



积累考点六年级上学期小学英语期中真题模拟试卷卷(一)时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. The post office is near the museum. (同类词)A .sledB .hospitalC .ferry2. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词( )A .wearB .playC .by3. From Guangzhou toShanghai,We can go by_. 4. Did you _(watch) TV last night?5. 补全对话A. We went to Zhuhai too. B. I Visited many famous places in Macau (澳门). C. My parents and my sister. D. I went to Shanghai too. E. What did you eat there?F. I went to Macau during my holiday. G. Were they delicious?H. We had a wonderful time. Sam:Hi, Joy! Long time no see! Where did you go?Joy:_. Sam:Really? How was your holiday in Macau?Joy:It was wonderful. _.Sam:Where did you visit?Joy:I visited Ruins of St. Paul and ate pork chop buns (猪扒包) there. Sam:How were the pork chop buns? _. Joy:Of course. And l went to Hac Sa Beach(黑沙海滩)too.Sam:Hac Sa Beach? Ive never heard of it. Joy:The sand there is black. It is special and beautiful. Sam:Who did you go with?Joy:_Sam:So you spent your holiday in Macau?Joy:Oh, not really. _Sam:Did you have a good time in Zhuhai?Joy:Yes. _Zhuhai is a beautiful city. Sam:Sounds nice! I want to go to Macau and Zhuhai too!6. Look, the cat is _ the mouse now.A .chasesB .chasingC .chase7. 找出不同项( )A .appleB .redC .banana8. 选出你所听到的单词或词组A .slow down and stopB .slow down and waitC .stop and wait二、词语练习(30分)9. Grandma took good care me. A .forB .ofC .with10. Its time _.A .to go to homeB .to go homeC .go home11. 请以“MyWeekend Plan”为题,写写周末的计划。要求:条理清楚,用词恰当,不少于5句话。12. Sometimes I go to Shanghai by t_. 13. The light is red flow. Lets stop and w_. 14. Why did you c_ me?15. 根据你所听到的问句选择合适的答句( )A .It was raining.B .It is rainy.C .It was rainy.三、提升练习(30分)16. 按要求填空1. (1)dictionary(复数)_2. (2)visit(现在分词)_3. (3)I(宾格代词)_4. (4)swim(现在分词)_5. (5)leaf(复数)_17. Nancy_(visit) her grandparents this morning.18. 判断下列每组单词划线部分读音是否相同_foolish football_each peach_start party_turn learn_liked lived_quick find19. school,children,come,by, some,to,boat(. )(连词成句)20. The Lis have three_ (childchildren),one son and two


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