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Unit 4 Earthquake阅读理解ALast Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories(新界), destroying fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly destroyed that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs. One person was killed, several were badly hurt and taken to hospital, and a number of other people received smaller hurt. Altogether (总共) over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.A farmer, Mr. Tan, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour.“I was eating with my wife and children,” he said, “when we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us. We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back inside and found him safe but very frightened.”Mrs. Woo Mei Fong said that her husband had just left for work when she felt that her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children.“There was no time to take anything,” she said, “A few minutes later, the roof came down.” Soldiers helped to take people out of the water area and the welfare government brought them food, clothes and some other things.1. How many homes altogether were destroyed in the storm last Friday?A. Fourteen. B. Twenty-one. C. Twenty-nine. D. Thirty-six.2. Where was Mr. Tan when the storm first began?A. He was in bed. B. He was at table. C. He was outside the house. D. He was on the roof.3. Mrs. Woo and her family didnt get hurt because _.A. her husband knew there would be a stormB. they were all outside the house when the storm became worseC. she felt the house moving and they ran out immediatelyD. the welfare department helped her4. This passage may be from _.A. a guide book B. an introduction C. an advertisement D. a newspaper5. Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?A. A Terrible Storm B. A Lucky Woman C. Good Soldiers D. Clever PeopleBAn earthquake happens when two plates(板块) rub (碰撞) together. The earth plates travel in different directions and at different speeds. If one plate is slowly forced underneath the other, pressure builds up until the plates break apart. This process causes the ground to move. It is an earthquake. In other words, earth-quakes are the shaking of the earths surface caused by the earths rocky outer layer as a result of the energy stored within the earth. The strain within the rocks is suddenly released (释放).The damage an earthquake causes depends on where it is and the time it is happening. If an unpopulated region is struck, there will be low loss of life or property. If it hits a large city, there may be many injuries and much destruction. Many of the areas at risk are largely populated now. Major earthquakes hitting those areas today could produce terrible damage. Actually, there are several million small earthquakes every year. Large earthquakes such as the 1964 Alaskan quake that measured 9.2 on the Richter scale, cause millions of dollars in damage. In the last 500 years, millions of people have been killed by earth-quakes around the world including 240,000 in the 1976 Tangshan earthquake in China.A 60-second or less earthquake can cause devastation that continues for years after the first tremor (小震). In 1972, a series of severe earthquakes struck Managua, Nicaragua. Fifteen years later, the city still looked the way it had a week after the earthquake hit, because the country did not have the necessary money to rebuild it.The shaking of the earth is sometimes not the greatest disaster. It is in the ensuing fires and floods that often the greatest damage occurs. In the 1906 earthquake, it was the fires caused after it that did the majority of the damage. An earthquake can also destroy dams high above a city or valleys, causing floods to sweep down and sweep away everything in their path.6. Which of the following is the main idea of the first paragraph?A. An earthquake comes from inside the earth.B. The earth has great energy in storage.C. How the earth plates move. D. How an earthquake happens.7. How many examples are used in the passage to show the damage and destruction earthquakes cause?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.8. Which of the following is mentioned to show that an earthquake can kill too many people?A. The 1964 Alaskan quake. B. The 1976 Tangshan earthquake.C. The 1972 Managua earthquake. D. The 1906 earthquake.9. The underlined word “ensuing” in the last paragraph probably means _.A. causing too much heat and great damage B. causing many injuries and much destructionC. happening as a result of another event D. happening suddenly and unexpectedly10. By giving the example in Paragraph 4, the author wants to show that _.A. an earthquake doesnt last long B. the damage can last longC. people in Managua suffered too much D. Nicaragua is still a poor countryCThe mom had died when the rescuers found her after the terrible earthquake. She was covered by a destroyed house. Through gaps (缝隙) of those ruins, the rescuers could see her last posture (姿势)It was something like an ancient person who was kowtowing (叩头),but it just looked strange because she was out of shape by pressure. The rescuers confirmed her death by touching her through the gaps of the ruins. They shouted at the ruins again and again, knocked the bricks using various tools, but no reply inside. Then the rescuing team went to the next building. Suddenly the leader ran back, calling Come here. He came to the body, put his hands under the woman, feeling and touching, then shouted loudly and gladly, There is someone, a baby, still living. Through some efforts, rescuers cleaned up the ruins which blocked her.Under her body lay her baby, who was covered by a small red quilt (棉被)He was about 3 or 4 months old. Since well protected by his mothers body, he was safe.He was in a deep sleep when the rescuer carried him out, and his lovely and peaceful face warmed everyone around him. The doctor, along with the rescuing team, took the baby out of the quilt to check if the baby was all right, and he found there was a mobile phone in the quilt. The doctor looked at the screen; a written message was already there:My dear baby if you could live, dont forget how much I love you. As a doctor, he experienced much of this type of separation;but at this moment, he cried. The mobile phone was passed, and every person who saw this message shed (流出) tears.11. When the rescuers found the mom, she_.Awas using her mobile phone to ask for help Bbegged the rescuers to save her baby firstCwas struggling with the pressure Ddidnt have the normal shape12. The underlined word confirmed in Paragraph 2 may mean_.Aproved Binferred Cguessed Dimagined13. When the baby was rescued, he_.Awas smiling a lot Bwas fast asleepCwas