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,英语专业毕业论文写作,烟台大学文经学院外语系英语教研室,学术论文的语体特征 学术论文的基本结构 学术论文写作的规范,1.1学术论文的语体特征,正式性(More Formal Expressions) 客观性(More Objective Expressions) 学术性(More Academic Expressions),Avoid informal words and expressions, e.g. “get”, “go on”, “look into”, turn out”, etc. Avoid abbreviated words used in informal writing, e.g. “ad” (advertisement). “gym” (gymnasium), “pop” (popular), “vet” (veteran), etc. Avoid contracted sturctures, e.g. “weve”, “youre”, “dont” “cant”, etc. Avoid using the second-person pronoun (you) in addressing the reader. Avoid imperative sentences such as “please” “lets,” etc. Avoid too many short sentences and simple sentences. Avoid conversational structures, e.g. “I think,” “you will”, etc.,How to be formal,1. There are many sentences in passive voice in academic papers. The reason is that passive voice can give the paper a sense of impartiality and objectivity. 2. Nominal structures (名词性结构) are often seen in academic writing to serve the purpose of being objective,How to be objective,1. The argument will be more convincing if they are presented concisely, coherently ,and objectively. 2. The thoughts and idea will be acceptable if arranged logically and coherently.,How to be academic,2. 学术论文的基本结构,2. 学术论文的基本结构,1. Linguistic feature: Using a phrase instead a sentence. Using more nouns, noun phrases, and gerunds. e.g. Strategies for Writing and Publishing Academic Papers Successfully,2.1 Title,2. Writing Requirements 1) Be brief and concise No more tha 20 words, 8-12 words on average On the Addition to the Methods of Microscopic Research by a New Way of Producing Color-contrast between an Object and Its Background or between Definit Parts of the Object Itself A New Way of Producing Color-contrast in Microscopic Examinition,2.1 Title,2. Writing Requirements 2) Be specific Computer Control Computer Control: Software Safeguards and Computer Theft Software Safeguards and Computer Theft in Computer Control,2.1 Title,2. Writing Requirements 3) Avoid Questions Question word + Infinitive Essential Steps for Writing a Title Page: How to Prepare the Title, Authors and Keywords,2.1 Title,2. Writing Requirements 4) Be Unified In general, nouns and gerunds should not be mixed in the parellel stucture of a title even if the stucture does not do any harm to the meaning. The Design and Preparing of Si3N4 The Design and preparation of Si3N4,2.1 Title,2. Writing Requirements 5) Be standard Be standard means that non-standard abbreviations and symbols, and any terms known only to the writer should be avoided because the use of them will cause confusion and be unfavorable to information retrival.,2.1 Title,Basic Element of an Abstrct A statement of the background A statement of the Topic A statement of the Approach A statement of the Conclusion A statement of the significance,2.2 Abstract,Abstract Antibodies play a central role in immunity by forming an interface with the innate immune system and, typically ,mediating proinflammatory activity background. We describe a novel posttranslational modification that leads to anti-inflammatory activity of antibodies of immunoglobulin G, isotype 4 (igG4) topic. igG4 antibodies are dynamic molecules that exchange Fab arms by swapping a heavy chain and attached light chain (hall-molecule) with a heavy-tight chain pair from another molecule,which results in bispecific antibodies approach. Mutagenesis studies reveal that the third constant domain is critical for this activity. The impact of igG4 Fab arm exchange is confirmed in vivo in a rhesus monkey model with experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis conclusion.igG4 Fab arm exchange is suggested to be an important biological mechanism that provides the basis for the anti-inflammatory activity attributed to igG4 antibodies