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甘肃省玉门一中2017-2018学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题(满分:150分 时间:120分钟)第I卷(选择题)第一部分 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOne thing we love about soup is that its easy to make and it only needs a few simple ingredients. Here are four of our favorite, simple homemade soups. Enjoy!1. Chicken SoupChicken soup can help fight a cold. You can prepare your soup using a whole chicken or just thin pieces of chicken. Do either of themalthough a whole chicken is likely to make your soup more delicious. The main ingredients are:chicken, water, onions, carrots, celery(芹菜), salt, pepper and noodles. 2. White Bean SoupThere are many types of beans to choose from. It s simply a matter of personal taste. Dried beans are more traditional and cost less. However, canned beans also work. The other main ingredients are: onions, tomatoes and carrots. Add salt and pepper to taste.3. French Onion SoupWhen you get French onion soup in a restaurant, it might look a bit difficult to make. The hardest part is cutting up all those onions. Get ready for a good cry! The main ingredients are: six sweet onions, butter, water and salt. 4. Garden Vegetable SoupIn summer, you may find yourself with a lot of vegetables that need using up. Throw in potatoes, rice or even some meat with the vegetables. The best thing about this soup is that you can put in whatever you want. The main ingredients are: onions, carrots, celery, tomatoes and potatoes. For more homemade soups, please click here . cooking, /soups/nl 1. How can you make the chicken soup more delicious?A. By adding carrots. B. By using chicken pieces.C. By adding onions.D. By using a whole chicken.2. What is the most difficult part when making French onion soup?A. Getting good onions.B. Cutting up the onions.C.Making the soup look good.D. Buying the ingredients.3. What might be the best soup in summer time?A. Chicken soup. B. White bean soup. C. French onion soup.D. Garden vegetable soup.4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Chicken soup is good if you catch a cold. B. Canned beans are cheaper than dried beans.C. Its difficult to make French onion soup. D. You cannot put meat in garden vegetable soup.5. Where can you probably see the passage?A. In a magazine. B. In a newspaper. C. On the Internet. D. In a TV program.BWindows 8, apart from Windows 95, is the biggest surprise and the only version of Microsofts operating system that has been changed from the core(核心)when pared to its former one. However, a recent study has shown that under 20% of business owners would be willing to upgrade to the new version of Windows. The reason for this remains to be discussed and debated, and we will try to throw light on this research by providing you with some of the most mon advantages and disadvantages of Windows 8.Generally speaking, there are a great number of plus sides related to upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 8.SpeedThis is the biggest advantage to mention. Boot time has been reported to be up to nine times shorter than that with Windows 7.New passwordsInstead of typing your passwords, Windows 8 will let you use gestures on your favorite photos to enter your password. This is not only practical but also extremely cool!Windows 8 experienceApart from puters, Windows 8 will be used on all devices, including smart phones, tablet PCs and so on. Also, owing to the fact that it has been specifically designed with touch screen users in mind, Windows 8, besides using keyboard and mouse, will offer a whole new user experience.However, there are still some disadvantages.The first one that has to be mentioned is that there is no Start Menu from Windows. Yes, there is no Start button in the lower left corner, and this might be a real puzzle of many Windows users. Also, many users have had a problem to get used to the new interface(界面)introduced by Windows 8.The biggest problem that is worth noticing is that Windows 8 was originally designed for touch screen users, and this may have a bad effect on desktop users who have gotten used to doing everything with the help of their keyboard and mouse.6According to the text the greatest advantage of Windows 8 is its _.A. plex passwordsB. high speedC. unique experienceD. new interface7From the text we can learn that Windows 8 _.A. no longer requires a password B. was upgraded from Windows 95 C. will be popular with desktop users D. can be used on more than puters8Many Windows 8 users face the problem that _.A. Start Menu is hidden in the lower left cornerB. they have to use fingerprints instead of buttonC. keyboard and mouse cant be used any longerD. they dont get accustomed to the new interfaceCHybrid cars (混合动力车) are cars that run on petrol and electricity. They have a small standard petrol engine and a battery (电池) electric motor to provide electric power.There are some differences between different models of hybrid cars, but the general principle is that the car runs on petrol, and the electric motor kicks in when additional power is required, for example, when going uphill or accelerating. In some hybrid cars the petrol engine turns itself off when not needed, for example when the car has stopped at traffic light, keeping only the electric engine running.Conventional cars have large engines to deal with driving uphill and accelerating. Hybrid cars have much smaller petrol engines, improved by electric motors when needed, so they use less petrol. Another way that fuel consumption is cut is by a system of “regenerative (再生的) braking”. The electric motor is used to slow down the car, rather than conventional brakes. The energy produced by slowing the car is changed into electrical power, which is automatically stored in the battery. In effect, the battery recharges when you brake. In conventional cars the energy produced when braking is wasted.In 1928 Ferdinand Porsche built an experimental hybrid car. The first massproduced hybrid car, the Toyota Prius, came out in Japan at the end of 1997. However, hybrid cars became available in the USA only in 1999. As they use less fuel, hybrid cars are cheaper to run. There are also many voices in place to encourage people to buy them. In some countries, hybrid car owners pay a lower rate of tax, and dont have to pay on certain roads. In some cities, hybrid cars are allowed to park for free.9Hybrid cars consume less energy than conventional cars because hybrid cars _.A. have large engines to deal with acceleratingB. have conventional brakes to slow down the carC. have electric power to assist when needed D. have no energy consumption when stopping10In regenerative braking, _.A. energy wasted in conventional cars is stored in the batteryB. the conventional brakes are used to slow down the car C. the battery charges itself when the car is acceleratingD. the petrol engine is usually turned off automatically11From the last paragraph we can learn that hybrid cars _.A. were first available in the USA B. will gain more popularityC. free their owners from tax D. are free to park anywhere in the city12The main purpose of this text is to _.A. show how hybrid cars slow down B. encourage people to buy hybrid carsC. inform people of a kind of energysaving cars D.explain why hybrid cars use less energyD(HealthNewsDigest.)Has your child read any good books lately? Encouraging reading is one way parents can help their children succeed academically and develop an enjoyable and positive habit.“Children who have reading problems can perform poorly in school, finding it harder to master increasingly difficult subjects. So its very important to promote a love of books at an early ageand you can start a lot earlier than you might even imagine,” said Beverly Ellman, a reading and writing specialist.Children learn to read at different ages. Some can read a simple book by age 2 while others struggle into grade school.Here are a few tips roughly broken down into age groups; you can adapt them to your own childs abilities:Birth to age 3Even a 6monthold baby can enjoy sitting on your lap and looking at picture books without words. Parents can describe the pictures as they turn the pages. Be sure books are tough enough to withstand tugging, pulling and throwing.Establish a time of day when you read to your children.Talking helps develop reading ability. Talk with your child all day using short, simple sentences. If your native language is not English, talk to your child in your native language anyway. Practicing their first language will help them practice English.Let your children see you read. Children love to imitate their parents.Ages 3 to 5Introduce your child to books with poems and silly rhymes, which children love to repeat. Children have a great sense of the absurd, so rhyming books such as those by Shel Silverstein can improve their language ability and tickle their funny bone.Take your child to the library to get his or her own library card. Let her choose her own books within reason.Choosing a book makes reading it extra special, because the books a child chooses reflect her special interests.Give your children books as gifts. Share your favorites from when you were their age.Set up a reading area in your home where children can easily reach their books.Restrict the time your children watch television and limit their viewing to educational programs that teach reading basics.13. Whats the best title of the passage?AHow to Select Reading Materials for Young ChildrenB. Top Tips to Encourage a Childs Love of ReadingC. How to Talk to Children D. How to Choose a Book for Children14. According to Beverly Ellman,_. A. most parents start to teach their children to read too early B. parents should develop their children love for reading as early as possible C. children should start reading from ages 3 to 5 D. children learn to read at different ages15. According to the writer, if we want to teach a child of about 4, we should _.A. let him read some funny stories or poems with strong rhythmsB. let him read books written by famous writers C. choose good books for them D. let him read our books第二部分 七选五(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。The Eating Well Diet is a plan designed to help you lose weight safely and permanently. The plan several essential steps. If you put them into practice, theyll work for you. Step 1. Make sure youre ready for the change. Of course you want to lose weightthats why you are reading thisbut in order to make a life plan you can stick with, you must be ready to make the mitment. Losing weight will take some time and effort, and it will require you to make some sacrifices. _16_Step 2. Set specific and practical goals for yourself. The next step on your weightloss journey is to decide what kind of weight loss makes sense for you _17_ That will include longterm goals and more immediate goals too. Step 3. Keep track of yourself all the time. _18_ By keeping track of your behavior, you motivate yourself to change. So youd better track yourself with a food diary and exercise log. Step 4. _19_Healthy eating means getting a variety of foods in moderationnot making any food forbidden, but not going overboard on some special food either. Eat mindfully by knowing the foods that make weight loss easier, and understanding key healthyeating principles. Step 5. Be sure to move more. Exercise makes weight loss much easier. _20_ No matter where youre at now, you can bee “an exercise person”. A. Have a longterm plan for the goal. B. Selfawareness is selfmotivation. C. Get support from people around you. D. Make sure youre ready to get started. E. Pay attention to your eating carefully.F. Weigh in, assess your eating habits and make a game plan.G. More importantly, people who move more are more likely to keep the pounds off.