listening carefully Dwas frightened to death14. After seeing the words on the mobile phone, people were _.Apleased Bexcited Cmoved Dtired15. The passage is mainly about_.Aa story of saving a mother and her baby Bthe disaster of a terrible earthquakeCthe rescuers hard work after an earthquake Dthe great love of a mother in the earthquakeDEnglish is the most widely used language in the history of our planet. One in every seven human beings can speak it. More than half of the worlds books and three quarters of international mail are in English. Of all languages, English has the largest vocabulary perhaps as many as two million words.However, lets face it: English is a crazy language. There is no egg in an eggplant, neither pine nor apple in a pineapple and no ham in a hamburger. Sweet-meats are candy, while sweetbreads, which arent sweet, are meat.We take English for granted. But when we explore its paradoxes (探讨它的矛盾), we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square, public bathrooms have no baths in them.And why is it that a writer writes, but fingers dont fing, grocers dont groce, and hammers dont ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldnt the plural of booth be beeth? One goose, two geese so one moose, two meese?How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? How can overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few are alike? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell the next?English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects (反映) the creativity of human beings. Thats why, when stars are out, they are visible (能看见的); but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it; but when I wind up this essay, I end it.16. According to the passage _.A. sweet-meats and sweetbreads are different things B. there should be egg in an eggplantC. pineapples are the apples on the pine tree D. boxing rings should be round17. Which of the following is the correct plural?A. Beeth. B. Geese. C. Meese. D. Tooth.18. Which of the following includes two items which have the similar meaning?A. A wise man and a wise guy. B. Overlook and oversee. C. Quite a lot and quite a few. D. Hot as hell and cold as hell.19. The underlined words “wind up” in the last paragraph probably mean “_”.A. blow B. roll up C. get hurt D. finish20. Through the many paradoxes in the English language, the writer wants to show that human beings are _.A. clever B. crazy C. lazy D. dull七选五From my experience, there are three main reasons for why people dont cook more often: ability, money and time. 21 Money is a topic Ill save for another day. So today I want to give some wisdom about how to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen. Here are three tips for great cooking on a tight schedule:1. Think ahead. The moments when I think cooking is a pain are when Im already hungry and theres nothing ready to eat. So think ahead of the coming week. When will you have time to cook? Do you have the right materials already? 22 2. Make your time worth it. When you do first time to cook a meal, make the most of it and save yourself time later on. Are you making one loaf of bread? 23 It takes around the same amount of time to make more of something. So save yourself the effort for a future meal.3. 24 This may surprise you, but one of the best tools for making cooking worth your time is experimentation. It gives you the chance to hit upon new ideas and recipes that can work well with your appetite and schedule. The more you learn and the more you try, the more ability you have to take control of your food and your schedule.Hopefully that gives a good start. 25 And dont let a busy schedule discourage you from making some great changes in the way you eat and live!A. Try new things.B. Ability is easily improved.C. Make three or four instead.D. Understand your food better.E. Cooking is a burden for many people.F. Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burden.G. A little time planing ahead can save a lot of work later on.完形填空In 1989, an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30, 000 people in less than four minutes. In the middle of complete damage and disorder, a father rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be,26to findthat the building was27.After the unforgettable shock, he28the promise he had made to his son: “No matter29, I ll always be there for you!” And tears began to30his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his31to his son. He rushed there and started32the ruins.As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived,33,“It s too late! They re all dead! 34 , face reality, there s nothing you can do!” To each parent he responded with35 :“Are you going to help me now?” No one helped. And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone.Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know36,“Is my boy37or is he dead?” He dug for eight hours12 hours.24 hours.36 hours.then, in38hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his sons39 .He screamed his son s name, “ARMAND!” He heard back,” Dad!? It s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, you40me and41you saved me, they d be savedYou promised, No matter what happens, I ll always be there for you! You did it, Dad!”“What s going on there?” the father asked“There are 14 of us42out of 33, dad. Were scared, hungry, thirsty43thankful youre here. When the building collapsed, it made44 ,and it saved us.” “Come out, boy!” “No, Dad! Let the other kids come out first,45I know you ll get me! No matter what happens, I know you ll always be there for me!”26. A. just B. only C. ever D. still27. A. as flat as a pancakeB. as high as a mountain C. as strong as an ox D. as weak as a kitten28. A. memorized B. forgot C. kept D. remembered29. A. what happensB. what C. which D. who30. A. fill B. fill in C. come D. burst31. A. picture B. promise C. present D. encourage32. A. digging B. digging through C. digging out D. digging into33. A. to say B. said C. and saying D. saying34. A. Come out B. Come again C. Come on D. Come off35. A. one word B. one sound C. one row D. one line36. A. for himself B. of himself C. by himself D. to himself37. A. live B. living C. alive D. lively38. A. 38 B. the 38 C. 38th D. the 38th39. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. tone40. A. will save B. would saveC. save D. would have saved41. A. when B. because C. even if D. though42.A. remained B. missing C. left D. gone43. A. for B. or C. and D. over44. A. a promise B. space C. room D. a triangle45.A. because B. though C. when D. even though语法填空This is a true story. It happened in Amsterdam, Holland46_the early 1940s a


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