significance.,2.2 Abstract,Abstract The system analysis theory was used to establish China TIMES model system(C-TMS) to study Chinas future low carbon energy development strategytopic.With reasonable assumption of the future economic and social development,the model system was employed to investigate Chinas final and primary energy consumption and mix from 2010 to 2050,and analyze the share of the non-fossil fuels in the primary energy consumption in 2020,thus proposing a future low carbon energy development strategyapproach.The results show that Chinas energy consumption will maintain sustained and rapid growth before 2020 in both reference scenario and policy scenario,with the primary energy consumption in 2020 reaching 4.91 billion tones and 4.76 billion tones of coal equivalent,respectively.Excluding non-commodity fuels,non-fossil fuels will be accounted over 0.7 billion tones of coal equivalent by coal consumption of power supply in 2020,with the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy being 14.8 percent in the policy scenarioconclusion.,2.2 Abstract,Abstract The study of Individual Difference (ID) in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) has attracted more attention background.The paper focuses on some factors in predicting success among non-English major college students in specific Foreign Language (FLL) context in China topic. Included in the study are the employment of the theories of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and FLL, the design of the survey,the data collection in Tsinghua University, and the analyses of the dataapproach.The results show that nine factors play a more important role in EFL learning proficiency, namely growing environment, family income, overanxiety extroversion strong motivation, lecture instruction, functional practice, self-initiation, and monitoring strategies conclusion. The research, therefore, will highlight not only the importance of ID in EFL in China, but also the necessity of taking concrete and effective measures to cater to learners individual needs significance.,2.2 Abstract,Four Functions of Introduction Introducing the background of the subject Showing the research scope Stating the general purpose Explaining the content arrangement,2.3 Introduction,2. Structural Features of the Introduction Starting with the research background Narrowing down to the existing problem Focusing on the present research,2.3 Introduction,Tips for writing an introduction: Follow the order of background, subject , problem, thesis statement, and content arrangement to organize your introduction. Employ effective openings to develop your introduction, e.g. by relating well-known facts, reviewing the literature , taking exception to cretical views, challenging an assumption, defining key terms, etc. Avoid complex and difficult questions and quotations that have no context. In contrast to an abstract, in the introduction you are not encouraged to provide detailed information on the approach and conclusion of your study. Make best use of the idiomatic expressions.,2.3 Introduction,General Function and main elements of conlusion: Summing up: the chief facts, data, and the other important information in the paper. Presenting stateatment of conclusions: affirming the thesis statement Providing statement of recommondations: recommonding or suggesting a further research study or practicl use,2.4 Conclusion,Conclusion Descriptive statistics and correlational analyses of the variables indicates that those who come from large cities, show strong motivation for achievement, have received good language instruction, and employ function practice, self-initiation, and self-monitoring strategies are more competent in EFL performance. The following conclusion can be made. Factors of growing environment, familiy income, degree of anxiety, extroversion / introversion, motivation, lecture instruction, funtctional practice, self-initiaton and monitoring strategies are more important inpredicting success in EFL in Tsinghua University.,2.4 Conclusion,1.