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大学英语精读2第三版 课后习题及答案(视频之后习题)课后习题一1, I got a splitting headache(剧烈的头痛).It kept me the whole night.A wake B awake C waking D awaken2, A cobra emerged from behind the rock.This frightened the girl into .A screming B screamed C scream D to scream3, He exposed a back to the sun.A nude B naked C bald D bare4, We had warned him the danger but he turned a deaf ear to our warning.A in B out C of D on5, Mary doesnt feel like tennis today because she feels tired.A played B play C to play D playing6, In the heat of the argument,I because so exceited I shouted very loudly.A where B when C that D which7, The police need your help to the murderer.A look up B look for C track down D try out8, Just now a strange idea in her mind.A springed up B sprang up C sprung up D spring up9, Most women will scream when she was the mouse.A,in the sight of B on the sight of C out the sight of D at the sight of10,one of my new , Zhou Tong, me for dinner at his home yesterday.A,friend,invited B friend, was inviting C friends, was invite D friends,invited课后习题二1,He owed his success to luck more than capacity.A on B to C in D at 2,The plane is about to leave,but Ive left my ticket back to the sun.A behind B away C up D out 3, These products are superior those we bought last year.A to B of C in D on4, We do not hesitate our lives for our country, let alone suffer some hardships.A giving B give C gave D to give 5, The original manuscripts of Shakespeares plays are no linger .A in need of B in existence C short of D turn down6,I prefer writing a term paper to an examination.A take B took C taking D taken 7, Some people feel there is a treat deal of between religion and science.A conflinct B improvement C progress D concentration8, The family and the school have a great influence a childs development.A to B of C at D on9,He asked me to give him another loan,but I .A decline B refuse C accept D apply10, Never waste anything, but never waste time.A above all B after all C all in all D at all 课后习题三 1, Last week John applied to that famous company a demanding job.A to B in C of D for 2,your classmates spoke with of your behavior.A disatreement B approach C dispproval D kindness3,A man should be judged his deed,not his words.A onto B in C by D out4,Joan and Jane are twins,but they have few interests .A in order B in turn C in general D in common5,The cakes consists mainly sugar,flour and butter.A by B away C from D of6,It seems that the young man is teaching experience.A in need of B in existence C turn down D short of 7,The ages of the students in my class from seventeen to twenty.A take B range C give D attach8, His recovery delighted every one of us.A surprise B surprised C surprising D surprisement9,The pain in his hands made it difficult to his clothing.A consist B give C pay D undo10,Steel workers made a against wage reduction last week.A protest B profit C pray D proposal课后习题四1,Knowledge make ; ignorance make proud. A economical B friendly C kindness D humble2,Father to the son that the basic skill in riding a bicycle is to keep balance.A point in B point out C pointed out D pointed in3,I tried to my new boss with my diligence but in vain.A concentrate B investigate C hesitate D impress4,This room is for women .A typically B exclusively C precisely D generally5,Do the results of the experiment have any practical in agriculture?A advantage B application C expense D aspect6,The famous actress her acting career with determination.A adjusted B pursued C avoided D intended7,We need a new to the quality control problem.A project B technology C approach D comment8,In less than a year,he came to terms his life and work there.A on B at C in D with9,Three students in our class were for special praise.A took over B spread out C singled out D gave out10,He is capable running a mile in four minutes.A to B of C on D at 课后习题五1,Can you tell the difference between mushrooms and edible(可食用) varieties?A poisonous B attractive C endless D functional2,It is for us to try to decide whether television is a blessing or a curse.A general B essential C illegal D successful3,Many a quarrel as through a misunderstanding.A come around B come across C come about D come along4, is estimated that the damage was over one million dollars.A Which B It C That D What5,Why should he object into our aristocracy?A marry B to marry C to marrying D to married6,He vast quantities of chips with every meal.A condemns B constructs C competes D consumes7,It was his ambition/dream to become a film director.A neighborhood B boyhood C girlhood D likelihood 8,I want to convert some dollars pounds.A into B on C from D of9,He looked down from the mountain to the valley .A before B beneath C beyond D behind 10,So what could stop oil prices from rising the rate that I now expect?A at B from C in D on课后习题六1,This semester is to a close.A making B walking C driving D drawing 2,They many difficulties during their trip.A encountered B encouraged C embarrassed D endured3,I had trouble my car started.A gets B got C getting D to get4,We dont like Professor Smiths class,but we have to it in order to graduate.A live with B live for C live on D live up to 5,Doctors decided to operate the wounded soldier at once.A with B on C in D at6,Everyonge should learn to take responsibility his own actions.A against B at C for D on 7,We shouldnt those people who need our help urgently.A sit up B sit for C sit down D sit on 8 He made a remark on the latest shown film.A criticized B crisis C criticizer D critical9,I can hardly you because youve changed such a lot.A refresh B remind C regard D recognize10,I had butterflies in my when I first stood in front of the public.A nose B feet C hands D stomach课后习题七1,Fifty million Americans are addicted nicotine.A to B at C in D on2,Supporting my family is the driving that pushes me.A spirit B forward C force D feature3,You must summon up all your to meet the danger.A courage B attention C confidence D view4,We should at a night market tonight.A hang out B hang in C hang off D hang over 5,World leaders will a stand on green energy.A get B make C leave D take 6,Five people died and ten others were injured when the bus turned .A against B for C on D over 7,Dont talk to your mother like that!A with B into C out of D back 8,He was determined to hold on this job whatever difficulties he might run remark on the latest shown film.A at B into C on D upon9, positions can be made known throught the medium of the press.A Vacant B Classical C Traditional D Additional 10,The passage is too narrow for cars to .A get into B get up C get on D get throught课后习题八1,The number of students in our school is .A of the rise B out the rise C in the rise D on the rise2,We will try our best to the requirements of our customers.A meet B try C finish D make 3,Dont be too hard the child.A in B on C of D out 4,Researchers have established the between smoking and cancer.A link B chain C join D economy5,The man is not dead he is still .A vast B alive C tempt D lively6,Do you believe that “Happiness lies contentment”?A of B out C on D in 7,Many boys and girls often go .A on skating B skating C skated D skate8,The plane will at 3 oclock.There is no need to worry about it.A take ot B take to C take in D take off9,Those pictures reveal us a wonderful world under water.A on B at C to D in 10,Nothing can prevent him from abroad me for dinner at his home yesterday.A gone B going C to go D went课后习题九1,I could see a tall near the door.A figure B evaluation C carpenter D aptitude2,He is a teacher of respect.A worth B worthwhile C worthy D worthly3,She doesnt see her granddaughter very often so she makes a real fuss her granddaughter when she does.A on B in C over D out 4,The auto repairman his head from under the automobile hood.A risen B raised C rose D rised 5,Wasps look similar bees.A on B in C to D at 6,The auto repairman could not have scored more than 80, my estimate.A by B out C on D of 7,The doctor always took it for that he was far more intelligent than the other people.A granted B great C arbiter D academic8,The man listened to his girlfriends pronouncements they were divine oracles.A as long as B as to C as though D as much9,Hes religious but he doesnt try to foist his beliefs everyone.A in B on C to D at 10,His house is easily picked from the rest for it has a large black door.A over B ou


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