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销售过程中一些基本的理念 张志宏,Qualify your prospects(1) 选择合格的潜在客户,Potential Prospects 潜在的客户群,Qualified Prospects 合格的潜在客户,Qualify your prospects(2) 选择合格的潜在客户,Possible profiles 可能的轮廓 Have needs 有需要 Understand the needs 理解需要 Have the required resources(money etc) 有必要的资源(钱等) Have incentive to buy 有购买的动机 Considering to buy 考虑购买 Will buy within x months 在X月内会购买 Etc 等,Qualify your prospects(3) 选择合格的潜在客户,Potential Prospects 潜在的客户群,Qualifying grid 合格的规范,qualified Prospects 合格的潜在客户,Customer/order 顾客/订单,Selling Efforts/process 销售工作 /过程,Lost orders 失去订单,The eternal question 永恒的话题 Farming or Hunting? 耕种还是狩猎?,Predatory instincts 弱肉强食,Hunting: Pros 狩猎:正面的,Satisfies our predatory instincts 符合弱肉强食的天性 Instant gratification 马上满足胃口 The thrill of the chase 追捕的快感 The thrill of the kill 杀戮的快感 爽,Hunting: Cons 狩猎:反面的,Results not predictable 结果不可预计 Risky 有风险 - Injuries 受伤 -Wasted energy 损耗体能 Boom and bust 有一顿没一顿 Supply not reliable 不可靠的补给 Difficult for planning 难以计划,Farming and ranching 畜牧耕种,Farming: Pros 耕种:正面的,Results more predictable 结果更能预计 Supply under your control and more reliable 可控可靠的补给 Regular processes makes for better utilisation of resources 通过程序在资源的分配上取得最佳化 Better planning possible 更可行的计划 Ideal for natural growth 最遵循自然生长的规律,Farming: Cons 耕种:负面的,Can be slow and steady 可能缓慢但稳定 Much patience needed 需要很大的耐心 Must follow the cycle 必须遵守循环作业 不爽,Farming: How human dominates the world as we know it 耕种:众所周知人类如何统治世界,We were all predators 我们都是弱肉强食者 Other were for more powerful than human 人类在这方面不是最强的 Only human beings display the ability to farm land and to ranch animals 但只有人类能耕种畜牧,Farming: The key phases 耕种:关键步骤,Excavation 垦荒 Seeding 播种 Fertilization + Watering 施肥,灌溉 Protection 保护 Harvest 收割,Farming: The cycle 耕种:周期,Excavation, Seeding, Fertilization & Watering, Protection 播种,施肥,灌溉,保护,Harvest 收割,Farming: Continuous Harvest 耕种:停不了的收割,Harvest: The Hunting in Farming 收割:耕种中的狩猎,Closing skills 签单的技能 Predatory instincts needed 需要弱肉强食的本能 Risk taking 需要冒险 But without the earlier cycle this will not happen 这个是耕种过程的结论篇,Farming: What do good farmers do everyday? 耕种:一个好农夫每天做些什么?,A continuous cycle of excavating, seeding, watering & fertilizing, protecting,harvesting. 他每天都做垦荒、播种、灌溉、施肥、保 护、收割的工作。,Farming: The secret is in the balance 耕种: 秘密在于平衡,Farming 结婚 耕种畜牧就好象是结婚 Hunting in Farming 在婚姻中相互保持一夜激情,Summary 结论,What do we want? 我们要的是什么? - Regular income 固定收入 - Repeated renewal 不断续签 - Satisfied customers 客户满意度 Farming is the best way to getting there. 耕种是成功的最佳途径。,Set Customer Expectation(1) 定期望,One of Alibabas 9 values “quality” is defined as customer satisfaction 阿里巴巴将顾客满意作为其9个价值观中的一个。 Setting customers expectation is critical in achieving this goal 为达到这目标,“定期望”这个环节尤为重要,Set Customer Expectation (2) 定期望,Customer Expectation 顾客的期望,(+ve),(-ve),Satisfied customer 顾客满意 High quality 高质量,Un-satisfied customer 顾客不满意 Low quality 低质量,Set Customer Expectation(3) 定期望,Usual Pitfalls 常见的错误 Over sell our production capability 夸大产品功能 Over sell our service support 夸大服务支持 Make unrealistic commitments 做不现实的承诺 price 价格 Priority 更高的排名 Launch date 发布日期 Events you do not control(eg.results) 你不能控制的事情(比如:结果),Set Customer Expectation(4) 定期望,Usual result 常见的结果 You may get the order but you cannot deliver. 你可能获得订单但你不能兑现。 Customer will still not be satisfied even if you fix the pitfall (usually at great cost). 即使你改正了错误(经常付出很大代价),客户仍然不会满意。 