论文作者姓名的书写 张 兴 Zhang Xing 陈欣伍 Chen Xinwu 欧阳海 Ouyang Hai 刘隋飞扬 Liu-Sui Feiyang,3. 学术论文写作的规范,2. 文内夹注: MLA格式通常采用圆括号标注的注释方式,同时该引文出处的详细信息必须出现在参考文献内。 文内夹注的基本格式为:(作者姓氏 出版年份: 文献页码),圆括号内的中文姓名以汉语拼音形式出现,和英文姓名同样处理,在圆括号内只写姓的汉语拼音即可。 标点格式:在“作者姓氏”和“出版年份”之间空一格;“出版年份”后加冒号,空一格,然后是文献页码。,3. 学术论文写作的规范,具体形式举例: 一位作者的一篇文献,姓氏未出现在正文内,姓氏应标出,如: Human beings have been described as “symbol-using animals”(Burke 1996: 3). This point has been argued before (Frey 2001: 178-85). 一位作者的一篇文献,姓氏出现在正文内,夹注内不重复姓氏,如: Frey has argued this point elsewhere (2001: 178-85).,3. 学术论文写作的规范, 同一作者同一年内出版的多篇文献,在不同夹注的相同年份后加“a”、“b”等以示区别。加 “a”、“b”等的依据是该作者同一年出版的文献在参考文献中按出版月份排列的先后位置,即排在前面的加“a”,排在后面的加“b”, 以此类推。如: For example, when expressing an opinion a woman would probably say: Well, em, I think that golf is kind of boring, dont you? (Yule 1996a: 89). Yuel (1996b: 100) also stated that ,3. 学术论文写作的规范, 夹注中包含同一作者的多篇文献,各文献之间用逗号隔开: Halliday stated (1985a, 1985b) that . 夹注中包含不同作者的多篇文献,各作者之间用分号隔开: Foreign researchers (Halliday and Hansan 1985a, 1985b; Schiffrin 1987; Hubbard 1989) are among those who contribute greatly in this field.,3. 学术论文写作的规范, 多位作者的一篇文献 Smythe and Jones (2001) found. .as has been shown (Smyth and Jones 2001). This procedure means that “after a relatively fast translation of the whole text, the translator should spend some time reading through the whole TLT and make corrections and improvements until he or she is quite satisfied with it” ( Tan and Cai 2005: 36-7). Modern literary studies have their origin in classic studies (Graff et al. 1995: 19-35).,3. 学术论文写作的规范, 引用同样姓氏的不同作者 假若两个或两个以上的作者有同样的姓氏,则括号夹注中应同时使用他们名字的首字母,如: Although some medical ethicists claim that cloning will lead to designer children (R. Miller 2000: 12), others note that the advantages for medical research outweigh this consideration (A. Miller 2000: 46). 引用中文著作或期刊时同姓作者的情况较多,应在括号夹注中使用他们的全名加以区分,如: (Wang Haiyang 2008: 26) (Wang Li 2009: 30),3. 学术论文写作的规范,(8)引用书信、谈话中的观点或文字 书信和谈话(含电子邮件、访谈、电话等)无法在正文后面的参考文献中列出,但应该在正文中使用括号夹注的方法注明出处。例如: Jesse Moore (telephone conversation May 12 1989) admitted the need for an in-depth analysis of the otherness expressed in the work.,3. 学术论文写作的规范,(9)转引,即引自第二手资料,加 “quoted in”: Samul Johnson admitted that Edmund Burke was an “extraordinary man” (quoted in Boswell 1980: 450). (10) 连续引用同一文献 连续引用同一文献用 “ibid.”标出,表示此处同上。如:(Ibid.: 15), 表示与刚才引用的文献相同,但页码不同。页码也相同的只标 (Ibid.)。要注意的是,连续引用不同于重复引用。在多次引用同一文献时,中间没有对其他文献的引用,才属于连续引用,才能使用 “Ibid.”。,3. 学术论文写作的规范, 较长的引文 较长的引文(大于等于40个单词以上的引文):需要单独成段,左右均需缩进4个字符的距离,如果是从引文的段首开始引用,此引用段段首还应继续缩进4个字符。处理办法为:字体不变,但引用部分采用五号字。 The European colonials sought to enforce systematically the acculturation of the natives: The casualness of the fur trading type of contacts could no longer be tolerated. Hence, with the arrival of the missionaries and their Christian ethic the task of converting the natives began, and peaceful penetration entered a new phase, based upon an institutionalized mode of cultural dismemberment. (La Violette 1961: 302-3) 注意:单独成段的引文不用引号,文内夹注紧随其后(即不换行)。引文结束的句号在括号前,这一点跟较短的引文不同。见图1和2,3. 学术论文写作的规范, 较长的引文 较长的引文(大于等于40个单词以上的引文):需要单独成段,左右均需缩进4个字符的距离,如果是从引文的段首开始引用,此引用段段首还应继续缩进4个字符。处理办法为:字体不变,但引用部分采用五号字。 The European colonials sought to enforce systematically the acculturation of the natives: The casualness of the fur trading type of contacts could no longer be tolerated. Hence, with the arrival of the missionaries and their Christian ethic the task of converting the natives began, and peaceful penetration entered a new phase, based upon an institutionalized mode of cultural dismemberment. (La Violette 1961: 302-3) 注意:单独成段的引文不用引号,文内夹注紧随其后(即不换行)。引文结束的句号在括号前,这一点跟较短的引文不同。