimistic ones. Actually , the WTO entry will bring both advantages and disadvantages to China.Some advantages of joining the WTO entry are as follows. First , the WTO entry will increase exports and attract more foreign investments. China can sell surplus products to other member countries and upgrade its traditional industries with the of foreign capital and technology .Then , after the WTO entry, taxes on goods will be greatly reduced. Chinese people will benefit from it; that is to say , they can buy cheap commodities with high quality. Finally , with the tough competition in the fields of telecommunication, banking and commerce, customers will enjoy better service.The WTO entry will bring to China not only opportunities but challenges as well. As China gradually opens its market to the outside world; more and more foreign products ,services and investments will enter the Chinese market. Therefore , domestic enterprises will meet with sharper competition and severe challenges. For example, industries such as automobile, banking and insurance will face a great pressure. In my opinion, the WTO entry will bring about more good than bad to China. In the long run, the WTO entry will have a positive impact on Chinas economic system reform. The importance of Confidence1 凡事都要有信心。2 没有信心的原因。3 建立信心是可能的。 Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when one is faced with drawbacks or hardships. This truth seems to be self-evident. However, in reality we do see a lot of people who complain that they lack the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too great to overcome. For someone, this might be true, But for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart.Why do people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something? There are, among others, two main reasons. First, these people do not have a correct estimate of themselves. Second, they overestimate the difficulties.It is possible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards ones own abilities. We should never underestimate our abilities but should believe in the proverb: “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Confidence is the promise for fulfilling a task successfully.171 wordsThe Importance of Praise1. 对于人们来说,赞扬不仅十分有益,而且十分重要。2 对于孩子来说,赞扬的作用更大。3 在日常生活中人们应该多赞扬他人Praise is very useful and important to a person. when a person has done something good and is praised, he feels good. Praise may bring his initiative into full play, so that he can do better and contribute more in the future. On the contrary, a person may fell upset or frustrated when he has done something good but not received praise.The effect of praise is even greater to children. Studies have revealed that a child will become more active when he is praised. He instinctively turns against a person who is continually criticizing him. A childs efforts should never be laughed at even if he has not done well.It is very essential that you praise others in your everyday life. Praise acts as lubricating oil, which can not only promote understanding between people in all walks of life, but also relieve the tension among classmates or friends. Too much complaining and criticism will do the opposite. So we should learn to praise others and help to create light, pleasant surroundings in which to live.177 wordsUniversity Life, Imagined and Real 1) 我所想象的和真实的大学生活不一样 2) 两者的差异和比较 When students finish their high school courses and enter the classrooms of a college or a university, they will deal with new classmates, new teachers, new requirements of study, in a word, a completely new environment. They have to adapt themselves to the new life on campus. There are obvious differences between high school life and college life. First , a freshman will live far away from his family, and in addition, the climate and food may be different from those of his home town, so he has to take good care of himself. Second, he will live with classmates who come from various parts of the country and may have different living habits. Third, he is to learn a lot of new knowledge, and he has more time for himself to budget. It may take a freshman some while to become accustomed to the study and life at college. However, we all have to accept constant challenges of new things in our life. College students should treasure the days of higher learning and prepare themselves for the future life and work. 182 wordsEnglish Study 1) 英语学习中我遇到的问题是. 