They may cancel the order and you would lose both the order and the customer . 他们可能会取消订单,然后你会失去订单和客户。,Set Customer Expectation(5) 定期望,Some basic points 一些基本要点 Be honest 要诚实 Make the best presentation but tell the truth 作最好的宣传但是要讲真话 Your credibility is worth everything to you 你的信誉对你而言是最重要的 Better to lose the order that to lose the customer 宁愿失去订单也不能失去客户 If in doubt always check first 有疑问先查问清楚,Basic Selling Processes(1) 基本的销售过程,Basic Selling Processes(Be Ready, Welcome) 基本的销售过程(准备,欢迎),Be ready 准备 Always be prepared before the meeting 在会谈前总是作好准备 Plan your meeting in advance 事先作好会谈计划 Objectives 目标 Customer information 客户信息 Product information 产品信息 Other supports 其他支持 Be flexible and be prepared for the unexpected 对突发性事件作好准备,保持灵活性,Basic Selling Processes( Be Ready, Welcome) 基本的销售过程(准备,欢迎),Welcome 欢迎 Set the meeting atmosphere 搞好会谈气氛 Be friendly,welcoming and do not forget to smile 友好地表示欢迎,同时别忘了微笑 Help customer to be at ease 帮助客户放松心情 First impression very important 第一印象非常重要,Basic Selling Processes(Listen,Probe) 基本的销售过程(聆听,细问),Listen 聆听 Maintain high listen/talk ratio 保持多听少说 Do not forget we have 2 ears and one mouth! 记住我们有2只耳朵和1只嘴巴 Listen for signals/sensitivities 听取讯号及敏感的消息 Listen for the unheard / unspoken 听取没有讲及听不到的 Facial expressions 面部表情 Body languages 身体语言 Attitudes 态度 Listen,listen & listen 听,听,再聆听,Basic Selling Processes(Listen,Probe) 基本的销售过程(聆听,细问),Probe 细问 Open questions 引蛇出洞 To explore situation 分析形势 To get customer to talk and give information 让客户多讲并提供有关讯息 E.g. 如: What do you think? 你认为如何? How do you think? 你觉得怎么样? Entice customer to talk with verbal / facial encouragement 用语言/表情去鼓励客户多讲,Basic Selling Processes(Listen,Probe) 基本的销售过程(聆听,细问),Probe 细问 Close questions 请君入瓮 To direct customers response 引导客户的回答 To get yes or no answers 得到“是”或“不是”的回答 To clarify a point 澄清某一个观点 E.g. 如: Do you like it ? 你喜欢吗? Is this a good feature? 产品功能好吗? Use this to obtain conclusions/agreements 以此得出结论/达成一致 Use this to close deals and get orders 以此来结束交易及获得订单,Basic Selling Processes (Provide options, Set expectation) 基本的销售过程(供选择,定期望),Provide options 供选择 Once we have agreement with our customer on the business problem definition,we can look at providing possible solutions. 一旦与客户就商务问题达成一致,就可着手提供可能的解决办法。 There are usually more than one single solution for the problem on hand. 问题通常有多个解决办法。 Providing options gives the customer a sense of choice and service. 提供选择使客户感觉到选择的权利并享受了服务,Basic Selling Processes (Provide options, Set expectation) 基本的销售过程(供选择,定期望),Set expectation 定期望 Please refer to earlier section! 请看前面!,Basic Selling Processes (Handle objection, Closing ,Keeping) 基本的销售过程 (答辩,成交, 何日君再来),Handle objections 答辩 Treat objection as potential buy signals 把客户的反对意见作为一种潜在的购买讯号 Few deals are closed without customers raising objections during sales process 销售过程中客户没有反对意见是很少见的 Identify objections: 确立反对意见 Emotional? 心理上的? Factural? 事实上的? Combination? 两者结合? Different ways in dealing with each 对不同的反对意见有不同的解决方法,Basic Selling Processes (Handle objection, Closing ,Keeping) 基本的销售过程 (答辩,成交, 何日君再来),Closing 成交 To get the order you must ask for the order 要拿订单你必须开口向客户要 Look for buy signals 寻找购买讯号 E.g 如. It is the right product for us but the price is too high. 这是我们需要的产品,但是价格太高 I need to have higher priority. 我需要更高的排名。 We must launch earlier. 我们必须早一点发布。 Go in for the close 争取成交


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