见图1和2,3. 学术论文写作的规范,3. 参考文献的录著 作者姓名的写法: 第一作者姓(last name)在前,名(first name)在后,中间用逗号隔开。姓必须写全。名缩写并以句点结束。格式为: 姓全写(逗号)名缩写(点)中间名缩写(点)。 如:Okuda, M. A. 第二作者为名(first)在前,姓(last name)在后,中间用点隔开并以句点结束。格式为: 名(点)中间名(点)姓全写(点) 如:D. Okuda. 注:中间名可省略。逗号和点后面需要空一格。 注意:缩写时要注意的是第一作者和第二作者名和姓之间的逗号和点的区别。第一作者以后的作者,姓和名均不颠倒。姓要写全,缩写。 作者项以外的姓名,即出现在后面的姓名,例如编者等,姓和名均不颠倒。姓必须写全,名以写全为宜,也可缩写。,3. 学术论文写作的规范,3. 各种文献的录著格式举例: A. 专著或一般图书: 序号作者.书名M.出版地:.出版社,出版年. 注:代表空一个字符,以下一样。 例1:一位作者: 1 Gruen, E. S. The Image of Rom M. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1969. 2 方梦之. 译学辞典M. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2004. 例2:两位作者:第一作者的姓名后加逗号,加“and”,然后是第二作者的姓名,后加句号。 1 Okuda, M., and D. Qkuda. Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future M. New York: Pocket, 1993. 2 朱贤智, 林崇德. 思维发展心理学M. 北京: 北京师范大学出版社, 1986.,3. 学术论文写作的规范,例3:两位以上作者:各作者姓名之间加逗号,最后一位作者姓名之前加“and”,之后加句号。 1 Quirk, R., S. Greenbaum., G. Leech. and J. Svartvik. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language M. London: Longman, 1985. 例4:编辑的书:在编辑姓名后加逗号,再加“ed.”,编者为多人时,加“eds.”。意为editor 1 Duff, A. M., ed. A Literary History of Rome M. New York: Barnes Noble, 1960. 例5:译作:在书名后加“Trans.”和译者姓名。意为Translated by 1 Cicero, M. T., De Oratore M. Trans. J. S. Watson. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1986.,3. 学术论文写作的规范,例6:有作者、译者和编辑的书: 1 Dostoevsky, F. Crime and Punishment M. Trans. J. Coulson. Ed. G. Gibian. New York: Norton, 1964. 例7:再版的书,在书名后标出第几版: 1 Abrams, M. H., et al., eds. Norton Anthology of English Literature Z. 4th ed. 2 vols. New York: Norton, 1979.,3. 学术论文写作的规范,B. 论文集,在书名后加C 序号作者.论文集名C.出版地:出版社,出版年. 例8:一位编者: 1 Frye, N., ed. Sound and Poetry C. New York: Columbia University Press, 1957. 2 辛希孟. 信息技术与信息服务国际研讨会论文集: A集C. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 1994. 例9:多位编者: 1 Biguenet, J., and R. Schulte., eds. The Craft of Translation C. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.,3. 学术论文写作的规范,C. 论文集中析出的文章 序号析出的文章主要责任者.析出文章名A.论文集的要责任者(任选).原文献题名C.论文集的要责任者(任选).出版地:出版社,出版年:析出文献起-止页码. 例10:文章名和书名全为英文 1 James, N. E. Two Sides of Paradise: The Eden Myth According to Kirk and Spock A. In D. Palumbo., ed. Spectrum of the Fantastic C. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1988. 219-23. 例11:文章名为英文,书名为中文 1 Jackobson, R. On Linguistic Aspects of Translation A. 西方翻译理论精选. 申雨平编. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2002. 例12:论文集中的文章,文章名和书名全为中文 1 钟文发. 非线性规划在可燃毒物配置中的应用A. 运筹学的理论与应用中国运筹学会第五届大会论文集C. 赵玮编. 西安: 西安电子科技大学出版社, 1996: 468-471. ,3. 学术论文写作的规范,. 期刊文章,在文章名后加J 序号作者.文章名J.学术刊物名,卷(期)年:引用起-止页. 例13: 1 Wilcox, R. V. Shifting Roles and Synthetic Women in Star Trek: The Next Generation J. Studies in Popular Culture, 13/2 (1991): 53-65. 2 罗一. 研究生英语论文中连接副词使用情况调查J. 解放军外国语学院学报 2003 (1): 59-62.,3. 学术论文写作的规范,. 报纸文章,在文章名后加N 序号主要责任者.文献题名N.报纸名,出版日期: 版次. 例14: 1 Di Rado, A. Trekking through College: Classes Explore Modern Society Using the World of Star Trek N. Los Angeles Times, 15 Mar. 1995: A3.,3. 学术论文写作的规范,F. 词典、百科全书等工具书,或其他未说明的文献类型,在书名后加Z 序号主要责任者.文献题名Z.出版地:出版者,出版年. 例15: 1 Asher, E. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (vol.10) Z. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1994. 2 张道真. 现代英语用法词典Z. 上海: 上海译文出版社, 1983.,3. 学术论文写作的规范,.学位论文,在论文名称后加D 中文编写格式: 序号学生姓名.学位论文题目D学校及学位论文级别,答辩年份 例16: 1 王葆华. 动词的语义及论元配置D. 复旦大学博士论文, 2003. 英文编写格式: 序号学生姓名.学位论文题目D. 学位论文级别及学校. 答辩年份. 例17:未出版的学位论文 1 Almeida, D. M. Fathers Participation of Family Work: Consequences for Fathers stress and Father-child Relations D. Unpublished masters dissertation, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 1990.,3. 学术论文写作的规范,例18:已出版的学位论文 1 Ames, B. Dreams and Painting: A Case Study of the Relationship between an Artists Dreams and Painting D. Doctors dissertation, University of Virginia, 1978. Ann Arbor: UMI, 1979.,3. 学术论文写作


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