2) 我应该如何改进 With the reform in recent years, English has become increasingly important. So it is surely necessary for us to learn English well. But learning English is not an easy thing. During the courses of learning English, I met with a lot of difficulties, such as how to enlarge my vocabulary, how to speed up reading, how to pronounce English words correctly, and so on. In order to conquer these difficulties, some effective ways were needed. Firstly, I made a rule of learning ten new words every day so as to build up my vocabulary. As long as I kept on, I could master 3,650 words every year. Secondly, I tried my best to read more English articles to speed up my reading, for I believed that the more I read, the faster I could develop my reading ability. Lastly, in order to pronounce English words correctly, I listened to English tapes very often and practiced reading aloud half an hour every morning. Through persistent efforts I have overcome most of my difficulties in learning English, and have made steady progress. Now Im working even harder at English, and Im sure I will have a good command of it in the end. 206 wordsBand 2A Small World 1) 随着计算机和通讯的发展, 世界变小了 2) 所带来的好处 3) 我们应该.A Small World With the development of computer and communication devices such as pagers , mobile phones and the internet, the world is getting smaller and smaller. People can keep contact with each other at any time and anywhere. For example, by using email on the internet, it takes only a few seconds to reach the other party. What you need to do is just a mouse click. Cell phones let you talk with someone no matter which corner of the earth he is on. The advantages of modern communicative means are obvious in many ways. First, they cost far less time than usual ways. Ordinary mail or, snail mail humorously named by web surfers, usually takes at least a few days or even weeks to reach in the hand of the receiver. Email, on the contrary, only takes a few seconds regardless its receivers destination. Second, they are much cheaper. The widely affordable price of internet makes it possible for ordinary people to make full use of this novice of the 20th century. Last but not the least, they bring closer the relationship between people around the world , and thus have bettered the understanding between countries, which otherwise would be strangers. It is well established that in modern age one is required to master two skills: computer and English, since they are both essential in communicating. Hence, we should know well how to use them so as to make them serve our purposes.(231 words)Private Motor Vehicles1 私人汽车极大地提高了人们的活动空间2 私人汽车所带来的弊端3 如何减少私人汽车的数量和使用The private motor vehicle has given us a freedom our ancestors could only dream about. We can travel swiftly, and usually safely, over the roads which have been built to accommodate our cars. Sadly the car has become a disadvantage as well as a boon. The car pollutes the atmosphere, may be involved in serious accidents, an by its very numbers blocks roads and chokes cities. How can we reduce its use?The car is only desirable if we can use it easily, so we might begin by reducing access to parking spaces in the cities and simultaneously increasing the quality and availability of public transport. cars could be banned from certain parts of the city, thus forcing people to walk or to use public transport.The expense of buying and running a car can be raised. If the motorist is faced with a high purchase price, high road tax, high insurance premiums and substantial fines he or she may reconsider the purchase. A corresponding reduction in the price of public transport would help this financial augment against car ownership.180 wordsKeep a Pet or Not?1 许多家庭饲养宠物2 饲养宠物的利弊3 结论In many homes people keep a dog or cat or some other kind of pet. While this does involve some expense in terms of good food and medical treatment, there are still many advantages to keeping a pet.First of all, pets are good companions. This is especially important for people who live alone and for older people who do not go out much. Some pets can also help to protect the house from thieves. Secondly, dogs and cats like to play and can give hours of amusement to children and adults. Taking care of an animal also helps children to develop responsible attitudes and to learn about nature. Finally, the actual expense of keeping an animal is not that high, and they can eat the leftovers of family meals.Some people claim pets are dirty. I dont think this is altogether true. Responsible pet owners keep their pets clean and healthy so they do not smell bad. People also say that certain pets, like large dogs, can be dangerous. There have been cases of dogs attacking and seriously injuring small children. However, these cases are uncommon and are the result of bad owners. These people either dont train their dogs properly or actually encourage them to be aggressive. So, the problems of pets being unclean or dangerous are in fact the problems of the owners, not the pets themselves. To sum up, there are more advantages than disadvantages to keeping in a pet, especially for lonely people and children. In most cases, therefore, the cost is justified.258 wordsNegative Effects of Television1 电视普及率很高 2电视的消极作用3 解决办法With modern telecommunications even people who live in very remote areas have access to television. However, even though television is clearly very popular, the effects on people of watching television are often negative.Individuals can be negatively affected in three main ways. Many people both children and adults, waste a lot of time sitting in front of a TV watching poor quality programs. Secondly, watching too much TV can make people lazy and unhealthy because they dont get enough ex


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