



第 5 页 共 5 页课时跟踪练(二) Warming Up & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1Everybody admires (羡慕) him for his fine sense of humor.2Li Bai and Du Fu were both wellknown Chinese poets (诗人)3It is difficult to get used to another countrys customs (风俗)4It is my belief (信心) that he will succeed in carrying out the experiment.5Millions of people in the area starved (挨饿) to death after a big earthquake.6There is a great demand for agricultural (农用的) machinery in this country.7She looked sad,hopeless of the arrival (到来) of her friend.8Many awards (奖) will be given to the winners in the coming music ceremony.9If our team wins in the event, there will be a celebration (庆祝)10He traveled around the country gathering (收集) facts about folk songs.单句语法填空1Many people died of starvation (starve) in Africa that year.2I hold the belief that he will succeed.3Awarded (award) the first prize in the competition, he felt happy and satisfied.4In order to go to the palace ball, the pretty girl is dressing herself up carefully.5I think its impolite to play a trick on others just for fun.6They call their son Albert Franz in memory of their father.7New Year celebrations (celebrate) in Scotland go on for three days.8It seemed as if the man in picture had_moved (move). 9The Spring Festival is coming. Im looking forward to returning (return) home.10With a lot of work to_do (do), he wasnt allowed to go out. .选词填空take place, in memory of, dress up, play a trick on, look forward to, day and night, as though, have fun with1The animal was walking as_though it had hurt its leg.2In my opinion, it is wrong of you to play_a_trick_on the blind.3Every time she went to a dance, she would always be dressed_up to the nines.4Im looking_forward_to paying a visit to you next week.5As we all know, the Olympic Games take_place every four years.6A museum was built in_memory_of the victims (受害者) in the big earthquake.7On the weekends, I like to get together and have_fun_with my good friends.8In the past, poor workers worked day_and_night,_but they still lived a hard life.课文语法填空There are all kinds of 1.celebrations (celebrate) throughout the world. Different countries have different festivals. Festivals of the Dead are held to honour the dead or 2. to_satisfy (satisfy) the ancestors. Festivals can also be held to honour famous people. In China,the Dragon Boat Festival 3.honours (honour) the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. The most 4.energetic (energy) and important festivals are Spring Festivals 5.that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat 6.such things as dumplings, fish and meat and may give children lucky money 7.in red paper. Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals,8.which take place forty days before Easter,9.usually (usual) in February. People celebrate festivals 10.to_have (have) fun with each other and enjoy life.串点成篇微表达Carla和Hari是好朋友,他们都日夜(day and night)盼望(look forward to)着愚人节的到来。他们两个都想在这一天捉弄(play a trick on)一下对方。他们一致赞同在书店门口见面,看看谁首先被捉弄。愚人节那天,Carla把自己打扮成(dress up)一个老人并按时到了那儿。她认为守了信用,Hari将认不出来她。但是Carla突然听到有人说“愚人”。是Hari来了,他来晚了半个小时。Carla无法屏住呼吸,笑了。他们彼此玩得很开心(have fun with),好像(as though)什么也没发生过。Carla and Hari are good friends. They looked forward to the arrival of April Fools Day day and night. They both wanted to play a trick on each other on that day. They agreed to meet at the gate of the bookstore to see who will be fooled first. On April Fools Day, Carla, dressing herself up as an old man, arrived there on time. She thought she kept her word and Hari would not recognize her. But suddenly, Carla heard “April fool!”. Its Hari who arrived late for half an hour. Carla couldnt hold her breath, laughing. They had fun with each other as though nothing had happened. 二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空While driving home today, I passed a man who was holding a sign, begging for donations. I had _1_ dollar(s) in my wallet. I decided that I was not going to give _2_ money was so tight right now.Then, I felt it _3_ not to give, and therefore I _4_ to give him half of what I had. I rolled down my window and _5_ him one dollar. He said, “God bless you!” and I said, “You too.” It was not a full _6_.As I _7_ away, I wished that I had _8_ more to him, and I wished that I had given him all that I had, but instead I was too _9_ to give more of myself.On my way home, I wondered why helping others didnt make me happy. I wondered if I had _10_ a powerful universal law the law of giving from my _11_ instead of my head. Perhaps just _12_ not giving it all from my heart, I had blocked (阻塞) what I need to _13_ right now.I did not feel guilty, _14_ I did feel sad in my heart over my _15_. My giving was from my head, not my heart. Now I _16_ have the other dollar in my wallet. I hope that I will have a _17_ soon to give it all.It is true that all of us should have courage to _18_ all that we have. Though we do _19_ money to buy our own children food and clothes, Christmas presents, socks, toilet paper and so on, we are _20_ to try our best to help those in need of our help.语篇解读:本文为夹叙夹议文。作者因为没有尽其所能去帮助他人而遗憾,也因此意识到我们应该发自内心地尽最大努力去帮助那些需要帮助的人。1A.oneBtwoCthree Dfour解析:选B由第二段“. give him half of what I had . him one dollar.”和倒数第二段“Now I _16_ have the other dollar in my wallet.”可判断,作者总共只有两美元。2A.if BthoughCwhen Dbecause解析:选D“因为(because)”目前手头很紧,所以作者决定不给钱。3A.necessary BnormalCunimportant Dwrong解析:选D由作者随后返回可判断,他认为一分钱都不给是“不对(wrong)”的,所以“决定(decide)”给钱。4A.decided BrefusedCasked Dagreed解析:选A参见上题解析。5A.showed BlentChanded Dowed解析:选C由“He said,God bless you!”可知,作者“递给(hand)”了乞丐1美元。6A.deal BexchangeCbusiness Dgreeting解析:选B由上句乞丐和作者的对话可知,他们的语言“交流(exchange)”非常简单。7A.walked BturnedCran Ddrove解析:选D由文章第一句“While driving home today”及第二段“I rolled down my window”可知,作者是“开车(drive)”走的。8A.spoken BprovedCadmitted Dreferred解析:选A由上一段可知,他们的语言交流很少,所以作者想要是对他多“说(speak)”一些话就好了。9A.pleased BsureCafraid Dbusy解析:选C作者现在只是心里这么想,但其实他当时就是不敢多说一句,也“不敢(afraid)”将钱都给别人。10A.passed BignoredCremembered Dpracticed解析:选B作者没有尽其所能,也不是发自内心想帮助他人,所以他觉得自己“忽略(ignore)”了一条助人的原则。11A.mouth BhandCmind Dheart解析:选D由下文“not giving it all from my heart”的提示可判断选D项。12A.by BafterCupon Dover解析:选A或许“正是(just by)”因为未发自内心地帮助他人,作者此时才没能感受到助人的快乐。13A.admit BreceiveCblame Davoid解析:选B作者本来能“接受(receive)”到那种助人之后的好心情的,但如今没有,由此语境可判断选B项。14A.and BsoCor Dbut解析:选D作者心里不内疚,“但是(but)”很难过,由前后的转折关系可判断选D项。15A.choice BfailureCdifficulty Dfear解析:选A作者的“选择(choice)”是给1美元而不是2美元,因此而难过,故选A项。16A.already BevenCstill Dalmost解析:选C给出1美元后现在“依然(still)”还有1美元,故选C项。17A.way BchanceCright Dduty解析:选B作者希望很快会有“机会(chance)”给出这1美元,故选B项。18A.enjoy BvalueCgive Dtrust解析:选C由上文“. I wished that I had given him all that I had”的提示再结合下一句的意思可判断选C项。19A.need BloseCearn Dborrow解析:选A尽管我们确实“需要(need)”钱来给我们自己的孩子买东西


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