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,Content for Todays English Corner,Guess the words Question & Answer Word Relay Free Talk,Guess the words,Group One,1 Strawberry,2 Mouse,3 Bungee Jumping,4 Brazil,5. Hillary Clinton,6 Hamburger,7 Terrorist,8 CCTV,9 Smile,10 Cordon,Group Two,1 Glasses,2 Mirror,3 Football,4 Japan,5 Mo Yan,6 Ballet,7 Flip Phone,8 Witch Hunt,9 Smoke,10 Infrastructure,Group Three,1 Washing Machine,2 Calendar,3 Taiji,4 Paris,5 Michael Jackson,5 Steak,7 Hybrid Car,8 Forum,9 Alibaba,10 Cry,Question & Answer,Who is the monarch(君主) of the United Kingdom? The Queen Elizabeth II.,Elizabeth II is the constitutional monarch of 16 of the 53 member states in the Commonwealth of Nations(英联邦国家宪法君主). She is the longest-lived and the second longest-reigning British monarch(寿命最长、统治时间最长). 2012 marks Queen Elizabeth II s 60 years on the throne.(到2012年,伊丽莎白女王统治英国60周年),What organ in China functions as the U.S. Congress or the British Parliament? The National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China.,What are the two major parties(政党) in the USA? The Republican Party and the Democratic Party.,Name five world financial center city. New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, London, Paris, Singapore, Frankfurt, Shanghai, Washington, Sydney.,What does J,Q,K stand for in poker game? They stand for, Jack,Queen and King. A stand for Acer(一流的).,Forth of July is the Independence Day of the United States. Is the statement right? Yes.,Independence Day, also commonly known as the Fourth of July, is the National Day in the U.S.A commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from Great Britain (now part of the United Kingdom). Independence Day is commonly associated with firework, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, family reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies.,If you dont know whether a woman is single or married, you could address her Ms? Is the statement right? Yes.,Formal Titles English Speakers Use: 1. Sir (adult male of any age) 2. Madam (adult female) 3. Mr. + last name (any man) 4. Mrs. + last name (married woman who uses her husbands last name) 5. Ms + last name (married or unmarried woman; common in business) 6. Miss + last name (unmarried woman),What does the separation of powers(三权分立) mean? It means the separation of legislature, executive and judiciary. The separation of powers, is a model for the governance state. The typical division of branches is into a legislature, an executive and a judiciary. It can be contrasted with the fusion of powers in a parliamentary system where the executive and legislature (and sometimes parts of the judiciary) are unified.,People used to use The Pentagon(五角大楼) to represent which department? United States Department of Defense.,Colored eggs and bunny are traditional symbols of which festival? Easter.,Where is the international tennis championship held? Wimbledon(温布尔登) or London? Wimbledon. 网球四大满贯: 澳大利亚网球公开赛 Australian Open(1月,硬地)、 温布尔登网球公开赛Wimbledon Championships(6-7月,草地,最古老和最具声望赛事)、 法国网球公开赛French Open(5-6月,红土地)、 美国网球公开赛U.S. Open(8-9月,硬地),Watch a video clip and answer the question. What is Magellans(麦哲伦) original goal to led the first expedition around the world? Magellans goal was purely commercial - to find a Spanish route to the worlds most precious commodity - spices.,Watch a video clip and answer the question. How many kinds of sleep remedy(睡眠疗法) occur in this video clip? First, soaking foot in hot water(泡脚); Second, body massage(身体按摩); Third, improving sleep through eating(饮食).,Watch a video clip and answer the question. What are the occupations of the interviewees? They are marketer, hockey player and fashion jewelry designer . (市场营销、曲棍球运动员、时尚珠宝设计师),Watch a video clip and answer the question. Which year did the first man land on the moon? What is the name of the first moon landing program? July, 16, 1969. The Apollo Moon Landing(阿波罗登月计划).,Word Relay,For example, Hand-deser


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