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,Comparison and Comparative Construction,比较等级和比较结构,1.形容词和副词的比较等级,2.比较结构,3.关于比较结构用法的补充说明,原级: Positive Degree 比较级:Comparative Degree 最高级:Superlative Degree,1.形容词和副词的比较等级,形容词比较级和最高级的规则形式: “综合形式”:由原级后加后缀 er 和 est 构成 kind kinder kindest 2.“分析形式”:在原级之前加more和most构成 difficult more difficult most difficult,副词的比较级和最高级的规则形式的构成与形容词的比较级和最高级基本相似。单音节副词通常采用综合形式。以 ly 结尾的副词以及某些频度副词则多采用分析形式。,2.比较结构,形容词和副词比较等级用于句子当中便形成比较结构(Comparative Construction)。英语比较结构主要的有三种:asas结构,morethan结构和the most结构。英语中有几个不定限定词和不定代词也有原级、比较级和最高级。它们是many / much,more,most;few,fewer,fewest;little,less,least。它们用在句中也能形成比较结构。,1. asas结构,这种结构的基本模式是:as +形容词或副词原级 + as-分句。 John is as bright as Bob. John behaves as politely as Bob (does).,这种比较结构的否定形式是:not so / as +形容词或副 词原形 + as-分句。,还可以用lessthan结构来表示: John is less bright than Bob. John behaves less politely than Bob,asas结构的另一种模式是:as much / many +名词+as-分句,这时many / much是限定词。例如: He took as much butter as he needed. She has written as many essays as her brother (has).,asas结构还有一个变体形式:as + 形容词原级 + 名词词组 + as-分句。 George is as efficient a worker as Jack. Hardly ever have I heard as impressive music as this.,否定形式是: He didnt take so / as much butter as he needed. She hasnt written so / as many essays as her brother (has).,2. morethan结构,这种结构的基本模式是:形容词或副词比较级 + than-分句。 例如: John is brighter than Bob. 这种比较结构的否定形式是用lessthan表示: This car runs less fast than that one. 也可用not so / asas表示: This car doesnt run so / as fast as that one.,morethan结构的另一种模式是:限定词more / less / fewer + 名词 + that-分句。例如: She has written more essays than he.,morethan结构的另一种变体形式是“定冠词+形容词或副词比较级+of-词组”。例如: John is the brighter of the two boys.,morethan结构也有其变体形式,其中之一是:形容词比较级 + 名词 + that-分句。例如: John is a more efficient worker than Jack. 可转换为名词词组 + morethan结构作后置修饰语。 John is a worker more efficient than Jack .,3. “(the)+ 形容词副词最高级 + 比较范围”结构,如果是三个或三个以上的人或物进行比较,就要使用形容词和副词的最高级。 This is the most interesting book I have ever read.,表示“最高级”的相反意义可用the least结构。 This is the least difficult book Ive ever read.,在一定上下文中,最高级含义也可用其他结构来表示。 例如:George did more work this morning than anyone else. (= George did the most work.) I like nothing better. (= Its the best thing I like.),Exercise,Fill in an appropriate comparative construction:,1. He looked a brick wall. (nervous),as nervous as,2. Mont Blanc is all other Alpine peaks. (high),higher than,3. Youre far I am. (tolerant),more tolerant than,4. Honey is just about sugar. (sweet),as sweet as,5. Doesnt Alex look a little bit he did last week? (unhappy),unhanppier than,3.关于比较结构用法的补充说明,1. more.than 和less. than 的翻译方法,例如:The present crisis is much more a political than an economic crisis.,当前的危机与其说是经济危机,不如说是政治危机。,He was less hurt than frightened.,与其说他受伤害,不如说他受惊吓。,2. not so. as 和 not so much.as,It wasnt so much his appearance I liked as his personality.,与其说我喜欢他的外表,不如说我喜欢他的为人。,3. not more/-er than 与 no more/-er than,John is not better than Tom. John is no better than Tom.,又例如:no richer than=as poor as no bigger than=as small as no later than=as early as,4. the more. the more 与 more and more,the more 相当于“越. 越. ” The older I get, the happier I am.,more and more 常用来表示“越来越. ” John speaks French more and more fluently.,Exercise,Translate the following sentences into Chinese:,I regard him less as my teacher than as my friend.,与其说我把他当作老师,不如说我把他当作朋友。,2. It is mo


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