



Unit 4 Sharing Learning about Language Using Language.单句语法填空1With the support of voluntary donation (donate), the doctor set up a hospital for the poor people.2Last month, the bank purchased (purchase) some property on which to construct a new building.3Because of the financial problem, the company decided not to_distribute (distribute) bonus to its employees.4This is a new machine which is very easy to_operate (operate). 5In a word, we should offer our help and love to the persons in need.完成句子1他把他的大部分图书捐给我们学校了。He donated_most_of_his_books_to our school. 2几天前他在附近的电脑店买了一台新电脑。He purchased_a_new_computer from the computer shop nearby the other day.3在战争期间,所有的食品都按计划分配。During the war, all food was_distributed in a planned way.4那家医院运转良好,每天都有许多受伤的人在那儿做手术。The hospital operates_well,_where many wounded are_operated_on every day.5期末考试临近了,我们非常需要好好复习一下功课。The final exam coming near, we are in_great_need_of a thorough review of our lessons.6户外的新鲜空气有益于我们的健康,我们会从中获益。The fresh air in the open air benefits_our_health and we will_benefit_from_it.7孩子们很容易读懂曹文轩写的这本书。The book written by Cao Wenxuan is_easy_for_children_to_read.8. 杨先生说他下周一去看你。他要是不来怎么办?Mr Yang said he would go to see you next Monday.What_if_he_does_not_come? .完形填空Months ago, I heard from a friend about a young lady who had just moved to our area. She was a _1_ from another country with only her small scholarship to make a _2_ and had just rented a small apartment. My friend told me she had few _3_. I got the young ladys telephone number and called her, _4_ that I was a friend of a friend and I heard she might need some household _5_. She said, “Yes, thank you!” and _6_ that she had slept on the floor of the apartment with only her coat to cover her and that it was a bit _7_.As every mother knows, when our children are away we _8_ worry about them, and, everyones child is my child too! So, I _9_ a couple of my friends about her. One cleaned out her kitchen and _10_ pots and pans, some glassware, a blanket. Another even _11_ brandnew dishes and glasses in the supermarket.When we arrived at the girls _12_, we saw there was no furniture. Someone had given her a sleeping bag, otherwise it was a(n) _13_ apartment. After unloading our _14_ we took her back to campus. She _15_ me over and over again and could not _16_ that these people gave her all these things. I explained people liked to help and that others had _17_ us before. She asked if there was anything she could do to _18_ us. I told her, “Yes, there is one thing you can do for us: when you are in a _19_ to help others, please remember to _20_ and help.” With a smile on her face she promised me that she would.语篇解读:作者帮助了一个独自在异国他乡求学的女孩。当这个女孩问作者怎么回报作者时,作者告诉她以后在有能力提供帮助时,尽力去帮助他人。1A.guideBworkerCstudent Dwaitress解析:选C根据本空后的scholarship及第三段的“we took her back to campus”推测,这个女孩是个学生(student)。2A.difference BlivingCnote Dfriend解析:选B这个女孩只依靠数额不大的奖学金生活(make a living),所以生活拮据。3A.relatives BpossessionsChobbies Dresponsibilities解析:选B通过上下文可知,这个女孩只靠数额不大的奖学金过活,且家里几乎是空的,由此可以推测,她几乎什么都没有。possession“所有物”,符合语境。4A.arguing BreportingCexplaining Dperforming解析:选C作者与这个女孩并不认识,所以需要解释(explaining)自己是一个朋友的朋友。5A.items BchoresCexpenses Dduties解析:选A从下文作者和朋友给这个女孩送去的东西可推断,这里指这个女孩可能需要一些家庭用品(items)。6A.thought BprovedClearned Dmentioned解析:选D作者打电话是提供帮助的,所以这个女孩表示感激的同时也提到了(mentioned)自己的一些困难。7A.stupid BembarrassingCcold Dinteresting解析:选C盖在身上的东西只有一件外套,自然会感觉到冷(cold)。8A.never BconstantlyCslightly Donly解析:选B儿行千里母担忧,所以孩子在外时,母亲会经常(constantly)担心自己的孩子。9A.asked BtoldCtrusted Dbegged解析:选B由下文作者的朋友也来帮忙可知,作者把这个消息告诉了(told)几个朋友。10A.wiped BborrowedCprovided Ddiscovered解析:选C大家都是来帮助那个女孩的,所以这里应该是指一个朋友提供了(provided)壶、锅、玻璃器皿等。11A.bought BusedClent Dmade解析:选A根据“brandnew dishes and glasses in the supermarket”可知,作者的一个朋友甚至购买了(bought)一些东西。12A.country BapartmentCoffice Dcampus解析:选B根据下句的apartment可知,作者一行人到了这个女孩的公寓(apartment)。13A.empty BexpensiveCnew Duncomfortable解析:选A根据otherwise(表示转折)可知,如果不是有人给了这个女孩一个睡袋,那么整个公寓就是空的(empty)。14A.products BofferingsCboxes Dbelongings解析:选B作者和朋友是来帮忙的,所以他们卸下的应该是赠予的东西,故offerings符合语境。15A.advised BwarnedCthanked Dpraised解析:选C得到了这么多人的帮助,这个女孩一遍又一遍地道谢(thanked)。16A.remember BguessCpretend Dbelieve解析:选D她都不敢相信(believe)人们给了她这么多。17A.helped BencouragedCprotected Drewarded解析:选A作者解释道人们喜欢帮助他人,而且以前也有人帮助过(helped)他们。18A.refresh BforgetCrepay Danswer解析:选C这个女孩希望自己能够回报(repay)作者他们。19A.stage BcompetitionCcampaign Dposition解析:选D作者希望这个女孩处于能帮助别人的位置(position)时,记住去帮助他人。20A.testBturn CtryDteach解析:选C作者让她记住也要尽力去帮助别人。.阅读七选五Taking good notes is a timesaving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways._1_ Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, notetaking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report._2_Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that notetaking is a selective process._3_The following methods may work best for you.Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.Write your notes in your own words._4_Note any questions or ideas you may have about what is said or written.As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand (速记)When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time._5_AUse words, not complete sentences.BThere are three practical notetaking methods.CYou must write your notes on separate paper.DOtherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.EYou will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.FThat means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.GFirst, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.答案:15GEFAD.短文改错Dear Peter,Im writing to thank you for your timely help giving to my mother when she was in trouble.My mother told me that when she was riding in the str


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