第三部分 完形填空(共20小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I spend this morning clearing up the home where I live. Now I am not talking about the house I am sitting in right now. As I _21_I can see the sink is still full of dirty dishes. Dust is starting to _22_ on the pictures, tables, and even my puter again. Dirt _23_ to be swept from the floor and pet hair needs to be cleaned _24_the couch. What is more, the _25_ in the turtles aquarium(鱼缸)has to be changed.Yet, as I looked my dirty, little house I _26_ have to smile because I know that the home in which I live is _27_ right now. That home is my soul. When I _28_this morning I noticed that it also had bee _29_ again. I wasnt willing to let it _30_ the way for long, though. I have learned that a dusty soul leads to a terrible day and the terrible days lead to a(n) _31_life.I spent the morning clearing my soul from top to _32_.I swept the negative thoughts from my mind and the _33_ feelings from my heart. Worries, anger and fear were _34_ into the garbage can. When I was done I felt _35_in my home once more. The house in which I sit may need a lot of _36_, but it will have to wait its turn. The home in which I live is what I am most _37_ about. I hope that the same is _38_ for you. I hope that you always make efforts to keep your soul _39_, beautiful and full of love and care.Remember some day you will leave your house behind, but you will _40_ your home with you.21A. look around B. put forward C. move backD. take down22A. attack B. jump C. gather D. sit23A. hopes B. needs C. expects D. wants24A. of B. Out C. away D. off25A. plant B. stone C. sand D. water26A. ever B. Still C. never D. hardly27A. clean B. Dirty C. quiet D. fortable28A. turned up B. stood up C. took upD. woke up29A. crazy B. Lazy C. dusty D. rainy30A. lie B. Stay C. keep D. hold31A. interesting B. frightened C. satisfying D. wasted32A. top B. Side C. bottom D. middle33A. harmful B. useful C. healthyD. enjoyable34A. collected B. thrown C. set D. arranged35A. safe B. Sad C. calm D. excited36A. work B. time C. pack D. decoration37A. bored B. interested C. upset D. concerned38A. suitable B. wrong C. true D. helpful39A. dark B. bright C. sharp D. clever40A. bring B. join C. take D. move第II卷(非选择题)一、语法填空阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A(共10小题,每小题 1.5分,满分15 分)Holidays are a fun time. Returning to school, _1_, can be a different story. Some students may feel _2_ (wear) out, easy to get _3_ (anger); Some often feel _4_ (hope) or helpless, unable to make _5_ (decide); Some even plain that they easily lose interest in what they _6_ (normal) find interesting.How to keep the blues away?You should do something before the new semester _7_ (begin). Try to think about some new goals and start making a list. But dont make the list too hard by _8_ (put) in too many goals or too difficult tasks. Dont make longterm goals and leave them for later, because _9_ might make you get into a bad habit. Maybe you should add an exercise plan. Again, remember not _10_ (make) this goal impossible for you to keep.B(共20小题,每小题 1.5分,满分30 分)The first person 11 (arrive)was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely 12 (follow)by Julia Smith from Britain. After I met them and then introduced them 13 each other, I was very 14 (surprise). Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and 15 (kiss)her on 16 cheek! She stepped back 17 (appear)surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. I guessed that there was probably 18 major misunderstanding. Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling, together with George Cook from Canada. As they 19 (introduce), George reached his hand out to the Japanese student. Just at that moment, 20 , Akira bowed so his nose touched Georges 21 (move) hand. They both apologized another 22 (culture) mistake! Ahmed Aziz, another international student, was from Jordan. When we 23 (meet) yesterday, he moved very close to me as I introduced 24 (me). I moved back a bit, 25 he came closer to ask a question and then shook my hand. When Darlene Coulon from France came 26 (dash) through the door, she recognized Tony Garcias 27 (smile) face. They shook 28 (hand) and then kissed each other twice on each cheek, since that is the French custom when adults meet people they know. Ahmed Aziz., on the contrary, 29 (simple) nodded at the girls. Men from Middle Eastern and other Muslim countries will often stand quite close to other men to talk but will 30 (usuale) not touch women. (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)1 C 2D 3B 4C 5B 6B 7D 8D 9C 10A 11B 12C 13 B 14 B 15 A16.D 17.F 18.B 19.E 20.G(共20小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 30 分)21 22C 23B 24D 25D 26B 27A 28D 29C 30B 31D 32C33A 34B 35C 36A 37D 38C 39B 40C一、语法填空 A 1. however2. worn3. angry4.hopeles


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